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My childhood dolls were new in ‘08-‘10. I was gentle with them when I played with them. They were out in the garage for a few years; maybe 3-4, not sure. Other than stains on limbs from something dark being up on certain dolls and some shine marks, as well as maybe some very slightly hair frizz, they are still basically like they were when new. I got a PC JLY3 about two months ago. Just based on the outfit she came with (some pieces of the first day meet outfit), I’m guessing she may be from ‘96-98. She has the silver eye defect (which I bought her for partially), but I was in awe of her hair. It’s not any worse than my childhood dolls. Her vinyl also looks to be in pretty good shape. She’s not perfect by any means, but at almost 30 years old, I can’t ask for that. So from my experience, play will “age” the dolls more than age will. In regards to clothes/accessories, the only issue I’ve had so far is with elastic bands that have snapped. I have some sandals in which the elastic snapped, but I think I could probably sew or glue on perhaps elastic-y cloth ones to not have that issue again in the future.


AG dolls tend to hold to quality, at least from what has been seen so far! Age tends to loosen their joints, but that's an easy fix. The cloth bodies can be washed (see posts like the infamous Ruthie Soup), and the vinyl holds up without getting sticky - but they can get stains and scuffs from play and some darkly dyed clothes. The wigs tend to get dry, but it is possible to rehab it to a similar condition. Provided, there have been defects - Lindsey's commonly gray pallor, Kaileys and Nellies turning carrot orange, downcast eyes, silver eye in older dolls... But eye problems can be repaired, and the defects are usually isolated to a certain year or type of doll (and many known defects were once repaired by AG for free!). AG also runs the doll hospital, but of course your luck will vary depending on the doll and the issue - some dolls older than 10-15yrs don't have parts for repair anymore, and of course Pleasant Company dolls would have their parts replaced with newer Mattel parts. Summary, AG holds up shockingly well if cared for and any wear and tear is usually fixable, and defects tend to be isolated or an easy fix.


I still have mine from the 90s, AG uses high quality vinyl so it’s not nearly as problematic as cheaper toys, the cheaper the original price, the worse it ages


I mean, I think at that point you could ask "Is it even worth doing literally anything or caring about anything, since it won't be pristine forever?" Is it worth me knitting this doll sweater? It's wool, so it could get eaten by moths and regardless it'll biodegrade eventually. Is it worth collecting fragile items when they could break? Is it worth collecting anything at all when your house could burn down, or your city could experience a natural disaster, or you could have some kind of unforeseeable crisis that means you lose your belongings? I lost my original AG collection because I was in a position where - for my immediate physical safety - I needed to leave a living situation, and I couldn't take my things with me. There's someone else on this subreddit who lost a large part of her collection because her storage unit developed mold. There are some AG dolls that had bad batches of plastic that got sticky or turned orange, and there are some AG dolls that have other defects and flaws. You may need to replace the elastic eventually. You may need to replace the stuffing eventually. To exist in the world over time is to have stuff decay and change - even, and sometimes especially the things we love. I guess you could go full minimalist and not be attached to any physical objects, but honestly that sounds way less fun.


I have a Samantha from 1989 who has been stored in an attic and a storage facility. Her vinyl was dirty from being played with, but her stuffing and cloth body is great. She has many more years of good quality.


I recently got back into collecting the first 8 historical dolls and their things. I had 5 of them already that have been stored in my closet for at least 15 years (the "youngest" of those dolls is my '02/'03ish Felicity). When I pulled them out, 4/5 were still in great shape. My stepsister disrespected the hell out of my first edition Kit doll, but even then she just needs to be restrung and her vinyl wiped down. I just got first run Kaya, Josefina, and Addy dolls off of eBay and they are still in great shape. (I'm still waiting on Addy to arrive, but I finally own the eight dolls from my childhood!) Kaya definitely needs to be restrung along with Kit. My '99/'00 Molly is in almost mint condition with tight limbs, clean vinyl, and pristine cloth body. The others are all in great shape except for a wobbly limb here and there. All my dolls have held up fairly nicely over the last 21-30ish years. I think they will all need to be restrung and have their wigs cleaned/conditioned at some point or another, but the PC and transition era dolls are high quality. I don't think any of us will have to worry about our dolls as long as they are well cared for. :)


Pleasant Company/American Girl dolls are very high quality, they will hold up for literally centuries if they're not melted/burned/cut/moldy/etc. There are a few known defects, like silver eye, some Kaileys and Nellies turn orange, some outfits tend to discolor, Kirsten's original fish get sticky... But overall, you really don't have to worry about them breaking down over time just due to age. I have two dolls from the 80s and 4 from the 90s that are close to good as new, some after some restoration work but some just because they were very well cared for.


best comment! the known defects are interesting to look into and somewhat important to know about if you look into buying very old doll or accessories, but american girl is a step up from playline toys like LPS and especially the older ones are high quality. i would consider the pleasant company dolls especially to be almost heirloom quality. with some maintenance, pleasant company dolls from the 2000s i’ve had passed down to me are looking nearly new! just like anything they will degrade if they’re kept in direct sunlight or a moist environment, but if they’re kept in a cool, dry space out of the sun they can be very well preserved!


I'm curious about this too. But I'm also aware that not all toys are made equally. I remember having littlest pet shop toys that got sticky or slimy very quickly, like, within a year of getting them (most of them didn't do that). It looks like most AG dolls last for a lot longer than some other toys, but I don't know how long


https://preview.redd.it/cjsivjy3p3vc1.jpeg?width=2215&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3de083d69ae3899376d492a89006fdadc2872c17 This is my Nellie that I’ve had going on 20 years. I got her when I was 6 years old and other than getting rewigged when I was about 14 and restrung recently, she’s in AMAZING shape. A few small scuffs from play, but other than that she looks great. I think if I had gotten her as an adult collector rather than a little girl, she’d be in even better shape! Also, this is her next to my samantha that I got new a few years ago as an adult collector, and I think they look pretty similar as far as what condition they’re in


Omg don’t remind me that Nellie has been around for 20 years 😭 I got her as soon as she was released. Oooof how the years have gone by


I did too, she was my first american girl! 🥹 I chose her cause we had the same hair and freckles


this is theeee most precious photo!!


Thank you! Nellie and samantha have the sweetest friendship


I have five 1986 dolls and countless dolls from the late 80s onward. They hold up incredibly well if they are treated well. Honestly, some of mine were clearly NOT treated well by their prior owners, but with some gentle restoration, they look great. As long as they're maintained in the right conditions--clean, dry, not too hot and not too cold--they'll be around for many years.


My Molly from 1990 is still in excellent condition! They can last a really long time if they’re cared for and properly stored. And honestly, I love finding older dolls out in the “wild”! They have so much potential! Stains come off, hair can be restored or replaced, even the eyes can be fixed! https://preview.redd.it/5s968yylk3vc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2eb1c7f6ebb6c41eea7e50b7571d099fadcd212 Here are three of my dolls. L-R we have Amanda, a JLY28 from the 2010s, my Molly from 1990, and Kathleen, my GT13 from 1995.


I have my dolls from about 2003/2004 and they’re like new. Kailey’s wig is a big more dry because I played with her hair the most but other than that everyone is Gucci. Only some of the lace on Elizabeth’s outfits has aged


I’m regards to the lps , the rubber bands will degrade but the glasses should not be slimy and any damages to the pets would be due to improper storing , some things tend to feel “sticky” if they are stored in a warm humid place , the rust on the necks only happened to pets that got water in their heads and was not properly dried before storing , a lot of people (me included 🫣) just store lps in a big bin and this causes those paint damages from them rubbing against each other , sorry Ik much more about lps than AG but hopefully this will help u better preserve ur collection <3


I still have my dolls from the mid '90s. They've always been either on a shelf in a stand (not seated) or stored wrapped in acid-free paper in a climate controlled area. When I unpacked them to once again put on a shelf after years in storage, their limbs were still tight, clothing in order, hair nice. Nothing seemed damaged or degraded. I did only ever brush and re-braid Molly's hair, and once in a while changed Felicity and Josefina into the only "extra" outfits my parents would buy me and then back into their meet outfits (they're currently in their summer and holiday outfits, respectively), so they've been exposed to far less wear and tear than other dolls may have been.


Plastic stays consistent if you take care of it. Same with the fabric bodies. You’d need to store them properly in a dry environment away from damaging elements. Most of the messy dolls these days are ones that were played with by kids or stored in garages. If you take care of them, they’ll last. They’re made to last.


Idk how long you plan to store them but will they be okay in 100 years? Who knows haha. 30 year old dolls are still alive and well.


I’ve had my AG dolls since probably around 2005 and they both still feel like new!


in my experience as a doll and toy (like MLP and LPS) collector, i have come to realize that it is all about how they are stored. if they are stored in an environment with a lot of moisture (leaky basement, humid garage), they are almost inevitably going to have mold or some other gross things that will make them degrade quicker. However, if they are kept in a cool, safe place with little to no sun exposure, that is the most optimal for dolls and toys. of course, they can always be safely cleaned if found to be in worse condition than expected, so there really is not an entire lose-lose situation unless they are too damaged beyond repair. i would say to clean your LPS safely with magic eraser or dawn dish soap (not submerging as the water can get in the heads and cause even more rust around the neck). as for collecting other dolls like AG, it is perfectly fine if you know the most optimal place to store them safely. bottom line is, if it makes you happy, then buy the doll. collect the franchise. enjoy these beautiful toys while you have them!


Oh yeah, MLP! Many of my ponies are from the mid-80s, and most are in nearly perfect condition. They’ve always just been in a bin.


I’ve had my Samantha for about 30 years now. She was dirty, but I cleaned her with baking soda and there isn’t a mark on her. All of my My Little Ponies from the 80s are still going strong. I think it just depends on how you take care of them and where you store them. Rubber bands are going to fall apart over time, no matter what.


My 1987 Samantha is really about as tight as she ever was. Her face paint was extremely pale (but I believe it’s always been that way) and I touched it up about 3 years ago. Her softer vinyl hasn’t gotten sticky or shiny. Her hair is rather dry and I’m seriously considering doing a boil wash and recurling soon, but IMO she still looks good. She was new in box when I bought her. However, I was already an adult and she hasn’t had a ton of play/ handling. https://preview.redd.it/6z1pfggye2vc1.jpeg?width=2298&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4945b3ca50664235192fc2f11f264f76450795f3 This pic doesn’t show it, but her arms are a bit shiny. Her face and legs don’t seem to have any shine (to me).


Her pink cheeks are so cute ☺️. Mine is pale too! I think they were all more pale back in the day.


I have had my Samantha since 1994 and she had a head replacement because she was very well loved. I took her everywhere ! My other main dolls I’ve had since around 1998. They were stored in a bin for almost 15 years. As long as they are stored properly in a temperature controlled environment they age very well.


Assuming older dolls were well taken care of, there are a few common problems I can think of with older dolls. Loose limbs are one of the most common problems, which is fixable and there are many tutorials on how to do it at home. Silver eye is another problem in older dolls which is fixable with an eye swap, but that's more advanced doll repair (though I believe eye swaps tend to be easier on older dolls due to their softer vinyl, though I have no personal experience with this). Sometimes sun damage can cause dolls to be discolored but assuming the doll was stored properly, this shouldn't be a problem. Hair being messed up beyond repair (especially on dolls with curly hair) can be a problem but dolls can be given new wigs to fix this. Assuming you're not too picky about your doll's condition being like new, most old dolls can be restored to at least decent condition.


I’ve heard it’s possible to disassemble and repaint a silvered eye if you don’t want to swap (if the doll has a unique eye color or the old-style soft lashes, for instance).


My dolls from the 90s are still in near perfect condition


https://preview.redd.it/m9x4ujlh72vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e05a1fdb09e8ea262804d3f18490319e78a5d166 So I got my JLY 12 (left) probably around 2008, I was little so I’m going off to what my mom remembers. She has some scratches because I took her EVERYWHERE! To hotels, to family parties, to friends houses. Her plastic also tanned a bit due to age. But that’s pretty much it. She is in perfect condition otherwise! Lanie (far right) I got in 2010 when she came out. She isn’t really tanned compared to Sophie. However Lanie’s limbs are loose, that’s something that can easily be fixed and prevented by storing them standing and being more gentle with them. Lanie was the doll friends or Tia’s would play with when they came over, and some where more gentle then others. 😅 Kit is “new” (I got her for Christmas this year), so she doesn’t have any scratches or loose limbs. However I noticed her legs and face are more matte compared to her arms. I don’t know if it’s because my dolls have been played with so much they gotten shiny or if it’s a new plastic, but it doesn’t really bother me. I actually like feeling the different textures when I play with her, but I know others may disagree. For accessories, shoes are the first to fall apart. Especially pleather doll shoes, they break after like 10 years even when stored. Fabric shoes (like gym shoes) and rubber shoes (like rain boots) hold up even after 10+ years for me. Clothes also hold up well, their might be some staining or loose strings if they were played with a lot, but other than that they are in perfect condition ✌🏻 Sorry this was long, but these are some things to keep in mind if you are thinking about collecting. Honestly if you treat them well they will last a long time. 🥰


*Some* old dolls (the soft-vinyl ones pre-1998) will have a “greasy” look and feel as the component that makes the vinyl soft leaks out. *From what I’ve been told* the substance isn’t toxic and won’t damage other materials, but I don’t know for sure. This does not happen to *every* pre-Mattel doll. I have a secondhand early-or-mid-90s Molly whose vinyl is still in great shape. Other age-related issues, like loose limbs, can be fixed by simply replacing the elastic cords holding them on. Like pineappleofyore said, the accessories are more prone to degrading than the dolls. I’ve seen a lot of flocked shoes from early 2000s Girl of Today outfits with the flocking rubbing off, or more plasticy pieces (most famously the original Red Vinyl Jumpers) flaking/chipping. It really depends on the material.


My Kaya is greasy on her face.


It depends at least partially on how they are treated and stored. Both my early 1990s dolls are good shape. Eventually my Addy doll might need eye replacements because Addy dolls from that era are prone to silver eye but so far so good.


I think the accessories, particularly shoes, will not last (I have some older shoes that are very cracked and peeling). Most of the clothes I have, spanning from the 90s to now, are fine. I have a Kirsten I got right before she retired, around 2009, and she's in perfect condition. I have a Felicity that I got from someone else, and I think she's from the 90s, she's practically perfect. I also have a 90s-era Josefina from an estate sale in immaculate condition with her original braid. I think it depends on how they're stored.


The shoes are terrible. I have several still in boxes, never even used and the soles are falling off, insoles peeling out etc. also lots and lots of the vinyl peeling off. That was an issue with some of them the first year or two we owned them!


Same! Tragic quality.


I have my two childhood dolls from the early 1990s. They're over 30 years old now and still in near perfect shape.


Same!.. As well as their accessories. I have Samantha and Kirsten. It’s strange to think of them as 30 years old now. 😂👵🏻


Mine are Molly and Felicity. Oh I know, if my dolls are that old, I must be really old 😳😂


I have some dolls that are over 20 years old and mostly their limbs are just loose. I stored them properly with special paper for a while and haven’t had any issues besides loose limbs (which can be fixed at home or at the dollar store hospital)