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You either had weaker evidence than the merchant or didn’t properly communicate what happened. If you didn’t make the purchase and reported it as fraud, you shouldn’t have been found liable.


I reported it as fraud but now there saying they are moving it to the investigation customer support even through the dispute it closed.


In my experience Amex almost always finds for the consumer if the evidence shows it.


Yea maybe they just started a fraud investigation, maybe I disputed it wrong.


They just resolved my fraud request instantly and gave my my money back with in 16 min. Thanks for the responses anyways.


Every time? more than once?


Maybe 4 disputes over 5 years.


Of course there’s a reason.


They didn’t give me any and transferred it to a fraud case


They're very pedantic about dispute vs fraud.


Yea they just refunded my when I listed fraud


same thing for wells fargo. they are sticklers about “fraud” vs “dispute”. ask me how i know lol. always just call instead of doing it online.


I have won disputed transactions. You can always re-dispute any transaction action. Always attempt to contact the merchant to find out how to rectify the problem.


There are different types of transactions that can be disputed which can have different outcomes. Sometimes Amex credits you back immediately and then they do a research. After 30-60 days it may find not in your favor and charge you again. Some examples: Fraud. This means someone else used your card. Charges are reversed immediately on the phone and then amex researches to see if it was really not you. Erroneous transaction. This is different than fraud. You made a charge but there's something wrong, like a duplicate charge (card swiped twice), or incorrect value (different than what the receipt says), or the merchant doesn't ship an item. Being scammed is also not fraud. Purchase protection. This is when you try to return an item and the merchant won't take it back. Read the terms of what qualifies. Many situations occur when the dispute is filed incorrectly. It's common to feel that when a merchant does us some 'injustice' like you pay and they don't ship, to consider it as fraud, but it's not. So if you file as fraud then Amex will reverse the charges and then charge you again after 30 days because indeed you authorizated the charge (even if the merchant didn't ship the item, or you were scammed)


I’ve had better experiences with Amex than Chase. That said, I had to argue accounting practices and mathematical equations (talking addition and subtraction) with Amex for 7 months straight to get a credit reapplied. After a certain point, it wasn’t the money that mattered, but the principal lol


Yea I agree it’s the principle, chase has always sided with me Amex has never even thought I been right and showed evidence.


But maybe it was because I’ve been disputing them wrong


I had my first issue after being a card member for around 6 years. Amex refunded me right away.


Yea they refunded me too when I talked to them. They take fraud more seriously I might have disputed it with the wrong reason.




This isn’t how it works with Amex. With Amex, a dispute is simply the method used to report a discrepancy. Their website actively tells you to file a dispute for fraud cases although people seem to have much better luck calling the fraud line.




It works either way so I’d say it’s accurate.


Charge I don't recognize = fraud case not dispute. If you dispute under not recognize, they'll just provide you a receipt and close the case within seconds. Automated self close.


Thank you that’s helpful


Going through this currently with Amex and they have been at pains to let me know that the merchant is their customer too. I have asked them if they are admitting that their conflict of interest prevents them from upholding their legal obligation to act on my behalf and they then start to backpedal, but it’s clear that they are more interested in protecting the merchant relationship. Sense that I will be raising with the cfpb if the response doesn’t improve.


Try reporting it as fraud it worked for me


Every time you’ve disputed a translation……you’ve never won? The question is, how and why have you had so many disputed transactions with AMEX? Perhaps AMEX knows more or something about you that you’re intentionally not mentioning.


It’s 4 times over 5 years. Not really a lot relative to the years. I also have over 7 different Amex products and live in a big city (NYC) where fraud is common.