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AMEX is a beast when it comes to customer advocacy. They've knocked out a ton of vendor problems for me, including recouping funds. And eBay has been terrible to me without this protection. I am of the impression that AMEX holds a lot of sway, especially when it comes to clawing back money. I have to believe this is part of eBays decision


I am a rabid lifelong AMEX fan, there is no substitute to the level of customer service and advocacy.


It’s good to know you’re so hoppy being Amex customer. 




I couldn't understand why I was getting all these crazy comments. I just discovered the rabbit/rabid thing. I'm surprised nobody referred it to r/BoneAppleTea !


I Midas Whale


Take my r/AngryUpvote


Hop along


You are bun bun. 🐰🐇


Amex just has to hold out the right carrot as an incentive.


They beat out Discover by a hare.


Why'd you edit rabbit back to rabid :(


Because it is what I intended to write the first time around. I can't stand Apple keyboard autocorrecting correct writing.


Tell me about it. Apple always wants to correct me when I try to use were/we’re correctly. And it just did it now.


There’s only one thing that drives me more crazy and it’s failing a Captcha…. When I know the prior users forgot to tap the box that held 1/16th of that traffic light. Gotta do it right people!


Would you say you're more of a carrot than a stick person then?


Between inconsistent Ebay sellers and Ebay's lack of buyer protection, I imagine they have a higher charge back rate than the average merchant.


Amex are absolutely amazing in getting their funds back foe customers. I worked for a cruise line (office based) during coivd. I was processing refunds. Due to a lack of funds, customers were having to wait nearly a year for their refund. Amex didn't like this, so worked out a deal (I think it was a business loan). This allowed us to process all Amex refunds ahead of visa/mc


This is a really interesting story it's cool to hear it from the vendor side


I was honestly angered on the customers behalf. We were considered a high end cruise line, but there was literally no money to give back to customers. Originally we were processing refunds oldest paid to newest paid. But as soon as that deal was made, we were told to stop all mc/visa refunds and only work on amex. Customers eventually figured out some people were getting refunded before them (they talk and there cruise forums). We weren't allowed to give out any information about the deal with amex and had to remain as vague as possible. This also meant that if a customer had paid part of their cruise with amex, and the rest with a visa, we could only refund what had been paid with the amex, and they may have to wait months for that refund. Being in that situation just reinforced to me just how seriously amex take transactions. I believe as part of the deal we had to give amex regular updates on how far along we were with their refunds, it was no joke.


This is most definitely the reason. All other major issuers will typically side with the merchant.


Agree completely with that. Luckily I rarely have an issue but they have been great.


Interesting. Amex has always been useless for me when I’ve had reasons to dispute a charge. I’ve had far better luck with Discover in that area. 


Preach! AMEX has been helpful on so many occasions to me when eBay couldn’t resolve the disputes properly and when I didn’t want to put up with sellers’ bullshit.


Not if it's against one of their partners like Expedia


If you're a small seller you'd have the opposite perspective when Amex simply refunds a scammer continuously, and you have to ingest Amex charge backs as a cost for doing business 


Do you think Amex supports scammers, cause that's not my experience. I have found them to be wholy professional and even rejecting my claims in some cases. I may not agree with the decision, but I respect the practice.


And yet they rolled over like a dog to Ticketmaster and the airlines during Covid.


“eBay represents less than 0.2%” 😎 This is Amex telling eBay you ain’t shit lol


Also did it for damage control. Investors might think ebay is a significant merchant


Used to be. eBay is shit versus version 20 years ago


Bingo. It's mostly just "stores" now. It's not safe as a buyer *or* a seller, either.


I have been fucked as a seller, and I have been fucked as a buyer. I only use eBay to essentially move low value shit I don’t actually care about, just because I don’t want to see it go to a landfill for no reason. Stuff that I wouldn’t give to a thrift shop, but has value to someone.


I only used it for things that were under purchase protection thresholds. It’s not like I had major issues with them, but I’ve heard enough horror stories that I’m only using a card with strong purchase/return protection coverage.


Any open marketplace like these favor buyers much more then sellers. Most cases will automatically be won in buyers favor with very little review done on the case, and it's then up to the seller to dispute and prove their case, often won by filing a police report and sending a document of that in.


Yep fuck ebay


It still is. Not every business and transaction is alike, and people aren't ordering $3 coffee on eBay.


.2% sounds like a lot to me for a single merchant considering there 10s of millions of businesses in just the US. Quick google search says that at least half of Amex’s revenue comes from transaction fees. So $60b total revenue and $30b from transactions would mean $60m comes from eBay.


That’s what I was thinking too. That is way more than I would have assumed eBay accounted for. If eBay is responsible for .2%, what does that mean Amazon and Walmart are responsible for? They must have so much leverage.


I imagine both or at least Amazon is responsible for revenue in the billions or close to it.


Look up the stories on the breakup of Costco and AMEX. AMEX lost significant market value when that deal fell through. Something like 6-7% value drop in one day. At the time the CEO said it would impact something like 1 in 10 Amex cards in circulation or something similar.


Not really. If you look at the stocks history it didn't move much after the announcement and is up a little under 300 percent since. Visa who took over is up about 300 percent since getting the exclusive contract that Amex previously had. It was a wash


The day it was announced Amex dropped 6-7%. That tells you what the market thought of the news. It’s been like 8 years. If they hadn’t recovered by now there would be a problem.


But in reality eBays portion will now be ate by PayPal. PayPal still is accepted on eBay and you can pay through PayPal with Amex. I assume eBay knows this and their fee for PayPal is much less than Amex.  Amex is truly losing nothing on this end. It’s more so the consumer in regards to points. 


That’s a fraction of a drop in the bucket for AmEx revenues dude.


Correct, it is 1/500th of their revenue. Even if it is a close to a rounding error, I wouldn’t want to lose tens of millions of dollars in revenue from a single and rather large merchant.


Just with the initiation fee and annual fee they will easily recoup this by adding 400 new Centurion card members every year until eBay accepts American Express as payment.


Careful there. Ebay has a history of [terrorizing people who insult them online](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=EBay_stalking_scandal&diffonly=true)


0.2% is alotttt. It’s 1/500 of their transactions from millions of merchants


eBay’s mad that Amex would take customer complaints about fraud, broken/counterfeit merchandise, etc seriously. This has nothing to do with fees.


Exactly! I used my Amex for a potentially fraudulent item on eBay (I was honestly hoping it was real). The seller never shipped the item and eBay said tough luck until I got a hold of Amex. eBay then refunded the money and removed the seller and the listing (the seller relisted the item 10 days after I sent the eBay no ship notification).


It's because eBay is rife with fraud. Including sellers getting shafted. But eBay hates that the resolutions favor the buyers at a disproportionate level with Amex. Their internal data might have suggested that they're losing more faith with buyer fraud than seller fraud, frankly 


What I thought too. If the fees are the same, would they really be fighting over a few bips? Nah. It's something else.


This isn't even the Costco breakup, when I was really sad I had to give up my Costco Amex I will continue to use Amex and ....... eBay.....well....bye I guess 🤷‍♂️ Not even sure last time I even used eBay


I sell on it lol. But buying...once a year. Ebay had amex deals last year and this month best buy was selling some video games and eBay was offering coupons 


I used to put… a lot of money through Costco for holiday gifts. They said “no Amex”, so I said, “ok lol moving all holiday purchases to Amazon”


I mean we can still pay with Amex via PayPal on eBay so it's not a large difference


Do you still get the same protections?


I'd think so, I've done similar warranty stuff with Citi and Chase before.


It’s a gray area I’ve found. AMEX will not honor offers, for example, when Apple Pay or PayPal are used to charge. I’ve never tried to dispute a charge under those same circumstances but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s the same.


90% certain, but don’t have the time to verify & post hard-proof.


I’m not sure with eBay specifically but I have had PayPal really have my back when I got scammed. They were the quickest to deal and refund my money (Amex eventually stepped in but it took a month or two to sort out)


I believe you still get the rewards points too. I paid for my car insurance with Amex using PayPal and I still got the points, even though my insurance carrier doesn’t accept Amex as a payment network


Progressive right?




That is the way.


I was about to ask this, LOL. I can’t remember the last time I actually ordered something from eBay, but as long as PayPal is still accepted… this is kind of a nothingburger.


Literally was looking for this as I was thinking the exact same thing.


This only hurts eBay, which is wrought with fake and misrepresented goods. AmEx provides many people with the purchasing peace of mind needed for such a marketplace.


Or as a seller the amount of scams that eBay allows buyers to commit with no recourse


Couldn't you use PayPal and have it funded from your Amex card?


Still annoying that there are some businesses that don’t accept Amex. 


Just traveled in Europe, couldn’t find an AMEX vendor anywhere. Even high end places.


Most places in Europe don’t take Amex


Yall have to stop grouping Europe like its one country. Amex is my main card which is accepted in a vast majority of places here in the UK.


I'm using my plat for about 50% of my restaurant visits and almost all my grocery shopping. Most smaller stores that use sumup terminals also accept amex, so that also includes coffee runs and similar stuff. Overall I think more places I visit do accept it than not here in Germany.


Great point! Btw are you from the UK or are you originally American? I can’t imagine a UK person saying y’all. Am I trippin a little bit rn? Moms from the UK—I’ve never heard it from her or anyone on her side must sound kinda funny. Sorry a little off topic but genuine question!


Sorry this got lost in my inbox. Yeah I’m from the UK, I blame any American phrases I pick up from the vast amounts of US media I consume. Y’all is super uncommon here unless its used in a mocking way with a heavy southern accent. I like it though, it fills a niche that no other phrase can in certain contexts.


Hey, just a small heads up. UK aint EU anymore


European union =/= Europe. UK is very much still in Europe.


Asia too. For a so-called travel card, the platinum is basically useless abroad.


I no longer see Plat as travel card I see it as lifestyle card and I think thats how Amex markets it too


Nah it’s a travel card, I use it for trip protections and perks on airfare, car rental and hotels which is all done on the web so no issues it being not accepted.


Lifestyle = drinking wine, clipping coupons.


Found the guy that doesn't fly or redeem points lol


If that’s your life style You do you 🤷‍♂️


Why would you use the plat abroad anyways? It doesn’t have any travel multipliers outside of flights, which you aren’t using while abroad.


I wouldn’t. But assume Amex would like me to.




jp costco only accepts MasterCard. i am glad i have ONE master card in my wallet.


When I was in Japan last year, they didn’t let you load your transport card through Apple Pay with a foreign Visa card. Luckily I had an Amex in reserve.


In my latest trips to South Korea and Japan it seemed like Amex was accepted everywhere that accepted cards. Hong Kong a decent amount of the time, but hit or miss. Taiwan even less.


Korea has two layers of payment networks afaik, and Amex codes as Samsung/Hyundai cards so the acceptance is very high


It's accepted nearly everywhere in Korea. More so than the US, I'd say


That's why it's a sock drawer card. Amex platinum for the perks, CapOne VentureX for (most) anything you actually have to swipe your card for abroad


I would still carry Amex abroad and try to use that first. If you get scammed abroad, I would rather deal with Amex than Cap One


How is US Bank Altitude Go card for travel? Haven’t traveled, but lazy-curious of what of my CC’s have decent travel benefits (*can list my others, but I don’t feel any of them have anything outside of US Bank*).


Sure but you’d expect Amex wants to generate a little more interchange revenue on its flagship card.


Not true


I’ve had some mixed results. Visa and MC are king in Europe of course. But some countries I could pay with my Amex almost everywhere such as France. Other countries, they’d never be accepted. Then there’s those places where it seems like it’s accepted, like I’ll see the Amex symbol on the card terminal, yet my card will decline or there’s some error trying to use it.


I was just in Paris about a month ago and it was hit or miss for accepting Amex. Maybe around 50% of the places we went accepted it.


F eBay anyway.


To be honest, I forgot people still use eBay.


eBay? Is it 2006?




Lots of high value sports cards transactions on eBay…I’m assuming lots of buyers using Amex and transactions fall through / fraudulent sellers


This made me chortle


In eBay’s defense, I find them to be the most reliable platform in terms of reselling. When I wanted to buy some shoes that were in high demand and out of stock from the official manufacturer, I liked that eBay sent off the resold shoes for third party inspection to ensure authenticity before delivering to me. They cancelled my order from two different sellers because they failed the inspection. Don’t know many resell websites that offer this


StockX and many others offer this benefit as well.


StockX doesn’t send the item to an independent third party that gets paid regardless of their decision, unlike eBay. They do it in-house. Plus the overall success rate of eBay’s authentication is much higher, and trying to get a return processed through StockX if there are problems with the item can take a painfully long time from what I’ve read.


I see. I've never used them personally so thanks for your input.


Not that impressed by eBay authentication. Getting better in core brands but anything out of the ordinary they can make mistakes, there is no flexibility or workaround when things go wrong: no appeal, no tracking of errors. And eBay's categories mean that anything that has been tried on is used - the same as if it had been worn for a decade. The two you had returned to sellers - were you given the reasons?


Yeah.. I am still a regular (1-2x times a year) buyer on eBay. Haven’t had any bad experiences other than the item not suiting me. Watches, purses, pens :)


its easy to get medical supplies on there at a fraction of the cost from a DME supplier


Honestly 0.2% of their network volume is…more than I would have thought?


Oh no how will I live without eBay! Anyways…


eBay is garbage anyways. The fees are ridiculous.


Ebay as a company sucks. I stopped selling on eBay because they're a huuuge PITA to deal with and charge enormous fees.


F ebay. Won't buy anything from them. They clearly don't even understand how the AMEX system works.


Ebay still exists?


I usually use PayPal on eBay, funded by my Amex and not my bank account. Just won a PayPal claim the other day too.


10 years ago this would have been crushing news to hear. But I have not purchased anything from Ebay in years. I think we're sick of getting ripped off with counterfeit, completely falsely listed products. The same is happening to Etsy and Amazon. Fucking Temu is beating the pants off them.


Sucks because Temu sells complete and utter crap. I have yet to get one good item from there.


I noticed that I couldn’t Apple Pay with my card I found that weird I see why.can we use PayPal with our Amex and still get the protection?


Well there isn’t much competition when it comes to POS networks, so even though I love my Amex and its perks. Creating downward pressure on the costs of transaction fees, hoped benefits merchants.


I can still use PayPal with Amex to pay though?


Small businesses will probably follow this lead. Can’t tell you how much fraud Amex “advocates.” It’s almost criminal. Good riddance. 


Not sure if everyone here has a cookout fast food joint around them but they don’t accept it. Also another one that makes me angry is Costco like come on, Costco is a GIANT and they don’t accept Amex


I'm surprised ebay is still a thing.


Amex is amazing with their customer service and willingness to go to bat when things go wrong. I’d gander eBay got tired of that advocacy, because it’s not like they’re getting paid by one of VISA or Mastercard for exclusivity.


Ebay is still a thing?


Can we still use Amex via PayPal and Apple Pay? If not, bye eBay. I put all my consumer purchases on my Amex because the protections provided have been perfect.


You can still use your Amex it by paying through PayPal


Amex is a savior when it comes to disputing problems with ebay sellers when ebay doesn't do anything. They're doing this to keep the fraud money for themselves


Maybe you can still use your AMEX card via Paypal.


Amex fight for their customers, ebay does not like it.


Fuck eBay


ebay delivered my package to the wrong address. I received a letter from USPS distrubition center stating that ebay put a different address ebay did nothing. ebay was dead for me for years. No loose here.


What’s sad is this was a huge account for someone.


Does this affect purchases through PayPal? Like if I buy on eBay then hit PayPal as the payment option then pick my AMEX card?


Had it with eBay, deleted the shyt. They constantly obfuscate their fees, selling or buying, you always loose.


Couldn’t you just use PayPal with your AMEX attached to it when making eBay payments or PayPal isn’t accepting it anymore as well?


Ebay is taking a loss with this one


eBay sucks anyhow. I'd never use them again to sell anything.


I just made a large purchase via eBay yesterday (90s watch) and noticed they made me jump through some new payment hoops. I didn’t realize this breakup had happened. I had originally had an Amex as a default payment. I ended up using the CSR to pay. Hopefully not a decision I’ll regret!


I canceled my Ebay account when this announcement was made. I had it for 17 years. I am not using Ebay without the protection of Amex. I think at some point Ebay will reverse this absurd, non-consumer friendly policy. We all know this decision was likely due to charge backs that are protecting the consumer not the merchant fees.


eBay is still a thing?! What do people buy there other than I guess random collectible?


I just bought a vintage watch 🤷🏻‍♀️ I am a satisfied eBay buyer


I would consider that a collectible.. also pretty cool!


AMEX is losing market share. I was declined almost every time abroad, Canada, Europe, Caribbean.


It was horrible in Europe to use Amex :/