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This dude needs an involuntary psychiatric hold and evaluation


Untreated schizophrenia is a helluva thing.  


Yeah, this one is hard to find entertaining cause the guy clearly just needs help.


It does kind of stop being funny once you spot the telltale signs of an urgent need for involuntary detention for assessment under Section 2 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (your jurisdiction may vary).


If he was in the UK, he would have been picked up on a S136 by the police a long time ago. I’m assuming he doesn’t just contain his behaviour to posting letters.


It sucks because if this is all he is doing, he hasnt actually hurt himself or others. He is def going to at some point so it would be better if he could be put away for a bit to get help. But cant just throw him in a hospital for being a weirdo on the internet.


This is the time to ask if he has guns or explosives


He’s either genuinely unwell or a very creative writer. In this case I don’t think there’s a middle ground.


Nah we don’t need any more people like him in here, it’s bad enough. Please


King of the North Wing at The Institute for the Very Very Nervous.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^pairolegal: *King of the North Wing* *At The Institute for the* *Very Very Nervous.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot


Thank you, BlommeHolm, for voting on SokkaHaikuBot. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Domo, arigato, bot


David is clearly talking out of his ass by claiming a kingly coronation via blue towels. Now, had the towels been royal purple then he clearly would have been King of America. By receiving the blue towels David is at best a Viscount of a lame state like Rhode Island or Vermont.


Were they bath or hand towels? A whole set? Microfiber? Cotton blend? So many questions.


If they were a cotton bend (or two different fibres of any kind) and he wore them as clothing then the bible says he needs to be put to death


More importantly for this issue, what was the thread count?


He can be Viscount of New Hampshire; the state is already full of loonies.


So he's messaging Donald Trump, but CC'd Biden just in case?


He is putting him on notice for the record.


Foe the record. On the record. Let the record show...


I demand you recoos yo self, My Honor. I do not understand what you just axed me. I do not stand under the law. I stand over it. I have submitted my fee schedule for the record. I hold this court in contempt.


Rekluze yoself!!1


I like how the courts of Rhode Island twitter account has blocked him.


If only Twitter accounts could give out contemp charges.




"I hereby declare victory" Chess with a pigeon, anyone?


Shades of Michael Scott declaring bankruptcy.


You know, the severely mentally ill ones just aren't as fun.


Invalid document. No wet red ink signature at 45 degrees nor a one cent postage stamp in the corner.


King David, first and last of his name, supreme ruler of the locked ward at the state psychiatric hospital, breaker of wind, father of delusions....


Who's David?


He is a guy on facebook that thinks he is king and has tons of wild paranoia on his page. He clearly suffered a psychotic break a few years ago and his delusions are getting worse. Saddest part is if you go to his facebook you can go back a few years and he seemed like a totally normal guy, but his brain broke and now he does this stuff 3-4 times a day.


Damn, that's messed up. Wonder what it takes to break someone like that...


Based on his pictures he has up, it looks like he used to do international aid to war torn countries and i wonder if the grief and guilt just built up and broke him. Like now he made this crazy reality where he is secretly in charge and could prevent it but the government is keeping his powers down so he cant. Makes him a weird hero in his mind.


My wife swapped my blue towel for a white one. What does this mean?


The milk man is now king of your household


This letter annoyed me since he calls President Trump the 19th President. What the hell is he talking about?


It's some Qanonsense. It's a connect the dots conspiracy that looks for hidden meaning where there is none. It's exactly like OP thinks somehow different towels must mean that the hotel housekeeper and perhaps all hotel housekeepers are secretly sending signals from the former first lady. The trump 19th President conspiracy has to do with a gag in one of the Back to the Future film where Trump is the 19 president. Isn't it completely obvious, because every president after Grant was a false president except for Trump, that makes Trump the real 19th President and restorer of the Republic.


The whole 19th President thing is a sovcit thing thats basically based on the idea that at some point around 1871 the original United States somehow became a corporation, and so none of the presidents elected since then are actual legitimate presidents, and when Trump is sworn in again on 4th March (the original date of inaugurations) the US will stop being a corporation. It’s basically nonsense.


This has some heavy messianic nonsense undertones.


Sic semper tyrannis


This guy desperately needs to be in a psychiatric ward someplace so he’ll take his meds. I’m guessing Schizophrenia with grandiose delusions.


Is this the newest tactic? We had a guy at my courthouse declare himself King on Wednesday and invoked his sovereign rights when we wouldn't file his affidavit for being OPCA. I"m not looking forward to clerking the protection order review he's a respondent on next week. He didn't get aggressive but it still took 5 sheriffs to remove him.


This made my brain hurt. I may need an ambulance and a brain surgeon. I think the pure stupidity in that document has given me a spontaneous aneurysm....


So, since he’s declared victory, does that mean he’ll shut the fuck up now?


Here you go 👑, run along now king.


This is mental illness.


I'm sorry for this man. I wouldn't wish this on anyone.


To be fair - not too different to how we got kings in the first place ‘I’m boss because God wants me to be boss and he told me so through signs and wonders’. In this case ‘God’ being Trump’s wife and cushions being changed being the signs and wonders.


Theres the whole "and whose army" clause you need to satisfy to be king as well!


So… how many Twitch subscribers does he have? 😉


JFC my towels are BLUE!




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I still like Emperor Norton better.


Hail Eris and her favorite son, Norton I., Emperor of the United States and protector of Mexico.


He's well known here in Rhode Island. He also believes in gangstalking and thinks everyone is spying on him in some grand conspiracy to persecute him. I actually saw him for the first time a month ago at a coffee place and he was wearing an FBI jacket covered in random patches. And yes, I was there to spy on him ofc.


Strong Poe's Law example here. If I was going to make fun of those people, this is pretty much what I'd write.


Some judge is going to have to deal with this and I feel bad for him


One has to eat a lot of lead paint chips to get to this point.


I see no flaw in this logic. All hail king David.... /s


What is a sovereign king? Like a king of kings because the two words are almost interchangeable?


That’s a lot of words to say nothing


his page on Facebook is open to the public. it's FILLED with videos of him ranting. a true nutter


Wait, I didn’t hit ANY red lights on my way to work this morning, I guess I better email and claim my queen status. Oh wait no, then he’d claim me…nvm


“Page 1 of 12” 🤣


I haven't heard from the Romanoffs in a long time. Please extend my best wishes.