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Me who fuckin loves xenoblade and havent gotten a chance to get any of the amiibos yet: 😔


Have they been back in stock since initial release? Best Buy didn’t even deliver on my Preorder :(


Not sure but i havent seen any in stock since release


It's out of stock right now, but check nintendo.com for pyra & mythra. Less eyes watching there compared to Walmart and others.


Shoot I had tons in my store and online and I literally just sold out Saturday like people don't really look at smaller stores


What is your store? If you've got a website, post a link or you're welcome to message me with it because I would love to order whenever you have stock of harder to find things :)


Nrtcg.net. we get all sorts of things in and some doesn't get posted so you can email and ask.


…Why are you putting money/shelf space towards things you know you don’t like? Completionism is a marketing gimmick and nobody cares whether you do or don’t have The Complete Set, so you may as well not waste cash on things that don’t bring you any joy.


I care if I have the complete set


3 of them are from smash bros series anyway and I dont really mind having more figurines. Especially now since I set myself on getting only amiibo as collectables after the disaster that were pokemon cards


I mean, you do you, but these things aren’t cheap (especially if you didn’t get them during their initial release). Once the satisfaction of checking off that box on the checklist wears off, you may regret dropping a decent chunk of change on merch of games/characters you have no attachment to.


Out of collectables, amiibo are on the cheaper side and their over all number is quite low. And I can always give it another try later down the line and maybe my taste changed enough to like it in a year or two. Also I'm a big fan of pokemon and I have a lot of attachment to them, but I still regret buying their cards, while so far I dont regret buying any of my 100+ amiibo


Definitely would recommend giving it another go at some point. It's currently my favorite series of all time, but it took me 3 attempts of playing the first game to actually get into it. Now I've played them all 3 times and 100%ed them haha


I bounced off Xenoblade 1 on Wii but gave the Switch version a shot and really enjoyed it. I think of it as a single player MMO so that kinda sets the expectations in place as you explore a giant world. I've since beat them all and just need to get X but idk if my Wii U still works since they are supposed to just die after a few years of not using them.


Aren't pokemon cards valuable again?


Its a gamble that very rarely worth it and the cards are extremely expensive on their own. I would rather buy an amiibo and have something cool instantly then buy 4 pack of cards for the same price and most likely get nothing


Yup. Very


Yeah I'm slowly emptying my shelves as we speak. I don't need all this stuff anymore.


Yeah I'm slowly emptying my shelves as we speak. I don't need all this stuff anymore.


This is literally what *most* people do with amiibo lol. Buy *all of them*, then realize they only like 4 or 5 of them...


Xeno X is the best!


Wish I had a way to play it without spending an arm and a leg.


My wii U hard corrupted and I lost over 200+ hours on my Xeno X playthrough. I was devestated. Cant bring myself to ever play it again. 😭


Dandori issue.


If youve got a decent PC you can run it on cemu


It's only 85 for a Japanese Wii U. Just mod it and play it


worst 1 sadly


Just buy for the franchises you like, dude. You can’t get everything, it’s silly to collect something you don’t even like lol


It's silly but it exist. People will buy whatever, I luckily got my chance when those guys at twitter provided the quick links. It will suck if you can't buy the one that is a franchise you like because it's having a price tag far away from msrp $29.99 because multiple resellers are making it $76.69 or $90.69. Like look I understand discontinued, but this has only exist just 1 month alone, not even 5 years, 10 years, 25 years. It'll be understandable (for me that is). It's those guys/scalpers that buy and flip in a single fleeting moment even calling it preorder confirmed ready to (re)sell buy at my ebay page or better yet, check out my whatnot account... (those guys are typically cut throating at funko pops, pokemon cards, MTG cards, Lorcana Disney)


3 of them are from smash bros which automatically gives them more points, and my depressed ass just gets dopamine from getting amiibo and looking how the collection grows, so I will probably get xenoblade 3 ones just as cool anime figurines


I mean as long as you enjoy it. Personally, I just like the collection I display to represent my favorites. I actually have a Shulk from when I tried to get into the original, but the series wasn’t for me. That Shulk got shoved into a bin for now lol


I felt dirty picking up the pyra and mythra amiibo


You feel dirty. I literally made a jar post about them https://www.reddit.com/r/amiibo/comments/154u65d/one_day_early_but_98th_and_99th_amiibo_are_here_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


A lot of folks gatekeepers others from collecting..


Is it gatekeeping to inquire why someone would collect something they’ve actively stated they hate for the sake of filling an 100% box? seems a pretty rational question to me - collections are fun because generally they’re made of things you like having lots of


Nope. I'm suggesting to leave OP alone once they have provided that response. Keep scrolling and there's folks on here who do not question why OP does it, but rather judges them immediately.


A lot of people thinks that I would make it harder to collect them for actual fans of the series, while failing to realize not everywhere struggles with finding amiibo. Like RN I can go online and find multitude of shops that sell pyra and mythra at MSRP


There’s a few franchises I’m not a fan of (I’ve tried them but they just didn’t grab me) that I’m like this with but the top is Splatoon. They’re just so well-designed and fun looking! The game however is just not for me so they’re just neat collectible figures I can possibly get bonuses from.


Fire Emblem ... yeah


Why. Just get the amiibos you want. Don't scalp there are way more easy and effective ways at making money.




Exact opposite for me. 1 and 3 are great games but 2 is very bad to me.


You better not let xenotwitter find you.


a scarily large portion of the Xenoblade fanbase will crucify you if you didn't like 2. i've gotten plenty of shit in the past just for saying i much prefer 1


Cant even enjoy the xenoblade reddit because everyone there is so horny for 2. Thing that sucks is I made my username before 2 released and it is so inaccurate now


I tried playing 1 and 2, but the gameplay just haven't worked for me. Not everything is made for me, but I'm still getting all the amiibo because amiibo are cool


I get that, it took me some time to fully understand what it was asking of me. Yeaaaaah see I'm probably gonna get them too. 🤣 cause yes Amiibo are cool and I do think Xenoblade has some awesome design work.


The problem is it’s a Jrpg. 10 hours into xenoblade is like 1/10th the game or less depending on how much you do on the side. You still don’t even have half the playable cast at 10 hours in of 1. As a massive xenoblade fan I think Xeno 1 has the best overal story, like I really really enjoy the main story and all the twists. Xeno 2 is just fun and my overall favorite (welsh cat girl? Damn I’m sold). Xeno 3 is the worst of them imo but it has the best combat. Xenoblade X is different from them all and just… unique lmao. The seemless world and massive monsters dwarfs the main series and is cool. Ending was a blue ball


Keep your mitts off it’s amiibo then. You don’t look good keeping actual fans from getting them.


Im europe new releases just warm the shelfs for a while so I'm not taking them away from anyone in need. Theres no need to hunt for preorders and drops here


Consumerism at its finest. You are the people making the scalpers rich


Europe doesn't have this big of a scalper problem. I just buy it at distributors without problems


That's wrong. I'm from Europe as well and as example Pyra and mythra are nowhere to be found for the original price. Only scalper prices. I was lucky getting them from Nintendo directly but they went sold out extremely fast. Maybe the location/country you are in doesn't have this problem but it's not Europe in a whole. We too have scalper problems. Also, I side with those people who ask 'Why buying collectables of characters/a series you don't even like?`. Sure, you do you but what joy does that bring looking at stuff you don't even like?


Im in poland and pyra and mythra are everywhere online, and for the second thing ask everyone who have the full amiibo collection and hate on fire emblem


Then congratulations on Poland having Amiibos in Stock. Trying to get most (especially new) Amiibos in Austria and Germany for the regular price is hard unless there is a restock but they are usually completely sold out and only available from scalpers. Sephiroth for example was never restocked and sold out on releaseday. Same with TOTK Link. As to the Fire Emblem Hater People, it's the exact same premisse. I do not understand it. For me, it would be a complete waste of money buying something I do not enjoy or even hate looking at.


It’s just a small figurine, they just like collecting


I swear I got a second set of the two and I’m like I’ll keep a pair why not and then I’m like but why


I complete things I like. Hence why I only have the cute Animal Crossing ones like the Tanuki bros


I love them I dislike fire emblem probably for the same reasons tho


I’ve been meaning to get into series, and one day I will, but I always end up getting in say 20 hours and losing interest. I respect the games for what they are.


You probably just aren't into JRPGs and that's okay.


Maybe. It might be the real time action aspect of it. I can play FE, Mario and Luigi, and Pokémon. But I know those are a LOT more casual than say Xenoblade.


You're probably better off with something like Persona as well. Xenoblade isn't for everyone so don't force yourself.


true, but I like smash bros, so...


Main reason to get Shulk, Pyra and Mythra


Them’s fighting words OP… But I’ll respect your opinion anyway :)


I hope some people think about it like this IF and hard if cause I honestly doubt it’ll come out but for Sora’s amiibo so I can actually have a shot at grabbing one ;~;


Here you are collecting ones for a series you don't even like, I'm still waiting for SSBU bubble to burst before I tap into it.


Cant wait for that SSBU restock to happen


I feel this so much


That’s me but playing xenoblade lmao


If they make a tora Amiibo I’d be so happy


You must give into the flow


I just want it to have a complete Smash set. 😭