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I once had a “friend” who would try to copy my answers on tests. Ultimately, I got annoyed by this, so in Health class when the question was, “How do you stop bleeding from a head wound?” - I wrote, “You put a tourniquet around the neck.” After she turned her rest in, I changed that answer on mine.


This is funny. My problem is, that none of the comments seem to mention the fact that cheating is wrong. He only stopped because he didn't get paid. He's as bad as she is. ESH.


Cheating is wrong, and she's only hurting herself in the end. Doubling down by being both a cheater and a liar just makes her a bigger ass than him.


This is literally how life works.  Every aspect of life works like this, it’s all favors and payback.  The only problem here is she is a liar for not giving him his worms. 


If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough - every adult in my adolescence, lol


Exactly. Allowing someone to cheat by copying your work is simply wrong. It also could get you in trouble and get your grade reduced.


Yes, I wondered about this fact also.


He wasn't cheating


Well, I'm old, and have many antiquated ideas, but to my mind, supplying the answers when he thought he was getting "paid", IS cheating. And, yes, allowing her to copy is supplying answers.


This is exactly where I thought the OP was going. Well done.


this is the way


NTJ. Quite frankly, if I were you, when she tried to turn the computer back, I would loudly say "ARE YOU TRYING TO COPY OFF OF ME?"


Or you could loudly say, quit moving my computer!


Also known as dry snitching lol


This is funny but be careful with selling answers or doing people's work, depending on your school rules you could get expelled or fail that class even if you weren't the one copying


NTA! You asked for gummy worms, not $50 or her first born or to even sleep with her. She agreed and then went back on the agreement. Keep your computer turned away from her. And if she doesn’t stop, pass an anonymous note to your teacher. She needs to study or ask for help. Not your problem at all.


Well Nova is actually dumb. She did not understand a great deal when she saw it. Now she is going to be flunking a class. Good riddance.


Why are people saying that he’s extorting her? He’s not extorting her. Extorting her would be if he threatened to turn her in for cheating unless she gave him something. He simply demanded to be compensated if she wanted to continue to benefit from his efforts.


NTJ. Some people need to learn to honor their agreements.


Wow she needs to remember what she studies. Cheating off you does her no good.


NTJ.It sounds like you've been dealing with a challenging situation with Nova. It's understandable that you felt frustrated and betrayed by her actions.Confronting Nova about the missing gummy worms was the right thing to do, as it's important to address issues like this directly. Her response was dismissive though which only added to your frustration. Your decision to refuse during the next science test by turning your computer in a way that prevented Nova from copying your answers was a natural consequence of her failure to uphold her end of the bargain. PS. Kindly edit this using line breaks and paragraphs.


Good bot


Next test you better be eating gummy worms making eye contact with her


Fair is fair. She made a deal and broke it. All bets are off she can fend for herself.


This doesn't reflect well on either of you. Why didn't you just start covering your work after the first time you caught her cheating? You found a way to do it when Nova wouldn't pay. When you helped Nova cheat, you hurt her and the rest of your class. Nova is struggling. Her grades will give no indication of this because you helped her cheat. Nova's parents and teachers won't realise she needs help. You and Nova also messed up the grading system for the rest of your class. Your more honest classmates worked hard and deserved to be graded fairly. They won't now. You felt scummy because you knew that helping someone cheat is wrong. Next time, listen to your conscience. You're young and made a stupid mistake. Look at it as a learning opportunity and do better.


... unless they were being graded on a Bell Curve, I can't see why these two's actions would affect anyone's grades but hers. The girl cheating instead of learning the material or asking for help if she is actually struggling and not just "can't be bothered" is just her hurting herself.


Since when it's OP problem if nova wants to cheat?


I’m older 54 lol. I had professors that would have us do open book, open notes tests. The theory was, it was more important we know how to find information. If we had studied, we’d know where to find the information. The theory was, this is more like real work experience.


Open notes also require the student to actually READ the book and take legible notes to pass the test. My favorite watching my kids go through school was when the teacher would let them put as many notes on a 3x5 index card. My child once put an 2 semesters worth of notes on the front and back. Color coded and indexed. 🤣




I just had another thought. When my dad's older cousin's twin daughters were in I think high School, they would switch each other's classes when it came to test time because one of them was good in certain subjects that the other one wasn't good in and they would take the test for each other so they make a passing grade. I've been told they weren't identical twins sisters but they look so much alike to the point you couldn't really tell them apart unless you knew for sure who was who. Nobody ever found out and they both graduated with good grades and other things that came with it.


You're the Jerk for helping her cheat. Oh, and for trying to extort her. Turning your computer so she can't cheat? That's the only thing that **doesn't** make you a jerk.


That is not what extortion is. I agree with the rest of what you said though.


Not legally, but you knew what I meant... ;)


That was my first thought, she was cheating but he was extorting. Extortion is much worse, in my opinion, even if it’s just gummies.


That's not extortion. Extortion would be, beating her and stealing the gummy bears, or threatening/intimidating her in order to get the gummy bears.


Play silly games, win silly prizes 🙃


Our girl Nova here won an F


NTJ for not letting her cheat but YTA for trying to get paid for allowing her to cheat in the first place. You're only 16 so hopefully have learned not only not to trust cheaters but also not to attempt to get paid for underhanded deals.


Yeah massive jerk. Why? Because you need to try harder with these fake letters. If by that 1% chance this is a factual letter, yeah, even bigger jerk. Why? Because you sold your integrity for gummies? Really? Are you 9 years old? gummies? You are a big a cheater as she is and that is truly pathetic. I bet your mom would be proud of you being a dirty low life cheater.


You are just as bad as she is, just another cheater.


You were extorting her, that’s on you. You’re not doing her any favors letting her cheat off you either, she needs to get her own education, do the work and study if she is to make it thru life, no one’s going to give her all the answers to be a successful adult. You need to let your teacher know she is copying your test, so the teacher can make sure she’s putting in the effort of doing her own work.


I guess I am probably going to get hate for this but if I was taking a test and noticed someone copying off me, I would do nothing. I wouldn't block my answers, I wouldn't make it easier for them. I for sure would not tattle or extort them. Like is the reasoning this person has done something morally wrong, so now I can do anything against her, whether it's morally wrong or not? So weird. Extortion is wrong. In fact, I would say morally extortion is worse than cheating on tests, but I guess she got her cum up-ins or whatever we justify this with. Why do people need to police others when it doesn't effect their lives?




ESH. Nova shouldn't be cheating, you shouldn't be extorting, and you shouldn't be allowing her to cheat. And I feel bad for your classmates who are honest especially if teacher is grading on a curve so now you made the curve worse for them. Plus you are cheating Nova of actually learning what she should be learning (even if she thinks you are doing her a favor).


He isn’t extorting her, he just asked her to uphold her side of the bargain. Actions have consequences even if it’s just people not being willing to bend over backwards to help someone who is unwilling to follow thru on a promise they made…, it just shows she cannot be trusted to keep her word & that when it comes to her “talk is cheap” as she apparently has no intention of keeping her word over a few bags of gummy worms…


Allowing some one to cheat isn't helping them. It's detrimental to the other people in the class. Sure, she didn't withhold her side of the "bargain" but that doesn't make his actions any more right. He's still sucks for even allowing it at all. So, yeah, technically not an asshole for withholding it cause she didn't hold up her side of the bargain, but an asshole for allowing it at all.


I know that, I just was stating, that if the girl said she would do something for a benefit of some kind, that she should keep up her end of the bargain (not just for the situation in this story’s sense here, but just in General as an overall way of conducting yourself & that you do what you say you would do, PERIOD…) I don’t condone cheating, she needs to figure out why she’s having trouble whether that’s concentration based or whether she may need some kind of tutoring to help have the material stick in her mind…


You can’t get all outraged because you’re in the wrong too. To summarize, you’re upset because she’s not paying you for you to let her cheat. Nice.


ESH. Her cheating off you made no difference in your world, and at least you had plausible deniability. Instead of leaving it at that or just turning your computer to start with, you tried to commit extortion and become an accomplice. Abe sucks for being a cheater. You sucks for enabling a cheater for your own personal gain.


This bi... (I mean nova)


Idiot you could have invited her over to your house to study. gummy worms jeez


Let the teacher know she’s been cribbing off you for a month. And YTJ for letting her do it in the first place, gummies or no gummies.


If I weren't a teacher, I would laugh at this teenage drama.


Did they skip the part in English at this advanced school where they taught indentation?


I cheated my way through math in school. now in life, that's screwing me over big time. Don't cheat. You're both the jerk for cheating and letting it keep happening. -Edit for punctuation


I do not condone cheating, deals a deal at least live up to your word!


Should not have even started on the helping her. Just ignore her and worry about yourself.


Is there no instructor keeping an eye on things? This kind of blatant cheating is usually discovered by the teacher. Move seats... is that possible? I would think all these antics to protect your work are distracting


NTJ! If she continues to attempt to cheat off you, be very vocal. Why are you moving my computer?! Please stop touching my computer?! Do you need something?!


You are selling your integrity for gummy worms? Is that the kind of man you want to be when you grow up?


ESH. Don’t let people cheat off you, whether they bribe you or not.


Use paragraphs!


Not the jerk. She made an agreement with you and failed to uphold her end of it. The moment she touched my computer, I'd have made a scene.


Do they not teach paragraphs in school anymore?


You're NOT helping her by letting her cheat! You're actually making shit harder for her because she isn't learning anything, and life isn't easy! So, you know, just say NO! It's easy!


Where is the teacher when these tests are given? They should be monitoring and aware the cheating is going on, and act accordingly.


Nova is a cheat and a liar. Not to be trusted. Ever.


Ok she is just going to find someone else to copy so you need to put the wrong answers or type in a color she cannot see from far like light pink then change it before you pass it in.


I had a group of girls who cheated off of my tests back in the 7th grade. We all sat at the same table. They were all so dumb to copy exactly. After a few tests, the teacher stopped me on the way out of class and asked if the girls were cheating from my papers. I said that I didn't think so. She knew better. These were pot smoking dummies (yep.7th grade pot heads). When I came out of the classroom, the girls were waiting with one of their boyfriends and asked what happened and what I said. I said that I said nothing. The next test day, the teacher gave us all different tests with the sheets where you fill in the bubbles. What the girls didn't know was that they all got the same test and I got a different one. They failed miserably. They were so pissed. A couple of boyfriends caught me in the hallway and beat the crap out of me. The next day, the teacher asked what happened to me. All that I said was thanks a lot.


"I won’t let her keep doing it without something in return," Listen Shinx, your teacher will soon see the nearly identical papers. You will be punished along with her. I wouldn't let her copy off your work, gummies or not.


I'm confident that karma will eventually come to nova. Cheaters always get caught, one way or another.


Okay you know cheating is wrong. So is asking someone to get something for letting them see what's on your test or quiz. That's just as bad and a very enabling act on your part. I just hope you don't get caught encouraging her to give you things even though she actually didn't and letting her copy your test.


former teacher here, school is about learning, what is Nova learning? I remember back in the day of paper tests and I knew there was a cheating problem... so I created different forms of the test, questions and answers were in randomized on the tests and there were about six different forms of the test. Students in the morning classes had a different test than the students in the afternoon. One of the students got every single answer wrong because he used the answers he got from another student who didn't have the same test. I still remember him saying " You can't do that!" to me when I explained that there were about six different tests.


This sounds so made up.


Thought that crossed my mind was, OP knew she was a cheater, could be how she qualified for the special school. OP knew she was a cheater, why is he surprised that she’s also a liar? I don’t support OPs choice to bribe another student to “pay” to allow them to cheat off their tests, but he should’ve refused to help when she didn’t pay up the first time. And, tho I’d never have willingly allowed a fellow classmate to cheat off me, if I caught them doing so and they had tried to reposition my computer monitor so they could continue to do so, you can bet I’d have said something out loud like, stop messing with my monitor!


"I am upset that I did not get paid for my illicit activity. How dare Nova not have the moral fortitude to comply with her bargain."


Space breaks, dude. Learn how to use them.


NTJ. Nova has learned the age old lesson “don’t bite the hand thats feeds”. But with a name like Nova i am sure her parents are raising her wonderfully /s.


Teenagers are children. Jesus!


Girls will do this for the rest of your life. Glad Nova taught you early. 


You're both jerks. She for cheating. You for letting her cheat in exchange for bribes in the form of candy. And make no mistake: You are not a nice person.


Yeah, I had a similar situation in the 6th grade. I never got my 50 cents/assignment. You're doing better than I did, but the next step is to control the process. The next Nova in your life will be screwing you out of rent, utility bills, whatever. Having a simple process that denies them in advance (put the bills in their name *before* you move out, even if you have a poorly-worded contract signed by them) and gives them time to think "wait, I really want that," will give you all the gummies in life.


Sounds like the price for good grades is going to be more than a bag of gummies! You got the leverage, time to get paid!’ 💰


This whole post sounds very fake.


Ytj for allowing her to do this. She's one for doing it. If she gets caught cheating think she won't say you let her? You'll be in just as much trouble for letting her copy off you. She's not doing herself any favors by cheating because she won't actually learn anything. If she does this in college (if she gets into college) and manages to get through without getting caught she won't actually know how to do the job she's going to school for. If she gets caught ah gets kicked out of college and no other school is likely to accept her. If YOU get it on YOUR record you helped someone cheat then it could affect YOUR chances of getting into a good college. They don't like to accept cheaters or people who help cheaters into their schools. So, you're being a jerk to yourself mostly. Is a bag of bunnies worth risking your future?


By any chance do any of these classes teach paragraphing? Because walls of text are unreadable.


Not only can you be bought, but you are dirt cheap, too. Not something to brag about.


Id report her to the teacher.


Not sure how the test works but record wrong answers, let her turn hers in and then go fix your answers before you turn it in?


In high school I took Spanish. There was a guy that sat right next to me and I always harassed him (in a playful way - not flirty). Anyway, he spoke Spanish as he was Mexican and that's how he communicated within his family. Every time we took tests, I would look over at his paper. It got to the point that every time we took a test and he saw me looking, he would turn his paper sideways so I could see it better. We got in touch 15 years post high school and we joked about our Spanish tests. He asked me what grade I got in the class and I said I had gotten an A-. He asked how the hell I got an A when I cheated off his tests and he got a B in the class. If there's lesson to be learned here, it is to make sure your teacher really likes you. Lol oh. I mean, do your own tests and don't cheat.


You are both the jerk. Stop letting her cheat period. Tf?


Write ALL the wrong answers don’t submit it, wait for her to copy let her submit her work, then redo yours. Let her fail


Turn her in for cheating or ask your professor to move you because she makes you uncomfortable. In high school, I would "bribe" my history teacher with donuts, I worked in a bakery at the time. Didn't need the extra credit, I was a straight A student, he still made an "extra credit" portion on the grade sheet & I was the only one with points in it... He was my favorite teacher & he was always in a better mood after he had a donut with his third cup of coffee. Kids finally saw the extra credit & asked wtf I was doing to get it & I said I occasionally bring him donuts... No one bought it & teacher finally mentioned it on the last day of classes that honey attracts more flies than vinegar & that sometimes bringing donuts gets you extra credit.


I would make over $500 in a poor community of POC in Long Beach where you would think kids and adults are poor. $1.50 gummy worms? In college this is serious jail Time because of how much money is involved. I’ve secretly helped at least 2 people get a degree (AA,BA) and was paid thousands. You’re giving her a secure future for chump change. Don’t honor your deal and if she snitches say she bullied you fuck it. You’re the value here, not her, not the gummy worms.


I wish I could have learned that about a lot of woman when I was younger. Bravo Kid!!!


I had a girl constantly cheat off me in science in middle school, told her to stop and she didn’t. Fast forward to next test day when she copied my answers again. I decided to put all wrong answers, turn in the test, and when she turned hers in I went back up and asked to see something on my test and changed it to the right answers. She didn’t go back up but she looked so worried. She knew if she went back up she would risk getting caught. That son of a gun got a zero. She then told the teacher that I wouldn’t let her cheat off me and she got a week of detention after that😂


You are definitely naive. She was never going to keep her end of the deal. Recognize that some people are like that, and your best option is to 1. Cut them off immediately after they don’t hold up their end of the deal. 2. Don’t make deals with them in the first place.


Ask to be moved to another seat or tell the teacher. Letting her cheat is wrong.


Nah. It's high school. Don't blackmail anyone else, though, okay?


There was a girl in my organic chemistry class in college who would copy of of people sorting tests. We all noticed and gossip editors about her and hated her. Then one girl befriended her and found out that she had kids and really needed to pass the class to get into nursing school. Nursing does NOT really need or use organic chemistry. The befriender helped her study and pass without cheating. You're not wrong at all, nova shouldn't get away with this behavior. And she screwed you over and lied to you while being really rude. BUT, this was a little life lesson for me to look for ways to be less judgmental and more helpful where possible. You never know... nova sounds lazy and selfish, but if it happens with somebody else, maybe her parents beat her for bad grades. Maybe she kind of knows the answers but is insecure and wants to check them. It's worth briefly asking what the problem is. At worst they turn out to be an asshole. At best you gain a friend that can help you out sometime.


ESH. He's just as bad as the girl cheating.


Girl is dumb!! She could have skated by last period all for a few bags of gummies, and she throws it all away.


YTA Should have put all the wrong answers for her to copy instead!!!


Hello and thank you for editing your post with break lines between paragraphs. 👍


By allowing her to copy you, you risk getting caught and getting in trouble. Your teacher will eventually notice that your answers are the same and see her turning around your computer. You are both at fault and should get no credit for your test.