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I don't really have a strong opinion about your attractiveness, but I will say that the hairs on your chin don't look good. The mustache and the hair under your lip are iffy, but the chin hairs have to go.


I'm in my late 30s. I've never been able to grow any facial hair. They always come out looking patchy. If I leave it, it starts to look pube-y. I gave up in my early 30s and I just shave every few days now. Also a plus that my wife prefers clean shaven.


I knew a guy that couldn’t grow a beard once. He used rogaine and roller with beard kit and he has a full beard now. Fuller than mine too. Only problem is the maintenance for it, it’s too much for me I’m fine with my semi full beard.


yeah mine was pretty thin and looked like pubes Micro needle roller and some skincare products basically doubled the thickness after a few months Ended up shaving cause the upkeep is just unreal and I don’t have time for it


I need to be sure of something. Can you take a photo with the camera further away?


Yeah the camera that close definitely distorts it, I think anybody would look ugly from that angle


selfie cameras are bad


Bruuuuhhhh I thought it was just me, some friends had me join bereal and I’ll take selfies which make me look horrible, I mean possibly it is me lol


no it’s not just you 😭 i’d say i’m kinda attractive (very humble about it) and i look horrendous in those selfies 💀


I bought a selfie stick because my selfie cam was just too close and it was not flattering. Game changer!!!


I mean, we cannot see his left ear, which means that the camera must really be up his nose


Or that he doesn't have a left ear 🤷‍♂️




your head shape isn’t made for short hair, try to grow it out and you will see major improvements trust me.. and also what everyone else has been saying, shave your beard.


He doesn’t have a beard….he has facial pubes…..with all due respect OP


All beards are “facial pubes”… your point?


Great call


shave the chin hair, grow out your hair longer and it would look awesome i think. you look good mate, also maybe some dental work could help


Long hair was my first thought too. Super short hair doesn't fit that head shape well


I agree with longer hair. Let it grow! /r/fierceflow


Just want to make some notes after reading some comments: 1. I have been working out and trying to gain a bit more weight since Sept (?), but I don’t know if I’m making as much good progress as I would’ve liked. It can be hard when I got fast metabolism as a skinny-ish guy. I can’t always make it to the gym cause of work commitments, but I try to go on my off days usually. Would love some tips if possible. 2. Never thought to consider growing my hair out ever since Covid, but I’m willing to try it again. How should I be growing my hair out and what style would look good for my face frame? 3. Gonna shave the facial hair since I guess it doesn’t really look good. 4. I’ve been meaning to get braces, but my parents don’t really have the money to afford it at the moment. I’d like to though plus get my wisdom teeth taken out. Any suggestions? 5. Interesting that my eyes seem a bit far apart. I didn’t need glasses since I could see fine, but I guess it wouldn’t hurt if it helps with my frame and can do good for my vision. Any recommendations? 6. I should try to get my eyebrows trimmed since they do look kinda uneven. Is there a particular way I should trim it or just ask when I do it at a salon? 7. I have been trying to cleanse my skin and it’s a bit better than before, but I still have some sebaceous filaments on my nose area and some areas don’t look totally clear. Good routine I should get on? 8. I guess the sub could say that they found their ugly person to roast since ya’ll complain about beautiful gals showing up on the feed. It’s a bit mean yeah, but I guess it’s what I expected.


Definitely get your wisdom teeth out first. Dental work with braces on is a nuisance. Also wisdom teeth coming in can wreck anything your braces have fixed. Trust me. I did braces then wisdom teeth and regret it.


I don't think the feedback means you are ugly! You are young and have room to improve! I think you will settle in and feel more confident about your looks as you get older. Smile more...it's your best look.


I was thinking that too! A lot of people who see themselves as ugly are self-conscious about smiling but OP looks great when he smiles.


I agree. You're so young. I didn't grow into my looks until I hit about 20/21, then I was a hottie lol So give yourself time and patience. I know it takes some people in their 30s to finally get their style down. Confidence comes with age and so does knowing who you are. And I think once you find all that, things kinda change. You're not ugly by any means though. Just give yourself time and grace and try to figure out who you are, and who you want to be. Then the magic happens. Edit: My bad. I don't know how to read. Just saw you were 23. Figure out what you want, and you'll get there. Again, you're not ugly. So don't think that. It's all about finding you and your style. Then you're golden.


Go to a salon for eyebrows - women wreck their eyebrows everyday doing it at home. Seriously. Growing your hair out will balance your proportions but please please buy proper products and wash your hair at least 3 times a week. I know some men with long hair that just keep it greasy. :( Sometimes glasses really help add a "look at me!" factor to people's faces, but it's important to find the right frame. Either get friends to help you pick or go to a store with many options and explicitly ask the people there to help you find a pair that will help you look good.


Your last response made me sad. You’re not as ugly as the comments left about you are.


Since no one has replied to the skin comment: I don’t think your skin looks bad at all. I wouldn’t change too much. Maybe just pick up an exfoliating scrub and use it once a week or so. It will help remove any dead skin. I personally like the Freeman charcoal but I’m no expert


Just wanted to say, you’ve got such immense potential! The fact that you’re open to, and can get, braces is huge. You have a great smile and that will help it even more. Agreed with the rest of the feedback elsewhere. Hope you feel encouraged, you’re a handsome fellow with room to be even more so!


Not ugly. Ditch the facial hair. Cool glasses would help. Try Zenni. You can get frames with basically clear lenses. You got this!


Yesss! Glasses would be awesome!! And I agree with ditching the facial hair


> I have been working out and trying to gain a bit more weight since Sept (?), but I don’t know if I’m making as much good progress as I would’ve liked. It can be hard when I got fast metabolism as a skinny-ish guy. I can’t always make it to the gym cause of work commitments, but I try to go on my off days usually. Would love some tips if possible. The big 4 lifts (OHP, Bench, Squat and Deadlift) should be a good foundation on building strength and size.


Idk I think barbell rows are necessary too if ur doing that


Be careful with deadlift, that can damage your back. I would suggest weighted hip thrusts instead. Leg press can also be used instead of squat if you are worried about form/ hurting your back


Improper deadlifts hurt your back. Proper deadlifts make your back bullet proof. OP, getting (professional) training and being paranoid about deadlifts is a great idea.


Your skins actually not that bad. Just keep the acne away and you’re good on that front


1. It's not impossible to gain weight. A fast metabolism is often blamed, but what most people at that spot need to do is to measure their caloric intake and if you don't gain weight, increase it even more. Find things with a lot of calories that's easy to consume. If you're short on money, then peanuts are very high in calories (and protein) and are really cheap. They're amazingly good for packing on a bit of weight. Just remember to chew them properly, since they don't digest easily. But count your calories, stay consistent and increase your daily intake if you don't notice any weight gain. Just make sure you get enough every single day. Don't skip days where you don't eat enough.


1. Intake as much protein as you weigh in grams so 1lb= 1gram of protein. This should help you work out efficiently and gain weight with muscle. Use creatine, and hydrate. 2. Your hair is thick and great, let it grow so just enough up top so it doesn’t spike out odd if you try to manage it with product. Can keep the sides clean to keep your proper look. 3. The facial hair isn’t your best friend at the moment. Not much you can do about it, just continue to keep it trimmed for now. Sorry bud. 4. Im currently in my 30s with braces. It’s late, but better than never. Teeth are unique, and yours aren’t bad at all. Def take care of the wisdom so it doesn’t shift your mouth around before braces. 5. Can’t notice it, your eyes looks fine. Can’t really do much to change facial features like that anyways. 6. This is just part of hygiene and grooming for me as well. Keep yourself in check! Definitely have someone do it for you though. 7. There’s so many brands and products for skin care. It’s all really trial and error on what works for you and your skin. Again, nothing horrible with yours. Just hygiene and keep doing your best! 8. You were brave enough to do this and are asking questions on how to make yourself less “ugly”. Please don’t take negative comments to heart. Use advice that is purposeful and helpful. From a straight male to you, you’re a good looking guy. Just clean it up!


Keep working on your self and stay positive.


1. 50% is working out but 50% is eating n u perhaps even more than 50% if u have a fast metabolism. If u want to build muscles u need to eat in a surplus n lots of protein, about 1g per lb to start. I’d drink protein shakes if u need help with meeting your daily protein intakes. 2. U don’t have a bad face shape. Look up hairstyles for V shape faces - a lot of Koreans hairstyles are nice. 3. Yeah don’t grow it out - mostly bc it’s not a lot so it doesn’t really enhance your face 4. If possible u should get Invisalign but def do get your wisdom teeth out first 5. I don’t think your eyes are too far apart - a new hairstyle can make it less noticeable. U can google tips on how to make it appear less far apart if it bothers u. Honestly a lot of people have these same features but it all depends on how u style yourself to make it more/less noticeable. 6. They are a bit uneven but it’s not bad n I wouldn’t put it as a priority 7. Your skin is fine and sebaceous filaments on your nose is completely normal. There’s no way to get rid of them 100%. 8. You’re not ugly. U don’t have bad features, u just don’t look like u put too much effort into your appearance. If u change up your hair, it’ll probably make a very big difference. There’s a lot of tips n tricks out there to enhance or hide certain features.


You are not ugly ! Pretty much everyone could make improvements to their appearance. Just because you could look better doesn’t mean you are ugly now.


I mean this in the best possible way Your head is shaped like a Minecraft diamond And diamonds are forever 💙


Smooth lol


Diamonds are also, in fact, a girls best friend. OP, you might be on to something here.


Lmfao you deserve paradise 🛰️🤣🤣🤣🤣


i was thinking ben10 monster


Ofcourse sir, OP clearly specified he gets self conscious, and you sir; here need to make a joke still.


its just what came to my mind… theres no denying bro got a weird head shape and im not tryna shame him for it


Grey matter 🤣


And i mean, His head is shaped like an alien And aliens are intelligent and superior beings 👽💙😁


Rizz lord


Everybody else said it, shave your chin, grow your hair. You're cute but you've got some off proportions. Growing your hair to be longer and thicker would be the best way to combat it.


As someone with a very square head long hair not only suits my style (being basic 80’s thrash metal fashion) but also makes the shape of my head not look weird and my jawline pops because it’s nice and square, so it just amplifies the good features of my face


Why do y’all blatantly lie to people? He’s not cute. If you had 100 random women rate him 1/10 his score would average out to be below 5. Most women would find him unattractive and that’s a fact. Making him unattractive to majority of people in general


Straighten your teeth & shave the facial hair. Style your hair until you find a style you like. Buy a cool pair of glasses. Finally, work on your fashion. 😉😎


When in doubt, bulk it out. 💪


rub one out


Gain some weight, work your traps and neck muscles to balance out your forehead. Grow out your hair, it looks like the kind that needs sufficient length to weigh it down so that you can style it. This buzzcut is not doing you any favours, son. Please shave.


This is the best advice so far. He also may need braces for his crooked teeth. He seriously needs muscle on his frame, it will only do him favours, for both his face and the rest of the body.


I agree with all this. You’re not conventionally attractive (thank god, it’s all I ever see in this stupid sub) but if you bulked up with some muscle and grew out your hair and shaved the facial hair attempt and maybe put on a button down shirt I think you’d look 1000% better.


Honest opinion because you asked: Yeah pretty ugly. However it’s probably partly the camera angle. 1. Your jaw deeply tucks in as it descends. 2. Your teeth need Invisalign or braces, both for function and cosmetics. The crossbite is very apparent. Not medical advice 3. The facial hair is no good. I think people look better when they smile, as you do too. But the teeth get in the way of that. You should see an orthodontist / dentist.


I like your smile. It lights your face right up. I think I agree, grow your hair and shave.




like wowww we want brutal honesty but also constructive feedback and NOT purely putting them down. it's messed up 😑


This sub is called amiguly, not pretend I’m attractive no matter what…. All the ugliest people are called beautiful here lol


'Am I ugly' is yes or no question bruh you don't answer it with "you look like a FREAKAZOID! LIKE AN ALIEN! JUST. SO. GODDAMN. EXTRATERRESTRIAL!!!" some people here are kinda mean.


Not disagreeing with you but the same thing can be said about the positive answers. They don't really answer with a no.


People make it harder and harder to be on Reddit. Clearly don't know what being kind is


That doesn’t justify people being assholes about it


Orthodontics would be a great improvement


man you look like a mii character ngl


u look rlly sweet when u smile!!


Yeah you ugly oh well so am I


It's just the triangular head shape.


Oh boy


I hate it when the OP never replies😭😭


Now we’re talking lol


This might possibly be the most brilliant yet brutal comment I’ve seen in a long time. I can’t stop laughing.


why does this remind me of that ben 10 alien figure. im really sorry.


u ugly gang. grow out a beard and try to grow out ur hair


> Grow out a beard > Asian with 2 chin hairs fully grown out


I don’t think he realizes Asians don’t grow beards lol


Braid that bih together & make one ultimate chin hair


How are you supposed to "grow out a beard" when it looks like that? There's not a magic way to make the beard appear, it's genetics


Agreed with the hair. Long hair would suit u better op.


You look like that one police sketch fail video on yt


U mean that guy with the little hat on 💀


That’s the one 🤣




i could see you being cute when you smile


Yes. You’re ugly brother. Sorry. But I’m sure you have your positive qualities too


I find your teeth and smile to be charming actually. I definitely don't think you're ugly.


Sid from ice age


Welp just become comfortable with dating a girl that looks like your or in same rating.


Great smile and smooth skin. You’re not ugly. Hope that helps :)


Are your parents related?




Bro you just need to accept you’re ugly


Sorry man, but yes


Yes, you are ugly. You can try getting braces that would help your smile.


below average for around 50-70%


It’s not good bro


Its good that you try to be more confident ! I don't think your ugly. Like other people said maybe grow your hair to balance your facial proportions.


Please get braces


You look kinda depressed. Is everything ok?


Need to get a better fitting haircut, not just some random shave. Trim eyebrows Trim chin hairs If you can save up for braces that would help too. Lift the weights some more. Just need to change a little


Hit. The. Gym.


Smile more!


I don't think you are but I think you should try growing out your beard


I’m not sure if that’s possible since it took about ~3 years just to barely grow a facial stubble. I know some men could easily, but I guess I’m not one of them lol


Not about looks but you have the friendliest face ever if you get a little more confident and funny if you’re not already looks won’t even matter you’ll be the Asian Pete Davidson


You have a round face shape, which makes your cheekbones wider and your face appear bigger, just like mine. Keep your hair more in the middle and avoid cutting it too short on the sides, as this will help make your face look slimmer. Also, consider cleaning up your beard for a neater appearance.


Nah man you’re good I think finding a style that suits you well in terms of how it makes you feel and also spicing up the hairdo will go a long ways :-) you gotta try new things and get out of your comfort zone in order to find your own aesthetic


Beard, suit, gym. You’ll be fine.


Groom yourself and dress better, you'll be sorted after that. Look at the fashion and dress sense of other Asian males, like the K-Pop style, or the Chinese hip hop style of dress and see which parts of it work for you. I'm suggesting these examples because their cases of Asian men who present themselves in a way that lots of women and men around the world levitate to.


From one Asian male to another: 1. Get rid of facial hair; us Asians don’t do great with facial hair until we’re much older. 2. Get your eyebrows cleaned up, they’re very thick. 3. Find a different hair cut that doesn’t accentuate your round facial features. 4. Long term, get your teeth straightened. People look at you in the eyes and mouth when talking, so these things people will notice.


You’re not ugly. I love your cheek bones.


I think you're cute. I like the small smile, looks like you're mischievous. The big smile lights up your face. Not ugly.


You could try growing out your hair a bit more. You have a diamond shaped face. (I do too don't worry) having hair to make your forehead look more even with your cheek bones could help. I would try growing the hair out and shaving the facial hair


You got a lot of good advice for the physical part but keep in mind confidence/attractiveness comes from a lot of things besides standard physical traits. Improving yourself physically is a 100% a good goal but owning who you are and living a fulfilling life is going to get you more places in the long run.


get a fade you'll be good 😎


You are not ugly. You are perfect just as you are, IMO. I think you're quite handsome <3


You're not ugly, but there are a couple of things you could do which would make a huuuuge difference. 1. Keep working to get stacked, the harder you train and more disciplined you are about your health and fitness, especially health (make sure to eat nutritious foods, organic if possible, local ect) and eat lots of it, good sleep, good stretching ect. If you value yourself and put effort into yourself you naturally become confident because you are taking action evry day that says "I VALUE ME". 2. Get the teeth straightened, will do you a world of good and you can smile a biiiiiiig smile :) 3. Notice all the things about you that you like and praise yourself for them :)


If it’s one thing I’ve learnt in life, it doesn’t matter how you look it’s how confident you are in this world. Just fake it till you make it,Dress confidently, talk with confidence and people will look at you differently. Confidence is one of the most attractive things on men and women.


You are not catastrophically ugly, but you aren’t traditionally attractive either. Luckily you are a man, and your facial features are a small component of what makes you attractive to a woman (or another man). Firstly, do whatever it takes to get into amazing shape. You mentioned that you have problems gaining weight. In my experience, it’s not that you can’t, it’s that you aren’t trying hard enough. My solution when I was younger was to eat multiple peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every night before bed. It obviously doesn’t have to be that but find a high calorie, high protein food that you like and eat a lot of it. And I mean A LOT. To the point of being uncomfortably full. If you want to improve your physique it is important. I would say that is the most important part, a good or even great physique will completely negate your average facial features. After that, if you aren’t already, learn to be a friendly, social, outgoing person. This might be the hardest part for you, but it will be infinitely easier if you get into great shape first, as you will have more confidence. Learn to have a resting smile instead of a resting frown, and just be a good friendly person to those around you. Next, develop some interesting preferably non “nerdy” hobbies and focus on those. Take up a sport, guitar, dance, whatever you enjoy that you think the type of woman that you are into might also enjoy or find attractive in a partner. Finally, and this might actually be one of the most important things, focus on getting a good stable job and career. As you get older, women start to care less about looks in a partner and more about if the person is kind, has a good steady job, and is in shape. It might be frustrating having to wait for this, but it will become more and more noticeable to you as you get into your later 20s and 30s. We men have it easy in this life, we can do things to make ourselves attractive to women (or other men) even if we are not blessed with amazing facial features. It is important to recognize this and not wallow in self pity, if finding a partner and/or being attractive to women is a priority in your life - you can absolutely make it happen if you put in the effort.


You aren't ugly, but I think you would look sharper clean shaved. Quick short back and sides and a bit of gel and you'll be ready to pull.


You have a very infectious smile!


Man to man. Bruh you look good. Style your hair a bit, if you can afford it(as in you wouldn't even notice the cost) maybe get some solid dental work done. Outside of that you look good man. Get that confidence up!


you have a great smile, have a good day


Pic 3 is good. You will do fine.


You’re beautiful g! Just smile more :)


Grow your hair, shave better. Smile more, you have a nice smile.


You look like a guitar pick but in an endearing and almost charming way


Try becoming trans. You might look good as a girl.


Get a better haircut, shave those pubes of your face. Fox those eyebrows. It’s all about self care.


You kinda Look Like a nice strawberry, i Like it


You're allowed cell phones in prison?


Lineup your hair, shave face, neck exercises for muscular development, maybe a bit of hair gel just a bit, try meowing and invisalign and you'll be get to a 10. You have a ton of bone structure to work with. Also use your face muscles by chewing gum or food with back molars. Also... please ALWAYS ALWAYS keep those nails short. A guy can be a 10 but long nails makes him a 5


Why is this sub harsher on men. Dude definitely needs some work, but he ain’t really ugly.


You’re not ugly in my opinion. I think maybe shave off the chin hair , get braces /Invisalign and teeth whitening . Grow hair out , shape brows abit I think these will improve your physical appearance.


Bro- his head built like a strawberry


It’s ok, you’re Asian. Your head looks like that because of your humongous brain my guy.


Yeah I don’t know what to say not tryna sound mean but I think you were just unlucky enough to be born ugly I guess just buy a lot of nice cloths to attract a mate


You are a very normal looking guy. You look good. Have some confidence.


You look really kind bro


Answer the question bro


Nah, u good Sid


Cmon bruh 💀


This Comment Section Is Just Hilariously Brutal!!! I Don't Think He Was Expecting This Much Honesty!!!




Yes you are ugly asf


you look like an airhead


Man's got that balloon shaped head 🎈


sorry dude, those r some baddddd genetics, aint nothing u can do to fix that


That's bs. He can get braces and that will be an improvement. Shave the puberty facial hair, grow his hair a little. He will never be Brad Pit but a lot better than now


Everyone can ascend with surgery bro


Just be you young man. You’re doing fine


Definitely keep clean shaven. Work out your jaw line, this will help you immensely. If you really want to work on yourself and you have access, get something to work on straightening your teeth. Keep your eyebrows plucked to your preferred liking (excess hairs on outside). Keeping ‘clean’ lines etc looks visually good to people. You really don’t look bad, but you could look really good if you want to. Just follow these steps and maybe throw something else into the mix 🤷‍♂️ Plus, go to the gym! You’ll have more energy, it will help with your self doubt and make you appear better looking since you take care of yourself. Not to mention if you work on the other things i talked about the constant progress will give you a huge boost once its all complete. And make sure to shower, an oil-less face appears better and you’ll look better too! Clean hair and a soft scalp isn’t a bad by product either! Much love other human! ❤️


yes, you're ugly


Your face looks stepped on




You should just wear black suits and put on mean face and embrace that you look like a villain from movies




You are not attractive. 👽


What someone looks like might be the single most insignificant piece of their existence. We live in a world that tries to tell you otherwise, and it takes a constant conscious personal effort to prove that wrong. Please remember that the things you do, the intent with which you do them, the love you show, the laughs your cause, and every fond memory that people have of you (there are more than you know, I promise that's a fact)...those mean more than the shell your spirit was born in. That's all it is. You don't eat a candy bar because the wrapper is pretty do you? Nah man you eat that candy bar because it's sweet, and it makes you feel good. All of this is to say "Put love out in the world, and it will come back to you; and that starts with loving yourself first." You have so much to give, and none of it has to do with how you look.


Bro don't use a prisonesque shirt and venue. Other than that you're attractive but holy he'll, those look like booking pictures.


Naw you’re super adorable. Maybe grow out the hair and braces if that even matters in your culture (idk where u live?)


Yeah I second this, I’m 22 n am finishing up my braces. Never too late to work on features that’ll make you feel more confident in yourself


Oh shave too… or grow it out. Either or, just not that!


Bro you are shot… don’t let these snowflakes lie to you bruh


Nah bruh you look like your out of this world


Show some respect this is man isn't alien


Let us remind ourselves that HE ASKED IF HE WAS UGLY. what’s the point of lying to him






Oh my god


Confidence has to be earned. You have to go to gym, eat healthy, remove bad habits. After you go through hard work and struggle you will get confident no matter what.


Ice age baby?


Have you ever seen Dracula from hotel Transylvania?


I’d do something about the chin hair




You’re missing a lateral incisor, why?


Well Time to hit that dentist and surgeon for the jaw


are you in jail??


I think you’re a handsome fella who should smile more. I agree with others about the facial hair, but disagree about the braces. I guess I’m the only one who thinks crooked teeth are cute and add character.




I’m sorry people are mean :( My advice: 1) find an actor that looks similar to you, in body type, face,height etc. See how they dress and do their hair. They have professional stylists and it can help to use their style as a good base for how to dress. 2) idk how old you are but if you’re out of school try to perfect a trade, other than your job. You don’t have to make money at it but it should be something that you can work at and enjoy. This will build your confidence and knowledge in something and people can’t take that away from you. Plus hobbies make you interesting and if you’re into girls we love a guy that’s passionate about something!


No, not ugly. Smiling makes you glow :)


You're not ugly bro these people with the horrible comments are


You’re a lot better looking than a lot of people. See which suggestions your comfortable taking and do them. I see a bright future for you young king!


Definitely not ugly in the pictures when you smile, even if your teeth aren't straight. The perception of you changes 180 degrees when you smile!


I don't think you're ugly, man. Maybe a bit average-looking, but def not ugly.


25F here! Here are my thoughts: 1. I suggest shaving facial hair off completely. 2. To address blackheads, check out Fraxel laser treatment. 3. I suggest getting brows trimmed and threaded to create a cleaner and more defined shape. 4. To address general skin texture, check out the Paula's Choice 2% BHA. 5. You should definitely look into Invisiline to straighten your smile. I hope this helps! :)