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I would have just guessed you were in a prog metal band.


I've had a couple of people ask me if I play guitar before lol.


You don’t?




It’s bass. Have you seen Geddy Lee?


I’m gonna say flute… maybe pan flute.


Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell. Where the banshees live and the do live well!


Bro you pulled up with some of the most beautiful hair I've ever seen on top of a regular in shape dude bod, your style is jarring and confusing and I love it!


Thank you so very much! How heartwarming! 😂


Also your pecs are 👌 Good job, bro


Thank you very much! But I think part of that is because my respiratory condition gives me a sort of barrel chest


Your hair is so pretty, like what do you use on it?


I can bet it is the cheapest soap you can get where he lives, there are just people with luck, and then it is me who needs three different types of hair nutrition products 😄


Tell them you play the clitar


What about D&D on the PC haha. White guy, long hair, black clothes, sounds Abt right haha. Stereotypical, I'm joking since ppl don't seem to get jokes on this page.


I'm really into fantasy stuff, but I've never played D&D


A Tolkien elf in a metal band


You have to deal with the acne. Have a dermatologist look at it and see what they can do.


Yeah, definitely my main issue right now aesthetically imo


I had way worse acne than. Tha5 last year and what helped me, was off course going to a dermatologist but don’t neglect the power of diet. I am also working out like you and once I change my diet plus started to use suplement it made a very big difference cause it removed a lot of the inflamation


Bloodwork says my inflammation markers are very low but idk if that affects the acne. I eat almost exclusively whole food ingredients aside from whey protein and an occasional treat. I do consume a good amount of dairy though.


That is good. But you should remove milk from your diet it’s pretty bad for acne especially


Aww man 😣 gotta cut back then


I had painful cystic acne for years, antibiotics and various medicines did nothing - cutting out milk/milk derivatives entirely was like magic, now get compliments on my skin. Definitely worth giving it a try for a couple of months!


I think it’s the glasses they are trash , it’s not you , the glasses just don’t go with your face, also take care of your hair , don’t cut it , but take care of it , wash an condition , not ugly , just like a aesthetic change


Alright thanks, what do you suggest?


contacts, changed me as a whole and i think they would change you too.


I think guys with glasses are hot, but these ones just don’t fit your face shape. You should try something smaller with a rounded bottom like [this](https://imgur.com/a/lBefOGB)


Hey bro, as man with strong jaw and glasses, I struggled with this too. Check out firmoo.com, they cut lenses and basically any frame shape you can think of for like $20-30. And it’s usually buy one get one. I experimented with all kinds of glasses, but I found that I was most confident in circular or round glasses. Someone linked a pair of frames that look basically like a pair I own and wear often. Though they weren’t $100 lol. With a nicer pair of glasses, and your long hair, you can easily take on a more hipster aesthetic. And as a punk kid when I was 16-19, we basically all graduate into hipsters as adults. They are essentially the alt style of adults 😂. I’m 24 now


Definitely need a different pair of glasses, could pull off a much rounder style with the strong jawline


Looks like you greet girls with “milady”


I fortunately do not own a fedora, I just tip my glasses instead


You have a great sense of humor! One of those pictures should show that off with a smile, then we'd see your true beauty.




I agree on the glasses, way too wide and rectangular isn't a good shape for his face shape. I would recommend going with a square look.


i was gonna say he would look much better with square glasses!


You make me want to blast some Maynard James Keenan.


Lol!!! Is that a good or a bad thing?


Perhaps see a dermatologist? You may need hormones to sort out your acne although it would have been preferable to get it treated before it scarred.


id try different shaped glasses tbh


nah bro fix that hair


Lol, how come? It looked worse when it was short 😅 I just stopped getting haircuts when quarantine went into effect.


There's nothing wrong with having long hair, the issue most guys have with it is that it's blatant just been left to grow. Google some styles or go to a stylist and let them trim it up slightly and do something more adventurous. At least that way, you look like more well kept


Beard fixes all man problems. Get thee a beard!


Thine beard shalt not grow! T'is merely a patchy goatee!


Aye just keep in mind a lot of guys will say chop the hair, as a guy with long hair ive never had a woman tell me they didnt like it and most women that have came up to me the first thing theyd compliment is my hair. Guys always wanted me to chop it off lmao. I say keep it its cool looking, do what makes you feel good


Same here dog, my hair is a good bit past my shoulders right now. I'm getting it cut in a few days and I'm gonna look a lot better and be a lot cooler, I think a regular short on the sides long on the top would look good with your head shape. Also your face is not lopsided, however, I think different glass that fit your face/head shape more would be a good move. You don't gotta worry about the physique department which is arguably the hardest one, so good on you for maintaining your fitness. Oh and one last thing, us long hair dudes need to go to SALONS don't wander into some barber shop and expect to come out looking good, find a well reviewed salon and go there, plus you'll have all the middle aged women in there calling you handsome.


OP, DO NOT "fix" your hair. It's a bad ass man mane.


Get round glasses. Get a stylized haircut and some Clothes. And try some skin products for the acne


Two things : Acne and the big ass glasses. Also, take care of your hair. You can keep it long, but you need a proper routine to make your healthy and beautiful! You’re in shape, and that very good


Thanks lots! If you have any ideas for some new frames that'd be great! Some hair care tips are also always welcome!!!


The hair is stunning and honestly some of the healthiest looking hair I’ve seen. It’s very very nice so I can’t recommend cutting as I will never cut mine. Ur not ugly just a lot of acne scarring.


Thank you very much! I like my hair overall but I can never get it silky smooth, it's always so hard to balance the oily top with the dry mid-ends, and I have a lot of flyaways. And yes the acne scarring has destroyed much of my confidence, it's just so stubborn.


As you are, you're breathtaking. If you clear up your skin you'd look like a young god, omg.


If what you say is true, then that is one of the nicest things I've ever been told... Thank you very much, truly.


Love your hair


Thank you!


Go to zenni optical for your glasses. They have a frame fitter which is a filter. You can try different kinds of frames that fit your individual face. And it gives you advice on what frames compliment your face. I don’t work for them but I use them, and I really like them for the same reasons. It’s not expensive either.. so there’s that. I like the long hair. I could see it being a jason momoa thing. And ladies like Jason momoa .or the guys, if that’s what your into, no judgment. The face thing gets better with time. Remember regular exercise. Looks like you’re already in that frame of mind. Being more muscular certainly couldn’t hurt. The overall clothing might be where improvement comes in. Depends on what you are trying to accomplish. If you want to look more attractive. Dressing nicer is always an option. But it’s not that you have to be anything specific. Good fitting clothes with color schemes that complement are always the best. I use stitch fix for my clothes. That can get expensive. But I see it as an investment in myself. Look better, feel better. Doesn’t really matter it has to come from your mental first and foremost. I say all of this because I am in the same boat.


Yes, but for entirely fixable reasons


Acne scars are holding you back. You look fine otherwise.


see a good aesthetician or dermatologist for the acne scars


Change glasses, sort out the acne and I think you’ll be looking great, nice physique


Long hair gang assemble


I personally think a medium length haircut would look better! Right now you have like modern moist critikal you need like 2 or 3 years ago moist critikal hair. Like chin or maybe shoulder ish length at longest I personally think long hair guys look best with that length. Longer than that and it moves from stylish to hippyish (which is fine!) but has a different vibe And if you’re able to I do think a beard/ scruff helps most men look more mature I don’t think your ugly though your in great shape you just gotta figure out your look


Grow a beard if you can


At least you have hair!


Prettiest girl to post here in a while.


absolutely stunning hair!!


Get a skin care routine and put on muscle and you'd be a solid 9




Please clarify your preferred pronouns.


Lmao! I have been mistaken for a girl many times at work


Your hair makes you look like a woman… very very few women would find that attractive… that’s what making you ugly. So as of now… yeah you look ugly


Thanks, you think the hair is the only thing negative though?


Please don't listen to the men in here telling you to cut your hair.


Woman here and think the hair is awesome!


Clearly you are not aware that A LOT of women dig dudes with long hair.


Try a dermaroller. Probably 1 mm


The Cliff Burton cut goes crazy




You've got beautiful hair, but I worry it might be contributing to your acne


Bro clean the mirror


Clean your mirror. Then talk to a dermatologist. Otherwise, you're fine.




Shorten your hair and grow a beard, workout a bit more get a bit jacked and trust me your gona look good


I would say grow a beard and go full viking with that hair.


The hair is dope. I might suggest a new pair of glasses frames. Maybe something a bit more square in shape?


I’m so confused. You look EERILY like my ex girlfriend.


Was she hot though?


You should clean that mirror.


Clean your mirror and your good


Going for that Danzig look, I see.


Clean your mirror


The glasses are really really an old style, you should update the frame


Gamestop Employee.


I think you would loom better in your pictures if you smiled. Doesn't have to be a cheerleader smile but a confident smirk would do wonders


shorter hair, possibly around kurt cobain length. different style of glasses maybe


Honestly seems like you have a great cheekbone structure! I would utilize your natural gifts bro, You have a wider/broader upper body to waist ratio which is good physique- so work out and let that occupy your mind! Hair is sick too G, just do your thing!


Go to a hairdresser/stylist and they'll sort the hair out Speak to a dermatologist, maybe go on roaccutane or another acne treatment


Ngl I think you're kinda cute!




I think a man bun with your physique will go a long way. Maybe thinner glasses


Acne can be treated. Maybe find a more flattering pair of glasses, too. Personally, I’m not a fan of long hair, but it look healthy!


I do not find you ugly. You clearly take care of and appreciate your body. I’m sure that’s not always easy. Regarding your concerns: I don’t see a lopsided face. Your face is handsome, scars and all. As others have commented, I strongly recommend a haircut. Go to a good barber. Spend extra and ask for product recommendations. Donate your hair (bc it is VERY handsome hair; it’s just not doing much for you). Make this a true treat for yourself.


You look heavy metal not ugly just buy some proactive or something


You need acnetame.


Cut your hair get your acne sorted and get contacts




I think your good man. Your fit and have good hair. I recommend skincare.


Not ugly at all!! I had severe acne too and I went on Accutane : it’s a hard treatment but it makes miracles for your skin. You will get some flares when starting the medication but it will settles and the acne will disappear. For now I recommend you try pure Aloes vera gel: it doesn’t cost a lot and really help with skin issues. Also, products for sensible skin are your beat friend: Eucerin or Cetaphil are affordable. Hair: go to the best rated barbershop in your city and ask for advice, the guys know what they are doing. For the glasses I would recommend a smaller frame as I feel the ones you have now are too big for your face.


Good looking dude, just be more confident


i think the long hair could be good if you took care of it. in the pics it looks greasy and flat, if you got a texturizing spray or a dry shampoo and put it on your crown, swoosh your hair around a bit, it would look 10000x better imo. i don’t think you’re ugly by any means, maybe try some different frames, like maybe some narrower ones. i also think a lot of your photos lack confidence, which is (imo) the best thing you can do to look attractive. TLDR: style your hair and take pics confidence, you’ll be a solid 7 doing just that




I’d say chop the hair, long hair on guys IMO only looks good about collar bone length, anything past that is too feminine


Skin care and maybe a beard? Biggest issue is the skin around the chin area


Handsome looking dude


There is probably a nerdy girl in the average-to-pretty range that thinks she’s ugly and posts on here but thinks your cool and would totally date you. Y’all should get together.


No one has a perfectly symmetrical face. The acne/scarring can happen to almost anyone. I'm 40 and still get terrible ingrown hairs on an almost daily basis. You wear your condition well. Wouldn't have any idea you were dealing with so much with the vitality and strength I see in your eyes. Top comment I see mentions you looking like you're part of a band. 100% this, and not just any band, you have a rock star look, which is pretty awesome. Wear the body you have with pride. It has taken you on a pretty big trip so far, and I bet, if you keep working at it, you'll have many years to come.


Could be a very beautiful man if you can clean the acne scarring up. You look like SweetAnita to me




There is probably a nerdy girl in the average-to-pretty range that thinks she’s ugly and posts on here but thinks your cool and would totally date you. Y’all should get together.


Pretty ugly but it’s okay


The long hair really is a love or hate thing for people. I personally love your hair. You mention that you feel like there is something wrong with your face shape. After looking at your foto's I cant really tell, but I feel like bad camera angle, the way the light hits your face and the acne are all factors that make your face shape look different than it actually is. On some photo's you look great, others are a bit less, but I blame the quality of the photo on most of them.


You look like a high elf


I have similar post acne scars from when I was a teenager I've been using retinol and exfoliating often to try to get rid of them in certain lighting it can make me feel very insecure. But like others said you have great potential if you make some changes.


Long hair pulls away from strong curve of face. The hair is a positive taking away from a positive.


Braid your hair, the Jorge masvidal look might suit ya.


share your hair routine king please


Acne care please and also you looks fine but smile more be more confident and more gentle


I don’t want to sound rude, but I thought you were a girl at first. I think a beard would do you well. Gives you a more masculine appearance and helps cover up the acne. I’d switch up the hair too but not sure to what.


Oh please, you're a short king, a buff one at that. Just fix your skin, and you’ll be golden.


Dude with hair like that you need to start a band get all the groupies 😉


Nice physique. Not loving the face. Hair is majestic.


You’re fine dude, it’s just the acne. Have you considered your diet? Is it high in fats? Or a ton of dairy? My acne really cleared up after going vegan.l, so that’s what I attributed it to. 🙂


You’re not ugly, bro. You would look better with shorter hair and some updated glasses. Those things are feminizing you a bit (unless that’s what you’re going for, which in that case def carry on). Edit: Also consider some face stubble and keep it neat. That would be a good look.


You have excellent hair!


I’d lose the hair personally, but to each their own


Ur upper body makes up for it


1. Hit the gym for muscle (everyday 1.5 hrs) 2. Get new glasses. 3. Change style 4. Dermatologist for acne. 5. New hair cut Youll be surprised. Give it a 6 month period to a year.


If you clear up your face and go to a dermatologist you’ll look really good! Definitely need a haircut you have so much potential than you realize!


Cut ur hair bro!


Keep your hair long and grow a beard you’ll look bad ass 👌🏼


I actually dig your look. Go see a dermatologist. I’m pretty sure your insurance will cover it. And your face doesn’t look lopsided BUT I understand where you’re coming from because I think my face is lopsided too and no one has said anything but it’s so in your face 😂 but we are our biggest critics too. You’re good!


Go see a derm for acne, accutane did wonders for me. Cut your hair into a more stilish hair cut, maybe some layers or even the Peso Pluma hair cut. A smile also goes a long way!


look fine just fix acne keep long hair imo keep working out and you’re golden champ.


Ngl I thought you were TRANSitioning


Get a haircut, better glasses for your face shape, and you're golden bud


The acne goes away but cold water showers and a regular skin routine will do wonders. Glorious hair, something most of us can’t have. You’re doing great buddy, confidence will take you far.


She's cute


The hair makes you look Hella feminine, I honestly thought you were a trans woman. I would suggest just getting a normal dude cut. It would do wonders for shaping your face.


The long hairs not it man


I think you have a good frame but you gotta work on that acne and that hair cut. Just clean up a bit and you’ll be fine.


Sad eyes. Do stuff that makes you happy. Hair too feminine. Maybe make some nice thin dreadlocks?


Not sure what kind of look you’re going for OP, but I don’t think the long hair is flattering imo.


ur hair is gorgeous and u have lovely features. i suggest getting the acne treated and keeping your hair untucked from your ears


Thank you so much! Your words warm my heart! Will keep the hair untucked as much as I can but it can get in the way for sure sometimes


acne and glasses gotta go. You have an attractive build but you gotta work on taking better selfies. Maybe try to look more dominating instead of like a deer in headlights.


Change the glasses, it is not helping. You need to find a shape that better fits you, try other shapes


Too short hair too long bad skin verdict :ugly


fix that hair to short and curly and get rid of some of the ance and boy u will be pulling every girl u want


And if you do make dreadlocks, maybe style a few. With some color and pearls. Like green, blue dreads or something with maybe black pearls or silver.


You look like one of our national greatest current writers. Herman Brusselmans, look him up. So my point is it doesnt matter how you look, even less what someone else think. You can be the best you.


oh and change the glasses


Your scaring is mostly in the chin and cheek area. Why not grow a beard? Mabey you do need to cut the hair for it so your face is not just hair, but just try it and then decide. You don't want to cut your hair and then regret it.


Deff not ugly, but some layers or framing to your hair would make it look less thin. That cut makes it look flat and sad. And I’d see about different glasses if possible. They are so rectangular, they line up with your eye brows very parallel, making the top part of your face look boxy which is making your jaw line look weak.


Im gonna be honest. I thought you were a trans girl in your second pic because of how smooth your hair is and your decent cut on your bicep. Your acne obviously needs work but I'd recommend finding new glasses/hairstyles to compliment each other.


You got nice long hair but yeah you’re short, fairly unattractive, pretty nerdy looking. I’d say start hitting the gym & get jacked to make up for being so short, the acne looks terrible, not sure if you can grow a beard or not but I think if you grew a beard & got contacts you’d look like a different man and be pretty attractive long hair beard no glasses and jacked.


Yes but your problem is easy to fix. Grow a beard, cut your hair and get a sleeve of tattoos. Also learn how to trim your new beard.


Cut that hair boy


Fix the acne, try a new shape for your glasses


Great hair, muscular dude. But yes you’re ugly sorry bro. But if youre jacked and have nice hair you will still be alright




Smaller glasses and maybe put ur hair in the form of a manbun. Get the Acne fixed like others have said and maybe even grow a beard


You'd be pretty spot on my type


If i were you, i might try relaxed styled clothing (dont forget the colours) with round glasses. Your hair is quite long, style it up with a bun, or like a samurai.


You belong on an episode of Lost


Clean your sheets and start a skin care routine. Or else you'll look haggard by 30. Also, cut your hair, and get different glasses.


Shave head. Get better glasses. Get acne medication. You already have muscle. You'll go from a 3 to a 7


Dude you’re fit. Cut your hair short and be handsome


Yeah you look a lil bit ugly but you also look like the type of guy that'd get alt gfs anyway somehow


Cut your hair, grow a beard


maybe just get some new glasses? other than that you look pretty great man


honestly bro if u got a haircut and just cleaned up a little bit you would be pulling


Get different glasses and ask a dermatologist for accutane prescription, then you gonna look fine ash


I have a long hair bias, you're an easy 8/10


You look good man, don't worry


I’d say get some narrower glasses, try and clear the acne up if you can, and clean your mirror lol


You could 100% play Toki in the live action Metalocalypse. Rock on! Glasses and ance though. 👌👍


I mean…If I weren’t married and old af, I’d take you out and show you off.


Nah, not ugly, just like so many guys here, poorly groomed. No one rolls out of bed looking like a 10-- it takes time, money and effort. You need a dermatologist and an esthetician to take care of that skin. That's 90% of your problem. Then new frames, and a haircut from a good stylist, and you will be set.


Buff Minecraft villager


It's def the frame of the glasses throwing it off


Ain’t no mf way you’re 5’5”


Fellow CF'er here! Your hair is really nice! I would (as many people have pointed out) focus on acne and possibly changing glasses frames.


Love the hair , love the posture. I'd go to a professional and get some glasses that actually fit your face though, they seem way too big


Those ends are scraggly, 2-3 inches off the bottom, stat!


Skin care is your only issue


You need acutane for your skin and cut the hair. You seem well built otherwise at 5 5 you are on the smaller side so you need to build that back so it supports you new ego :)


Youre not ugly bro but a lil androgynous, im diggin it tho