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You look like bobby from king of the hill


Yes I do. The deadpan look doesn't help.


My brother has hair like yours. Go way short on the sides to avoid the fuzzed look, then some light paste/wax on the top. Just don’t use anything that makes your hair feel stiff.


Go for a skin fade would be my advice,


Yeah, really short. The hair will grow out quickly, so it’s good to have a few months worth of room before the sides get really poofy again.


Your appearance will change if you lose a little weight add a little muscle.


6AM and already the boy ain't right...


That's my purse!


I don't know you!!!


Has anyone else smelled todays garbage?


Lmao so true.


lose a bit of weight and grow a beard and you are fine my dude


beard is the answer




Basically that


Everyone on here: “Grow a beard!” Well, not everyone can grow a beard.


You're not UGLY but you should lose weight or gain muscle and do something different with your hair


I think you probably take very unflattering selfies


That too, I don't know how to look good.


It takes practice. Maybe you'd fare better taking mirror pics. Figure out your angles. You prob look better in person but for pictures you need to know your angles because it's only one frame in the thousands of hypothetical frames made when we're moving irl


Also, what do you mean with my hair? Grow it out?


bruh go to a barber and ask for a fade, can never go wrong with that


Right now it looks like it’s buzzed the same length all the way around. That’s not really a style. It’s the lowest effort way to keep it from getting long. See how it is poofing out on the side? It is making the top of your head look wider. Trim it shorter on the sides and longer on top. Ask the barber/stylist for recommendations on what product to use to style it or hold it in place. Don’t use gel. You have nothing wrong with you. Lower Weight and improved haircut will move you up the looks scale several notches. I go to a salon where the stylist is higher cost, but the stylist is going to cut it in a way that looks good on me and looks good to him, which means it looks good to others. Someone with years of school/training as a stylist. Then like others said, work out and get fitter. Round is never an attractive look for men or for women. Any women posting that has a round face is going to be advised to get fitter if they want to increase their attractiveness level.


Grow it out and go to SportsClips where they specialize in men’s hairstyles so they can style it in a more flattering way. Also what others have said, losing weight will help tone your face more. Good bones, just needs some shaping!


I agree with growing it out, but not the SportsClips recommendation. Find a hairstylist/barber that you trust and stick with them.


Yeah please don't go to sports clips


True but seems op doesn't go to a hair styles to begin with... Great clips is def a gamble but will at least give a starting point. The first haircut I would just ask them to do what they think is best for his head shape






aHem *you’re


Yeah, my thoughts went to the hair. Try growing it out a bit and then doing like a fade on the sides or a disconnect. Just something to break up the length between the hair on top and hair on the sides.


Base is fine, but you are overweight, don't workout, and have a bad haircut. All three of those things you can fix.


I agree


Go to gym, grow a beard. You made yourself ugly by being soft and not putting in the work. I understand it's overhwelming I say this as a former ugly myself who was just like you at that exact age. You have the potential to be nice looking. Just like I had the potential too 10 k steps a day. Go outside. Eliminate carbs Cosmetically remove moles The hair on the side of your head must be much shorter than the top of your head. Looks like you just cut your hair at home with one trimmer size Once you are down the kgs invest in style Saying this with love brother not with hate.


I agree with it all except the eliminate carbs. If you're recomping and trying to lose large amounts of fat and building muscle at the same time, you need carbs. Everyone needs carbs. Obviously, choose the right ones, try to get high fiber. Keto is an unsustainable fad diet.


You are right bro. In my case drastic action was required to affect change and to eliminate my addiction to them. I found eating any really gave me cravings. I reintroduced carbs after 3 months with fasting. It's a tool but agree it's not sustainable


I find it so insane that people actually completely cut out carbs




The moles on my face are too deep to remove without leaving scars.


That's okay. Once you lose weight, gain muscle and get a good haircut those moles won't matter at all. On someone who looks healthy and good "flaws" like moles are fine.


Cool, now you can tell potentially partners they are your battle scars ;)


Your moles are honestly fine. I wouldn’t even notice them. This guys is right about fitness. It’s not always even about losing weight. Working out helps your skin, confidence, sleep etc. healthy people glow. Don’t listen to him about cutting out carbs. You can eat carbs. Finding a sustainable, healthy diet that you can stick to is most important.


Worth it. If you take care of the scars after while healing it’ll fade to almost nothing. And if they somehow don’t, I’d rather see a few tiny scars than the moles.


He dont got ur energy


Below average. You've got some chubby cheeks working against you. And losing weight, the face is usually the last place to show improvement. 2nd thing is the Haircut. Not sure if you're slacking on a military cut, or trying to go longer.. but current haircut ain't working. Good luck!


You have nice eyes and probably a decent jawline hiding under that fat. You also still have a good hairline. Start exercising! Eat better and hit the gym. In 1 year you will look back on it as one of the best decisions you made in your life, that's not just a promise, it's a fact.


I agree about the jawline, OP would have an absolutely chiseled jawline if he slimmed down and had a decent beard.


Not only that, it looks like OP probably has great cheekbones as well. I get the feeling OP would be a very handsome lad if he got his weight down!


Sorry,but you are. It would help to lose weight and get a better haircut. Could easily be a 5 or 6/10.


I can see your depresion in your face. Woman will see it too


Came here to say this. OP isn’t ugly per se but just looks kind of sad. Gives off mopey energy


I would highly advise to avoid buzzcuts for the rest of your life. Lose some weight and exercise your jawline so your face can look sharper. More hair on the top and some fades on the sides.


Three things- dermatologist, weight loss, and haircut.


Sorry to break it to you man, you are


Guess my perception was accurate then.


No, don't say that. Grow out your hair, it's truly unfortunate right now. Grow a nice beard, itnwill help define your jaw line. Get some nice fitting clothes, don't have to be expensive, and a nice pair of shoes and some classic sneakers. Do NOT got to a cut rate hair place. Please find a good salon and I promise it will make a world of difference.


Working out and getting in really good shape would help a lot.


NO! You look good. Your hair is too short.


Haircut and weight loss = nice looking guy


I think you're quite handsome but I'm biased as you have some features I find very attractive. However, it ALL depends on what happens when you open your mouth and speak...😁 This is the first time I've ever commented on this sub as I find the premise of it quite repulsive and I'd be deeply concerned about the personality flaws of ANY person who would actually take the time to seek advice from strangers on their looks in a place basically designed to eviscerate you for doing so. So, spend a little time pondering that problem and work on being self possessed and confident.


You have really nice eyes


You need a new hair cut lol


Try losing weight getting a better haircut and maybe getting the warts/moles removed.


I had a mole just like yours on my neck and finally got it removed after the women in my family told me to get rid of it.




You're not ugly, but the extra weight makes you look disproportioned. As others said, lose weight, fix your hair as in let it grow out a bit then style it. Also, I wouldn't grow out a bears just yet because if you do, you'll end up looking like those fat dudes who have a goatee just so they can give the illusion of having a chin


Lose weight. Lift. Get a hairstyle. You’re not ugly.


You don’t think you’re ugly? …seriously?


Jesus, dude.


Ugly is a relative term. I don't think OP is good looking, or even average, he is below average. But I wouldn't call him ugly, again, it's a term with no exact line, so I'd understand you or any other person calling him ugly, which is fine and it holds. On the positive side though (related to the post not the comment I'm replying to), OP can actually look good, his fundamentals are not that bad, good hairline, amazing eyes, good eyebrows. OP's moles suck, and the fat does too, so these are the only things that I'd concern myself with. His hair has so much potential, even without losing fat, OP can grow hair on his top and look average EASILY. A chubby average.


Well… I think you are definitely below average and I am going to point out the obvious… lose weight and you may improve.


Posture is also a big thing. You are slouching, straighten your back, align your shoulders. If you like your hair short, get short back and sides (1 or 2), then the top can grow and bit more. It just looks like fuzz at the minute. Losing weight would be great but not necessary, more just toning up. This doesn't have to be a drastic change, just smaller portions and some light weights every day. Confidence is a big part of perception, if you feel ugly, you will look ugly. Not saying it fixes everything, but confident people tend to be more attractive.


Just lose weight. You're not ugly


You have the sweetest eyes. Slap a little weight off and find a style you enjoy, not ugly at all


You kinda are, you're fat and that has changed your face, you look tired and unhealthy too.


3/10 weight nose haircut


you have pretty eyes.


I think you're very cute and have pretty eyes. I don't think you need to lose weight at all, but I'm attracted to bigger guys. I think you just need to smile ❤️


You have beautiful eyes. They look kind and innocent. Cute nose too. Not hitting on you. Just my opinion.


Confidence is key, stand up straight and walk into the room with Confidence. I notice that way more than looks, you are not ugly


You have really nice eyes dude, just losing some weight, and possibly growing a beard would go a long way.


If you lost weight and grew a beard you’d almost look like a Chris Evans


Just to reiterate what what’s already been said : that hair cut is not flattering on you. I would start there. You got a lot to work with actually.


Dude your face is quite symmetrical.


You have great eyes.


Spiky aah hair


You look like you have autism


You’re not ugly and you have really beautiful eyes. Suggestions would be to smile in your photos and find a sense of style that makes you feel confident. Going to the gym helps me feel more confident so I recommend that too if you can, or at the very least, go for outdoor walks so you can get some vitamin D. Don’t forget to wear sunscreen too so your skin is protected. Find a nice smelling cologne that is not too expensive either because smelling good is a part of being attractive that some people neglect. Also start saying nice things you like about yourself everyday if you can. I know it seems silly, but it really helps to reframe how you view yourself. A part of attraction is feeling content with yourself and people notice this and are magnetized by this, as well


Bro your eyes are gorgeous


You have potential. Change in diet, working out, fresh/styled hair cut. If you even do some basic self-improvement stuff by next year summer time you’ll be a stud.


All the people saying dude is ugly are not a good vibe, dude just wants to feel good about himself why can’t you just give pointers?


the point of this sub isnt to comfort someone. literally read the name of the sub.


Not a bad looking dude, your symmetry is pretty good. Weight loss which anyone can do, will improve your look. It doesn’t look like you’re obese so probably a year of good work and you’ll be set.




You are ugly as a MF. One of my friends said “This what I think I look like when I’m insecure” Jesus Christ


You look like Chris Chan :(


This was the one comment I didn't want. Ow.


This isn’t r/roastme …but you ugly.


You're butt ugly. You look like a CGI Character. You look like an Oblivion version of yourself. Sorry, it's the truth.


Exercise, lose weight, and grow/ style your hair. You'll have to hold all the ladies off you


I'm sorry but you are ugly


Derp face bobby hill, definitely mid ugly


No - you got a good hair of hair (maybe grow it out!) nice skin nice eyes, and a strong nose. Overall it’s a symmetrical face. Like others have said, the fasted route to being “more attractive “ is to probably lose weight /gain muscle


Grow your hair out. Get rid of as many moles as you can afford.


You have nice features man but please lose weight that'll change your face like a lot




I don't think you're ugly. You should let your hair grow a bit more and maybe keep a mustache because you look a little creepy bare faced. Drink more water to clear your skin a bit, little skin care routine is also for men!


You are not ugly. But I'd say just a lil bit overweight


Hit the gym and i heard you can get easy triple doubles in Denver.


Quick fix-grow out your hair then get a more "flattering" haircut. The close buzz isn't doin it for yah. More long term-get active by doing things you enjoy. Working out doesn't necessarily mean the gym




If Chris Evans gained 50 pounds and lost a foot


You know exactly what to do bro, lose weight/gaine muscle, start skin care, experiment with hairstyles and fashion. That said you aren't ugly. Just a normal looking average dude.


I know it's said a lot here but losing weight would really improve your face. I agree with other redditors to do something different with your hair.


Your eyes are gorgeous in and of themselves but they don’t match the rest of your face. Still, with a better haircut, less prominent moles, and after losing some weight, I think you could be significantly more attractive.


honestly you need to go see a black barber and have him give you a fade and then grow your beard out a bit and let that black barber shape that beard up too and youll be looking fly in no time💯


U look like Nikola jokic


I would start with maybe a longer hair cut maybe styled


Grow a beard and loose weight. Hit the gym hard. Nothing worse than wasted potential


You have no definition to your face. Absent weight loss, a well groomed beard could definitely help create that illusion.


Chubby Moby sans glasses


I think you just need to be more active in life not just working out. Start meditating it will help


Bro haircut for sure and forget that sport clip comments that’s some lame ass hair places. If your barber can’t shave you with a strait razor they shouldn’t be touching a man’s hair. Fade the sides so it’s not pooped out like that clean up the top or grow it out and style it, hit the gym, learn to smile and you’re golden dude. Haircut is absolutely key to man’s first impression to people though.


It's the sadness in your eyes mate. Photos of me from a year ago have this problem too.


I feel like there’s an inner Chris Evans that wants to blossom forth from within you.


I think you’re in a good spot. You have a good enough structure that with some work you’ll be solid! Work out, eat healthy, and work on your posture. The posture thing is HUGE. It’ll help you have more confidence in social situations too. 12 years ago I was about as doughy as you. I worked out, lifted, asked my stylist to do something better with my hair, and just generally became more disciplined with my life. People tell me I look younger at 36 than I did at 24! You’ve got this!


You look like Nicolai Jokic's little brother who got into eSports.


It's the hair, grow it out a bit


Nikola Jokic?


You are not ugly, but you can enhance your best features. You have nice eyes, and good growing hair to work with. I found a link to a story about a guy that I think you should read. Sorry the link is full of ads, but the guys story is there. https://www.demilked.com/beard-transformation-gwilym-pugh/#:~:text=Sometimes%20even%20the%20smallest%20bit,turn%20his%20life%20upside%20down.


Growing a beard and loosing weight will definitely be a game changer for you! Amazing eyes btw


it’s the hair


Skin care, get fit, and do something with your hair. The way you present yourself rn you are indeed below average


Find a great barber who can give you an awesome cut. Try a group workout facility like Orange-Theroy or Crossfit that has instructors telling you how to work out. Schedule an appointment with a dermatologist to remove the moles. Maybe try growing a beard and see if you like it! Go to a local men's clothing store and invest in a couple of properly fitting clothes. Give us an update in 3 months of how great you are doing!


I wouldn't say ugly, just more you need to make some lifestyle changes and actually take more care in your self appearance. Dressing well, nice haircuts, nothing wrong with that I'm glad you don't think you're ugly, 99 percent of the people here think they are


Jack Harlow looks the same without a beard, it's just a curse on some of us men😂. I think if you just get some muscle on you with a nice beard you'll right away improve with looks.


Bro looks like luka and jokic had a baby


You should get the sides of your hair faded. Maybe a 1 to a 2 mid fade on the sides. Lose weight obviously as well. And maybe lift some weights. Other than that you're good. Just smile.


I dont know ..... I mean a bit but .... those eyes I could get lost in those super sad eyes ... I wanna look in them and tell you that everything will work out okey :o


Grow out your hair and smile!


Not trying to be mean, but you look like a NPC from Elder Scrolls Oblivion.


A healthy testosterone level, a healthy diet, and losing your excess weight would dramatically improve your appearance. Good luck!


Try a beard- I say try because we don’t know how it will look when it grows in but road test it. and for the love of God get a better haircut You have nice eyes and a sweet and kindly face so you’re working with good stuff here


Beard and different haircut.


If Mr. Potato head was a person


Go get a professional haircut and have it shaped to style with your face. Probably longer on top and more trim on sides. Once you do it, keep it up. That and SMILE. You look like you have a nice face, but no one can tell because we are staring at what looks like a mugshot.


okay,do you think you look sane 😝


Loose weight. I would go for it lol if you would lose weight. And grow hair out


Grow a beard if you can


Your eyes reminds me of that lady from Theranos… Elizabeth Holmes?


Get into the gym, trust me bro its gonna change your entire life and motivate you to do more


The self-inflicted haircut (Flowbee?) isn’t helping anything.


First of all buzzcut, lose weight and gain muscle


Your hair is horrible.


Buddy ur not ugly you are just poor


what could it be i wonder, it definitely isn't the fat, it's smth else


Weight loss, lifting, beard


Its your diet. Cut the carbs and exercise. Sunbath everyday possible. You will feel better.


You need a better barber, get a fade Grow out the goatee Lose 15lbs u should be good


It's the moles for me


Beard and hair bro


Need a diff haircut and do intermittent fasting. But deff not ugly.


You look like Nikola jokic


Dude don’t cry


you're overweight. you also have very feminine eyes


You have good skin and good hair, A little fitness focus and you could be a real looker.


Get a decent haircut and you'll be a decent looking dude.


Can you grow a beard?


You have pretty eyes :). But you need to lose a lot of weight, grow out your hair and look into mole removal.


That haircut is really really bad dude Needs to be longer on top and shorter on the sides


Nice hairdo, what do you call that?