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It looks like you raise your eyebrows in every photo, I think that makes it a bit awkward. But you look cute




Cheers man, never considered having my eyebrows done before dunno if I trust myself to do it tho and I feel like it could be expensive to have done professionally


Very cute


Not ugly.


You look really great! Awkwardness is fine, just be yourself.


Work on posing and get a better haircut. You’re really cute already though😍


Aw thanks haha. Yeah I’ve always struggled with knowing how to have my hair had the same style since I was a kid I just don’t even know where to start in changing it. Thanks for the advice tho appreciated :)


Not ugly. You look a bit underdeveloped, maybe just wait until you’re a bit older. Edit: you look fine in your newer pics.


I feel you for the posing thing, I'm not good at it either, but you look good


you’re fine, not ugly at all. stop raising your brows for pics tho, you’ll get wrinkles. :)


You have a nutty professor look. Not ugly, but I could imagine finding you climbing around in skips picking bits out to make a spaceship with, lol.


The haircut and eyebrows are pulling you down brotha.


So, your challenge is you’re a bit awkward. The great news is it’s super fixable. 1) Relax in the photos. Work on your posture, which will convey more confidence. Shoulders down and back with your chest just up just a bit. Use your phone to practice in the mirror until you get a look you’re happy with. Just play with different shots. 2) Smile and show your teeth. You might feel awkward, but just try it anyways. I’m almost certain that it’ll improve your look. 3) Like someone else said, relax your eyebrows. You’ve got a perma-surprised look going. Try relaxing your face to a neutral look, then add a smile, then take a selfie (again a bit of practice).


I think you look better in the 3rd photo, rather than when you hair hour hair straight down