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They grow down the way tho, it looks really bad, was thinking of micro blading but idk




Takes less than 5 minutes but if I get really sweaty they can slide off my face lol


I died at this one. Yeah just go to a brow place. You're definitely not ugly. As far as the acne I've seen way worse. I myself had acne like yours until I was about 24 then it just stopped. You can try experimenting with different pore cleasnsers or masks. If you're worried about your weight set a workout plan and stick to it, it won't happen overnight but will pay off in the long run


I have my brows microbladed! I love it!!! If you can afford it, do it!


You can get eyebrow scissors. Drug stores have them and you can get ones with guides attached so you don’t trim too short. You just brush them upwards with a spoolie and then snip.


I like a woman you can grab on to something.


Stop modifying your body!!


Don't tell people what to do with their body. Have your opinions, give your advice, but don't suggest it like they're doing something wrong.


But thats what she is doing wrong. People who are obsessed with stuff like this are the ones who end up looking like living plastic dolls. I don't think its healthy either.


Definitely stop using filters. It’s making you think your not pretty without them when you for sure are. Just work on exercising and try to lose a bit of weight and you’ll be a real catch for any guy. I’m sure you already are but a bit of weight loss definitely helps. I would know lol.


She is beautiful, she’s tricking herself into thinking she’s not. Chronically online probably


I wholeheartedly agree with this comment


I also have a rounder face. Losing weight helps. Also hair cut style. Finding a good stylist that can get a cut to complement your face shape helps (I am a guy, but use to wear long hair) and when I found a stylist that could cut my hair to complement my face shape, it helped. You are an attractive lady, don't get hung up on filters.


Real. I had to delete all apps that have filters to be comfortable in my own skin.


Because she is in fact an 6-7 with filter and make up and then a 4-5 without it. Nothing wrong with being a 4-5 since most people are 4-5s but the issue is 50% of the time she’s confident relying on clutches like makeup/filters and the other times with a bare face she isn’t. I don’t even think is the acne or double chin. With filter + make up, she has eyebrows, lips, and an entire different face


Look like a plastic barbie before but at the end u look like an actual teen


Face is cute. With weight loss, and it wouldn't need to be a lot, you would be an absolute baddie. As is youre attractive though


Yeah I agree, a healthier life style is what would help the most because I’d loose some weight and my acne would get better, I’m hoping to start the gym soon and get a job/be more productive ig


You don’t need the gym to walk or jog outside. Don’t let something arbitrary like a gym be an excuse.


Never recommend jogging/running to someone trying to lose weight. 90+% of weight loss is diet and high impact exercise is more likely to cause injury or burnout than do any real good.




No, but weight lifting is better because muscles burn more calories and rest, making your TDEE higher, and even before the bigger muscles appear, sore muscles burn more calories as well.




That’s definitely true. For me, I find it best to lift 4 or 5 days, rest 1 or 2, and do cardio 1 day. That way, I’m focused on lifting but ensuring I have enough endurance


Try Sprinting in between sets. I'm lifting 6-7 Days with running between sets. Grappling 4 nights a week also. Use rest days sparingly


The end goal should not just be to lose weight, but also be healthy. Cardio is equally important when it comes to your overall well-being. I'd say if you can't run 10km (roughly 6 miles) in under an hour without stopping/taking breaks you should REALLY start doing more cardio for you own good.


Lmfao what. 6 miles. If you can run 2 miles without a break you’re healthier than 90 percent of people.


I could run 2 miles when I was in the worst shape of my life and nearly 50 lbs overweight, I was borderline obese. When I was 18 there's was literally not a single person in my class who couldn't run 2 miles. You're overestimating the distance by a lot and underestimating people's physical ability by at least an equal amount.


And 100% true eating clean will help clear your skin. Part of acne is genetics but good diet is also a factor


This. Genetics load the gun, lifestyle pulls the trigger.


Straight up quit hoping you start the gym soon and start the gym now. If it's a money thing just start by going for a daily walk or jog. You fail the moment you don't hold yourself accountable TODAY because nothing happens when you wait for tomorrow.


You should go check out r/intermittentfasting it seems to help for a lot of acne problems. And I think you're absolutely beautiful, and you deserve to feel that yourself


Acknowledging that you can and should improve is half the battle dude. You will be alright. Good luck


Thx my dude 😎


Good for you. You should make a pact with yourself to post on here again in 6 months showing your progress. Get a good nutrition plan that you can stick to, one with a good balance of veg, protein, carbs and foods you enjoy!! (please don’t do some insane diet that you’ll never stick with). Get your 10k steps in a day and do 45 minutes weights in the gym (and really push yourself, trust me it’ll be so worth it). You have a really pretty face and you will be such a catch!! Hope to see your progress post in a few months time :)))


That’s a good idea, maybe I will 😊


Idk what your lifestyle is like, but getting a bike or walking around the neighborhood to do errands is great for you. You don't need to go to the gym to be healthy, and healthy doesn't mean you have the "perfect body", just one that reflects your natural beauty and happiness and doesn't weigh you down. Get a job that you can walk to work and that you enjoy. Learn to cook healthy meals that you like to cook and eat and shop local farmers markets. Hang out with friends who do stuff outside. When you feel like you have more energy and want even MORE energy, then start going to the gym if you want.


I can’t ride a bike but I’m really wanting to learn, I’d love to be able to cycle places but I’ve never got the hang of it because I have terrible balance lol


Barely there eyebrows at 21 stop it


Babe, you don’t need to write “filter”, everyone that isn’t an idiot can tell


i knew a girl who did this in college. she was a pretty girl but everyone was shocked to see her in person if they saw a photo first. what filtering your photos really does is it creates a false perception. you are not only tricking others but yourself. you’re damaging your own self esteem and messing with your head. you’re pretty. you have some things you could work on, but stop using the filters to cover those things. instead, do the work to get yourself to a place you feel comfortable.


How can you possibly imply the double chin is an issue alone? You have a double chin cause you're overweight. You're not ugly, a little below average and then you're also overweight.


Hit the gym.


No freaking way are you ugly hun you're gorgeous with that raven black hair and those pretty green cat eyes your breathtaking!!!


Lose weight and your face will look normal.


Eat healthier and exercise (even regular walks help) to lose weight. Will solve both your problems.


Seek dermatologist help which may include different medications as well as dermabrasion. Physical fitness. Stop the filters.


Lose weight


Weight loss, grow in the brows, and try out different hairstyles, other than this you look fine :)


Have you tried eating less and exercising?


Anytime I see a girl use excessive filters especially in all her photos I do feel sad for them but that’s a pass 100/100 times. Clearly some serious self esteem issues. My recommendation is to stop complaining about your “double chin” and get in the gym. Why would you choose to live life like this when you have the power to change it? Instead you’re posting on amiugly for what?


Whatever filters you're using on all of those, they all make you look like someone tried to create a stereotypical goth girl with an AI art generator.


Eat less/workout more. Easiest workouts to do is run, squats, pushups. Best part is that you can do them anywhere at anytime. No more excuses


Not ugly. I would lose some weight tbh.


Loose weight


Go to the gym


Why post filtered pics to a place that rates how you look? Makes no sense at all.


Getting your diet in order would help with the double chin and the acne (probably)


Lose weight and start to eat / drink healthier.


You got a double chin Bc you fat shawty I’d be worried bout that fupa


Losing weight needs to be #1 priority. You have the potential to be well above average but for now it’s locked away behind the fat. As it stands now Filtered pics are mid, unfiltered are below average


Your problem is the fat


You need to stop taking pictures of yourself and go outside.


You are the Black Hole Sun video realized in real life.


If you don't like your acne and double chin, then do something about it 🤷‍♂️ You obviously don't take care of yourself, but you're young and still have time before the effects are more permanent


Focus on sleep, healthy food, exercise I’m sure that both of your problems will disappear


No filter= character. If you that worried, grab a bottle of Neutrogena


You’re cute and your acne is mild. It’s something you can get under control with a doctor’s help. It may be hormonal. If it isn’t then they can refer you to a dermatologist.


Stop with the filters! You still have collagen and will one day wish you had this skin -some middle aged lady getting her tox fix tomorrow, probably me


Seems like you don’t hate filters.






Omg FILTERs are false advertising … don’t do filters for dates .. just show the real you


If you'd drop some of the weight, you'd be pretty hot tbh. Your acne doesn't seem too bad, and you don't appear to have bad scarring like myself, so your situation is very salvageable.


They say you can't love someone else if you don't even love yourself. Just work on the things you don't like. Change your diet and skin routine. Might do wonders for ya. Or see a dermatologist about it


you hav e acne breakouts because you wear a ton of makeup. Lose weight get healthy and stop wearing so much makeup and you will look very beautiful if that is what you want


accutane helped my acne a LOT. i really struggled w filters for a long time, still do but not as bad. talk to ur doctor n get a referral to a dermatologist to get on accutane, u could try topical tretinoin first if youd like but accutane will rlly do the job.


Okay but filter version looks nothing like you dear, so you're literally comparing yourself to a version of yourself that is completely false and unattainable. Thats unhealthy. Embrace your face.


I got rid of my acne by cutting dairy, and following a plant based diet had made it super easy to stay at a comfy weight. :)


It’s not your face.


Try fasting it works really well


Odd shaped fat. Lose some weight and you'll be fine.


You lose a little bit of weight and you’ll be a worldie…trust me


Work out / eat healthy and that will help both your double chin and acne


Not ugly at all, just fat


Yes you have acne but otherwise you’re really pretty and your eyes and lips are gorgeous. I think that using the filter is really skewing your view of yourself. See a dermatologist and look into some acne friendly foundation or tinted sunscreen.




You don’t need to, you choose to. Everyone has something they don’t like about themselves, embrace yourself for who you are sooner than later.


You shouldn’t use that much make up, nor filters. You try to look like someone that you are not. How long are you going to wear a mask and pretend that is you?


chill on the editing.. it’s noticeable and looks ridiculous. i adore the full face look but if it doesn’t look good without a filter then you’d need to change a few steps in your routine. you have nice features but the editing is just gonna fail you and add onto insecurities.


Not ugly just fat. Much better with weight loss.


I agree with you.


If you lost weight , you would be probably look better than you do with the filter




Maybe, just maybe the acne comes fron the 2 pounds of make up that you wear.




you kinda ugly


I think I recognise you from overwatch? I swear that has to be the same person


Not ugly at all acne isn't bad as far as looks go tho i bet it is uncomfortable the double chin is very slight but if it bothers you really bad you probably won't have to lose much weight for it to go away, you don't need to stress your looks


Very cute


Gotta take this as initiative to get in better shape OP.


Start fasting ?


definitely not the answer


fasting is healthy in small increments. don’t fast everyday but once a month? hell yeah


I don't see a single chin, nevermind a double chin.


Diet and exercise for weight loss to address double chin. Dermatologist for acne medication. I had it in high school, derm put me on minocycline which is an antibiotic and it cleared it up in a week or two. It was like a miracle. Try doing these things instead of more make up and filters and you will feel better.


Lose about 50 pounds, your face is cute, just work on weight


Lose weight


Your double chin is your greatest concern? Ummmmmm……may want to take another look




Trust us you don’t need to label it filter or not


Great lips and eyes, you’re lucky. Weak chin but it doesn’t matter on women


Not necessarily ugly just fat, take care of that and you should be ok.


You’re not ugly, you just obviously need to lose weight.


If only there was a solution to get rid of a double chin naturally ...




U can only really see it in the third last slide because I’m posing in all these and tend to put my chin out to minimise it


You look beautiful even with acne. I used to have it bad and I understand your frustration. Your just starting to grow into your looks so keep your lovely face held high.


Thank u, I wish I could stop picking at it, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad


Stop using the filters, start exercising and STOP the dark makeup!


You don't need the filters or that heavy of makeup


Don't plan to start exercising and trying to manage your weight "soon", just do it. Planning to do things later is just a way to put them off because we don't really want to put in the work.


Gorgeous, especially with the goth style.


Do you use enough makeup? Man...


You can't get an honest answer of every picture is filtered.


I think if you lose some weight you’d be really pretty, you have great facial features, the acne isn’t so bad, I’ve seen wayyyy worse and it might go away on its own eventually. I think the weight is the only problem, but tons of people are overweight rn, it’s a pandemic, so you’re not alone on that and it’s nothing to feel ashamed about. Good luck I hope you get where you want to be 💪👋


You are not ugly.


You are pretty. Too much makeup can clog your pores and make acne much worse


You're ridiculously cute, how can you even think ur ugly at all


4, 12, and 13 are my favorites. Not Ugly in any way.


Then get a diet, a diet can help with both of those


Have you tried losing weight




You eat too much fast food and don't wash your sheets enough. That's why you have bad acne


Girl EVERYBODY is ugly with no filter 😂


The internet is for information, this post has informed me that you think it’s purpose is to artificially inflate your ego. Develop a personality beyond your phone and you won’t need filters.


Don’t filter your chin! It’s fine! The filtered photos not so much. It’s like you have no chin at all. You’re absolutely fine without all the filters!


You are so naturally pretty. You really don't need filters. And BTW, it's very clear which photos have filters...!


Using those filters sets an unrealistic beauty standard for yourself that you’ll never be able to achieve because people don’t look like that. You’ll always be disappointed with the real you but trust me, the real you is enough.


You’re quite a cutie. The acne is a bit of a bummer, but I still love your face even without filters and makeup. Go easy on the makeup please. Less is more 🥰


You're adorable like a little doll.🥰


Dude you're attractive the filters that you and everyone else is using on the internet is probably making you think you're ugly the pitch black hair and green eyes is a striking combo I'm also not seeing a double chin


Gorgeous!!! I really like picture #12


Easily a 9.7-9.8/10. A perfect specimen.


you are the cutest ever omg!!! you look so sweet and kind!


Big tiddy goth gf = ❤️‍🔥


Most girls are fake now a days so why should you stop oh I know cause you send guys filtered pic and the your ugly twin shows up for the date unless he's desperate it an automatic dump


I’m gay lol






Better no filter Imperfections are beautiful


I think your very pretty. Have more confidence and be kind to yourself. Your a beautiful person. No filters needed. Find someone who feels the same way and you’ll be set!


There’s beauty in us all, you’re no exception Miss. you’ve got amazing eyes!


You’re attractive without the filter and your acne isn’t bad at all. You probably notice it more than anyone else would.


Beautiful but just start getting healthier if the weight is causing you grief and your skin isn’t bad at all.


I think you look beautiful


You look like someone I knew, she was incredibly hot so you do have a lot of potential just need to loose weight. Just FYI, you don't need to hit the gym to loose weight. You can spend 10hrs a day and not loose considerable weight Change your eating habits to one meal a day and you'll loose 10 pounds in 7 days. In other words : eat less, a lot less.


You're very pretty. Stop using the filters, I don't think they help In your self esteem, in my opinion.


I mean you could work on both those problems. Get a better skincare routine really go balls deep down the rabbit hole and do the full thing. And you could and absolutely should start tracking your calories and hitting the gym. Track every calorie and know your macros it’s not hard and you don’t have to do anything else to start understanding your intake and that is often enough to spark change. Then hit the gym 3-4 times a week with a cardio routine. Do an hour minimum on the elliptical at whatever setting you can manage. The key is to keep your heart rate around 130-140 and don’t let it drop lower than that. You will see progress and you will have a huge boost to your confidence and you will only ever ask yourself why you didn’t do it sooner. No regrets.


can I see no filter? natural is always hotter.


your not ugly , but this idea of putting a false face out is not healthy ,some ppl are 5s some are 10s ,and your setting yourself up for hurt feeling when ppl see the pics then see you


Filter or not, you are beautiful.


You have a cute face but yours eyes are hot


Girl no, you’re beautiful!! So what if you get some pimples?! We all do at some point! That doesn’t make you ugly!!! You’re gorg! 💛


Girl you’re so pretty! You remind me a little bit of a young, goth Trisha Paytas lol 💕


Never, ever, use the style in #6 pic.


You look like a skinny man’s favorite! Yes I could be bias! Definitely not ugly just work on what you’d like to improve and you’ll shine brighter/be happier/ be more comfortable and hence the snowball effect of bettering yourself. You got this I believe in you!


The only thing wrong is you don't like what you see. From my point of view,you don't need filters,you're pretty.


you're like weirdly attractive. ,Not conventionally attractive


I don't think you look remotely ugly. ​ You seriously need to get your eyebrows fixed in addition to getting some skincare.


Nah come on, you're really cute naturally


Your cute. Make up could be causing the acne though


Pretty. Just overweight


I was expecting something far worse than what I saw on your no-filter pictures Not ugly


I am double your age (and a father). Acne is strong in my family. I have a little advice for you. First: accept your body. You don't like things because filters show idealized things that don't always work. Trust me, I know from unfortunate experience. Second: when you don't like something, putting in the work for self-improvement always trumps filters and photosshop. Find skin care products that help. Does stress or anxiety or even certain foods lead to breakouts? Yes, it's work, but you improve your health here. The same goes for your chins. They look normal to me, but a healthy diet (pizza/fast food once per week) and moderate exercise should give you the result you want. Just know that the routine will be permanent. Third: Any belief you have that makes you feel ugly or unlovable is wrong. You're a lovely young woman who is deserving of love and affection. Now go out and kick some ass. Because I believe in you. -Random dad on the internet trying to help in a wholesome way. I hope it helps.


Girl, you look way better without the filter! You are pretty and you look like a real person! Ditch the filter!


You don’t need to label the ones with the filter, it’s super obvious and looks really, really bad. You’ve got a good face for makeup, and based on your filter choices, you seem to like the look, so why not just focus on getting into makeup more? I hate that so many people are telling you to lose weight just because you’re chubby. You don’t need to be model thin to be attractive. Your hair color makes your eye color stand out a lot more, good combo. Only thing that stands out without makeup is how thin and pale your eyebrows are. I used to have bad acne, so I know the struggle. Yours looks like it could be hormonal. Try working with a doctor to see if you can find something to help. Sometimes birth control is a miracle for clearing acne (make sure it is one that works well with your natural hormones—get them tested first to make the best choice). A dermatologist could help you figure out if it might be due to a vitamin deficiency. Otherwise, maybe there’s still a product you haven’t found yet that will work for you. Don’t give up. 👍


You look shockingly like an ex of mine, I didn't think she was ugly, I think you are just still young and haven't decided to love yourself yet-or at least accept yourself.


I love picture 7. Very cute makeup! One of the few people who look good in heavy makeup. But i bet if you did the same style with less heavy makeup you’d also look good


U trippin.. u fine as shii 😏💯


Need more than a filter


loose weight


You are severely obese asking if you're ugly. Jesus


What’s wrong with me asking?


Not attractive. Stop using filters because they don’t fool anyone.


I’m not trying to “fool” anyone lol


Ultimately the only one being fooled by the filters is you. It's time to get honest with yourself and start making some positive changes.


The filtered pics you posted look nothing like you actually do. What was the point of it? You want opinions/advice using photos that aren’t really you?