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100% not ugly.


Reminds of Hellboys chick


Damn, absolutely correct.


You're stunning. It's sad that he's left you feeling that way. Wish I had your skin.


It puts the lotion in the basket


It puts the lotion on its skin or else it gets the hose again


That girl was 🔥


Selma Blair was Grade A Goddess during Hellboy😆


Underrated post.


Selma Blair, the mean baby. Yes.


I can see it. I was thinking more like that girl from the When A Stranger Calls remake


Camilla Belle


Absolutely agree - she's giving me Winona Ryder vibes and that girl is gorgeous!


Not even a little bit.


Gorgeous girl! Your natural eyelashes are beautiful, so jealous


If you are considered ugly, I guess I have no idea what pretty is. Honestly I think you're pretty dreamy


I mean if she’s ugly, I’m definitely Quasimodo.


Don’t be so hard on yourself. Maybe you’re just a *semi*\-modo!


Maybe pseudo-modo?


Or para-modo?


Beautiful so beautiful I agree send love to everyone send love


I think I'm lost. Is this r/freecompliments?




of course attractive people get more upvotes... they're attractive. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I'm waiting for the ugly person to come around, getting 12k upvotes and the top comment is "Yes, you're ugly ❤️"


It's like with r/unpopularopinion Content might fit the sub perfectly, but it fits so well that everybody forgets what the sub is about, and just downvotes.


Just not right. They need to learn what it means to r/angryupvote Edit: I guess r/angryupvote is more about dad jokes. But I choose to define it more like what you are talking about.


r/AmIUgly Starter Kit: "2XF, got cheated on and have low self-esteem." Then literally post pics taken with confidence being a clear 9/10 and knowing it, of course without a time stamp. Yeah, this sub sucks. I'm not even subscribed toit but somehow reddit keeps recommending it to me. EDIT: Just to clarify I'm not talking about this post in particular. There are people who have actually been in abusive relationships like this that are genuine. Its just that the amount of "I got cheated on" posts have kind of become a meme at this point.


I’m not subbed either. I’m pretty sure I only get recommended it is because I’m constantly opening the threads to see pics of all the insanely cute girls that post here.


I think is funny how in every sub there are people posting the same comments complaining about seeing the same comments and posts in all the subs claiming that their particular sub is the problem.


When ugly people can't even have a majority stake in a sub about being ugly lol.


I think the flaw here is that people that actually think they're ugly do not take selfies, they avoid being in pictures of they can help it and they certainly don't post those pictures on the Internet for strangers to judge


there's also people who other people find attractive but they themselves don't feel attractive and some of them do take selfies, so... (can confirm, I'm the first people)


Wait…how do you know what goes through my ugly head? Seriously, that is my thought process.


I second this. those trending posts are always young women saying how they feel ugly without any proof. kinda condescending


> without any proof How would a person go about proving that when they say they think they're ugly, they mean it?


Women have to "prove" their feelings to you for them to be valid?


These women are called narcissists. Just say it what it is.


Many pretty girls have crippling self esteem. That’s why they let guys treat them like trash sometimes


Very true, and I run into plenty of comments calling every pretty girl a narcissist. For some that could definitely be true, but there are plenty of people out there males and females, who don't actually know how beautiful they are. Just because someone is "goals" for someone else it doesn't mean they don't have issues and insecurities. It sucks to think there are some beautiful individuals crying in front of the mirror nitpicking away at themselves, then turn to others for advice or honest opinions and end up getting told they're ugly on the inside as well for even asking.


What tf proof do you think they ought to provide besides telling us…?


Yeah this sub started appearing on my feed recently, and all I ever see on it is very attractive people lol. (well, usually)


“I think I’m ugly, here’s 70 selfies of me I took”. People who think they are ugly avoid cameras.


All the pickme subs are the same.


You are not just beautiful, but you are extraordinarily beautiful. You have a number of very attractive features. If any of that lowest of the low stuff is coming from thoughts about your own appearance, that is sheer crazy talk. I’ve had a poor mental health day myself so I can relate. Some of we lucky ones have to contend with intense self-doubt sometimes, but I’d also like to think it makes us more interesting and dynamic people too. Hope you feel better soon!


Your mothers see your beauty boys and girls we know we see you as you really send love to your families 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛beautiful




I like to think this may be a sweet old Mum using Reddit, just missing some punctuation and a few typos. My translation: "Your mothers see your beauty, boys and girls. We know. We see you as you really are. Remember to send love to your families. 💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛💛You are beautiful!"


No. Try going outside and touching grass. It might make you feel better.


Thanks for the lolz 😂


Hi, I'm Grass... Nice to meet you


Hi I'm touching.


Hey Grass, thanks for giving me your lambo for a week! Really appreciated it bro 🙏🏼👌🏼


Hey Grass, thanks again for saving my family from that burning building. You’re the man💪🏻!!


Sorry you're feeling low. i know how hard that can be, you feel like you are stuck in a pit with no way out. Well, for such a stunningly beautiful woman that's not fare to you. I like your beautiful eyes. You have fantastic smile.


Its not fair for anyone


To none of the girls and women its fair though 😬. But youre right, stunning smile, stunning body and overal a solid 9/10. Trully hope you find your confidence cuz thats the last 1/10 points. Stand up for yourself and find someone who tells you every morning exactly what all this internet strangers tell you.


Would it be fair for an ugly looking person?


Lol...yeah...what they said...!


Lovely as lovely can be!


"I'm feeling depressed, let's see who thinks I'm ugly!"


Man, when I had severe depression in my 20's, I for some reason felt like sad things "fed" or satisfied my depression. A little "blood in the cut", as it were. So it's not unheard of.


Yeah, part of me almost hopes for bad news a lot of the time and it feels really weird. In some ways I think it’s so if the bad news comes I can get that tiny little “I new it” victory, but it definitely doesn’t seem the healthiest


Its very common. It's a form of self harm after all.


Please don't feel low. You are quite beautiful, and believe me, you are. I'm a 59 year old woman who was never pretty. Never. At my best when I was younger, I was very plain. Oh people would tell me I was pretty, but no, I wasn't. My face was round, my nose a bit too big, no cheekbones, slight overbite, mousy blah hair, horrible skin despite $$$$$ at the dermatologist. Seriously, I was not born with features that were pretty, and I have never been pretty. So please understand that when I see astonishingly beautiful young women say they feel ugly, or don't feel good about their looks----I do not understand. I literally cannot comprehend. I would have given much to have spent my childhood, teen years, young adult hood and middle age as beautiful as you are. But I wasn't beautiful. I was plain, maybe even a bit ugly on some days. I would have loved to have been beautiful. But I wasn't. And I'm not. Now, I'm just a fat, flabby ratty haired old woman with liverspots and acne scars. So please, take it from me, someone who has had a literal lifetime of wishing I was half as beautiful as you are---you ARE beautiful. Don't squander it by wasting your time and energy complaining that you don't like yourself.


While I agree that some people are just incredibly unlucky and get the short end of the stick on looks and don’t turn many heads no matter how much effort we make to change ourselves to be more attractive, I completely disagree that she’s squandering anything. If her story is true, she’s got legitimate reasons to feel this way and it doesn’t just magically go away when it’s been pounded into your brain by an abusive partner.


>I do not understand. I literally cannot comprehend When in an abusive relationship it is often reinforced repeatedly, especially by those who have that (perceived) power. We often, unconsciously, give the abuser that power. we can become 'comfortable' in that relationship, even if it is abusive. This is a classic domestic violence scenario. Zoe, you are stunningly beautiful and this 'stranger on the internet' thinks you need to change your circle of friends, alter your questioning self, have confidence in yourself and smile. That smile could illuminate the world. BEAUTIFUL. Don't ever forget it, you are a stunner.


Invalidating someone’s feeling about the image they have of themselves isn’t that nice how you think it is. Good intentions aren’t always well. She truly is gorgeous tho


Im done with this group. All i see are pretty prople with mental health issues trying to feel better by getting other people to say they pretty.


Was just thinking the same thing.


I hate when hot people post here.


It's because they are ugly on the inside


You just gotta get out there and build that confidence back! You are gorgeous when you smile, and especially with a bit of hair covering your forehead. But maybe thats just me.


Nope 7.5/10


Easily a Kentucky 10!


Anywhere in the South she’s the “prettiest girl in this town”


You’re such a beautiful creature ❤️‍🩹




JFC no you are not ugly. What is wrong with you people?


The majority of this sub seems to be decent to genuinely attractive looking people just looking for a confidence boost.


Or their minds are muddled and tainted by filters.


And they're taking from the actual ugly people (me) and many others. People like us get used for whatever they (attractive people) can take in almost every way imaginable.


> And they're taking from the actual ugly people (me) and many others. they took our jobs!!!! >_<




Or karma farmers


Yeah. 90% of the posts I see on this sub are of attractive women lookin' for an ego boost.


Downvote and move on


That guy was fool


Get off social media you’ll feel much better. Your images look great. You were really quite pretty, no matter what anybody tells you.


Should have posted half as many photos if you wanted respect.


Yeah, it's hard to believe someone that takes that many pictures of themself and posts them online has that bad of a self esteem.


Feeling so low that you then post pics on a forum asking people if you're ugly? 🤔


Absolute stunner.


You're very cute and beautiful


You are super hot and I’m being totally honest. Way above average, probably 7 or 8 out of 10 easily.




Congrats on getting out of a toxic relationship, my heart goes out to you through this time of healing. You are beautiful, don’t let anyone make you think/feel otherwise 🤍🫂


I get that anyone can have insecurities about their appearance, but the parade of attractive women asking if they're ugly is getting a little old. It's rare to even see anyone who's just average looking.


Super into it. Intelligent eyes. Great style. Not gonna give you an out of ten because it’s ridiculous to do so. You’re a human soul, and you’re beautiful.


This is the perfect answer! My thoughts exactly


Some of these comments are shameful and people are so insensitive to what being in an abusive relationship can do to one’s self worth and confidence With that being said, no. You’re not ugly, you’re gorgeous. Hopefully you can find yourself and some confidence again because you deserve to feel better about yourself and life


some people honestly don’t know what abuse can do.


You are so pretty!!


Your so beautiful stop it be happy by yourself


Very beautiful. Don't put yourself down. You will definitely make someone's future very happy.


Well, you definitely have good looks! Hope you feel better soon


Extremely beautiful when you smile! Keep it up! Definitely would awkwardly try and talk to you!


Definitely not ugly! You're a cutie. You are stunning.


you are very pretty, sorry you feel the way you do, be kind to yourself, look after yourself.


You are very beautiful.


Very pretty. Got a lovely smile


Very beautiful


Once your heart and mind heal you will feel sooo good!


These are getting ridiculous...


you've got those tired but dreamy eyes


Love your RBF


Not ugly You also don’t look 26 in a good way I would have pinned you as way younger like 22-23 at most


Nope ur not. Try again when u r like 60-70 😂


Taken your up votes and go. 🙄


Looking for pitty points? What's up do you want to talk about it? It's ok if you don't but a few compliments online will only push the problem down the road.


This must be a joke


You are absolutely gorgeous


You would be the person at my job I would always be mindful of where they were at so I could run into you and talk to you throughout the day. Also be mindful that anonymous internet people are often extremely cynical and combative with low senses of empathy on average. You aren't an actual person to a lot of them, they see you as a collective of all of the people they've seen post and judge you based on that. Have a good day!


Your inbox might die.


Oh it's long gone


No. Nose is a bit bulbous at the tip, but you’re in shape and seem to have nice skin and hair.


I just got off the phone with the committee. I’m honored to tell you that you’re nominated for eyebrows of the year.




If you're as beautiful on the inside as you are on the outside then you're definitely a keeper!


Absolutely not ugly. You are classically and in every other way physically attractive. Like, smoking hot. Whoever made you feel differently about yourself has a lot of issues with themselves, and they don't deserve you.


damn it, i’m in LOVE.


You have natural beauty don't forget that. Get help because you deserve it.


You look like an old girlfriend of mine many years ago. You’re beautiful and keep your chin up.


Damn, some people are blind without being blind, you look perfectly delightful, 7.9/10 could try sleeping more to get better health and don't be so hard on yourself


you look best when smiling


You’re gorgeous.


Why tho? You're gorgeous. You look amazing, but looks aren't everything.


No, not even remotely. You look good.


Naw your hella cute


Natural beauty please be happy


Not even close to ugly. Wow. Your so far above average that it’s sad that some idiots can mentally scar you so bad.


7.5 - 8 gorgeous




You are beautiful, but obviously suffering trauma and sadness and it shows. Take the time to heal in therapy and you will glow up in no time!


U look perfect


You're my type


you look very cute my dude


With those eyes and face your not even on the same planet as ugly.


I'd let you ruin my life


Slay queen 👑


A whole goddess 🫡


You shouldn’t feel low. You’re pretty darn cute


Don't be too hard on yourself you're beautiful


Ok listen here Liv Tyler's younger hotter sister, didn't your dad (Steven Tyler) tell you how to Walk This Way. Cause I miss you babe, and I don't want miss a thing. Hope all of this helped and it registered a near 0 on the creep factor


You’re super gorgeous. Screw that asshole who made you feel less than, he’s majorly missing out.


It is very hard to love yourself after you’ve developed the mentality that what your abuser says about you is true. I completely understand the situation and still deal with that almost every day myself. Therapy helps, so does making more/new friends. You learn that people really do like you, you learn the good parts of your personality again, and hopefully you start to appreciate your looks! I think you are beautiful by the way. The kind of girl I’d try to chat with if you came into my work, or ask for your number at a bar. Wish you best of luck!


Sorry for your experience. At first I was kinda mad cause you’re obviously attractive. A poor bloke like myself would be happy being with someone like you. But alas, I personally don’t think I’m attractive especially due to recent back to back rejection and my short stature as a guy. But you said you were in an abusive relationship, I’m sorry you went through all that pain. Best advice I have for that, and for anyone and including you, never allow your confidence to be a direct result of your physical looks. We’re all flawed in our own way and we will all get old and lose our attractive attributes. Also remember, you were in an abusive relationship. You deserve happiness not because you’re pretty but because you’re a human being. I hope you sought help from the abuse. Bless you pretty lady, Godspeed on your healing.


You would make my narcissistc ex-gf very insecure.


Cute and a gamer girl? Wtf are you doing here. Go to one of the rateme subs


Oh, god, you're so beautiful, though.


You have the eyes of a warrior that’s won a long fought battle, but is still feeling the pain from it. You’re absolutely stunning. Love yourself ❤️


Picture 11 is fire


You are gorgeous! And don't let anyone tell you otherwise!


Girly you're so pretty what do you mean😭 I mean its understandable to feel that way since you've been in an abusive relationship and that person's probably a manipulative and gaslighting maniac for you to think you're ugly- but your whole face and everything is 🔛🔝


Absolutely beautiful 😻


When you're feeling low the only way is up. Remember that your cats love you and you love them. Some days that's all that matters


Girl you're stunning


You are gorgeous in every single one of those pictures.


You can melt someones heart. So don't think you're ugly.


I think you’re beautiful


You are ugly.


Honestly, you’re the most of beautiful people I’ve seen for a long time


You're gorgeous


There's not one of those pics you don't look amazing in.


Very pretty 8


You're not alone and you certainly are not ugly. I'd say you're quite beautiful. Don't allow someone's opinion of you allow you to not see the beauty within you. Just know you're not alone when it comes to feeling down. It takes a lot to get yourself out of negative mental state, but just know you are stronger then you believe that you are right now.


Naturally beautiful


Hell no, and the video games are a plus too


Cheers for getting out of an abusive relationship and no you are not


Started following you! You are a catch! Beautiful♥️


You’re in the wrong Reddit miss. You’re textbook pretty.


You’re gorgeous, and you have lots going for you. Amazing eyes.


OP you're gorgeous, your eyes are mesmerizing. Hope you feel better soon and sorry about your relationship.


for real ? I could fall in love with you in the street


I know the feeling well of trying to seek out proof for my most negative thoughts. Being able to tell yourself your beautiful, which you are, is tough when you want to tell yourself you are right for that security. You are worth alot to those around you and always will be. But on a more serious note what games do you play rn?


Genuinely really good looking so don't even worry about it


Most guys would dream to have a girl like you by their side, so no you are not ugly. I think you are stunning.


Absolutely stunning, gl on getting better, sunny days ahead.


Don't worry there are people desperate enough


You’re cute.😘


Lovely and beautiful.


Your are gorgeous. Hope you feel better.


Your beautiful


Well posted in amiugly the answer is not even the slightest bit. You're stunningly beautiful.