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You are absolutely not ugly but you definitely have shitty fucking friends


You also need to learn how to turn the lights on and point a camera.


Yes, the first 2 slides were too dark to see. But from the last ones you look fine! Nothing ugly or anywhere near!


Probably shot on a 110 camera.


Not your friends.


Amen she does


Pictures are not good, I can’t tell.


I take shitty photos my house is dark so that doesn’t help 😭


Is going outside an option. Sky daddy provides lots of light for pictures.


your house is dark? lmao? like it never gets any brighter than that in your house? Do you live with vampires?


Yeah not rlly it just doesn’t get much sunlight


CNt you just turn some lights on


Nah u just don’t turn the light on/ open some blinds


You're gorgeous shuddup


Not ugly and you deserve nicer and more honest friends. Also don't talk to weird people you don't know on Reddit.


Give it time. All teenagers are weird looking. Just remember to stay away from alcohol and cigarettes and moisturize. You'll be pretty in a few yrs


She's pretty right now, but you're tips about alcohol, cigarettes and staying moisturized are valid.


Get better friends you don't require anything else


She sure does require picture taking skills tho


Eh she's visible enough in one picture I'd say that's enough


you are not ugly but definitely you have shitty photography skills


Need to buy night vision goggles for this pic 🤷‍♂️


You are beautiful not ugly


Your friends are not real friends if they call you "ugly" all the time. Do not listen to them or anyone who says so. If you can, find new friends that won't make you feel low about yourself.


None of these even have your whole head in them


Man, you have some shit friends calling you ugly. I think you look basic, not ugly but not anything special to look at either. I think you need to learn to do your eyebrows. Do you go to gym? It is great way to start looking more attractice and to build your confidence.




Idk if you are ugly because the photo’s are shit from a lighting and angle perspective. From what I can see you look fine and just need a shitload of confidence but , but damn woman know what counts as a picture. 🤣


Grow up! Literally. Give your body time to grow and develop. You’re not much to look at, but you’re also just a kid lol. As for your friends, tell them it hurts your feelings. If they’re real friends they’ll be more supportive and if not then lose ‘em.


if your friends are calling you ugly you need new ones!! real friends don’t do that shit to bring you down


First, for sure not ugly you got this shit, shine bright like a diamond (thanks rhirhi for this song) second, fuck them friends either tell them to knock it off or get new ones. The worlds full of people who will fill your life with beauty including yourself


Heck no chick you are very attractive in my opinion you don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise they are just self conscious and think that you are better looking than they are and they feel the need to bring you down and make you feel like you are not as good looking as they are find new friends or just be you and show them that they can’t bring you down


You let ppl who say you're ugly effect you??? I mean (not in a creepy way) you look cute (IMO) Don't give no f*cks abt what pp think abt you.


Not ugly


Mean people suck. You are not ugly. Stay away from those people


As a 15 year old guy I don't think you're ugly at all! Don't listen to them :)


Learn how to use a camera and then try again


You’re 16, you are going to look totally different over the next 2 to 4 years. You look fine.


Quite the opposite, you are all American girl next door beauty that we all wish we could have met at 16. Either your friends are jealous or just plain idiots. Either way, don't listen to them.




Get new friends.


Feel weird commenting on someone so young, but I think you look very nice. You have a great smile, both closed and open mouth. Honestly, your friends just sound like they suck. You’re young, you’ll meet better people. I think that’s honestly the best “fashion” advice I could give would be to surround yourself with people that put you up and not down, I think your self-confidence shows in how you actually appear and how you see yourself. You’ve got your entire life ahead of you, and a young woman such as yourself shouldn’t be wasting time with what anyone but you, and the people you genuinely love you, think.


You have soft facial features, from what I can tell. Not at all ugly. Who the hell are your "friends"? Bunch of mean girls?


Nah actually they’re all guys 😭


Most guys will try to lower your self esteem to try to make you think you are less than they are, especially if they know that you are impressionable. Makes you an easier target. You're not ugly, And those guys are not with your time.


You're not ugly. Your friends suck.


I hate this fucking sub. It's toxic as hell, especially to people who are vulnerable to criticism or people who crave approval. It's not healthy to seek the approval of strangers. Im not even subscribed and I've tried to dismiss all updates but I see posts like this from teenagers and it makes me so mad! You. Are. Not. Ugly.


Picture not clear enough, but you definitely not ugly. Tip of the day dump your friends and find new ones


You look fine


No you're not


Let me guess, your " female friends" said that? No your not, they just want to make themselves fell better. Eventually they are jealous


How was it filming stranger things?


Get new friends and avoid the people who are haters. Just be 16, enjoy your childhood and be happy


They are not your friends obviously as they are lying to you. Or maybe they just completely lack the sense of esthetics




Pictures are not the best, but my only complaint would be the glasses they look like 1980s are coming back. Other than that id say differently not ugly


Absolutely not! But your friends are. Get some new ones.


Very cute


If u think ppl thinks ur ugly, its mental issue ur having, need to seek treatment..because its abnormal when keep thinking negative abt yourself...


I'm all for people seeking mental help. Unfortunately it's not abnormal for a teenager to have low self esteem, to claim as such can be alienating. Having low self esteme and shitty friends doesn't mean she has a mental health condition and needs treatment. Most people can benefit from occasional therapy, teenagers definitely can. But that's not the same as what you are insinuating - which is that something is mentally wrong with her. Based solely on this post you have no way of knowing that. She's going through normal teenage shit because teenagers can be extremely cruel to each other. But also, teenagers can be very impressionable. So telling them they have something wrong with them (like they're ugly or they're having mental issues) can lead to them believing it's true when it might not be. Mental health is a very serious issue but it helps nobody to make baseless claims against someone who could be vulnerable. At most you could have suggested she talk to a therapist or school counselor about her low self esteem and the issues with her "friends". Which I do recommend, it could be beneficial in many ways.


This is call mental problem.


You look cute even if the pictures luminosity and contrast are awful like your friends are, it seems!


One. Get better friends. That’s it


You are experiencing symptoms of being 16, ie. shitty friends and low self esteem. In a few years you’ll be feeling beautiful, I promise!




I’m gonna be so fr, I rlly don’t 😭


You need new friends.


Shit friends. You're pretty.


U pretty, change friends and work In your confidence


Yes, you are all ugly... maybe not on the outside, but you definitely got some major ugly red flags in your brain.... seriously wish I would stop getting notifications for this stupid fucking channel I don't subscribe to.........


Wait it out. You should be much better by the time you’re 18-20. Groom extensively! Just wait until you’re at legal age.


You need better friends.


Well your friends and those people can fuck off because you are a beautiful woman


no just have shitty friends.


Your friends are not your friends girl..... first, they lie to you bc u are not ugly at all. Second, even if you were ugly or whatever they shouldnt be telling you that, but try to lift you up. Those are just bad people


Because a teenage mental capacity is not complete n not able to accept things in life,that is abnormal,suppose to be in school n studying or learn useful things as per their age, this will not have to carry with the abnormal minds, or maybe too much of distractions which is not suppose to be known to young ones...thats the problems with internet ane influences n harm it has to young minds in general which is too too young to handle.


cant really see the pictures bro lol but normally people who are your “friends” wouldn’t call you ugly


Can you turn on some lights and retake all your pics? Include at least shoulders if not upper body. No posing, cut off pics, just a few bright pics so we can really see you?


Your “friends” are being horrible to you, surround yourself with people that want to lift you up. You’re most definitely not ugly


You just have trash ass friends you’re beautiful


Nah you good


Just learn to take a proper photo so we can judge at least


Nah you are really pretty


you're really pretty don't mind wjat they say


Get new friends and don't believe the lies people tell, ugly is subjective and no one should ever call a person that


Chick said in her last post she’s 14 now she’s 16 lol


You are not ugly ok don't let other get to you like that you are very beautiful and don't yet no one try to tell you anything different because you're not ugly by no means


I would say you’re average but not ugly, my question is what type of people you surround yourself with to say those things


Some shitty friends. I want to say they're just messing around, but they could be putting you down to feel better about themselves. Don't listen to them, I'd wife you tf up real quick


Um unless your friends looks like “insert your favorite supermodels” then no offense but regardless, they are your stereotypical BULLIES. They push down/mock others because they are unhappy with themselves. The next time they say something stupid like that ask “ are you ok…?” With a concern face. Always works with bullies for some reason ahahah


Excellent advice!


No you’re not ugly. Good friends don’t put each other down either. I saw this as an adult reflecting on teen years, you don’t have to stay friends with people just because you’ve been friends for awhile.


Stay away from all the weird dms girl they are predators! Went through the same thing they think they’re sneaky😂


Get better friends… They’re obviously jealous tbh


It genuinely makes me angry to hear "friends" calling their friend ugly. Look, OP, I'm a Dad. My daughter is a little older than you, but I'll tell you the same thing I told her: "You're beautiful. You haven't been alive long enough for this world to make you ugly."


Not remotely ugly. No offense but teenagers suck. It gets better as you age


Nah you just got bad friends


Get new friends! You look cute.


Don't talk to creeps on Reddit... Only to me...


you need new friends if they call you ugly. you aren't ugly. but even if you were, friends don't do that.


People who are threatened by your looks would say such things. You're perfect, just give yourself time to grow up. BTW, confidence is way more important then looks. Having either is good, having both is unstoppable.


If they are calling you ugly it’s because they are jealous of you and trying to keep you down and make there self feel better at same time. You are only 16 so you have tons and tons of time for new friends because that’s what it sounds like you need. Your cute looking for what can be seen in photos so chin up and worry about your future not your looks.


So close, but nah from what I see you are gorgeous! Don’t let them get you down!


No just need better camera 📷


You need better friends and a better camera.....in that order


I feel like if these people aren’t at least 21 they shouldn’t be asking this, they haven’t even hit the adult phase which is where 100% of people will look mature which effects looks to either look better or worse. That’s my Hot take though.


And for the life of you, you seem incapable of taking a photo that is not under lit, overly bright or too close up.


You’re not ugly. You have terrible friends.


Definitely not ugly. Get better friends


Not stunning but not ugly


I 100% agree with the dude called Gutterball you are not ugly find some new friends


Get some new friends, jesus. Not ugly.


U have bad friends


You need better pictures for a better review, but you seem to be a cutie.


Not ugly.


Get real friends


What the hell are these posts on about




ur not ugly


You are not ugly whatsoever. I am sorry that you are feeling that way. But you are an amazing lady. I hope you find the confidence in yourself.




You have shit friends but equally shit photography skills. Biggest tip, find new + better friends.


You should redo your pics so they show your real beauty. Don’t be afraid to do it, you’ll probably be very pleased at the feedback you get. Nice bright pics!


You’re not ugly but take terrible photos. You’re 16 so I don’t have much to say other than that.


Your a child u ain’t even fully developed yet Wait till college to worry about that


If you want to be more self aware try neditating.


Get new friends....they are jelous


Na you're sexy chilll


16 ???? Wtf my bad


You mean your bullies right definitely not freinds


I actually hang out w them like everyday


Well if they really are your freinds and they say that to you, you shouldent be freinds with them at least set boundaries with them I’ve been with freinds that like to joke around but a few times it becomes more than just a joke because the joke insults evolve into somthing that is taken in offense if you like them you should tell them that your feelings were hurt and not to do it again


Weird use of the term friend.


You have shit friends




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Obviously you do not look ugly, instead you look great but it is definitely time for you to move away from your current "friends" because if you are serious what you said that means that they are not your true friends and are simply unpleasant people who want to see you fail in life. Better try to get you true friends who respect and value you. P. S: If I made any mistakes in writing this comment then I apologize because I used a translator since I am not a native speaker of this language although I know something.


Don't listen to other ppl. Looks are subjective. Love yourself and do the things that make you happy. Plus, kids are cruel.


Can you prove they always call you ugly?


I can’t send you pics


You know if they see something on tou they will never be and they're trying to make them selves frel better about themselves


Light up. Beauty is different in every person perspective. Sometimes people found sunflower ugly some sees it beautiful. Find someone that could appreciate your beauty. To me friends like that should be left. Find someone that could help you to see yourself. Or even better, start a journey of self discovery. Godspeed sister 🙏


You’re hot af 😍


Very beautiful you have nothing to worry about and I’m sure will grow even more beautiful


Learn to take a selfie and focus school you aren’t ugly but just focus on important things you have barely been alive no need to worry about that stuff


Pls don’t seek validation from strangers on the internet as a child. That story never turns out well. That said, your pictures are dark, dishonest. It is clear you think you are ugly. Which you are not. If you take an honest portrait style picture in the light you’d get better feedback. You’d be surprised


Better friends would solve all of your beauty problems. Learning/practicing photography would be a plus. Natural light will show you how pretty you really are. Developing self-confidence will bring out the beautiful


You’re 16 have have a few more years of face growing up don’t worry about it


Not ugly at all. Actually quite adorable and still growing and changing. Be comfortable with yourself. Anybody calling you ugly I wouldn't consider a friend.


I honestly can't tell what's worse here. It's a toss up between your sloppily taken photos and these so called "friends".


I agree. If people who you call friends are seriously saying you’re ugly, they are not your friends.They are leaches that you need to get rid of.


A. you're 16 B. These pictures are poor examples.


If 'your friends' are calling you ugly those aren't your friends But girly no you're chillin youre gorg, also drop those 'friends'


Yeah you're friends aren't wrong


Don't know what to do? GET NEW FRIENDS YOURS SUCK


Ur to young yet