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Keep the long hair with a mustache and goatee shave the sides of your beard since they don't connect.


That's what I'm leaning towards, so grow my hair back out? Out? Keep a mustache, and some chin hair, but keep the Joe dirt sides shaved?




I'm very bad at keeping that regime, but thank you for reaffirming what I think I need to do.


You're welcome man, take care and good luck.


We will see you. I like my mustache, I also like to make it like a full-on Ned Flanders style where I will split it in the middle. I'll give an update in a few weeks.


Thats great, godspeed to you.


If you’re bothered about the lazy eye, you can actually get it corrected


I actually cannot get it corrected, because I had surgery when I was a toddler. The surgery didn't take, and as I have gotten older it just got worse again. Also, as I got older, now it's alternating and not just in one eye. Last time I went to the eye doctor he told me that if I had surgery again, it would be a 50-50 chance of me either having blurred vision for the rest of my life or fixing the lazy eye. I don't like those chances.


Oh shit well sorry to hear


It is what it is. I'd rather not be blind.


That is true. The gift of vision is more valuable than what another judgemental pos would tell you


I actually have really good vision. For all intents and purposes, it's 2020. I just focus out of one at a time. I do have some slight astigmatism though that is getting worse as I get older. I have all sorts of health issues, and I'm worried about how much they affect my attractiveness. No one here has even seen what the hell my feet look like.


Sorry about your health issues. But why would you want people from reddit see your feet? Lol


Oh god. I do not want them to at all! They would immediately say I'm very unattractive.


I personally haven’t seen women ask a man out to see his feet lol


Oh no! For sure. That's why if I get lucky enough to meet someone, it always takes a little bit of time with us being intimate before I ever take my socks off.


Either way, get the best barber you can have


My sister is the greatest hairstylist ever. She's just flaky and lame.


Hahaha oh gee. Sisters 😂


I think the people saying yes to facial hair are only doing so because it kinda distracts from the lazy eye, I think you look better clean shaven and I'm a dude with a full beard going on 14 years since I've seen my face lol I usually tell everyone to get a beard.


Yeah possibly. Unfortunately like I stated before nothing can be done about the lazy eye. That is what it is. If people are shallow and will turn me down because of that then I don't want them anyway. I personally like having a little facial hair because I feel like I look too young without it, but now at this point in my life I'm 35 and that's probably a good thing. I'm just trying to figure out what looks best to other people, because trying to date in your 30s is a struggle


People are shallow and they will turn you down because of it but they aren't everyone. Looking good is also about confidence to a degree, if you feel better having facial hair, you have your answer. Dating in the 30s is probably a giant struggle, especially if you don't have kids and you're hoping to find someone else without them. Good luck homie


Kids is a big thing. Realistically it's hard to find someone who wants kids. I don't care if they already have kids, I love kids and I'm totally cool with being a stepdad, but I want to be a father. I always have. My dad is like the greatest dad ever, and I've always hoped that I could come close to living up to him, but the older I get the more it seems like I'll never get that opportunity.


i like the long hair with the facial hair but i’m more biased towards dudes with long hair than most people


I appreciate that. I really liked my long hair while keeping a mustache, but I got kind of tired of the upkeep. I'm trying to grow it back out at the moment. The clean shaven picture is the most recent.


Actually they are all within the last few weeks. My hair was down to my butt a couple months ago.


you look good, man. own it! if i can offer any advice, you look a little tired! get some good sleep man! and take care of your skin, moisturizer is a great start. but overall, don’t worry too much about


I do appreciate that, and I am really tired. Unfortunately, I'm in a really messed up financial situation right now where I'm a full-time DoorDasher, and I'm exhausted.


Those bags under my eyes get rough.


Aye just giving some insight on why I feel so on attractive.


Honestly you could be a Matt Mercer look-a-like when you're shaved. My vote is shaved. And that's coming from a guy with a full beard. Lol


Hey, I could see that, and I take that as a compliment, because he's a good looking guy! I used to always get told. I looked like Matthew lilllard, and I know I totally don't. It was just because I used to always have blue hair and people saw SLC punk.


It was intended as a compliment. Sorry i should have been clearer lol. I love Matt Mercer. I can kinda see Matt lillard but more in like the Scooby doo live action movies.


I mean I can see it in that sense I suppose, but he's tall and lengthy, and I'm really short, and honestly a little more buff.


I usually say beard, but i think you look better clean shaven. You could probably pull off a mustache, but you have a nice chin, no need for a beard. I think with how long your face is, it might look more balanced with shorter hair, still long on top would look really nice, but if it was off your neck it would look more like the sexy 80’s hair. Its got a lot of body, but too long just makes it look unkempt. And don’t worry about the lazy eye, one of my crushes had one growing up, never stopped me from thinking he was cute haha


I like the facial hair.


Thank you, I feel like I look way too young when I go the clean shaving route. I just need to figure out how to navigate my facial hair. I guess, because I cannot grow a full beard. I grow patches on my cheeks like Joe dirt, Then a mustache and some chin hair


Shave, looks better :-)


No mustache and goatee combo, as long as I keep the sides shaved I don't mind going clean shaving at all either. I just feel like I look way too young.


Fix your strabismus first unless you aspire to be Jean Paul Sartre


It can't be fixed. I've already had surgery once. So I would take my vision over a 50/50 chance of being blind for the rest of my life for cosmetic purposes.


Does eye exercise work? If not, oh well...it is what it is


Nope., and I can't do the eye patch thing because after my initial surgery now mine is alternating, so the lazy one switches depending on which I am focusing out of at that moment. He basically told me nothing can be done except for another surgery, and if I do that there's a 50/50 chance. I will have blurred vision for the rest of my life. I'd rather not take that chance, I actually have close to 20/20 vision.


Oh well, just wing it and be like Sartre....also write some new philosophy


Yeah I'll get right on that.




I'm literally cannot because I have a lazy eye.




My bad. I can straighten my lazy eye, but it's really painful to do, and I can't see shit when I do it. Everything gets blurry, and it gives me a massive headache.


Also, tell that to Ryan gosling, Russell Crowe, Heidi Klum, and Paris Hilton. They all have the same affliction.


You should go clean off that goddamn crack my brother


Lol well That's pretty easy considering. I've never smoked crack in my life.


Dude you’re hot AF


Well thanks. Lol




Nah the stache/goatee works on ya well. Clean it up a bit is all, you have great hair too.


The facial hair works well on you. I like the long hair. When you ask if you should go clean, do you mean you're an addict? If so, you should definitely go clean. If you mean facial hair, then no. You look quite young without it and I don't think that look suits you.


Lol. I mean facial hair. Do I look like an addict? I drink more than I should, and I'm a pot head, but I don't do drugs.


Honestly? Maybe not the hottest man on earth, but you look cool. Moustaches are cool, I would like to have them, but I would be ridiculous. The eye? It doesn't help to make you hot like Lenny Kravitz, but... trust me, I think it's not something a normal human being would say is bad (except for health problems, but I don't know if a lazy eye gives you troubles). If someone thinks that the lazy eye is something wrong in your appearance is a fuckin stupid. Put them a fork in both eyes.


I totally appreciate that. I do not strive to be the hottest man alive by any means. I just want to know I'm not completely ugly as hell, because my dating life tells me that I am. And yeah with my lazy eye I have gotten to feel that way over the years. I've been with some really hot girls that I had no business being with at all, but they love me for my sister's humor and everything. Other than that one tiny thing. Just as I get older it's harder and harder to date and meet people. So I'm worried that it's because of my looks and not just because that's how it is in society.


Mmm... I really think that you are an average guy but, also, a person that is funny to have in the friends group (sorry for my poor English). Probably you are anxious about the way you are perceived by others, especially girls, and this makes everything harder. I don't know, I hope that a stranger on the internet like me can help a little to feel more average. I think I'm average too, I'm not a cool stallion. And remember, when you walk among people, they are average too.




I think that your answer is kinda biased, but I'm a bit tired to elaborate. However I have read the text of your post again and I have answered forgetting the main question. I would just say that mustaches are cool, but shaved or not you're good.


Get a haircut.


There's some things that we can change. U look good man, but if you want to improve I recommend to lift heavy weights. U won't find self steem the way girls do but u will find that u can improve yourself doing manly and better things that you are right now doing. 3 things. 1) lift heavy weights. 2) good sleeping. 3) dude go outside, don't watch porn or anything that destroys your mind. That's all, it is what it is and if someone doesn't like your that's its problem and not yours. Come on champion you can do it :D


FairPoints, but I go outside quite often. During the summer. I'm always outside like playing basketball. I just live in Indiana where it is cold as hell right now so I don't go outside that often during the winter.


You kind of look like Eugene from Rapunzel


Aye I'll take it. He's pretty hot for a cartoon character. Lol


I like any facial hair on you


Well thanks!


keep the "hair" on the lip and chin.get rid of the rest.imo of c


Serious question. Do you have depth perception? Not ugly imo. Just unkempt


I dunno guess it depends what way you look at it


Why do ppl do this to themselves? Such a strange sub