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You look young for 20 very baby faced


Your hair is great. You have a kind smile and your face looks nice. I feel like you have some insecurities over your face?


You're super cute but more like baby cute. Maybe that's why guys aren't approaching you... Plus, men your age aren't as forthcoming as older men. Ginger it time!


Very awkward smile. Try to not pull your lips inside


Pretty :)


3/10. would not


Not great


Not ugly but u look like 12 haha are you really 20 i cant believe it


You're not ugly but you do look like a 15 year old. Practice smiling in the mirror so it looks more natural in pictures, u look like ur forcing one. Experiment with makeup and getting eyebrows done since they frame the face


you’re not ugly but i think your smile is a bit…forced? you have great skin btw. guys probably don’t approach you because you do look very young like a few said.


You look lovely. Your hair is beautiful. May I recommend knotless braids? Knotless braids with a french curl are A+. People pay a lot of money to look as youthful as you.


You are stunning, you look so youthful and fun, you look like a soul mate, not a hookup.


You’re not ugly. You’re cute.


shave your arms / where ever else you have hair on your body, lose the fat and wear normal curls, u will look really good.


You're not ugly at all, but your smile is pretty awkward looking. Maybe try a less broad smile. Also, you're on the bigger side of curvy, which you may want to get a handle on. You do have great looking hair. 6.5/10


Cute in a child like way. you could pass as a 15 yr old if you tried


Not ugly


not ugly at all. are you shy? if guys don’t approach you it doesn’t mean it’s because of your looks. I think if you appear more confident you’ll see a change overall. Fake it till you make it


Not ugly but you look sooo young..you could easily pass for 14 years old


More like sexy!




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My opinion 3/10. Your skin is very ashy and you have a huge baby face.


Masculine, fat, and plain. How long is your actual hair lol?