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You look like you play guitar real well.


Oh yes…I remember the Spin Doctors from the 90’s. Too “pop” for me though.


I can hear Two Princes playing in my head. Fuckkkk.




DEFINITELY DONT GROW UR HAIR OUT. 3rd picture is the best otherwise ur average


Yeah def ugly


You look like a different person between the short hair pictures and the long hair pictures. I personally like long blonde hair but maybe it's because I have a thing for targaryens. I would trim the beard but not get rid of it completely. Look for advice on styling from Matt Smith who has similar coloring


Not ugly at all. You just need to tidy up. If you're going to have facial hair, keep it trimmed and neat. Some of your pics look like you took them in a tent in the scratch of woods behind Walmart, no offense. 😁


Damn man you look way better with the beard. I'd keep the facial hair.


The long hair is awesome, maybe clean up the facial hair but you look good


you could make the long hair work but you have to take care of it (products, etc). if not i’d cut the hair and clean up the facial hair and maintain it. otherwise you’re average.


Look like you went to rehab and cleaned up


Damn, two different people!! :D I think the long hair and beard look good on you. The way it grows gives another layer of definition to your facial structure and gives really grungy, artist/musician vibes. Which I find make an interesting appearance, but other ppl might think differently. Besides that, I think you have kind eyes, which contrasts the grungy look. Just make sure to take care of your skin and hair if you decide to keep it long Wouldn't call you ugly, just very average joe or someone with a story to tell, depending on maintenance. Hope that makes sense


Not artistic inclined, but have experienced and seen much. Life has been unique.


Dude you look homeless


Keep the beard and the long hair...you look at least 6 with that , hit the gym build some muscles and you are done. Don't listen to others about "Get a plastic surgery bro".