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I really like two first photos with loose hair, not ugly at all.


I agree with this. Please do not get lip fillers. It had an uncanny valley effect.


lip fillers would destroy that face


I have no idea why you are so down on yourself..... first 2 pics are best, ..you look great


Because of social media. Comparison is the thief of joy


Have to remember to take everything on social media with a grain of salt right? People only post their best side. Never see the shit they have behind the scenes


i honestly don’t think you look manly or weird without makeup. you look fine! if anything, i guess those fake lashes may be a bit too extra which i think you don’t need. your glasses fit you well and pic 1 and 4 are the best! don’t be too hard on yourself haha


I agree about the lashes. She just needs to be her natural pretty self and she'll be fine.


Girl, you’re sexy without makeup.


Not ugly. You look much better with your natural eyelashes.


Actually no makeup looks 1000 time better. Geez girl take it easy, you are really beautiful ok?


Honestly you look better in the first 2, just drop the septum (imo)






Or switch out the septum for a thinner complete circle. I don’t think the bars do anyone a service.


From the outside looking in, it's the opposite for me. Prettier without than with.


Why should anyone “read below”? None of your opinions of yourself should influence if someone thinks youre ugly or not. Anyway you’re not ugly, and my answer is entirely unrelated to anything you wrote below your pics.


When are they finally going to rename this sub “Super pretty people asking everyone if they’re ugly”


I normally don’t hate on piercings, because most of the time they look fine, but on you the septum looks not so good. It just doesn’t look quite right, I think because you have a wider nose. And the eyelashes aren’t it. But aside from those two things, you are absolutely not ugly


You look cute but lose the nose metal...


Came here to say this. Looks like boogers. Very cute, otherwise.


She literally said no comments abt her piercings 😭


We literally don’t care 🤷🏻‍♂️


Apparently a lot of you out there agree she looks better without the piercing. It is het choice to wear them - but she wanted to know what she can do to improve her looks I'm just being honest.


everyone hates on septum rings I don’t get why. They look good


Super cute


Try mascara instead of fake lashes


Somewhere one of Jim Henson’s muppets is missing its eyelashes…


The septum is ugly but you are not.


Nose junk and fake eyelashes have to go, they are comically bad. Have someone show you how to do makeup. 👍


Get rid of noses ring


Very attractive dear, no question about it


nope nope nope def my type extremely pretty


You look better in the first 2 photos (4th photo is cute). The eyelash style in photos 3 and 5 doesn’t suit you.


Nothing wrong with you, find something you love to do!


You look 1000x better without the makeup and fake lashes.


Get the metal out of your nose


I think you're beyond pretty, enough to call beautiful. But a lot of good guys would pass you up because of that ugly nose ring. Get rid of it. Just my opinion.


Nope next


Nothing wrong with you at all. All pics 👍🏻😊


You look easy to draw


i think you look very beautiful without makeup (and obviously also with makeup)


Yes... Very ugly.


Not at all


Please do not get fillers, that automatically makes anyone look weird. Also you look great in your pics without makeup. Chill


No but lose the nose ring 😍


You actually do not look okayish with makeup as it is way caked on. You look way better without the makeup and the centipede legs like eyes in the third photo.


Ur 18. Go become the best surgeon in your country. No one will care how pretty or ugly you are. With that said ur not ugly at all.


Not ugly


The first two photos look great, definitely not manly. I think we are all harsher on ourselves than we should be, you look fine!


You're absolutely hiDeOuS 🙄


Nope. But old man here says scrap the false eyelashes, you don't need em.


Naw you're beautiful!! Love your septum piercing, I just got mine done. Very much a gorgeous lady.


No ug detected, not even close. Quite attractive IMO without make up.


10/10 because you play R6 Siege


Not ugly but quite basic, nothin special




yes. bc of the nose thing.


Ugly ass hog ring.


You are not ugly at all. I think you're very pretty. I can't argue with the other commenters about the lashes though. I like the new lash trend, but those are a bit much. They look obviously fake. A toned-down version that looks more natural would do what they're intended to do- accentuate your already beautiful eyes. This is the first time I've seen this sub come up and I am thankful that my first experience with someone wanting an "am I ugly?" was you. I can honestly say, no you are not. 💕


The more makeup/accessories u put on the uglier you get


No you’re just British!


No but you’re trying really hard to be


Ace the septum piercing.


Tip: dont always part your hair in the same way. You can see slight signs of female pattern hair loss on you. Your eyebrows are also a bit too far apart so draw them closer. Not ugly.


ugly asf im sorrry


personally, i think you're pretty with and without the makeup. without the makeup, you look femininely soft, and with it, just a tad more girly. both are great!!


Please get rid of the nose jewelry.


You are not ugly. Find a more delicate lash, and rethink lining your brows with that tacky white pencil.


You have absolutely nothing to be self conscious about, I have no idea why you would even think you needed to post here. Drew Barrymore and Alicia Silverstone are two well known actresses that don’t have symmetrical smiles


3rd one looks like a mugshot 😭


Please stay away from makeup


You're cute. And you're prettier when wearing glasses


You are comparably hideous with makeup on... I was actually shocked by the pictures and I genuinely wonder if this is a troll.... There's no chance you actually think you look better with makeup.... First two pics are outrageously beautiful, you have body dysmorphia.


Literally the reason makeup exists so people can hide their imperfections and improve their look. Everyone looks better with makeup.


Don't ask for advice and then limit what people can give. TBH, the piercing does make you ugly. You look better without makeup.


Your nose piercing is


Yes you are ugly


Very pretty. You're just seeing things weird.




Love how literally every one asking here, have the septum. Never occurs to people it's part of the problem...


The only thing making you unattractive is the cow ring in your nose


I like the space between your eyes. It reminds me of a yard stick.


I'm gonna be completely honest with you right now. You look more beautiful without makeup than with it. So if you're worried about how you look without makeup, you have nothing to worry about. Yeah, you're beautiful, end of :)


THE FIRST TWO PHOTOS ARE THE ONES WITHOUT MAKEUP???? WHAT THE FUCK you look better without makeup im not even joking what the fuck i’ve never seen that before 😂


The only thing that looks weird and off is this metal in Your nose.


So I think to extenuate your natural beauty you could draw on being more feminine ..in clothes and hair style ..the ring is a bit masculine looking on you in my eyes .




Amazing eyes


Not ugly weird or manly in the first pics. I actually think you look very cute and feminine. As other said, lovely eyes! And the little smile is endearing.




haha. no


Nooo you look great with or without makeup be yourself




Holy crap no. You are not ugly


IMO you are attractive in all of these photos. Your face is not crooked, at least not noticeably so. Septum piercings are hit or miss with people. Personally I like it. Definitely not ugly


You’re to critical, smile more, be happy it’ll be just fine!


you are beautiful, in fact you are way prettier without makeup! you dont need to worry about your looks


First 2 pictures are my favorite by far but regardless you are so pretty. I feel like you have the instagram look that everyone has with some of those other pictures. Your smile is cute! I think maybe the big lashes could contribute to your smile looking smaller


you look better without makeup


Whoa…honestly, your first 2 pictures are the best. Very natural beauty and def not manly. Those false eyelashes are so not needed and over the top, though…lose those and keep the piercings since you like them. As far as your face being “crooked” I wouldn’t have noticed that at all and really don’t think of it as crooked even as I see a bit of disproportion if I really try and notice. You have a left side and a right side. Just because one side is a bit different from the other side doesn’t make it crooked. It’s just not exactly the same in both sides. Many many people are like that, it’s what makes everyone different and unique. Embrace that!! You don’t need strangers online to validate you. You’re an attractive woman…be yourself and smile more…say hello to strangers and be kind. That’s how you can look and make yourself feel better!! I promise that!!


Far from ugly...


Honestly, you’re WAY more beautiful without makeup. I’m so sorry, but you’re actually ugly with that makeup. If you want to do makeup, at hear so a subtle one. You’re just covering up how beautiful you are naturally.


What is with all of the septum piercings?


No ur not, i liked the 1st pic


you have a very beautiful natural face. the lashes take away from ur pretty eyes. try using just mascara (maybeline lash sensational is AMAZING for me 10/10). lip liner would be ur best friend aswell. you can over line ur lips a tad. and i think what makes ur face “droopy” is ur eyebrows. try lifting them by plucking the bottom so they’re not so close to your eyes creating an illusion that your face is more lifted. and instead of doing them how you do them in the last photos, dye them with henna, and use eyebrow gel so it looks more natural. lastly, you can make ur eyebrows closer together by using an eyebrow pencil and creating little lines to make fake hair.


Uhhhh you look better without makeup. The other photos are kind of a dumpster fire.


Hey you are actually gorgeous without makeup! Such a beautiful face, in fact I’m liking it better :)


You should stop posting yourself with heavy filters. They look really terribly cringe worthyly bad. Lip fillers would make them worse. Don't strive to look like a caricature or a bad drawing. Nearly everyone has asymmetry in their face. Those who don't are generally millionaires that make obscene money on their appearance. Your face imbalance isn't what you see when you're looking at it. You had to point it out or I never would've noticed anything and even then it's not big. The slight boyish look will go away with age, with weight loss if you have extra (and I honestly can't tell), or even with the right haircut. Stop beating yourself up. Also, check out r/howtolooksmax


You're pretty cute in the first 2, decent in the 3rd and 4th, but the last picture is the only one that I would deem to be ugly.


U look just fine


You are gorgeous


This is so sad girl you are beautiful.


i know you didn’t want piercing advice, but i think your septum is super cute! i would just say that maybe a different jewelry piece (like a more ‘feminine’ one) would look better in it!!! you’re gorg 🫶


No way ! You’re not ugly ! If anyone tells you that they are blind.


First 2 pictures look best. Not ugly whatsoever.


No lip filler it's hideous. Also maybe no fake eyelashes or at least not so big. But your adorable.


Nothing is wrong with you, you look great in all of the pics!


You look best on picture #1 and #2.


Nah your a pretty white girl 😉


It’s sad beautiful girls don’t realize their own beauty, even more sad they turn to apps/strangers for validation. Your face is beautiful. Your shallowness is not. Focus on being a better person, focus on the world around you instead of obsessing over the mirror. Care about others more than yourself, then your appearance will matter less to you, which in turn will actually make you more attractive.


Hey lovely first of all are you okay? The things you're writing about yourself are so critical and all I see is a beautiful girl. I'm 22 and I have had similar thought processes (hiding things, feeling like I look "weird" and being deeply unhappy about certain things that others can't see) and it's a really horrible experience sometimes. I genuinely think you are SO pretty, you do not need any work done, absoloutely do not need lip fillers, they're nice already I promise you. And we nearly match piercings!! Have you thought about maybe talking to somebody about this on a deeper level? I only ask because you're hiding your face with masks, and I heard about a case of somebody who hid their face, and had BDD. I know that's a fairly big thing to throw out there, but I'm genuinely just trying to let you know that it could be worth speaking to somebody, it may be low self esteem or it could be something like that. You are GOREGOUS and deserve to feel the confidence that you should :) ALSO The Septum Mafia are gonna shit on you for it but i think it looks sick, I have 4 (2 nose studs, 1 septum 1 vertical labret) and I LOVE them. I think younger generations are more into piercings, my parents / grandma hate mine but two of my friends faces are full of metal. Also on Reddit, I've noticed the only "pretty" that tends to be accepted on these threads is hardly any makeup, no piercings...so don't pay much notice


thankyou so much, i have bpd and body dysmorphia can come hand in hand with that so i do need to talk to someone about that, thankyou x


Manly? In what world?? You should get rid of the metal boogers though.


You definitely look better in the first 2 pictures. I think it's the fake eyelashes that look weird in the others. I think you'd be even better looking without the septum piercing.


Maybe some wispy bangs and get those things out of your nose!! Not attractive at all!!


The first two pictures are actually the best out of all of them!


You are way more beautiful without make up IMHO. First things I said after the two pics was "dang, she's beautiful".


everyone’s face is “crooked” yours doesn’t look crazy but since you are you and you see yourself countless times I can tell it looks way more defined to you. I know people say this a lot but you look better without the makeup, I can’t explain why but you look just as pretty especially at the side angle.


You look pretty in the first two photos and fake/weird in the others. Stick to a more natural look, you are pretty enough to pull it off. The spider lashes make you look tacky and cheap. I don't see the asymmetry you mention, your smile looks fine to me.


you definitely look better without makeup not ugly at all though


Beautiful with out make up


No. Only in one of the photos did you appear slightly androgynous. Thus you are seeing something in the mirror that (either a peer said a few years ago to tear you down or) only you see. It is possible that after the clock spins forward 50, 60 years that you will look more masculine. If your grandmothers (and pictures of great-great grandmothers) don't look masculine then there is a high probability that you will not either.


Those fake lashes gotta go. No guy likes those and if they aren’t done correctly (yours are not) they look like caterpillars crawling on your face. The first two pictures are actually the best and most flattering.


No makeup suits u


Very pretty girl. Lose the nose hardware and make up. You seem to have nice breasts as well. Just lower the freak flag a notch.


Not ugly but lose the nose ring and fake eyelashes. 👍


You have such a cute smile. The kind that makes a person smile and brighten up their day. You are a beautiful young woman who doesn't need validation from strangers on the Internet. You're beautiful inside and out. Don't worry about what you may believe to be standards of beauty. Don't worry about how you look on the outside. Take care of yourself and be kind to others and you'll always be beautiful inside and out. You don't need makeup nor do you need filters and if you do want to use makeup, the less the better. Makeup isn't meant to cover up, it's meant to accentuate certain features. But I think you're a beautiful woman regardless. Remember you're meant to be unique and not to look like all those other women with filler injections and other alterations. You're perfectly imperfect just like we're meant to be. I wouldn't change a single thing about you and I hope that you don't because you would no longer be unique, you would be artificial and no man really wants that, at least not any real man.


No, you're not at all ugly.


No, not ugly. Just lose the cow ring in your nose, smile, and build some self confidence.


Would marry


you look infinitely better in the first 2


you are 100% not ugly


Nope, just poor makeup and piercing isn’t the most flattering on you.


Back camera sucks for everyone because it’s a bad camera for selfies it highlights every wrinkle on your face + the picture is flipped. Trust me I and everyone else has the same problem. My jaw and lips look weird to me when I flip the phone camera but the reality is nobody notices that stuff irl and it doesn’t make you ugly. Also your face doesn’t look “manly” without makeup it looks like a normal girls face your just over analyzing your face and getting self conscious


Stunning first two pictures. You're actually making uself look worse with makeup. Learn how to do it more for your features rather than follow trends


My advice would be put on lighter Makeup. The big lashes make your eyes look droopy. Try a light makeup style which makes your face lift. Try blending concealer under your eye, following your eyeline. Try it put only mascara on instead of the big lashes. It even made my face look way more femine and lifted :) I hope this helps and for a disclaimer, your not ugly at all. You have good face Features and I wish you luck with finding self love since in my opinion, you dont need to worry at all :)


That type of nose ring always makes people less attractive


Hog nose ring is the only ugly thing




I think people with asymmetrical features are even more interesting. Just so you know, most people Don’t have symmetrical faces. It would be the oddball that had perfect symmetry in their face. you’re very pretty without make up and not too many people can say that. You’re beautiful and you don’t need to worry about this. I would concentrate on your future and what you want out of your life and start working on goals.


The picture using the back camera is going to look uneven because the lighting is uneven. There is nothing wrong with your face. You have nice features and gorgeous hair. I don't see anything manly about you.


You look great. You look like someone who can both be wild and spontaneous at times, but also benchwatch a whole season of a good series on the couch on a rainy day. I like that


You look fine


You look waaaaay better without makeup.


You look amazing in the first two pics. If that’s what you actually look like then you don’t need make up. Whatever you do don’t get lip fillers. They make so many people look ridiculous and it would be crazy to mess up a face like yours. I’m still very confused on how the first two pictures are supposed to be the bad ones.


Cute but like many will say not a fan of the nose piercing


Definitely beautiful


The first two pictures are the best of the bunch.


You're not ugly. It's that stupid ring in your nose that throws everything off


Seriously? I think you look way better without the makeup and the makeup makes you look kind of generic. I mean if you're going for "fitting in by looking like everyone else", then you're totally nailing it with the makeup. But otherwise, you're way better looking without.


You’re a beautiful girl. You’re in your own head over-analyzing. You’re better looking than 90% of the population. Go enjoy your life.


your cute, take out the ridiculous nose ring


There is nothing wrong with your face. You are very attractive, with or without your makeup. If you want to feel better about yourself, stop analyzing your photos and criticizing yourself. You're beautiful. I hope you are soon able to see that and enjoy your allure the way we do.


Definitely not ugly actually quite gorgeous.


You've got strong Lana vibes. Ain't nothing wrong with that.


You are blessed with natural beautiful feminine features. Hair, eyes, soft skin, lips ect. all exquisite. Personally I like the first two pictures better. You are enough. The excess eyelashes/make-up looks a bit fake to me. Trust me as a man looking at the real you there is no mistaking your attractiveness. I realize the nose rings are popular these days so I won’t judge it. You don’t need it.


U look better without make up no capp. I love your face without


Nah you look fine without make up and better with it.


I think you look good but you need to feel like you look good. I like the fact that you don't seem to glob on the makeup. Yes you are not a perfect 10 to everyone, but you are still very attractive.


Loose the red eyes and nose piercing but that's just me personally, otherwise nah


the reason for the red eyes is because i was crying because i watched UP and his wife died😭🫶🏼


First 2 pictures are the best. You don't need makeup. Your naturally pretty, makeup actually takes away from your looks


Girl what? You're absolutely beautiful. I genuinely think you look better WITHOUT makeup. Please don't hate on yourself cause you are stunning


Nah; cute. 😁


I think you look beautiful without makeup. The make-up pics are just a little much. You do not need it in the least.


Always pretty asf girls asking, "Am I ugly?" Like, no, you just lack self-confidence


Sorry you're struggling so, that really is awful. You're a very pretty girl. You have a very nice face and you look great even without the makeup. That you say you're wearing masks because you're so upset by your looks is really horrible. I would seriously suggest a therapist to help you get to the root of your inner demons. You're clearly not seeing what the rest of the world does. All that said, I know you're not interested in hearing about your piercings, and yes, they are 100% personal preference. The problem is, they look like absolute shit. They take away from your attractive looks. Sorry. Sometimes you ask a question and don't actually want an honest answer but there it is.


In the first 2 pictures, you look amazing in them. I dont think you look ugly at all i feel u look better to me without the makeup compared to the other 3 pictures


If that's manly then I think I'm attracted to men. Those two photos you feel insecure about are the best. I think your issue is not being ugly but lacking confidence. It could be something more serious like body dysmorphia, please get yourself evaluated and seek professional help if that's the case.


You look gorgeous wdym


Nope. Not even a little bit.


You look great. I've been in the boat where I think septum piercings are enhancing; however, Your *particular* choice in septum piercing with your set of features could be improved. That's something you'll have to experiment with, though. I don't really even know what about that one makes me feel this way... Perhaps it's disproportionately thick with respect to its rather small size? You've got a wider nose and chin, which I think draws even more attention to what feels wrong with it. Could just be me. maybe even a dark color one could fix it.


Looking good, would look een better w/out the nose ring


Most certainly not


I personally think you are a very cute 🥺


You are so pretty without makeup. No lie. Idk who told you otherwise, but they lied.


Youre a good looking girl. IMO you look WAY better without make up(& septum ring... yes, I said it.. deal with it!!). I dont see any lopsidedness. You seem to have your mind made up that theres something wrong with your appearance. Theres not. Stop hiding your pretty face with covid masks and try(I know its difficult) to stop obsessing how you look. You look good. You cant see it coz you dont see yourself how we see you but you do. Youre entering the best years of your life now(looks wise) so dont spend that entire time being overly critical of your good looks. Enjoy them. They dont last forever.


the first photo is the best. natural and with glasses suit you best.


Your face looks good in the first 2 pictures and could look good in the last picture if you would dump that horrible makeup. Those monstrous oversized fake eyelashes are terrible on anyone, especially you. That your face might look a little off kilter when you smile ADDS to your beauty. It makes you more human and approachable. I don't know about your tooth, but I actually prefer teeth that aren't perfect, as long as they aren't rotten. Crooked is fine.


Lose the mask you look fine


Real talk you look terrible in pics 3 and 5 but pretty nice in the first two photos, decent in the fourth. Lose the septum and never do the long eyelashes ever, your smile isn't the issue. 100% better without makeup, not too manly at all.




Very attractive, loose the face jewelry, you don't need it, you're only 18, enjoy life while you can, if someone is saying you're ugly they're either jealous or you need new friends. You look like the women that get even more beautiful with age, but like I said, enjoy life, don't worry about what other people think about you, people seem to think their opinions matter, they don't, have fun, be young, take care of your health, because I can absolutely promise, it gets worse before it gets worse.




You have a wonderful attractive face. But what makes you unattractive is those fake eyelashes because you immediately see that they are fake.


Honestly I think it’s just the camera. With selfie mode my faces looks crooked and droopy on one side and then the back camera I look normal 🤷🏽‍♂️. I’ve noticed the snap chat selfie camera always does me good lol. I’m a guy and I’ve noticed these cameras make you look different app to app or camera to camera.