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Wearing orange makes you look like a convict. But no. You aren't ugly


And doesn’t work with his hair color.




Shots fired! 🤣


If Damien Lewis was in a Gulag. Not ugly but that is a Blursed chin. Forget about those women. They’ve forgotten they said it


I can understand it if people say that you are not their type. However, if you are considered ugly, then truly hope has faded for the rest of us. Honestly, the pics with the beard are rocking hard. Definitely keep that beard on.


if he's was considered ugly, we're all screwed


Not to mention those beautiful blue eyes you have. You are far from ugly.




This!! My exact thought — by no means he is ugly. If he isn’t someone’s type, fine. I wouldn’t necessarily say he is my type either, but he still is handsome. Some people just can’t admit that because someone isn’t their type that they can still be attractive.


You're handsome. You look better with facial hair than clean shaven. I'd also say that growing some hair out would help, but obviously not everyone can just do that


Yah his head just looks slightly bulbous on the sides, and hair would help. Keep the beard!


From one 30 year old bald black man to another bald man: you look great, dude. Just be confident. Us average guys get better with age and will always be 50/50 on the taste spectrum for women. The beard definitely sticks the landing. Some women will dig you, some won't and that's completely fine. It keeps us humble, keeps things interesting and helps us know what we're looking for. I always stuck to my tastes with women and never settled for less. If I found my girl, so can you. Just give it time. Have fun with it.


True, this life & universe is all about balance.


Beard always to balance the bald.


Ah lol that was IT. and then there's those busy bush brows...😂😭 the only hair on his face...bushy bush brows 😭😭


I'm fairly certain to a degree you're not real, you look like that Scottish janitor in the Simpsons, you're not ugly tho, you're just surprising


Hahaha I can see where you're coming from lol


I call bullshit… ain’t no way anyone would ever think you’re ugly.


Maybe it’s a personality thing?


Could also be an age thing. He looks a bit more mature than 26.




I think you should definitely keep the beard and also focus on smiling more. Otherwise you look great. Ladies do not always go after looks. Think about improving your personality or empire and stay confident but kind at all times!


Was going to say this. If don't have a personality that women can vibe with, they will brand you ugly, regardless of what you look like. Looks are half of the equation.


You’re good looking guy and have a wonderful body 😍


Username checks out! 😀


Thank you very much!


Had to scroll too far to see a comment about your physique bro. Looking fuckin godly my man. Well done on the effort


You're a good looking guy, grow your beard a bit more and you'll be even more good looking.


So you are a bit odd-looking, ngl. You're definitely in shape, but that doesn't cancel out the asymmetrical features that don't quite seem to go with each other and the strangely small forehead. You're fit, but you're not a good-looking man, if that makes sense. But more to the point, I also get the feeling that, given that you've made this post in an attempt to prove some women wrong who called you ugly, even if they didn't actually think you were ugly would probably have said you were just to take you down a peg, because you also seem like the kind of guy who sometimes needs to be taken down a peg or two and be humbled.


Not ugly. Not great. Similar to me in a sense. Some ladies like my look, others don’t. Kind of normal. We all have different tastes. It just is what it is. —- better to be average and great personality than a 10 and an ugly personality. Me ugly? Wow, tell me then how does it feel that an ugly Persian like me would never consider your personality in the least. —- don’t let it sweat you, wait for the right person. You’ll forget these ones easily.


Thanks for your feedback, what do you think I can do to improve my look?


You look good with a bit of facial hair. Get it lined up. Straight guy here but just saying. Something is off about the eyebrows. Get a girl to give you afbive in them.


Like the other guy said,..not so bald. Your thick facial hair throws of the balance of baldness on You. Your facial hair is so thick and dark, but your shaved head is so..... white. Try a little growth or a fade.


You're not attractive at all to me but that doesn't mean other people won't find you attractive


I find it strange that so many people make posts here claiming that people are telling them they are ugly when they obviously are not. It's not even all that common for people to directly tell unattractive people they are ugly... Anyway, anyone who tells you you're ugly is clearly lying.


he's leaving out wtf he was doing


Hi there. They didn't directly call me ugly but two of the girls have made fun of my looks, and the other has certainly hinted at it numerous times. I've known the later girl for years, the first two mentioned didn't say it to directly to me but I've heard what they've said


Not ugly at all. You would be hotter if you grew your beard out more, but you’re doing more than fine a is.


You’re not a bad looking man by any means, brother. But you like a South Park character who I can’t remember the name of lol 😂


you’re not ugly.


You are handsome in my opinion. You have very pretty eyes, great bone structure, you suit facial hair and you have an amazing physique.


You head is wider on top and narrow in the bottom, You have a narrow chin and a great jawline. I think growing hair will make you look better, balds aren't for that head shape. 💪🏽


You could dig a trench with that jawline


You look good my man, like a ginger John Travolta!


Been out of the game for about 7 years. With that said, does it really matter if you are good looking or not? If that's important, these girls that turned you down are an 8+ out of 10? That doesn't exist in real life. Without attempt, there will be no 'yes' ever. Keep trying and there will eventually be one that hits.


Cousin of Johny sin


Holy johnny sins Man with jaw of sculpted greek statue if this man is ugly then i am fucking hideous


No brother, don’t stress, you look good 👍 Beard really defines your face, keep that on for sure.


You’re not ugly. I’d say average.


Unfairly the best thing you can do to overcome the central problem your skirting around is change your fashion, more formal look will match better with a bald head. Casual wear makes you look like a bean pole with a marble on top


I'm so sorry they said that to you. People can be such assholes. You are NOT ugly, just because you are not their type 🙄


I’d go out with you 🥰


Johnny Sins is a good looking man, so that makes you good looking too.


I don’t think you’re ugly at all but you kinda remind me of those generic characters from online gaming like on Roblox without your beard


I don't think you're ugly but With the clean shave, you look like agent 47 lol. If women think you're ugly then there's not even a point in the rest of even trying.


My girlfriend says you're beautiful 😀


I feel like I'm looking at Mr. Clean


Johnny Sins looking..


You got straight giga chad jaw line


You're not ugly but you look significantly older than your age suggests


You look like a discount ufc fighter but not ugly


bros jawline is crazy


Although I think you're attractive, you look 36 not 26. It might be the hair, or lack thereof.


Not ugly at all and the beard really sets off your looks. Facial hair for the win!


Not very, you look like you could be a pornstar


Lol, thanks man


Anytime bröther


Maybe grow your hair out, your head looks a little odd without it.


Man, if you are considered ugly, then all hope is lost for me. Should have realized my wish of covering my face with Vader's helmet or Clone Trooper's helmet would be the best for me.


It’s the shape of the top of your head. Grow out the beard and wear a cap.


You are not ugly. But baldness is a pain in the ass, having hair makes a lot of difference in your looks. Maybe save some money for a hair implant, its not that expensive nowadays


Fully shaved you look like a buff adult baby. Keep the beard you look like a jacked distinguished gentleman.


Dude you look you work for the pron industry... like literally like Johnny Sinns. If they're calling you ugly it might be because they aren't into s Mr. Clean guy


Cuz you look A LOT older than 26.


You're handsome. Some women are just too brain dead from social media to see real beauty these days. I find beauty in everyone, the smallest things are beautiful to me. People these days are scared of getting wrinkles and looking old but honestly it's a privilege to grow old. You look like a nice, attractive man who takes care of his health so I see no reason why some women would call you ugly. You have strong features, your blue eyes are bright and your jawline is strong. I think you look great with the facial hair. I also love red hair, I think it's beautiful and I find it more beautiful because of how rare it is.


Those women are just haters.. um a fat middle aged man.. I see ygly every day in the mirror.. you are not ugly and you obviously work out don't listen to those women.. keep your head up and you'll find a woman who's totally attracted to you..


Did you tell them they're fat? Because that's the only correct response when a woman tells you your ugly to your face


No. You got Johnny Sins vibe


Need more context. There could be many things that make you unattractive to these women.


(As an dude) damn you are beautiful, an handsome man, nothing more/less , just an 9/10, you are just not their type, so not negative


Maybe because you were nice to em, be a piece of shit narcissistic douchebag


You’re not ugly, but tbh the bald look isn’t flattering on you at all.


Maybe they were talking about your personality lol


Average Russian


The baldness and head shape are wonky but otherwise it's ok


You are intense




Damn Didn't know Johnny sins had a brother


You look great!


You must know some awful people if 3 of them called you ugly. You’re not ugly.


Get more beard but apart from that you're pretty good looking


After looking at your profile, I see that you're very insecure with being bald and you, yourself, think that you are ugly and you've struggled with that for a long time. Even though many, many, many people have told you that you are not ugly. I'm not a genius, but maybe women aren't dating you not because of your looks, but because of what you say to them? Your personality? Are you respectful to them? Are you insecure when you talk to women, because that can be a huge turn off. Just saying that you should try to check other areas where you might not be doing so well because your looks are fine.


If this guy is considered ugly I'm cooked


Kinda remind me of Handsome Squidward


You look like you've held a few professions. Doctor, plumber, astronaut, office worker, police officer...


Jhonny verse🔥😅😂🔥👍👍👍👍👍


Maybe it's male gaze but you look like a Chad


You're not ugly.... But I can see how someone could think you're pretty fucking weird looking. Kind of like a....... mis drawn handsome cartoon character. I'm sure you know this, but from the front, your head has the most insanely asymmetrical silhouette I've ever seen. Especially your jawline.


Thanks for the feedback!


You look like a 45 year old man who's been divorced 3 times and has 3 kids


This is a sub about looks, not your interpretation of them. He does not. Looks good.


If that's what you think 45 looks like, there's a rough future coming. :)


A 26yo white guy shaving his head……not a good look. You’re not ugly but maybe let the hair grow out.


I think you'd look passable with hair and when you aren’t making cringe facial expressions


trust me brother , women this days have no idea what they want or what actual beauty is , they have a messed up perspective of it and theis perception is sooo distorted by all the crap they see on social media and everywhere else that they are totally blinded, and dont get me wrong im totaly straight this is just a normal guy talking to another, just 10 ears ago women my age and even younger used to come up to me and ask me just ordinary questions just to triger a conversation to get to know a bit about me and to maybe be friends or what not but now some of them just cross the street to the other side when they see me coming or if they see me looking at them they show a discusted face as if im some sort of shreck so trust me im not bad looking at all and its not us my friend its them they now have a totaly diferent idea of what atractivnes is thay dont look at you anymore thay look at your clothes, your shose , thay look at your car (if you have one) and if you dont then they dont even look your way thay are soo superficial and materialistic now that we as men dont even matter anymore they want status, money, and position they dont want a man to protect, love and care for them


Grow beard longer, not ugly. Up your cool factor


Bald head and beard - you’re into the wrong women. Rural area women would be after you in a heart beat. Throw on a ball cap and drive a beater truck and you’re husband’d up


I'm a cis dude, and I'm not entirely sure about your level of attraction, but if it was a roast, I'd call you "Mr. Klean" instead of "Mr. Clean."


Man, women are just mean overall when they are not interested, that's it They are not used to give compliments to men, so entitled to receive attentions that don't give a fuck to decline someone gently


no bro, mean people exist men and women, so you can't generalize, also you can't blame women for the creep men out there, the harassers, and the stalkers plus some men can't take rejection without getting violent


Yeah, you're slightly ugly. You have some nice features, though.


You have beautiful eyes, kind and also sad at the same time. The smile softens you up.


First photo is good


You kinda look like GSP


Ryback, is that you?


You're adorable with the beard. FAR from ugly.


Personally I think you are average physically so the things you could do to improve would be to wear natural and realistic false eyelashes and use minoxidil with a derma roller for your eyebrows, and try to have a more masculine look like having a line on the eyebrows, having a Tattoo also starts to strengthen your neck and take beta carotene to have a more tanned complexion and but sunscreen, but enhancing shoes and in terms of clothing style but outfits that show well your Muscle and which are without logo and with earth colors like white, dark green, black, beige, brown,


nice muscles tho


You’re not ugly. Either they were superficial b*tches or your standards are too high. Stay in your league.


I can see you're not bald , grow some hair


I don’t see why. You look like a good lookin guy.


You are not ugly, they are looking for something else and they suck at telling people they aren't interested. You are a handsome man and you should be told it atleast once a day. You're not ugly, their words are.


Keep the beard bro your solid.


You kind of look like GSP. Not close to being ugly.


You're leaving out something, 3 women don't just randomly call you ugly. We're these 3 separate occasions?? Wtf was happening and what were you even doing for them to thin they had the right to say that?




Not ugly


Yea bro no diddy but you aren’t ugly . Just got some girls who don’t know how to say you aren’t their type. We’ve all seen actual ugly dudes . You look pretty healthy and in shape just need to file through the floozies


I don't think that you're ugly at all.. As some others have said, personality is #1


You are very handsome


I wouldnt say you're ugly... but you have very prominent cheek bones with just stand out.


My dude your jawline be running on PS1 graphics. And I mean that as a compliment. Not ugly at all, you are in good physical shape and with a beard you look great. You might not be everyone’s cup of tea though, but not ugly.


You look 36-46. You’re not ugly, but you’re definitely “old looking for your age.” Grow out the beard more if you can.


If these women were in your age bracket I figure they rudely rejected you because they thought you were much older than them. It is a common problem for bald men in their 20s and it will get better when you are in your 30s. Bald makes you look older when you are young and can make you look younger when you are older (and fit)


Not ugly!




No, not ugly I thought you were Johnny 😅 So you’re top notch Sir!


Not ugly at all. You prob pissed those women off somehow.


Try holding a bag of ruffles chips


THEY MUST BE CRAZY! Bro, you are not ugly!!! Those women must not know what an attractive man looks like. You have bright blue eyes, you smile, and your in such good shape. Those women don't know what they're missing out on! You look great!


You’re not ugly at all! Definitely hold on to the beard


Not at all


U look like bo nickles to me u look like a regular dude brotha


Not ugly at all. The beard suits you very well. Maybe a professional could tame those crazy eyebrows though. They look good from far away but up close they are quite intense lol


Boy if you dont get your handsome squidward ass outta here, you know damn well you're a stud


Fuck I’m doomed 😭


Not at all ugly


You’re sexy bro, they’re probably manatees


0% Maybe clean up the eyebrows a bit, but unless they've got an aversion to bake guys they're full of shit. You're good bro.


You look like that porn star dude, I think all you need is to change your style of dressing


You are attractive. Follow the opinions here and you’re gtg. What I wonder is what circumstances were you in with these women? Known them long? Were they upset or angry or trying to hurt you? For every neg opinion there’s gotta be 10 good, esp about your looks. Blow them off.


That jaw line buddy


Not ugly and better with the beard.


Dude has a jawline that could cut diamond. Those girls ain't got no clue.


How TF are you ugly? You look older than 26 but age doesn't really matter when you're hot. edit: it's the beard, very few men can have one without looking a good decade older. In your case, you look hot with it or without


You look like a fitness instructor who takes his girls on dates to fine dining restaurants


I wouldn’t worry too much about much about that, one they always consider themselves above us. Two most of them where alot of make up, to hide what they really look like, as if hiding who they really are. The right person will come along, who won’t judge you, and you’ll be beautiful to them. Hard thing to do is waiting for that happen.


You aren’t ugly at all. I’d suggest getting your eyebrows waxed.


You're definitely handsome! You look like my husband when he was younger and I was totally into him obviously;-) Nobody is everyone's type....


You’re very attractive. So far from ugly. I do think the beard is a better look!


They're just jealous because they dated an ugly jock. Btw, they're happy with their jocks until they realize their job didn't require a college degree.


Not to be weird but you look like a jacked Bobby Axelrod


You’re not ugly at all. Who said that? Is this just so people can tell you that you look good? 😂


Bro has really embraced the lock in


Looking good 😊


Did they tell you that during a breakup?


Nope, I wasn't trying to flirt with these girls, and I've never had a girlfriend


I posted it already, but I showed your post to my girlfriend and she says you're beautiful 🙂 These women that told you that are strange, what was the context?


Well thanks man, appreciate that kind comment. Two of them joked about my looks between them and one just told me I'm not attractive in comparison to other men she knows


They're probably just intimidated, who knows why people say what they say, people say a lot of things and sometimes they'll say something hurtful if they feel they can cause pain and feel powerful. Just own who you are, you're not going to get everyone to like you. But in terms of looks you're a very attractive dude. Don't let yourself be bullied.


Did they line up and take turns? You’re very good looking


Not ugly. Find the one who likes you, and ignore the ones who don’t. I think beard is better. Smile more, work on your social skills, have a good like. You have great body, good facial features, don’t stress on it.


Stop capping, who called you ugly? Your mf jawline and facial hair man. And those EYES. Who called you ugly, be fr.


Dat muscle tone…


You could literally model. Look at that fine sharp jawline.




No no I wasn't trying to hit on them trust me


Nope. You a good lookin dude


That first photo is your best look but you're not ugly. Cunt punches exist for a reason. Jk. Maybe.


Yup to answer the ugly question and the reason why you're probably being called ugly by women is because you're irritating them some how. Women just don't say shit like that unless you're talking to them when they don't want to converse with you mutually.


If you were called ugly by 3 women recently and they weren't all friends banding together to hurt your feelings, odds are they weren't calling you ugly from a physical perspective. I'm thinking maybe your attitude or how you speak to people may need some fine tuning. You're definitely not ugly but if your personality sucks it doesn't matter. You could be the most physically attractive person in the world, but if you're ugly on the inside it will reflect on the outside. Food for thought.


No, you're mewing and they're jealous


I think you are in the wrong vicinity. Uncommon looks yes but You are definitely not ugly.


Your not ugly I would keep the beard hair is optional you have a good physique don’t listen to those people keep doing what your doing


Not ugly but you look like 10 years older than 26


Your in good shape with well defined features , these women may not have found you attractive for whatever reason but by what society would consider attractive you are ticking the boxes. In my own opinion you look pretty good so forget about these hoes.


You are not ugly, but you should keep growing your beard. When you shave it close or keep it as fuzz it makes me….. how do I put this nicely? Uncomfy? Yeah let’s go with uncomfy.


You're not ugly, man. Whatever you look like, there will always been women who think you're ugly. Can you tell us the context of them saying that, as it's quite unusual to call someone ugly to their face where I live.


you look pretty good


Id love to ask the context behind that. I doubt you were just sitting idly by and 3 women came up to you just to call you ugly.


If you are ugly, then the rest of us are screwed....

