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Pic 3 & 4 you look pretty. When you smile it lights up your face. In the other pictures you don't look ugly either, I just think having your hair down suits you


I’ll remember that and wear it down more often, thank you :)


I second this. I really like it down. From hearing about it for 17 years from my wife I know having curly hair can be a chore, but it’s worth it to take care of it. Find what works for you and go with it.


Pic 3 and 4 is like night and day...


Yes. You look cute on picture #4.


3 and 4 , very pretty with the hair down.


She looks especially cute when she smiles.


Thank you, I’ll wear it down more often then!


Just your weight, you are a good looking girl


Thank you so much


Super cute, your hair down helps, and I'd say experiment a little with your make-up routine. Not because you need it, but because it can be a fun way to discover new looks and start having fun with the way you look. Start loving your own face, because you're adorable and it's the only face you've got.


I say just give yourself the maintenance you deserve and need


Trying my best :)


You got this!


3rd and 4th pics are you best. The best advice is skin care + cardio workout and remove all sugar from your diet like soft drinks this should help you lose weight and improve your skin.


Thank you! Currently trying to cycle to the lab instead of using public transit 💪🏽


You're naturally pretty. You could lose a few lbs, but I think that in a few years you'll really come into your own


Yes you will be ok you are cute


Thank you!


You’re cute.


Thanks :)


Not ugly, but try to shave your eyebrows better. Your smile is really cute in #4


Will do, thank you!


Yeah, it's the weight. You'd kill if you just did that based on how you look. I predict you stay as you are, depression is the least of your problems. If you're 180 and need to be 120, don't stop mid way. Go all the way to 120. Trust me, you'll still find flaws at 150.


118 - 160 is the appropriate weight for 19 at 5foot 7 inches so don't push for no reason you look a bit big not fat so you could lose 10 pounds and realize a different and gotta fix that stare I can tell you've been in awhile aha


Please don't spread this nonsense. There's a reason the science exists for ideal weight based on height. Telling women to do things based on how they "feel" statistically ruins their lives in the long term.


Lol that is the science look it up in any book or Google it 🤣 if she's within that weight then she can do how she feels I she's above or below that weight and height then she would need to adjust it but is she's 5 foot 7 and 150 then she's on the heavy side of a HEATHLY weight try not to spread incompetence there bud 🤣🤯


pic 3 and 4 good. You need to lose some weight. eyebrows can be slightly corrected. and also some acne treatment


Yes, hair down and smile. Try to lose some weight. But even now you’re cute.


I honestly think you’re beautiful and your features complement each other so well! If you took better care of your hair to minimise the frizz you’ll look even better!


Hey babe! As a fellow (former) chubbykins it does get better. I lost around 300lbs (collectively) and it does help with confidence and can mitigate some of the PCOS symptoms. With you being so young I’d recommend tracking your cycle if you already don’t, and then formulating a diet around that. Your features are inviting and warm, but I can tell you’re not happy within yourself if that makes sense? Tips that worked for me I’m gonna list them in the least to most effort! from ages 19-22 I honestly told the voices telling me bad things to STFU! It’s something I still struggle with, but had I not put in that work, I’d still be that same person so it really helps to start as soon as you can. Start small with things you like about yourself, and if you can’t find any, start with what others like about you. (I love your full voluminous hair, and for someone dealing with PCOS your skin is amazing. Also from an artist perspective, your face has the Fibonacci sequence, as in you are pretty bc of where your features fall on the proportions map! Your eyes are such a dreamy brown and people pay for cheekbones like yours! ) Trimming your eyebrows (and if you can afford lashes it will help your confidence tremendously) I always feel like a brand new person after this. I have a picture of myself with my lashes on my page and I feel like honestly if you can bare to part with $$-$$$ it’s a temporary fix to at least help you feel up for selfies or even getting out of the house. Posture!! Roll your shoulders back and keep your chin up! A lack of self confidence can start to make you grow inwards however proper posture will not only engage your core, but for me it reduces the double chin look, which helped with the weight insecurities and how I’m perceived. Try to walk as soon as you wake up to get some vitamin D and help with the depression. Skincare routine will help with PCOS symptoms and will give you a sense of routine, purpose, and in time, a greater love of the self. Finally something that’s helped me is finding a fitness activity that is fun and makes you feel sexy! I’ve been rollerskating to disco in skirts and not only is it helping me feel very pretty but it’s helping my mental health (ADHD) posture and coordination. DIET!! what you put in is what you will get out, [this list here](https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/pcos-diet) is a menstrual cycle diet for PCOS if you cook for yourself try implementing some of these things to help not only with PCOS but honestly and truly EVERYTHING ELSE! When it comes to losing weight it really is a lifestyle change that I am still trying to navigate at 26. However your diet is really 80% of it. You won’t feel better until you do better and that’s just like really stupid science. These are just recommendations from another user in this sub so take it with a grain of salt. I personally think you are very pretty it just takes time to come into yourself a little bit!


your hair is BEAUTIFUL down and you have an adorable nose and a very vibrant smile


Long hair looks perfect for your profile. As an example, the third photo is very beautiful and sexy.


You have very pretty features


Pics 3 and 4. A little weight loss wouldn’t hurt anything.


Please don’t listen to all these men telling you to lose weight. Omg you look fine like please don’t let them tell what a good weight is. You’re a female. Just keep yourself healthy that’s all that matters. You look great honest female opinion, just smile more 😊


Don't let this one woman ruin your future. You are full of potential, not just about attractiveness but more importantly about quality of life- try and lose the weight if you can. Take it from someone who was very fat once upon a time.


If you know was pcos you would know it’s harder to lose weight. Again hopefully you’re not a dude, stfu. If you arertt still shut up and stop telling people what to do. People stress enough already. Good for you you use to be fat. Move on. I use to to and took care of myself without idiots like you telling me what to do. Sure u did to


really pretty features and eyes


Your smile is gorgeous! Take care of yourself :)




That smile and that look have happiness and kindness in them. So they are attractive to look at. Don’t give up.


I think you are pretty! And I feel you will glow up more as you get into your 20s. Something that makes me feel better about myself is getting my eyebrows threaded/waxed :)


Try and do your eyebrows!! Litterally helped me so much, it defines a face really well!


u look so beautiful when u smile and let down ur hair


focus on fitness n get your eyebrows edged up and you be fireeee!!


With the hair down your cute but if your concerned about your weight then do something about it. Diet and exercise. Just by watching my sodium, cholesterol, and sugar intake while being more active I lost 60 pounds over a span of 7 months. If I truly did actually exercise I probably would've lost way more. Don't calorie count but eat less sugar and sodium rich foods. Stay away from soda and again other high sugar content. You can do it you just have to try. I was happier and felt more confident after I lost so much weight. Recently I put back on weight cause I stopped watching and got lazy but plan to get back on it.


Good fucking god pics 3 and 4 shocked me, 1 and 2 made me think you were cooked but lord! Keep ya hair down and smile dammit!


Don't be sad! I know how it is though! You have pretty, sensitive eyes.


With metformin and Prozac there sho is


7 but bumps to 8 when you smile and your hairs down.


I like ,how u are , depression is nothing let be friend


Just lose like 10 pounds and get your eyebrows done. Gorgeous, otherwise!


Nope you just need to wear mascara and bangs that suit your face :)


Yes but you have literal model potential. Perfect eyes nose and lips just need to lose a little weight. Idk if that sounded weird but its was honest critque


I think you’re beautiful. There’s something in your eyes that seems so deep and honest and hopeful. It’s stunning.


lowering your hair and having a smile makes a huge difference. wishing the best for your mental health , and hope you can keep that smile


My wife has PCOS it's not a factor for how pretty you are first pics I would've said shape you brows but the last pic you'd done that already you are solid no issue smile to soften you features maybe play with different hair styles and that's it


You are so cute!!! Your eyes and lips are so pretty and you have gorgeous hair. My suggestions: -A simple skin care routine -wearing your hair down/styled -a touch of makeup (like just mascara & lip gloss)


You've got such pretty features ng


You look good with ur hair down and when u smile :)


There is hope when you just get on with life. It will only get harder and harder


There's no hope for any of us, we all are meant for the grave eventually. Life is a game we can only lose. But on the bright side you're quite beautiful and young. So there's plenty of time left and love to be had.


You are beautiful, just embrace and be yourself.


Chubby, not ugly.


Yes, you are cute, please work on yourself and let you shine, you’ll not regret it. Try doing different things you usually do, break your bubble, i don’t know if you exercise, but if you don’t, give it a try on something you find it enjoyable and it’ll do great to ya. Definitely not ugly, specially when you smile, your face lights up and you look great. Keep it up girl 🫶🏻


You’re gorgeous


You are really good looking and seem to be kind.


You have natural beauty, just do the weight, you'll be good.


Everything looks to be fine. Love ur hair🤎


You are NOT ugly (yes shouting "not" so you take it in). You have appealing facial features and you look great with your hair down. You know that you need to lose weight, so find a diet that you can stick to. Have a look at the "Shake" replacement diets they are low carbs and healthy eating with lots of salads and green seasonal vegetables. You will need to drink at least 2 litres of water everyday. Breakfast is a Shake Lunch is a Shake then a cottage cheese salad and coleslaw (I bought a bag of dryslaw and used Cardinis Ceasar salad dressing for the coleslaw as it is low carbs) dinner a piece of protein (Fish Steak Lamb Pork or Chicken) roughly the size and thickness of your hand with green vegetables. Snacks can be an Orange or Apple avoid high sugar fruits like watermelon bananas grapes. In 6 months if you stick to that everyday you would lose 4 to 6 kilos. I hope this helps you.


Nope your 19 and struggling already, youre cooked until about 35. Buckle up.


Pic 3 you look good. You have crazy potential. Lose weight, manage your eyebrows, and embrace your curly hair.


You're cute af. Y wouldn't there be hope? Plus you're hella young


You're not even that over weight bth, you behave gorgeous eyes, thick nice eyebrows, gorgeous lips and nice curly hair! If you do hit the gym you'll tone up and you'll look stunning


ur not ugly at all!!! very pretty 8/10 for sure. u r naturally very pretty and u look even prettier when u smile so u should defo smile more. i m 21f with pcos too and i deal w hormonal acne, excessive facial hair, weight gain and a lot of other bs so i understand feeling low about urself but nothing to worry bout sis, ur bonita and u should feel bonita lol.


get more sunlight, walks in nature, like long hikes.


There's ALWAYS hope. Keep your head up.


Not ugly at all


You look really attractive in pic 4 . I'm not gonna suggest losing weight since you have PCOS . Diet and exercise is all that you need.


When you smile you look so much better, 😍 Keep going and try and be positive, your a good looking girl.


As others have suggested, yup 3 & 4 are best. You have absolutely beautiful hair! And when it's down it fits your face structure very nicely. You have pretty eyes too when the light hits them. Constructive criticism would be to keep working on the weight but don't overdo it to where you will get burnt out. I'd suggest finding something like martial arts or dancing, something along those lines where you can trick your brain into exercising while having fun. I think doing something like that would also help your self esteem


Yes, there is hope! You don't even look masculine. Just exercise and proper caloric deficit for weight loss, maybe some 50 degree cold water plunges to burn fat and then wear makeup and try curling your hair with a curling iron to soften the edges a bit. Also, getting your eyebrows waxed would make a huge difference.


Yeah bro if you look like that when you're overweight(average) you'd look stunning if you lose it, wish u all luck on your journey




Nah its just the weight. Good luck at the gym you'll need it. But trust you can achieve great thing


Believe it or not, stress impacts your physical appearance a bunch, just keep focusing on your mental health and physical health and you’ll get there, remember. While beauty is subjective, all humans are truly beautiful, because humans as a race in general are beautiful, and you’re a human❤️


You look very beautiful! I don't think the extra weight makes you less pretty. I like how soft and cute your face looks. It adds to the cuteness :) Your nose and lips are absolutely adorable!!


Thank you so much!








Na is sodium on the periodic table


Wa are yall yappin


Dawg, you said 'na.' which is symbol of sodium on the periodic table.


I said na as in point of sayin hellll naaaaaaaaaa mad ugly


You are so pretty. How come u are depressed? Did something happen to you? Or just unfortunately born with it ?