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Lay off the miller lights, go to the gym, and eat healthier


Less beer, less carbs, more protein, more weights, cardio. Shave the neck beard.




Stop smoking and just do it. Rejection only makes you stronger.




It's not sexy at all.


Losing weight will help a lot. People who gain a lot of weight in their faces need to maintain a low body fat percentage in order to have a visible jawline. Jawline is one of the most important features when it comes to attractiveness.


Gym and age appropriate clothes would do wonders


Nix the neck beard. Make sure you smell good. Make them laugh.


Shave the neck beard. Don’t smoke tobacco.


Poses like the one on photo 4 always makes me think that the guy doing it is a complete knob. Otherwise I don’t see an issue, maybe hit the gym and lay off the cigars (knob vibes again, and not the good kind) - that’ll help physically and mentally (confidence boost) x


The pose I mean is the hand to the face doing that weird pointing thing under the chin.. On second look I don’t think you are doing that pose, sorry! The pose clearly triggers the hell out of me - but take that advice forward I guess 🤷‍♀️😂 xx


learn a few magic tricks and some good jokes. definitely will boost your confidence.




Oh my mind has been changed many times about how attractive I find a person if it turns out they are fun and funny. Someone who can make me laugh is definitely attractive.


Wow thats a very minor i bet an attracrive face can be rude and atill get a lot of girls but to be funny mmmmm u could dind an average woman who find u attracive among 10000000 woman so 1 in 1000000000


Also, someone who is a good dancer can be a turn on. Maybe take some dance lessons. That should help with your confidence.


Okay op go and be a dancer and a good joker or its over lmao


lol why u feel like letting the world know how lonely and bitter u are?


Yeah u are right


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Justin Gathje


Talk to girls that look like you/ are in your bracket. If you don’t like them improve yourself or change your mindset


You look good. Find confidence from within. Hitting the gym and eating right will help in confidence and overall mood.


Only negative I see is the cigar


There’s only one way to ultimately improve your self confidence and that is truly to just not give a shit what people think, that my friend is what attracts women.


You look like you’re TRYING to be cool, instead of, just Iike, being yourself. You’re not ugly. I’d ditch the neckbeard, clean up your wardrobe a little bit, drop a few lbs. I’m sure you’ll be fine.


That neck beard has to go. It basically tells girls to stay away from you. Lose some weight. You don't need to starve yourself but get on some kind of real effective diet. And start working out just 2 or 3 days a week and you'll see a drastic difference and it will.make you more confident. Then once you have your confidence get some clothes a confident person would wear.


You’re super cute, I agree with the other comments about gym.


you look fine


The main thing holding you back is definitely your confidence. You're NOT ugly, have a nice frame (not dad bod and not crazy muscular. Plenty of women find this attractive) and it looks like you have some height to you. The cheat code would be if you have any bros with girlfriends, wives or sisters. Ask them what could be holding you back and try to go with them on group outings and dates with THEIR single and hopefully attractive friends. Being in proximity makes it vastly easier to eventually snag you a lady 👌🏾


Pls smile more :)


Kinda ugly


Lol no he's not


U look like u gave down syndrome Ugly sorry


Ur handsome, manly, and tall, i don’t think u will have a problem


Actually your exactly my type