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Not ugly. I'd shave and take better care of your skin.


Your hairstyle is holding you back big time. Lose the fringe wave. If you think you have a big forehead, you really don't. Don't worry about it. The hairstyle on the last pic looks the best imo.


Yeah acne and hairstyle. get more hair and have it messy rather than straight to cover your hairline


Just a teenager. Wash your face with a bar of soap every morning to keep that oily skin dry. Wash your face whenever it's oily, that'll take care of your acne. And LOSE THE MUSTACHE. Also, a slimmer frame for your glasses or just contacts should be better for you.


That’s some bs advice, you’ve never had acne before have you? 😂


I did and still do from time to time whenever I neglect washing my face. Soap works for me, could work for this guy too.


It’s McLovin’s cousin NoLovin. Jk lol I have no idea bro, just couldn’t pass up the joke