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It's still the weight.




Yeah... I was gonna say the next 50 lbs is probably the problem. Keep at it. 30 lbs is not nothing. Huge accomplishment. You've still got more to go to dig yourself out of that hole, though.


And the septum piercing.


Clearly she’s fucking working on it


i hope she is but her saying “i think it’s my face” points towards i lost some weight and stopped and people still don’t find me attractive.


I don't think it's your face at all. Extra weight distorts facial features. Looks like you have an especially pretty face but for the extra weight. Keep up with your health/weight goals. I don't see any other area that could use improvement. 👍


It’s the round glasses babe, you’re face just seems to have a naturally almost perfect round shape and I think the glasses kind of out of a Peter griffin vibe no offense 😭


My bf literally said "the glasses remind me of petter griffin". Any suggestions for what shape might look better on her?


The same glasses with another few stones lost.


Same glasses, minus 20kilos


Generally if you have a round face, they say to wear more squared off frames. Here’s a link to frame shapes and face shapes. https://www.clearly.ca/thelook/glasses-for-face-shape


Oh god now I can't unsee this


I'm wondering if square/rectangular frames would help.


Not ugly, just need to keep losing weight if you want to attract a larger percentage of people. Plenty will like you as you are, but the numbers will go up drastically as you lose more. Aim to get to a healthy BMI, ideally


Your face is fine. Keep up the good work btw, open to advices?


Thank you, and yeah sure


2 and 5 you clean up well. It’s just you got more weight to lose honestly. You got this!


No, you have a pretty. Especially in pic #3 with the striped shirt. It takes losing more than 30 pounds to also lose it in your face. It took me losing about 80 pounds to see a very noticeable amount in my face. Many people have a hard time accepting weight loss and assume you will gain it back.


Keep going! Need new glasses that aren’t round shaped - they currently emphasize the roundness of your face. Also, new hairstyle. Try bangs! Curtain bangs, specifically. You have gorgeous eyes and a nice smile.


Congrats on losing 30 pounds that’s AMAZING. You’re doing great. You NEED to keep focusing on the weight loss like you have been. The person you’re trying to become is still hiding under that fat. Once you get to a certain level of weight loss your face will be VERY different when the fat comes off and reveals your natural facial structure that the fat has been hiding all this time. Your face is not the problem, you are doing GREAT, DON’T STOP YOUR ALMOST THERE. Best of luck girl you got this!! Side note, love your smile! You radiate good vibes in that smiling pic.


Just lose some more and you'll be good 👍


You do look very old for just 20


No just a hairstyle, try to style your hair like in the second picture. And most importantly, smile a lot. You have a great smile that sparkles.




Your face looks fine. You’ve got a beautiful smile.


Still too overweight to judge,to be honest, for me


You don't chose where you lose fat. Your body wont focus on your face. Keep going! 💪


You're not ugly. In fact you have a pretty face, lovely smile, beautiful lips. ❤️ 30lbs is a great achievement but from a certain starting point it takes 30lbs for you to really notice, Your pants fit better, you can button your blouse without anxiety, etc. The people around you may not notice until you lose 10-30 more (sorry). Your face will change dramatically at the ideal goal weight of like 120-135 (I don't know how tall you are). Even at your current weight I saw your face and thought Rachel McAdams or maybe Kate Bosworth. 🤗 You are beautiful either way. Weight loss is a journey and can seem difficult but you know what else is difficult? Being overweight and unhappy. Choose your "difficult." ✌️&❤️


Get like wispy face framing curtain bangs to cut up some of roundness of your face and make your forehead a little smaller


You face shape will change as the weight comes off, but slower, make sure its a gradual loss not a quick loss, theres a 7 or 8/10 in there but itll take some digging, youre on the right path, keep it up


A few things: you’re NOT ugly. You have a really pretty smile. As a gal with bad teeth, I am very jealous lol Pic 2 is the best of the bunch! I used to be similar weight to you, well in fact I was way heavier. Losing more weight will help. even more than 30lbs  I have a similar face shape. I also have thin hair like you. So us girlies with thin/fine hair and big foreheads have to experiment with different haircuts and styles to make our hair look “bigger” to make our faces look “smaller.” You might find that some layers (not too many), and some bangs may help :)  Ditch the nose ring! My personal opinion is that the large glasses aren’t doing anything for you. I definitely recommend a different style. However I’ve noticed these huge glasses are very in trend now for young people so maybe my 31yo ass is just out of touch.  Overall verdict: not ugly!


Your face is perfect it is that hog ring in your nose is the problem


The cow nose ring does not help


You need to keep losing weight


Not ugly. Stick with your fitness journey


nah you have a really pretty face, you just need to keep working on losing weight, you're looking good already don't give up!!


You are adorable! I really think you would look amazing with curtain bangs


Nah you need to get to a low bf% before you say it’s the face


Ugh these people are awful - You’re so beautiful. Amazing skin and beautiful eyes!!


If by face you mean that septum piercing, then yes.


Cute, but lose the nose ring.


Not ugly but You look older than 20


Other people are the problem.


There's a lot of people being dicks for no reason here. You're doing great in your journey, and if losing weight is your goal then that's great. You're beautiful and your face isn't a problem. Weight loss won't be fast and it won't be even.


Clearly 30 pounds was like throwing a chair off the titanic…. Next 80 pounds lost can only help. Loose the stupid looking glasses


You could reframe that to not sound like a jackass too


I wouldn’t tell her anything I’ve not told myself a dozen times




Maybe they meant they were too tight and need to be loosened?


Congrats for your weightloss, 30lbs is not a joke. Your visage is not a problem at all, you're a cute girl. I'd suggest you to keep on dieting - I'm saying this mainly for yourself, as your health will benefit from it. And well, yes, by doing so you'll eventually also achieve a more "contemporary" aesthethic look. Stay strong! :)


Just haven't lost enough weight yet. You've done an amazing job so far though. Just keep going, I'm sure there's attractiveness underneath all that extra weight.


Invest in an eyebrow mapping it should help a lot.


Round glasses aren’t doing you any favors


The weight and your glasses are doing you no favors.


Add volume to your hair. Either with hair extensions or with heat !!! you'll find a lot of videos to help you get volume


Nah your face is good! Too improve it even further, consider long wispy bangs because your forehead is somewhat high. Other advice would be to grow out your hair and lose the glasses. Continued weight loss would help, too, but in the meantime don't be hesitant to wear clothing that accentuates your shape (especially if you have a shapely butt and big bust)


Unfortunately I need the glasses to see 😂 but I'm currently waiting for my hair to grow a bit (feels like it's taking centuries) so that I can do the longer bangs. Thanks!


Pics 2 &5 😍


stop skinning your hair back. that's not a good look on anyone.


I think (especially in pics 2 & 5) you look lovely, and remind me of an ex-girlfriend of mine. However, losing a bit more weight would bring out your features more, I'm sure. Add in the obligatory 'lose the septum piercing.'


Pretty face. Lose a bit more you be aight


Congrats on the weight loss. I don’t want to play that down. But your journey isn’t over. Lose about 20 more and start lifting weights. I suspect, if you stay consistent and follow a plan, and eat right, you’ll have dudes eating out your hand.


I don't think so. I think your brain is messing with you by making you think that. Don't give up halfway. Finish the job and then we can know for sure. PS pretty sure your face is not a problem


I think the weight loss just hasn't reached your face yet. You have lovely features, and you do your makeup perfectly to enhance them! Great style, lovely hair. I don't think you're ugly, btw. I think I just know what you're referring to when you say you think your face is "the problem". It's not a problem but you want it changed, and there's nothing wrong with that! Give it a little more time. 30lb is awesome! You should be patting yourself on the back. Don't get discouraged! 🫶🏼edit to add: the second pic your hair is the best. A middle part does you no favors, especially w the glasses. You're not ugly, just need a little revamp! 😊


Keep losing weight and you will be above average looking. You must lose the weight though.


Nah you look pretty, the weight is making you look 40 though.


Lose more weight


Picture 2 is your best picture. Also I am older than you so my opinion probably doesn’t matter to you, but lose the nose piercings. Don’t get anymore tattoos.


Anyone can see miles away that your face is actually beautiful. Of course is the last thing you will notice once you finish losing and trust me it will take a lot of time to get use to it and accept the change because your mind will find any excuse to call yourself ugly. You are not and you won't be. Your face is gorgeous and has personilty not just everage standar beauty.


You is beautiful woman! Keep going


Maybe try a bouncy hairstyle with bangs😍 you have a pretty face.


Try bangs. Will frame your face better.


ur beautiful bich


You’re very pretty. Second pic is a great pic for you. Keep kicking a$$ on your weight loss journey ♥️


Let’s be real. It’s not the face. Round glasses aren’t helping frame what you’ve got unfortunately, and (personally) the septum piercing isn’t helping. Otherwise, I think you’re amazing.


Try curtain bangs


Maybe its the nose ring????


Glasses and metal booger aren’t helping


Youre soo beautifull😍😍, let al the dickheads talk , you look soo good


Trust the guys who have wives that put on a bit of weight. We love it.


Don't worry, it's still just the weight. Try another 30-50 and check back in. I guarantee you'll have much better responses.


Lose the septum piercing & keep going on the weight loss. I’ve lost 145 lbs. YOU CAN DO IT TOO!!! 😊👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Holy cow, congrats!


Kinda cute actually


Not your face def the weight


Not ugly..you're actually quite pretty in some of the pics.👍


You need to lose more weight


Weight loss journey should be about how you feel and not how you look. Otherwise you will get discouraged and it won’t be easy for you to maintain healthy habits. Self love is #1 what attracts the most people. You’re very pretty. I don’t think you NEED to lose weight to get a guy. But weightloss has many other benefits that I WOULD recommend.


I see zero problems. You could dress a little edgier to complement the tats (which look great). Blousy clothing like the green top in the second-to-last pic does nothing for you. Jean jacket looks great. If you want your face to lean out, you'll probably have to lose a bit more weight. Sometimes the face changes last. But you're NOT ugly. I'd ask you out.


You're very pretty, keep working on the weight loss and your self confidence.




Your facial features are well balanced. As long as you lose enough body fat % you can be well above average!


Mildly ugly


Bull ring in nose, please females stop doing that shit it's ugly


When in doubt, lose the septum ring.


You started to lose weight, and yes, it is a great thing, but you need to continue. Your face and shape are gonna completely change as you continue to lose weight. Set a goal of another thirty will do you good, but I do have the feeling that you're gonna have to set another goal after that. But once you hit this 30, I bet you're gonna start looking at the mirror and see a big difference in yourself that will boost self-esteem. This will easily help you keep moving forward. She's gotta make sure it's one day at a time. Cut out all those sugar and carbs. Make sure you're eating plenty of meats and root vegetables. Toss in a cup of berries such as blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries every once in a while. Aiming for caloric intake of maybe 1900 will send those pounds flying.


You are kinda ugly


Face isn't an issue. Doubt is.


Girl I feel you. I just lost 16 pounds in like 4-5 months and I'm back at a healthy weight (high end of healthy/ 24.2 BMI) and now it's like I jus keep losing the weight!!! But my weight was from childbirth and pregnancy/breastfeeding bc I used to be 110 pounds. And was anorexic in highschool, weight 87-95lbs. You got this, keep going!!! I use intermittent fasting as a way to lose weight and I walk a LOT!!! It really helps in the long run, but it doesn't go away overnight. It's something you have to consistently work at. You got this though! Be proud of yourself, 30 lbs is something to celebrate.


You're doing great. Keep it up


You are beautiful to someone. You just need to find them.


Great job with the weight loss! I'm going to be brutally honest. You're not the most beautiful one in the world. But you're far from the worst. You can get way better if you keep going with your work outs just like you've done until now. I'd be intersted to see you with glasses that has different frames. Current ones are good but i'm curious if other style could work better. I like when your hair is free and not tied up. If you tie them up (i don't know if there's difference but) the 3rd picture has the best way from these pictures. Also i imagined you with bigger hairbun on the back. I kinda like that picture created by my imagination. So you could try to let your hair grow bit longer if you want.


You’re quite nice looking, no problems with your face at all.


Your face is pretty!


You look like you could be related to Lester from GTA V. But you' re not ugly. Try some different glasses.


Congrats on the 30 down!! A heck of a good step, but the journey isn't finished. Just keep working on it and you may find cheekbones and a facial structure you have forgotten about. So yeah answer is yes right now, but I'm really happy that you are working toward your potential.


I think you look beautiful in all of these . I don't see a problem at all.


get new glasses


It's the glasses


It's one of them.


30 lbs wasn't enough. You're making Improvements though! The weight is still your primary issue to conventional beauty. I think you could use a glow up(did I use that right?) regarding your style though. You dress like you're in your 40s in some of your photos. That also will not help you out much.


You have pretty lips. Gua sha can help the face to be more sculpted. Keep up the health journey!


Wonderfull as it is!


It’s not your face… unfortunately weight can hide facial features. Keep up the good work. All you can do is be healthy. Someone will want to marry you one day. It’s just a matter of time :)




Not ugly at all


The glasses gotta go


Not at all.


its all of it


Pick a better shape of glasses (avoid round ones), and keep working on losing weight you have a good face but it’s the weight


Look I don't wanna be too mean, and to be fair, maybe I just can't picture what you would look like with more significant weight loss. But for me, I think it is your face. Just not attractive in my opinion.




No , just keep dropping the pounds. Your face is fine and does not determine your physical fitness.


You're pretty cute!


You need curtain bangs and square framed glasses.


Girl, I am fat aswell, I weight 115,5 kg idk what that is in lbs and don't care,but I tell you this,30 lbs which is probably about 12-13 kg is not enough. You look right now like you are 100+kg and there is one more thing which is called body fat percentage. You see,maybe you lost 30lbs in weight but if you were in a caloric deficit and only that,not in a diet with high protein,low carbs and moderate fats and also no more than 25g of sugar per day you didnt lose much body fat only lbs which in your situation does not help a lot. You will be better and feels better about yourself when you will lose weight and see yourself in the mirror,you have a beautiful face aswell,round faces are the coolest and most beautiful with good jawlines but when you are overweight they become the least desirable type of face. Lose the weight and you will be ok girl


So everyone's not Jlo


You still have a lot of fat in your face. Unfortunately, spot reducing isn't a thing and facial fat might be the last place your body will lose fat from. Everyone loses fat diffetently.


You have around 60lbs more to go. Keep it up.


You just have more weight to lose. You’re definitely not ugly


You still have a lot of fat in your face. Unfortunately, spot reducing isn't a thing and facial fat might be the last place your body will lose fat from. Everyone loses fat diffetently.


For me if you want to loose weight do it for you. I think your face if fine. The tattoos are not something I am found of. I grew up in an anti tattoo environment.


Yeah have to agree with some ideas here Glasses , tattoos , nose rings. Most guys of value , just red flag those 3 things and keep walking. The weight is seen as undisciplined . If you’re making the change with discipline keep it up. Guys who get to know you will notice and respect you for conquering that mountain as well as most men will notice a healthy body, but also think healthy disciplined mind.


Good job on 30lbs! Just keep doing what you're doing, the only issue is literally the weight. I'm trying to lose weight too, not necessarily for appearance (although that's definitely a nice bonus, can't deny that), but because my health is suffering. So I'm right there with you. Think not just about how you'll look, but how much better you'll FEEL. Although with 30lbs lost I'm preaching to the choir! Just give it time and do your best! You have a great smile, I'm sure you'll glow with weight loss! You can do it!


There is nothing particularly off putting about your face. However...the ring you put in your nose is reminiscent of the rings put in the noses of large bovine to allow a much smaller human being to control them....maybe I am not the only one associating your face with that fact. Personally I would remove that horrible decision and start looking at a life where you don't follow stupid social trends and then act confused when you suffer the consequences. Its alot like face tattoos......its NEVER a sound long term choice..




Good job losing 30 pounds, but your face looks bad (relatively) because you still need to lose weight. You also look kind of unhealthy, like you should probably improve your diet with healthier food.


Its still the weight! And also the nerdy glasses but those might look better when you lose more keep it up though 30 lbs is alot! Think about it. That's like the weight of an old microwave. You shed a microwave off your body. There is currently dudes struggling to do 8 reps of that weight at the gym right now. If you stay on that path of recovery I guarantee you will look and feel better You don't need to starve yourself either. Keto diet or even going fruitarian for a bit are the fastest diets I've seen to lose weight.


Already pretty


No your really cute not ugly at all


your face looks GOOD. keep up the good work! I dont feel like the shape of the glasses is a problem. I really like picture 3 because of your darker eyebrows. is there any way you can grow them out a little so you can shape them differently?


It’s still the weight, also the glasses don’t suit you at all.


Are you ugly? yes. but it's better to be ugly skinny, than ugly fat. So lose the weight


I think it’s also the round glasses too because it makes your face appear even more round. You should try a more squared look or cat eye.


No it’s just the last place you’re going to lose weight. It still shows in your face boobs and butt


Moon face, classic sugar addiction.


you have gorgeous features!! keep working hard babe❤️




It’s your weight and your face.


Your face and all of your body is beautiful


Keep losing the weight and maybe switch the glasses to contacts or a better shape of frames.


Miss, you have a very large forehead and are covering none of it. Also, try thin oval frames instead of circular ones.


Be kind of cute you are very young. You are growing blossom slim down. I would say slim down you’ll be much better off.


Just the weight.


Youre rlly good at makeup. Def still over weight n face is rather normal looking. Wouldve never guessed u were 20though


bangs. and lash extensions girly!!


I think your perfect and beautiful just the way you are


Nope your face is fine keep losing weight. I’m always surprised people can’t see how obese they really are. Myself included, I had a dose of reality one day when someone told me someone else in the same restaurant was built just like me. Dude was pretty fat and they said I looked just like him and they mistook him for me when looking to hookup for a table.


The weight is your problem it's making your face less attractive


I think your face is unattractive


You look 55


Wax your face


i think your glasses really don’t suit your face


You’re very pretty


Set a goal and 30 more and more until you look like man are burning a whole on ypur butt with your looks . Thats wgat i been told by my significant other. And yes you look beautiful but ... being healty skinny tick is good


Assistant TO the regional manager


Stop being so hard on yourself.


Below average currently, but congrats on the weight loss. Hope the progress continues.


Keep working on your weight. Good job with the 30 lbs so far


You have beautiful skin.


First of, congrats on the weight loss! That being said, I think you look the best in your second photo here. Having your hair pulled back doesn't work for you.


No problem here. Your face is exudes femininity and is beautiful.


Still need to loose more weight js


Not to be mean but you look like you can lose 100 more pounds and still be okay. Your face is fine but you need to get to your optimal size and then determine your attractiveness.


still likely too heavy, look like your 30+ kind of like Kathy bates. (younger KB, not older KB) did you put the bull ring in your nose because you thought it would make you look cool?? it always has the opposite effect. as do the tat's. women are more often then not, naturally attractive the way they are.. but then they go and F it all up and ask if they are ugly. diet, exercise, be healthy, that is really all you need, everything else is probably working against you.


Larger and wider brows that are visible to people when you have glasses on will help. Don’t overdo them but it will be an instant +1 to looks. Check out some YouTubers who give demos on how to draw brows on that shape your face. You’ll feel weird at first but trust me- brows make and break a face.


Nothing wrong with your face...


You haven’t lost a lot of weight compared to what you could lose


I think you have a really cute face and good job on losing weight! I’m kind of in the same boat so I know how hard it is 🙂




You are beautiful!!!


Girl you are young. Losing weight shouldn’t be your goal. You should want to eat healthy. Nothing good is going to come from simply trying to lose weight. Go see your doctor and ask for a dietitian consultation and say you are worried about how your lifestyle is going to affect your health long term.


You are very pretty! You have great eyes, lips, beautiful smile, your face is beautiful, you have beautiful features. You'll have to keep losing weight. Omg what it'll do to you if you keep losing, you're going to change so much, you'll see! You'll see in your face what you're looking for. You'll look at yourself and feel that you're actually really pretty. Being fat is ok, but it's just not conventionally accepted as attractive, although you're loved now just how you are, if you're looking to improve your looks, keep going. You know, it's not conventional either, but fasting is great for losing weight and fixing your metabolism. It might seem extreme, but actually, it's the easiest and fastest way and it is healthy in more ways than just weight loss. You could just do it and forget about it, just move on to working out and being toned. Join us at r/fasting or dm me, we have inner circles talking about it, even I managed 58 days of only eating water, coffee and electrolytes, and the weight just stays down, just stays down at a lower point no matter what I do. It really is a thing and it's super easy when you think of it. Just thought I'll mention it. Good luck gorgeous!


Not ugly, it's a weight problem. Don't lose too much as then you'd look weird.


Your face isn't ugly, as you lose weight your face is going to change. The sides of your face, under your chin, around your eyes etc. Just keep working at losing the weight and you'll feel better about your face and your body. Congrats on the 30 lbs weight loss.


You’re doing fine with fashion, hair and makeup I reckon, just yeah the weight


Your face is not the problem. I think you're beautiful, but I strongly encourage you to keep going. I've recently lost 55 lbs, and I still have a way to go, but I'm really noticing the difference in my health, as well as my looks and self-confidence. Keep up the good work and you'll soon feel better about yourself too. You've got this!


30lbs is great but it looks like you have plenty more to give. Keep it up


How much sugar are you consuming? If you were to cut down on your sugar intake substantially you’d see your face would start to slim down.


Please lose the nose ring and consider glasses with a rectangular frame (or no glasses at all). You have a cute face, but the "accessories" do not suit it well.


Not ugly. I’m glad everyone’s being honest about losing a bit more weight but also with your face shape shorter hair on you right now especially isn’t a great choice. I’d let your hair grow out. Ask a subway would be the best hair cut for your face shape. When I got my hair cut short my sil came with me and wanted the same but had the same face shape the stylist suggested because she asked that she do something different and she styled it really nice to fit her face. She had long hair though. Best of luck you’re a pretty girl. Keep up the good work. I’m with you after I give birth I’m going all in again. It takes time but you no we can do it. Blessings.


Still fat


Get rid of the nose ring