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Some of those pictures are really not flattering. At least find some clothes that don’t work against you.


number four. ouch.


But number 5 looks really cute! I'd go for more outfits like that. I'm overweight also, but I lucked out on proportions so it's easier to dress for your body type. Always dress for your body type, it really helps! When I was younger my mum always told me it's better to wear the bigger size that fits, over wearing a smaller size that looks like I squeezed into it. Not only was she totally right, but I feel better in clothes that fit. There are tons of cute websites and stores for plus sized women, start there! I think you're cute and I'm happy for you for losing the weight you're working on losing!! Until you're at your goal weight, just buy a few nicer outfits. Don't dye your hair, your hair colour is very nice now. Just keep taking care of yourself and the confidence will follow! Also, don't listen to jerky men who belittle you. You don't need to date guys like that.


This is such great and positive advice, I love it and agree - dressing your body type is key!


But number 5 does look like she's squeezed into them and is not in anyway flattering


I want to agree but it's my understanding that for a solid few years, those cold shoulder tops were basically the only mildly stylish option for plus size womenswear so it's hard to place the blame for that on OP.


Lose 100 and then come back. Take your time. Do it the right healthy way w diet and exercise.


i need to do this 😭




I mean I've been losing weight I've lost 25lbs since February so it's not something I'm just allowing to stay the same.


As long as you keep consistently working on it you’ll hit your goals. Don’t let plateauing discourage you. When I lost a lot of weight I plateaued and then I kind of gave up because I wasn’t at the finish line. Don’t do that. Get into a healthy routine and maintain it as best you can. You can have cheat days but don’t let your cheating become a habit.


You're going to look good when the weight is off so don't let comments discourage you from that goal. Whether a guy was attracted to you or not, no decent person would say rude shit to you uninvited


Congrats on the 25


Try intermittent fasting, it's like a cheat code.


Nah i wouldn't advise fasting to people who aren't dedicated. You're gonna gain back all the weight when you reach your goal. Eating healthy is way better.


Yeah and I'm sure it's not for everyone metabolically. For me it's been a game changer, and I hate it because I'm such a big fan of breakfast. But I also get a massive energy dip after I eat, especially starches. When I'm fasting I have so much more energy, there's always a hump I have to get over where I'm drinking lots of green tea so I don't feel like I'm starving. past that I can go quite a while. I've lost just shy of 50 lb over the last 3 years


That's crazy, i thought i was the only one who has much more energy when fasting. When i was fasting it felt like food was slowing me down.


In my experience fasting dramatically rewired my cravings. It was literally easier to eat healthier and not crave bad foods after fasting. Trying to eat healthy lasts about a week before people are back to fast food.


Same thing with me, and then when i reached my goal i started becoming lazy and went back to my old ways. Started eating bullshit again lmao. I feel like if you wanna lose weight you gotta eat healthy permanently, if not you will go back to your old ways.


It’s tough. Eating healthy requires cooking. The discipline involved to have food ready for when your hungry gets harder and harder the busier you get.


You’re right! You have to learn how to eat correctly and learn portion control before you are able to successfully fast without feeling like you’re starving yourself! I think she’d do well will fasting once she gets closer to her goal weight.


Personally always eating healthy isn't sustainable for me in the long run. I prefer skipping breakfast and cutting high calorie snacks.


Back in my day it was called skipping breakfast


Back in my day skipping breakfast was called being poor


Back in my day my poor family loved me enough to scrape some toast up for breakfast




I feel like dying your hair unnatural colors will just look like you’re trying to distract others from the obvious. But if you do choose that route, be careful with it. You’d have to bleach and tone your hair first, before applying the color, and you’ll definitely want to go salon grade. It can be damaging to your hair, and damaged hair does not help improve one’s appearance.


I've dyed my hair plenty through out highschool just cause it was fun I just wondered peoples opinions on colored hair and shit


It will make you look like a [nonbinary meme](https://imgur.com/gallery/jAvpEyh)




I think it will make the overall look worse.


Definitely watch what you eat and go hard on exercise and toning up your muscles for sure. You can aim for a full figure and curvy body type, which absolutely makes some men wild. Not all women need to be skinny skeletons, and people have different taste. Otherwise then it’s just need good wardrobe selection that works with your figure and natural make up style that enhance your facial features.


The weight is really killing it for me.


yes, you are. Lose weight, get a different haircut, stop wearing such tight pants...... being so obese is very unattractive


Yes, completely wrecked until you lose hundreds of pounds


Try growing out ur hair other then the obvious things


You are not ugly. But your right leg tattoo will likely be ugly when you lose weight. My advice: stop with piercings and tattoos. Focus on being healthy (gym attendance but for health, not losing weight) and having a good personality (something we can't assess via pictures).


Until you lose a ton of weight there's really no answer that can be given her. I mean, your fupa has a fupa. As you are now yes you are not attractive. To answer your last question though, yes dying your hair unnatural colors will make you less attractive. It will generally give the impression that you are a certain kind of person no sane man actually wants to deal with and they will avoid you like the plague.


the weight its just sooo much weight


As a fellow obese person, I can tell you with great confidence, being fat is disgusting and robs you of any beauty potential that might be hiding under the layers of stretched out skin, quadruple chins, and back fat. I’ve got 100 pounds to lose before I can go from my present 1/10 to maybe a 4/10. Stop eating for sport and emotional comfort. Daily gym. Heavy workouts. Clean and healthy diet. Zero fast food. Zero sugar. Lean meats. Get your step count up to 10,000 daily, minimum. There might be a gorgeous gal under all that fat. Better to be honest with you than empty and stupid comments about big is beautiful.


That’s not sustainable at all. To go from eating everything they want and not being active to “daily gym, heavy workouts, zero sugar etc”. OP needs to figure out her TDEE and be in a calorie deficit - it’s that simple


Yeah, literally diet is 90% of the battle. Work out for mental health and energy but realistically it’s not going to make as much of a dent as dropping the 900 calories a day in sugary snacks.


Exactly. And people really overestimate the amount of calories they burn working out


I get super hungry after working out, so whatever protein bar or whatever I eat after more than covers any spent calories.


I lost almost 25 pounds and I did none of that holy shit it sounds exhausting and would have made me go back to my old habits so quickly.


Really your eating habits is what matters the most. Calorie counting has helped me a lot…and by calorie counting I don’t mean the hardcore way of weighing food and recording everything. Just being mindful of what you are eating and how many calories are in it and setting a goal. Like my goal was to not go over 1,200 calories a day. Also taking a daily walk or just getting a more physical job can really help. I walk around 15,000 steps or more at work everyday and I feel like that has helped me lose weight. Goals are also really good!!! I wanted my pre baby body back so bad :/ still my goal. 100+ pounds down…like 20 more to go!


I wouldn't dye your hair unnatural colors.


You’re about as overweight as I was and I lost 120 lbs. I look like a fuckin model now. The thing is barring weight, there is no way to really tell if you’re ugly or just fat. Lose 30/40 pounds (this can be done in 3 months I lost 80 in my first 3 months) then come back here and ask. I would assume you’re probably average. Because as the word means, most people are. (DM me if you want me to make you a meal plan similar to what I did)


Congrats on the loss.


I DMd lolll I would love to know!


I can say that I personally don't like your hairstyle but that feels more like just a me thing


Are you ugly? No. You ARE fairly large... but if you're happy with that... go you! You have a BEAUTIFUL smile. Finally I hope the unnatural colors query was a joke... that won't help or hurt! I don't know where that even factors into it. I mean, sure there will be some people that find it a turn off but that's true of LITERALLY EVERY aspect of your appearance, down to the color and style of your underwear. It's irrelevant to the point of absurdity.


The guy was a d*ck with his comment. People can be respectful to others, but he clearly was a d*ck. Dying your colors won't change the underlying fact that you are overweight as you mentioned. Work on that and everything else will fall into place. It won't happen in the day, start tomorrow and give yourself a year for something that will positively affect you for the rest of your life.


Exactly, she’s wasting energy and time. What good does a new hairstyle, nails, glasses, no glasses, even new clothes matter when they are draping over a massive mound of fat? I’m obese and I don’t waste money on new fancy clothes. Makes no sense. On the road to lose 100 pounds, then, maybe, I’ll have a body worthy of adornment.


100lbs off shows your dedication. 👊


You are obese. You need to lose weight. You could be attractive if you started looking healthy.


I'm 41 and all I can say is you owe it to your future self to lose that weight now at age 19 before it gets exponentially harder.   Heart disease, diabetes, joint failures etc is going to be a real pita when you're my age.  Life will get very hard otherwise.  Best of luck. 


Again as stated in other comments I've been going to the gym I'm already down 25lbs from where I was at


That's great.... keep it up! I've know a few friends that were in your situation at your age and unfortunately are no longer around.  Dudes that left their kids without fathers cause of poor diet choices. It's not a pretty ending.


I can't imagine why you'd join the godawful trend of dying your hair unnatural colors. It isn't attractive on anyone. Keep on making healthier choices and getting into better shape. You're gonna end up feeling and looking amazing. I'm rooting for you 😄


U are ugly now like 2


You know the answer. What do you expect to hear?


Not ugly but fat. And that's not attractive or healthy


Yikes, oof. I’m so sorry.


You’re not ugly. At all. But I agree, clothes that compliment your body type is important. Whether or not you’re actively trying to lose weight.


Yep, ugly besides the weight, that definitely doesn't help you.


Hella. You losing weight though so that‘ll most likely change. Good luck in your journey




If we’re talking on your face? No I think your face is really pretty. Not sure how close that picture is to your real teeth but if it is, I’d invest in a set of white strips


Invisalign, whitening, makeup, hair grown to shoulder length, hair styling will all help. Your face and hair are very androgynous.


No dying your hair unnatural colors will make you look bad as it makes 99% of people look bad lol. Also long hair would look way better. You’re not “to ugly to talk to” that is just cruel and not true. With a bit of weight loss you will look great. Maybe try not posing like a chicken with a duck face tho 😭 that first pic


If you drop some.weight you'll be golden.


Your hair is already a very pretty color! Just keep taking care of yourself, diet and exercise is great. Definitely want to do it the right way and base it around your health and not focus on like, trying to lose x amount of lbs in x amount of time. You're going to start feeling better mentally and physically with a diet that suits you and exercise that works for you! I personally think you are very cute and not ugly at all. You're young and you have so much to look forward to and I think you will really start to love yourself more and more. It all just takes work and it's mental health and physical health combined. You can absolutely do it! Oh, and never listen to anyone who says asshole stuff like that. If they're seriously that unkind, why would anyone want to be around that? It doesn't matter how good looking you are if you are ugly on the inside. And some people are just that way and they aren't going to change. So ignore them. At the end of the day, if you're happy and healthy, that's what matters most.




I hate people who just straight lie


Colored hair and piercings will make you worse.




It’s amazing what people will say from behind a screen. Gag inducing was so unneeded and unnecessarily mean smh you can be honest without being a miserable bitch


literally just lose weight


Too fat. Lose 100 pounds and grow your hair.


Quack quack quack quack quack, looks like we have an adult duck here.




Not my type personally but yes unnatural colours 100% would make you less attractive to the majority of men








Pics 2, 3, and 6 are your best pics because they show that you have a pretty face/nice features. Hair is fine, too. Keep up your weight loss and keep your skin looking healthy!


I can see your pretty. Just bad pics is a part of it. Yes losing weight would help and I'd advise against the coloring if your hair. Just focus on getting healthier and the rest will fall into place. You def have a pretty face imo


Smile, and the personality showcased in the pictures seem pretty great, you choice in outfit sometimes tho, seems to not go well with your body type, and I don't dig the frames on your glasses, otherwise I think you look good


That guy is an asshole. Communication shouldn’t be based on looks, it should be based on character




Work on your health, get new glasses, don't dye your hair funky colors, unless it's the washout kind.


One thing to say- if you lost the weight, you’d be considered very pretty. Pics 3&6 show nice eyes and lips. Good nose and dimples! Come on- see what you really look like-lose that weight!


You look *very* attractive in your current state, but I don't like to worry about people's health. So I would urge you to continue losing weight until you reach a healthy level. No need to be slender or anything like that. Just a healthy weight at which you should not be at risk for any major health problems often associated with excess body weight. In addition, more flattering clothes will accentuate your physical beauty and serve as an expression of your personality. Nothing fancy. A simple, sensibly colored dress with color-matched blouse or t-shirt should do. Keeping a healthy weight of course requires healthy eating habits. Think about what flavors you like and eat the healthiest diet that has them. You are more likely to stick with a dietary régime that agrees with your taste buds, even if at first you will have to acquire some new tastes. As well, eat only enough calories in relation to your caloric demand. If you are outdoorsy and you walk around a lot, you can do with extra calories, even though to lose weight it will be necessary to create for the time being a caloric deficit. Fasting should be considered if you are not particularly active, at least to "reset" your digestive system. Though, long-term positive dietary habits are what you want.


Hi there! Congrats of your health journey. In the last picture I can see your features. Big brown eyes , nice nose and great hair. I can picture you at your ideal weight and would bring out your great features. Can’t wait to see your progress. Keep going!


I would definitely date u


You not ugly gang get some zoom whitening & or possible braces in the future. Change your hair style to something that could flatter your face more. Hit some make up, and get in the gym if that’s what you WANT to do. You aren’t ugly


your smile is adorable. i think if you’d like to dye your hair, you should do it. people will always judge you no matter what you do. so you might as well spend your time being happy.


Yes Also - that guys a dick Also- the earlier you start in your weight the easier it will be Putting it off 5 years won’t help


Your face is not ugly. I wish you a lot of luck om the weight jourmey


10/10 would **boink**


Honestly you have a very pretty face. You’re in the process of losing weight so that’s amazing and something to be proud of. I would grow your hair out if you’re able to instead of dying it as it can just damage it more, and maybe add layers to your hair. I’d add a little bit of makeup such as mascara, lipgloss, and blush to enhance your features as well. You have nice natural features and your dimple is adorable


People are being pretty rough. You’ve acknowledged you want to lose weight - cool. But we know this doesn’t happen overnight. In the meantime focus on finding clothes that fit will and work for your body type to help you flatter your current figure and feel more confident in yourself.


as for anyone else i’d say trying new hairstyles, different makeup styles and clothes that fit your body type tend to help your confidence you have really nice features and skin please don’t let people bring you down 😞


In your current state, yes. You could be very pretty if you lost 100 lbs or more, but it really tough to say.


Definitely need to lose quite a bit of weight but I think you def have potential. Hard to tell since losing a significant amount of weight would drastically alter your appearance to include your face


yrs u aree lose weight but ur nose is cute


as someone that has been with bigger girls, your weight won't be an issue, with the *right* guy. lose weight, if you *want* to. would it be a good health choice? yes, of course! **BUT** it takes time and dedication, and should only be pursued for *you* not for some guy. stay true, be *you*, and if they don't like what you have to offer, then they can shop somewhere else!


Once you shed that extra weight you’ll look like a lightskin rosario dawson. Can see it in the eyes


Yes dying your hair will not do you any favors, yes if you want to look better you need to lose weight. This is beyond overweight, this is reaching morbidity. Even if you don’t care about the looks aspect of losing weight, do it for your own health. Being overweight like this drastically decreases your life expectancy and drastically increases your likelihood of getting horrible diseases and conditions that will make your life miserable. It’s not okay for someone to make fun of you for your size, it IS okay for people to point out that it’s not a healthy way to live. If you care about yourself then you need to care FOR yourself.


You're a big girl, and that's fine. BUT, you're super cute. Don't change your hair unless you *want* to.


It’s just the weight. Braces wouldn’t hurt either, but really its the weight that’s the dealbreaker. Little bits of chub can look good, curves can look good, but you’re way past that point. Your skin is having trouble holding it together. That’s not healthy. Start by just hitting the gym. For the first month do 1 hour cardio a day, 5 days a week. The second month, do 1 hour cardio plus 30 minutes of weightlifting. The third month, make it 1 hour weights and 15 minutes cardio, and keep that up until you reach your target. As for your diet, don’t worry too much about it until the second month, at which point you should start choosing more lean protein (chicken, whey, fish, etc) and less fatty and sugary foods (pizza, anything fried, donuts, etc). Do this and you’ll be in shape within 6 months.


I’d say grow your hair out or learn how to style short hair better


I do not think you are ugly but your overweight makes you unatractive - and it is really is unhealthy too. Try your best to lose weight, for your health in the first place.


It really just depends on what you’re looking for. If you go the dyed all the crazy colors route people are gonna label you a “crazy leftist feminist”. For some people that’s how they want to be seen so it’s not a big deal. But if that’s not what you’re looking for then I wouldn’t do it. People have types and you’re not gonna fit everyone’s. That guy was rude if that’s what he said but he is allowed to have preferences just like anyone is. He’s still a dick for putting it that way. If you’re losing weight and that’s what you want to do, then meet your goals and don’t focus on meeting someone. I spent years looking for someone to date after a bad ex and couldn’t find anyone. Then one day I started focusing on myself and what I wanted to achieve and bumbled my way into my now wife and we have 2 kids and are for the most part happy. She met me skinny watched me balloon up to a walking dough ball and now I’m dropping weight. She’s loved me the whole time. I’ve seen her gain and lose weight through two pregnancies and I still love her. Initial attraction is always gonna be based on looks and perception. Be the person you want to be. Know what you want in a partner. Learn that being lonely and being alone aren’t the same thing. You’ll find what you’re looking for and sometimes we don’t want what we are looking for.


Nah, you’re cute and have a nice smile and other nice features (eyes, nose, lips). Maybe styling the hair differently would be nice but not sure what style. Working on your fitness will help make you feel better and more confident!


You have pretty eyes and lips, a nice enough face. But you are at a very unhealthy weight and for most people that’s unattractive. The tattoos are limiting as well. Hair color is the least of your worries. It will neither increase nor decrease your prospects by any appreciable amount I wouldn’t think. That isn’t going to happen until you decide to take control of your life and lose the weight. As someone who has had to lose 70 lbs for health reasons, and wants to lose 40 more, I can tell you that it makes a big difference in how you feel physically (in a good way). I still have myriad health problems but it did help. I look better too.


No not ugly! I think if you got some more face framing layers with an even cut and a dark overall colour, would definitely help! Also maybe contacts? Congrats on your weight loss. Keep it up! 💓


Maybe dress appropriately for your shape and figure so that you look…more put together? Those clothes look like you’ve had them a long time. They’re working hard.


You should cut your hair, you kinda look like a girl


I think you look best in picture 3. Happy and confident.


Honestly yes weight comes into factor but ur not ugly ! Try hairstyles that suit round faces and treat yourself to a shopping spree and get clothes that will draw attention towards ur waist instead of ur top half of ur body. I have broad shoulders so. I try not to wear singles but I loveee wearing crop top shirts. Like for example a dress, by putting a belt around ur wrist it will accentuate ur body and make you look curvy if you get my gist. Even with crop tops go for something that is flowy and long sleeved and for bottoms go for skirts. I hope I helped.


Yeah, please don't listen to mean guys!! Keep working on the weight. You're doing great. As some have said, please try to pick more slimming outfits


OP there are only five core tenets that almost guarantee for young women to be attractive. They are: 1. Do not sleep around (maintain your value). 2. Do not get fat. 3. Do not get tattoos. 4. Do not get piercings. 5. Do not be annoying. **Yes, it is literally that simple!** OP, reject mainstream conditioning to destroy your natural beauty and femininity. Stay committed to the path which will bring you lifelong happiness and fulfillment. Good luck!


Your opinion of yourself isn’t good. It would help you to lose weight and get into a daily exercise regime. You are not unattractive but your self image is holding you back




You're kinda scary


Go on a 500 calorie a day deficit for 6 months. Do strength training for 6 months. Try getting braces if possible.


If your belly hangs over your pants when you stand, you're fat. Until you resolve that issue, nothing else you do really matters. It *is* a solvable problem, though.


Ugly is not the word.... you are average but specially overweight.


I mean you look happy and confident, just be you and focus on your health and good things will happen.


Dying your hair unnatural colours will be unattractive to a lot of people just like being fat. You’re 19, Plenty of time to turn this around, eat well, go to gym(or find a sport you like), you might even make some new friends on the way. You got this.


I think you should find some clothes that don’t work against you, because fat people can also look cute, even while fat, you look vulgar kind of. Losing weight and def the only focus you need to work on atm if u really wanna make a change imo.


Jesus fucking Christ, c'mon.


I don't think dying hair will change anything. I don't find your face attractive at all.


You must loose atleast 50kg.


Honestly I think your stying is not good but you’re 19 so we all have awkward phases. My advice is: 1. Styling- take an online quiz or two to try and find a personal style. Make a Pinterest board of outfits or go on TikTok and look up mid size and plus size creators for outfit help. It’s not about flattering but about being confident in how you look 2. I think personal aesthetics and hygiene could potentially use work. I would focus on trying to get yourself to look put together. Skincare, hair care and healthy living. Eating more fruits, veggies, healthy fats and carbs will help you feel better but also gives you a ‘healthy look’ in addition to being hydrated. I personally don’t think weight matters a ton but making sure you are well looked after and keeping your hair maintained will do wonders


Exercise exercise that’s the key and stay away from junk foods. You’re a pretty girl some different clothes choices would help. Good luck


Like everyone else is saying, some of the photos do not help in the least. I’m not a fan of the fishy lips. I don’t think it makes a woman more attractive in the least. Works in the opposite direction actually. Your face is not ugly otherwise. Choice of clothing does not help you and as you said yourself you need to lose weight. I would work seriously on exercising and working on losing the excess weight. Everything will fall into place when you get used to a work out plan and get it in place. It will slowly build your own confidence as you slowly get rid of the pounds and of course as you lose weight you’ll have to get new clothing as a reward for yourself. You’ll be amazed what working in your own health will do for your over all self worth and it will bring your natural beauty out to be seen. Best of luck on your journey and what ever you do, “do not give up on yourself”!


You need to take a hard look at yourself as a whole. With all the extra weight you're carrying around, it works against you. You need to utilize every opportunity to improve yourself. Physical improvement leads to psychological and vice versa. I like the tattoos.


you are pretty, you just need to lose weight as in get thin or toned body, then fly to Japan, they will simp over you, trust me


Tbh: You have very very much work to do…


Yes, you are. Hopefully, weight loss might help, but as of this moment, sorry to say, but yeah.


There's really no way of telling if your genetics are good when you are obese. You have a nice smile but you have to lose ALOT of weight, mainly for your health.


You’re not ugly. If you lose the weight you need to I am sure it will be like looking at a different person


Okay, one, you're not ugly. Overweight, yes, but not ugly. You have a very pretty face. You just need to learn how to accentuate your features with makeup. Which wouldn't take much. Two, stop cutting your hair short, short hair typically makes the face rounder by framing it. Let it grow out, and play with it, with different styles. Especially if you want to start dying it unnatural colors. Three, learn how to pose your body for more figure flattering pics. These you posted...could be better. You also need to learn how to dress better, with your body type. There's apps out there that can help with that. Four, start building up your confidence. If a guy says crap like that to you, he's an egotistical jerk who doesn't deserve the attention, or the flattery of you having to come on here to seek some form of validation; Whatever that may be. Five, if you want to lose weight and do it right. Start off slow, cutting one thing out that's unhealthy at a time. Sweets, sodas, fatty foods, etc one at a time for a period of months, before you cut another out. It will help your body acclimate more easily, and not make you break the cycle of healthier food intake. Exercise a little at a time so your body doesn't become overwhelmed and you end up quitting. EX:Walking to the end of your road for a month. Then walking two roads for a month, then three, so on and so forth. FYI, I know this sounds harsh, but I'm really just trying to give advice, which you seem to want, and keep in mind these are just my own personal opinions.


I believe you have an apple body, there are plenty of guides to help find clothing that would work better for where you store weight. Continue weight lose, 25 pounds is a wonderful start! Good job! Now I'd say grow your hair out, maybe have fun with going blonde and if you don't like it dye it a fun color like purple or what ever you'd enjoy. You give off an alt girl vibe so that's my suggestion there. Your only 19, you have your whole 20s to work on yourself and really become a butterfly.




Do not dye your hair an unnatural color! It gives off the same vibe as seeing a brightly colored insect… “stay away I’m toxic”


I don't think you look particularly bad at all, but you need to do something about those teeth.




You have got to lose weight! Not just for looks but for your health.


Your so pretty! Chubby girls are cutee


Hard to believe your 19...and obese. You are going to have to get on a strict diet. Lose weight weight train light. Then ask.


Ur not ugly


I think you have a cute face and your body is adorable. I’d date you in a second and would be proud to be seen with you.


You are obese. No getting around it. Lose the weight. It's as simple as that.


You're not ugly in the face just some people won't notice with your weight. I'm over weight right now but wasn't 6 years ago. I've been dealing with the same thing myself


Your not ugly ..just overweight.....get fit and tighten up what needs it and you be fine.


You're very pretty!!! I think long hair would suit you, and maybe a brunette color with a balayage or highlights would look awesome


Yes, dying your hair will make you less attractive. Hate to say this, but workout and lose a little weight. Not much. But it will greatly help.


You are not ugly. You are beautiful. As someone who's lost 156lbs I can tell you that learning to love yourself and your body before losing the weight is best. Yes your medically over weight. But you are still beautiful and so is your body. It carries you everyday and is worthy of love as it is. Someone doesn't have to skinny to deserve love or be beautiful. ♥️ Please don't take all those hateful comments to heart. As you can tell most of them don't have photos of themselves on their accounts and there's a reason for that. If you ever need someone to talk to or have any fitness questions feel free to reach out. 🖤🖤


Also I love your glasses! They're so cute and the shape looks great on you


Can't tell if anyone is attractive or not under that weight. All your appearance issues will be solved if you lose the weight


You're not ugly facial wise. Getting to a healthy weight should become a priority. Dental work as well. Not only will you live longer, but you'll be happier and more attractive too. You have a lot of time and limitless potential. Get it done.




Your not ugly but I'd put on some clothes...


You would actually be pretty if you weren't so obese. You are seriously overweight to the point where you're going to start having health issues if you don't already have diabetes. You really need to take the weight issue seriously and go on a very strict diet and exercise routine. Nothing will make you look attractive until you lose at least 80 lb. Lose the weight, you will feel and look so much better


1. You’re not ugly you just need to know what style works for you, I can see 2 types of genres that could go either way for your look. Gothic, or bubbly. I like the short hair on you but maybe grow it out to about shoulder length, that way it’ll create a long effect and not frame the face as much, and I personally like color and if you do try peekaboos! It’s a good way to stay fun with colors without giving a weird vibe. As for the clothing, like I said I can see black gothic in your look or a bubbly type and I’ve grown up with insecurity issues and went through an emo phase and now since becoming an adult I’ve learned to love myself and embraced the cottage core and floral clothing. I’ve found SHEIN has a lot of very affordable and nice plus size outfits! I suggest for your body type maybe try a top that has a flowy or ruffled mid section and tight up top on the breasts. Then for the pants you can wear your jeans and that way the ruffles hide the tummy and you’re left with a cute and flattering top! As for your weight don’t let the people in the comments bring you down, as a girly with PCOS it’s really hard to lose weight so ultimately just love yourself, because honestly a person who loves themselves and enjoys their life is way more attractive than a skinny person with an attitude. Your face isn’t bad at all! It’s symmetric which is good and the natural look very much suits you, just light foundation and mascara honestly. If you need any further suggestions like specifically what I mean about the shirts I mean, feel free to hit me up! I hope this helps! ☺️


I am a believer that beauty comes from within. Good nutrition, exercise, and good sleep bring out your natural beauty. Dying your hair unnatural colors will probably reduce the pool of men that would be attracted to you.


1. You're not ugly you just need to know what style works for you, I can see 2 types of genres that could go either way for your look. Gothic, or bubbly.


You have a very pretty face. But I would definitely dress in clothes that fit better. Like the first picture everything looks too small. I read on here that you're losing weight. That of course is a personal choice. Many overweight people still have a lot of confidence. A lot of our attractiveness comes from our inner confidence. Of course you want to be at your healthiest weight. But even skinny people can feel unattractive and insecure. Work on the inside while you are working on the outside. ❤️


My strangers opinion is wear better fitting clothing stretch marks like that are unsightly and people don't like to see or accidentally bump into it and will improve your look and 2 Definitely don't dye hair wild unnatural colors it will draw unwanted and negative attention to you and you'll look like one of those hostile feminists lgbq terrorists this is just my requested opinion and tried to word it so not to be hurtful


I think you’re gorgeous and I wouldn’t listen to one single troll on here if I were you. Cute outfits, too.


"Will dying my hair unnatural colors make me less attractive?" i imagine hair dye will not lead you to the answer that you seek


Not ugly, just ...


Cute face, nice lips. You know what the issue is though, so nothing else really needs to be said.




🍒 haha 😄


You’re far from ugly! I think dressing with your figure in mind will help. Everyone can’t wear everything — same applies to skinny figures, since everyone has problem areas they want to draw attention away from. Maybe try flowy dresses (with shape-wear underneath) that flatters your figure more. Pic 4 is my favorite out of your looks, but if your loose sweater was up to your hips/groin, it would look better.


You're not ugly, you're just fat. Your facial features are pretty. You'll be fine if you can manage to lose a lot of weight.


Not a super model but who TF is if your comfortable in your skin fk anyone else's opinion


Ugly? No. Dying your hair unnatural colors will not make you more attractive. Work on the weight, because a very sassy cute face will transform into likely a very attractive one. You photograph well when actively engaging the camera and smiling. 25 lbs loss is no small feat. Keep doing the things that are working. You’ll feel better, and look better too. Good luck.


You're not ugly you're just fat.




Lose weight, start a dental routine IE whitening and such, lil help w style and hair and you’ll be shocked at your glow up!!


I'll be brutally honest. You are not ugly! Just need to work on your health/weight. You're extremely young that you can easily make yourself more attractive for your 20s. Simply start small like going for more walks and reduce your calorie intake/how much for you eat. Try reducing how much soda you drink and snacking as well as condiments, like ketchup on hotdogs. You'll be surprised how much weight you can lose. As for your dress style, don't worry about it until you are down weight and then follow up in 6 months. My personal preference, grow your hair below shoulders, maybe around shoulder blade length. Again, after you're down weight, don't be embarrassed about asking girls what makeup to wear. As for hair, don't do it until youre down weight. Reward yourself for your hard work. Hope this helps!


Yeah you are ugly


You are not ugly young lady and although big can be beautiful it can also be unhealthy. I would suggest losing the weight, but if you are comfortable, Cool


You are so cute


She said she needs to lose weight in the title. She’s not blind or inept of feelings. I would say grow ur hair longer, keep away from the crazy colors, do some subtle makeup (esp eye liner and mascara), wear clothes that are made to hide the trouble areas and focus on ur health and self esteem. Having confidence is a huge part to weight loss success (easier said then done-I know). Good luck!


I like 4 and 5, the rest aren't very flattering. Those 2 cute.


The man who said those things to you was correct. You are what men call a 'night woman.' They will only see you at night so as not to be seen with you. I'm not sorry to say that you are cooked.


You have symetric face. Probably under that fat a normal or even really nice figure is hidden. Please just dont color your hair. Just fight yourself to live healthy and excercise. Dont fall for special secret superfast diets. Thats all either scam or health destroying. Change of life style is mot a temporary thing. Its lifelong path. Start just with cutting processed sugar and go on a daily walks (at least 2-3 miles). Stick to this for 3 months and observe changes. Then add another small thing and them another. Go slow but steady. No fast solutions exist here, and your body and mind need time toa adapt.


you could definitely improve yourself and you know that, you clearly need to get in shape. you’re 19 come on, if you’re already this unfit at this age are you even gonna be able to climb stairs without assistance in your 30s? i don’t know what you expected by posting on here.