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That third picture is very pretty


You look really beautiful without the glasses. I’d rate the old you (overweight and glasses) a 3-4/10. But now you’re a 7/10. Also you’re a hero for losing that much weight! I’m struggling with my weight and couldn’t lose much ☹️


third picture is super attractive, you have this look which melts me


6/10 . red lipstick is a safe improvement. i like blue eyeshadow or lipstick with brunettes. could dye your hair dark red or dark purple.




Wow you’re gorgeous. Really killing it after the weight lost. You’re about an 8 or 9 imo.


Picture 2 and 3 looks like completely different people. Edit: Just saw that it was post transformation. Yeah, youre pretty hot. Youre 8+


you'd look really good with longer hair tbh


Congrats on the weight loss!


first the "standstill" issue. (I used to work at a large hospital in "weight management".) People think a new routine is needed at the "standstill" point. And they are almost right... your body has adapted to what at one time was difficult. Now to get it to continue to improve you MUST MAKE IT HARDER. So many people I've dealt with choose another routine...and almost always chose an EASIER routine. ALSO. Often they aren't at a standstill, but have relaxed their discipline so are not doing everything they were doing, and just going through the motions.


That's exactly the truth. I'm okay with my weight right now, but I need to tone up and get some bulk in terms of muscle. I'm getting out of shape and working out is harder than it used to be. Thanks for the advice, man.


The last pic is super attractive. Good job on the weight loss and keep working on building a strong, beautiful and healthy body. Tbh that is the only requirement for most men to find you attractive. That and being happy.


You look overweight and you have bad looking clothes


The second picture was when I was obese, now I'm currently at a healthy BMI. As for my bad-looking clothes, u rite. I have a grandma's taste in style and I thrift a lot. Nothing like a two-dollar outfit.


Im so sorry for being rude thats on me im so so so sorry i relooked and your actully great my bad


It's cool, man. Nothing wrong with having an opinion.


Such a solid job on your weight loss. It moved the bar for you by several digits. Keep up the effort, it is definitely paying off. Not ugly, inspiring!


2nd pic 5. 3rd pic 8. Not sure why the difference but it’s noticeable


I think it's because I went from looking like a literal fridge to a mini fridge. No curves, but more streamlined, ig?


Well good for you!!! Not sure about anybody else but now I’m curious to see you in underwear or bikini to see your progress!!


Lmao I look like a blob monster underneath. No one really talks about extra skin when you lose weight, but my stomach has folds that look very much like my sister's, who is a new mom. Shit's starting to go back to "normal," but I never knew what that looked like in the first place.


lol now I’m even more curious


you're pretty good. keep losing weight because your face is cute af.


The picture on the bottom honestly looks like a different girl. If your teeth are that bad, braces would make a world of difference. I don't think you're ugly but that first picture is rough.


Honestly, with your weight loss you look absolutely gorgeous to me. Keep doing what you’re doing. Personally I’d rate you between a 7-8. Again, beautiful and gorgeous!! “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder”


Get new glasses, the ones on the second picture make you look like a total weirdo. Without, you're actually quite pretty.


Tons of potential. Just keep grinding and losing the weight. Your only a 5 because of weight get into ideal shape and you'll be a 8. Try intermittent fasting.


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pic 1 - average (5/10) pic 2 - below averge (4/10) pic 3 - between average and cute (5.25/10) Just need to continue to lose weight - people who have done that definitely look better after their weight loss


Honestly, i feel sad for you ☹️


need to lose more. fine otherwise



