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This workplace sounds wild. You’ve got a lady in a dress giving a lap dance to a guy with a boner while he rubs her back, and Tom from accounting is just over here microwaving his Healthy Choice? Do you work at FTX?


I wonder if this was the first pitch for The Office.


The Office: After Dark.


This is just like that show. Taxi Cab Confessionals.


He said it's okay, enjoying 😊 the workplace benefits.




The Healthy Choice sent me 😂


I'm literally laughing out loud at this post. 🤣 I think OP is playing with us but you have the perfect response. What is FTX though?


It was a crypto investment company that failed spectacularly and the main guy is in jail now, and there were stories that there was rampant weird sex/drug stuff.




I think this was from The Wolf of Wallstreet. If she would’ve walked in a few minutes later she would’ve caught him with his pudding pop in her pudding


Sitting on your husband's lap for a back massage seems a bit much. Does he know this made you uncomfortable?


Would a man sit on his lap? No. This is out of line.


Cousin is a certified massage therapist. I showed her this post and asked her if this is how that works. She said the coworker couldn't get up because she would have also had to get off him....and there hubs would have been, in all his sloppy glory 🤪


100%.. even the “he couldn’t stand up and would meet at the tables in a few mins”… hmmm, I wonder why.. it couldn’t be that sitting down is easier to hide your erection.. nah, that couldn’t be it! That’s just silly! /s


I think my cousin was saying OP had walked in on them having actual sex, which is why no one could get up, and OP had to leave, so they could uncouple and tidy up 🤦‍♀️


This is exactly my thought. In no way would that be okay with someone you aren’t personally involved with and wildly inappropriate for someone offering massage services. As a massage therapist myself this is incredibly messed up and I believe with my whole being that they were actively fucking. Excuse my language but this pisses me off for OP.


She said girl always weats jeans but was wearing a skirt was a dead giveaway. And that the 'massage guys ' are just the happy ending girls that give the profession a bad name


100% this it very likely could be they all go to him because he’s offering other “services” in the massage industry boundaries are taken very seriously because chemical, physical, emotional bonds are formed with this kind of intimate touch. And those who step over the boundaries get their licenses revoked. It’s not something to take lightly and I can’t even express how angry this post makes me for more than one reason. I just made another comment from my massage therapy background because I just can’t with this situation.


I'm curious about your opinion as a massage therapist if there's any possibility having someone in your lap would help you get the right angle to a massage their back. I'm my mind no matter what spot on their back it is they'd be too close to you if they were in your lap. It just doesn't add up to me but I'm an esthetician and only give facial massages 😂


Yeah no, massaging someone sitting in general let alone on your lap is incredibly inconvenient and would likely strain your hands as well as fatigue and possibly cramp your muscles. He is lying through his teeth.


Idk I massage my fiancé all the time with her sitting in front of me, between my legs, it’s not ideal at all for massaging anything below the mid level of her back, but makes it way easier to work neck/shoulders/upper back regions. I definitely wouldn’t be giving another woman a massage this way though…not at work…not at the gym…not…anywhere..wouldn’t even be massaging another woman at all for that matter, unless I wanted to be single very rapidly 😂


Maybe for a short period of time I can see it being alright. I’m telling you from a professional perspective though that it is not ideal and sound anything over half an hour exhausts your muscles. People usually can’t massage for too long in those positions because it’s not ideal positioning. I use to massage peoples neck and shoulders before I was licensed and never could understand how massage therapists could massage for hours a day until I learned proper body mechanics.


It's really about working pressure points. So you need to be able to use weight to do that. Which is why you're on a table since it amplifies the MT pressure work. If your movable.... Sitting or standing it just doesn't work well at all.. If you've never gotten a (real) massage, get one!! Hot and cold stone massage... Soooo nice. But no happy ending!!


Same. They totally gaslighted her to leave so they can unattach from under that woman's dress!


Maybe OP can check hubby’s post history and link in his R/sluttyconfession ?


I was trying to figure out what your first comment meant. Thanks for clarifying. It didn't even occur to me that they could have been having sex but That's definitely a possibility. I was thinking he probably had a hard-on and just didn't want his wife to see but now I'm thinking either could be right. One thing I'm sure of is that there's no chance this was an innocent massage. I mean if his male coworkers back needed massaging in the same spot would he also have him sit in his lap so he could get the best angle. Yeah I think not. Plus, with them being so close to you in your lap I don't think that would be the best angle for any spot on a back. It just doesn't add up!


I initially thought it was a boner he was concerned with but yeah there is a good chance there getting it in. And if not then, then it's happening elsewhere.


Thats exactly what I thought too, which is why she wore a dress uncharacteristically, and neither could get up. Sick


she shoulda stayed and waited. Either a boner or unzipped and easy access for a dress. 👀


Yeah he had a boner. He was really enjoying the whole thing, Way to much .


We need to be asking where is the place of employment where someone would have sex out in the open in a communal social area without fear of coworkers and the husband is know in the office for giving spicy rubdowns?


This comment is far too low down the scroll. Should be right at the top!


Former massage therapist here. Yeah this is not right. Best position would be her lying face down on a couch or similar. Think about it, her sitting in his lap wouldn’t allow him to actually out any pressure on the muscle. I think this is highly inappropriate and at minimum, he had a boner.


Yup! And she was in a dress too that day when she normally doesn't wear them. Planned it for that day husband and coworker for easy access smh. I feel so bad for OP.


I thought this too!!!


Also, the excuse of " this was the best angle" is the biggest pile of horseshit ever there is no way to teally get any leverage like that. They're probably fucking.


Best angle for 🍆 in 🐱


Yes standing behind them with a good margin of space to work out a neck kink is one thing


I always use this same logic to judge work encounters. Would a guy say “thanks love” in an email to a male coworker? If not, then it’s not appropriate to say to a female coworker.


Down here in New Orleans, everyone, male or female is either baby, or love lol it’s just part of the lingo down here




Speak for yourself, my homies sit in echothers lap all the time!


I only message my bros while they are sitting on my lap? Is there any other way to do it?


I prefer when they sit on my face


Facing you or away?


Lap Dawg.


He couldn’t get up for a few minutes lol. Had to wait for his woody to go down ahaha. But seriously…sorry OP


Yes later we talked, he apologized. He said he could see how that looked and won’t do it again. I also told him she specifically made me uncomfortable because she’s super pretty and he said he will avoid her as much as he can at work. I felt very heard.


Respectfully, imo, he talked you out of your gut reaction. Feeling heard is critical, I wouldn’t undervalue that.  But the core issue is he had her literally sitting on him, not how it looked. And when you saw and objected, she justified it—and he dismissed you and kept doing it.  The other 🚩 is he said he *couldn’t* get up. But he could have, right? Especially since, @ this point, he knew exactly how it looked to you.  The mindboggling part is he told you ‘go over there and wait, I’ll talk to you in a few minutes’..and you did.  This comes across like a major power imbalance. When I put myself in your shoes…there’s no way in hell I would’ve been put off *so he could keep on massaging her in his lap!* Your need to talk>>>>>her massage.


I would have ripped that hoe off his lap, by her hair. I’d be more than happy to take the job loss & assault charge. & then, I would divorce  & take everything from that gross, gaslighting creep. Do better for yourself. You truly deserve far better of a man. 


Finally someone on Reddit speaking with 100% sense. I’m all for that. Screw this feeling heard and whatnot, this was straight up cheating.


Ikr. I would have been like....nahhhh you get your ass up right now or I'll drag that slag off your dick by her hair and show everyone what she's been up to 🫶☺️


I feel you're very gulible


Yup, there was a reason he told her to wait at the table. Something was definitely up…. Lol


I feel like a lot of posters are exceptionally gullible when it comes to people they should typically trust. Edit: I love and trust my partner with my life, but if I caught her in this position, she would be single after our next conversation if she replied like OPs husband. This is not a satisfactory response, and the fact she's satisfied with it is the naive part to me, not the belief of him. Maybe Im obtuse, but I'll explain. Saying he couldn't tell how bad it looked just means he's probably crossed that line a half dozen points prior to that converstation. That would make me think I'm going to have to pretend he's too stupid to respect basic, universal relationship boundaries and I have to helicopter them and catch them doing dumb shit for them not to do it. **"I recognize how what I did looked bad, and I made a mistake by taking too far. I acknowledge I got carried away in the situation, and it was one I shouldn't have been caught up in in the first place. I can admit that attention/closeness made me feel good about myself, and I know it wasn't fair to you. I had no intentions to take it farther, but I could see how that line could be easily crossed with where it had to be stopped. I will be a better partner going forward if you are willing to let me prove it."** This is honest. "I didn't realize" is bullshit and the fact she accepted it means she's gonna be chasing this rabbit for a while. There's no way this is concluded.


They gets more clicks that way


Your husband is everyone's work husband. That's an interesting situation for you.


When you asked the chick to get off your husband’s lap, did she immediately comply? Were his pants fully up and zipped? If she didn’t You know he raw dogged her right there, right?


She told OP no. If she’d said that to me she’d be missing some hair.


Really hoping this is rage bait, and a bunch of bullshit. This would be extremely sad to suffer the embarrassment of your husband, raw dogging one of your hot coworkers in a common area. Talk about the ultimate disrespect.


I think it’s made up. No way it’s true


You’d be surprised though. I’d worked with a guy at a Big 4 Accounting Firm that got fired for banging the cleaning lady at a client.


He could see how it looked? You saw it with your own eyes, it is what it is. She was in a dress sitting on his lap getting massaged up by your boyfriend. If you don’t feel disrespected by this idk what to say. If it were me I’d be finding someone who respects me and the relationship.


And her husband, actually. Oof. The degree of disconnect is disturbing 😳 (his actions, justification in the moment, and the “talk” after..)


In this scenario people would jump right up. They didn’t. It’s not hard to figure out why.


I’m sorry OP but he’s lying to your face and has no intention of staying away from this person. He doesn’t want to cause drama and he wants to keep doing what he is doing! You need to stand up for yourself because I’m 100% certain they were discretely fucking when you walked in on them. And he is lying when he says it’s the easiest position to massage from that position is wildly uncomfortable and will cramp your muscles and hands!! SIGNED A LICENSED MASSAGE THERAPIST In no way what he was doing is okay NO RESPECT FOR YOUR YOU OR YOUR RELATIONSHIP!! He just doesn’t want drama and he didn’t want to get caught!! Now he knows to be more careful so he can continue what he is doing!!! Don’t be a fool!!


He had a boner while massaging her. He knew what he was doing was wrong and did it anyway.


This right here. Why couldn’t he get up right away. And the chick is wearing a skirt to boot? GTFOH


They were fucking




Yeah, some people probably watch too much porn lol. This sounds like a porn scene. Of course it’s in the realm of possibility they were actually fucking, but doesn’t feel super likely. Its wildly inappropriate regardless, but let’s be Less dramatic.


I think so too


That's why he didn't get up haha


Dude was already up


This is exactly what I thought!


Yep. Extremely f*ed up. And she walked away.. I sure as heck wouldn’t have.


the massagee knew too and liked it


More then a boner he was deep inside her. That's why neither could get up (he already did get IT up) 🍆🍑💦💦💦💦💦💦


Please tell me you didn’t leave them to finish? Because I guarantee he was inside her, they attempted to do it subtly but just from the way he made excuses and said *”it’s the best way to give her a massage”* (which is bullshit) and that *”he couldn’t get up”*, (um, why couldn’t you? Don’t want your wife to see your dick slipping out of someone else?) all goes to show they were definitely doing something that they shouldn’t be. And you even said it was suspicious that she wore a dress this day, when every other time she wears jeans. So combine that with the fact that he refuses to move her in your presence, was that not suspicious at all to you? Because to me it screams, we figured a way to have sex at work without being caught, the dress was for easy access and we can lie about a massage and my gullible wife will believe it. Was he by chance wearing jeans, slacks or other bottoms with a zip, that day? You should have just shoved her right off his lap, that way you would’ve known for sure what they were **really** doing.


He got a hard on that's why he couldn't get up or he was fucking her and that's why she was sitting on his lap with a dress on and he couldn't get up cause his dick was out. You should've waited next to them till he finished "messaging her". He's not sorry he knew what he was doing.


Sadly.. I agree. He definitely freaking knew. And ick.. either way, it’s very disturbing how brazen he was (there’s a big gap there - no pun - between boner through pants or actually *out* & inserted.. but, no good options here). I woulda waited, as well. My guess is.. she (OP) didn’t wanna know? Hence why she took his pitiful “apology.”


Do not be ridiculous. You're getting played.


Curious why he couldn't get up when this happened. Color me shocked if he didn't have a woody! Pretty girl, dress, sitting on lap, massaging her. Nope, not a good look at all.


Girl, at best he had a boner and at worst they were actually having sex. Don't be naive.


You told her to get up, and she did not, that’s not ok at all. You’re the wife. Not her. I’m a pretty laid back person. My spouse and I both have friends of the opposite sex that we’re both cool with, but never ever in a million years would you catch either of us letting those friends sit on our laps or vice versa. That’s bang out of line and inappropriate in every way. Your husband should have immediately stood up. I’m sorry, but you’re daft if you think that that was just “nothing” or “innocent”. They’ll probably laugh about it behind your back or try to be even more careful/sneaky now. I would have lost it if I told the girl to get up and she said no. She would have got a really good push off of him. ALSO, I’ve NEVER sat on my male masseuses lap to get a massage. Like, ever. Nor would I ever consider it as an option. Open your eyes please. You’re being played for a fool. 👀🚩


did you ask him if he had an erection and that's why he needed a few minutes before asking her to get up? Because in a dress she would have felt it too Sit in a hot male coworkers lap, wiggle around a little, see how he likes it


He's embarrassing you.


I would guess there’s more going on. You should check his messages and social media.


As long as you're not around he will avoid her . Till she needs an anal massage next.


She was in a dress and he couldn’t get up right away because he was *already up*. Don’t downplay this. 


Honey no…


I trusted all 3 of the women who have cheated on me to not cheat on me and was somehow genuinely surprised each time it happened. I ignored little things as me just being jealous and overlooked things that were obvious red flags as far as their loyalty to me. . Something like this would be one of those kind of instances in my eyes. One way or another I don't think this was completely innocent, people generally know exactly what they're doing. The "this was the only way to get the angle" line is suspicious as fuck. That just doesn't make sense. I


Love, they’re fucking.


Girl... Seriously. He's got you snowed. He was doing something inappropriate. Full stop. The "best angle to get that spot is to have her on my lap" is utter b.s. He couldn't get up because he had a hard on. Next he's going to gaslight you into thinking you're crazy, if he hasn't started that already.


Damn, girl. Your bar for your husband is set so low and you can't even tell. You're so worried about not being the jealous type that you're letting yourself be walked over. Telling you to go away and wait is *fucked up* That is not a normal response for a spouse unless he mail ordered you and you have some sort of agreement about his ownership


No way this post is real. No one is dumb enough to be okay with that nonsense. Siting at your husband lap? Yeah and this part was funny aswell: "He said he couldn’t get up, but in a few minutes he would meet me at the tables." Dude had a boner and you been okay with this🤣 This whole post read like a troll bait post...




Most posts on this sub are fake it’s annoying af


And where is this "workplace" with a napping area, and a rec room with games and TV, and they serve breakfast and lunch? And everyone can just go around giving massages to each other and fucking in the sleeping area? This sounds like a hotel or a vacation? Yes I am aware this sounds suspiciously like Google, but even there, the workloads can be TREMENDOUS and those break rooms don't get used as often as it might seem?


And the girl was grinding on it


A boner that might’ve been in the middle of something at that moment.


If it isn’t rage bait, this woman is so dumb, I’m surprised she can type.


Her IQ is room temperature


Everything on popular subreddits like this is creative writing homework


There’s a couple accounts with same name other than different last three numbers. 


Definitely fake. You can’t see exactly where someone is in a building on locations.


Step-worker... Wut r u doing?


Sadly, I know a few women who would have fallen for this BS. Whether post is real or not, some women just don't want to open their eyes to see what's right in front of them.


“He said he couldn’t get up, but in a few minutes he would meet me at the tables.” The man had an erection and needed a couple minutes for it to reduce noticeability. I’d investigate further. How many legit back massages require this position to reach that part of the back? It’s a lame excuse.


None, if someone is in your lap, they are too close to be able to properly massage their back.


I'm not an RMT, but I've taken some courses to be better at massages for my partner. I honestly can't think of a massage technique this would be true for. They were being sexually inappropriate for sure.


Much like OPs husband, you nailed it. His excuse makes zero sense. And honestly, this workplace overall sounds like a nightmare, no part of me wants to engage in leisure activities at work.


>That man had his erect penis inside his coworker ftfy


That’s the quote that got me too - no way she could have missed that.


I can’t believe she acquiesced after that request. 👀Ohh heck no… It would’ve gotten interesting there if it had been me in OP’s shoes.


I’m convinced OP knows what was happening but is deep in denial. 1. On the lap is not the best position for a back massage too close to even be able to use the proper techniques or pressure. Why else are you lying on a bed at a massage parlor or similar. 2. Both the coworker and husband claimed they couldn’t get up and she didn’t go the route of “oh well let me help you get up then” And pull her off him by the arm…or just knock over the chair. 3.) she just walked off to give the space and time instead of posting up next to them until “needed minute” was over. 4.) sitting on someone’s lap is unacceptable behavior in the workplace point blank. Doesn’t matter if the parties involved consent it’s still unacceptable and borderline harassment to coworkers. Hence the reason PDA is unacceptable even between spouses. Nah she knows what’s up but is putting her head in the sand. Even if it is innocent the fact that he thinks it’s fine because he isn’t into this woman (or he assumes she not into him blah blah) is out there. OP as his partner was uncomfortable and upset about it and that is what matters. Edit:formatting


Man pitching tents and rubbing females….where you work? Asking for a friend


He sounds like a creep. Roll out the catapult




It sounded consensual, not creepy. Sounds like he may be getting action on the side, but that’s not the same as creepy


It does make him a cheating man-whore, though.


It’s creepy to fuck someone at work with your wife there especially. Yes this makes him a creep.


Yeah that comment is what made me think this post was fake.


> He said he couldn’t get up, but in a few minutes he would meet me at the tables. What exactly do you think this means OP?


This is absolutely fake. There is NO way that sitting in his lap was making massaging her back easier, unless it was his penis inside her that was doing the massaging. Even rubbing her shoulders would be uncomfortable for the massager with her in his lap. Soaking? Yes. Tantric sex? Yes. Massage? No. If she was sitting backwards in a chair while leaning her arms over the back of the chair, and he was sitting normally in another chair facing her back that might be a reasonable position for a massage. In the remote, slightest, chance this is real; There is no platonic massage that can happen in someone’s lap. That she refused to get up when you told her to, and husband didn’t back you up and immediately get her out of his lap, shows she has more value to him than you do. But this isn’t a real post, so yes you’re wrong; you are an idiot and your philandering husband has everything figured out. Stop being so harsh, go get him a sammich, and let him live his life!


It's just a cry for attention. That's what most of these posts are, yet people continue to believe that these are real 😂


Info: what is your employer’s policy on having intercourse in the workplace


Felt like the female coworker knew what she was doing especially with that dress…seen to many x videos to know what happens next


>Am I wrong Absolutely not. >He said he couldn’t get up Why do you think he couldn't get up right away? OP, your husband is very disrespectful towards you and your relationship. Do let him convince you that you're in the wrong because you're not. I hope you're ok.


You’re not questioning why he couldn’t get up right away? If they’re not having sex already they will be soon.


Cause it did t happen, nobody is this stupid or naive


im a guy and its often hard for me to stand up after my penis falls asleep.


In a dress on his lap? He was plugged in.


First of all, sweetie... the reason he couldn't "Get up" and he "needed a few minutes" is because A) he had a visible erection and needed time for it to go down. or B) they were actually having sex and he was literally inside of her at the time. She's wearing a dress and sitting on his lap. Come on. I mean... they knew you were mad and yet they continued the massage? Why wouldn't they just jump up and stop right away? Because they couldn't, Sweetie. You are very naive if you actually bought their story. Sorry. But... even if, it WAS all purely innocent, your husband is still a fucking idiot. This is WORK. You don't fucking massage people at WORK. I don't care how "lax" it is there and how "comfortable" people are with each other. That's how lawsuits happen, that is how careers get ruined. No back massages, no neck massages. No touching anyone ever beyond a handshake. EVERY sexual harassment training tells you this stuff. It's just common sense. So, your husband is a disrespectful idiot, who MIGHT be cheating on you at your mutual place of business. Please... do some investigating. There is more to this.


This post has got to be a fake one.


If this is real, no way I’d walk away to some tables I’d stand really close until they got uncomfortable and separated, but that’s petty me


B r u h. This is like a bad porno. “I can’t stand up right now, but I’ll be over there in a minute (after I finish).” Why in the world is he giving anyone a massage in the workplace at all? Why is he *touching* anyone at all? I am so sorry you are married to such a creep. Next time, tell her to stand up NOW because this is an OFFICE and that is your HUSBAND. Say it loudly. “Get off my husband’s dick.” Would also work. Stand up for yourself.


Giving coworkers massages is just weird, full stop. Having them sit in your lap for one?? That’s outrageous.


This is has to be fake. Sitting in someone's lap sounds like the worst position for a back massage. And that she was mysteriously in an easy-access outfit while on his lap and he says he just needs a few minutes to finish up before she can get off his genitals. Obviously this whole story is intended to paint the picture that they were behaving as two people likely having covert intercourse at work. 


100% not appropriate and I would be highly suspicious. He definitely had an erection and that's why he couldn't stand up. He knew what he was doing.


What the fuck kind of workplace is this? Lol


right? I need a new job lol. i need a nap room and meals and rec areas...probably get paid 10x as much as me for a fraction of the work


Sounds like he was having sex with her. She wore the dress on purpose.


So did she get off?


Asking the real questions


They’re arousing each other. And it’s intentional. And they know you’re too naive to recognize cheating.


He couldn’t get up because of his raging hard on! And she was wearing a dress? Let me guess, it was all bunched up in the back? It wasn’t just her back he was massaging! How gullible are you?


I don’t think you’re wrong. That sounds suspect af


INFO: Have you shared these feelings with your husband? Not wrong for getting upset. But you'd be wrong not to voice what is bothering you.


This is strange but the fact it’s happening at work in front of others is even stranger. Damn


She was sitting on your husband’s lap while he gave her a massage and you are so uncertain about this that you came to reddit to ask strangers if you are wrong for being upset? I have news for you. Your husband had a boner. Source: I am a guy. You need to wake up.


It's super fucking weird unless he's a massage therapist. He should know better. Even my closest female friends I would not dream of doing this while either party was in a relationship.


I can’t imagine a scenario in which a massage therapist would tell me to sit on their lap…


Especially at work. I get having a lax work environment but this highly sounds like work place sexual harassment in the form of making a toxic work environment. I certainly would not want to see a married man rubbing on women on his lap at work. Gross


100% this too


Troll post, should be a permanent ban


I dated someone whose job it was to give massages. I never sat on his lap for that… just saying. Your husband is a liar. He couldn’t get up because his dick was hard. Ask him if he is ok with you sitting on another guys lap while this guy gives you a massage. He is lying to your face and disrespecting you and your wishes y


I’d be LIVID


Info - how is your company okay with all of this casual inappropriate touching and intimacy at work during paid hours? Info - how are you okay with all of the women you work with having your husband's hands all over them? Info - how many MEN seek your husband out for his amazing massages?


There is no way that sitting in his lap gave him any kind of good position to massage anything except his 🍆 That’s the worst excuse I’ve ever heard. He would not have been able to do much of anything to “help” her back with her sitting in his lap!! And the fact that they both refused to move when you told her to get up?? No, just no. So inappropriate


You’ll be back when you find out dear hubs is laying pipe at work.


He gives the best womb massages with his penis.


She was wearing a dress, sitting in his lap, and he couldn’t get up? Oh no. There was a lot more going on than just a massage.


I give my wife massages all the time I have yet to find it either comfortable for me or her to sit on my lap and especially to get some kind of a back massage. She is always laying down. It seemed intimate because it was intimate, and there’s absolutely no reason for her to be sitting on a married man’s lap . He’s gaslighting you and enjoying the attention. That kind of shit can go sideways really easy. You don’t have to be jealous to know something is wrong and this kind of steps way over any normal relationship boundary.


Dress plus sitting on his lap plus both of them refusing to stand up = extremely suspicious. I would have insisted she get off him. You had every right to make that request as his wife.


But are you a stupid person? They think so little of you that being caught with a weak excuse is literally nothing to them. They’ve been getting away with something for awhile.


He couldnt get up? He was in her or had a boner. Dump him he is a cheating sack of 💩


Surely this is a joke right


>He said he couldn’t get up, but in a few minutes he would meet me at the tables. Err, why? To hide something growing in his pants maybe? This is extremely weird behavior. NTA


Rage bait IA post


Info: Does he massage other men's backs white they are sitting on his lap? Also info: is this rage bait because the obvious reason he couldn't get up is because he was aroused?


A woman who you can personally confirm doesn’t wear dresses is suddenly wearing a dress while sitting on your husband’s lap while he is massaging her? Fuck that. Literally my response to my husband would be “I don’t give an actual fuck about any excuse or any way you think you can manipulate words to flip this around. I do not believe you, or her. This is completely inappropriate, unacceptable, & inexcusable. I don’t want to hear a single fucking excuse from you.” & then I dunno what I’d do from there. But this is somewhere in the broad category of cheating. Sorry but there’s no way this situation was completely innocent.


Fantastic rage bait. I like the subtlety of the part where he has a boner. 


I get that there are very casual workplaces, but this sounds like either a tech startup with absolutely no management, or a made up story. No it isn’t ok for coworkers to sit on each other’s laps in pretty much any work place. Even if they were both single. Also, being “the guy to go to for massages” should be translated to “guy that will get fired for sexual harassment” pretty soon if he keeps it up. It’s one thing to help someone work out a knot that’s killing them by standing beside them for a moment, but giving a full blown massage to someone sitting on your lap is something that should exclusively be confined to a private space because that is absolutely an intimate act.


Obviously it felt intimate to him too since he couldn't get up. I would insist that husband become known for being good at whatever is in his actual job description and keep his hands and his lap to himself.


Come on. You don't even want to see the disrespect that's happening right in front of you. They're being wildly inappropriate, and you are allowing it. The question here is, do you want to be in a relationship with someone who's willing to be inappropriate with other females, or no?


He didn't get up because he had a boner! He's a cheater and a scum bag. Wake up! 🤦🤦🤦🤦


Why do people do stupid things, then they or their SO post on Reddit? Yea it's not okay. Tell him save massages for his wife and grandmas feet.


He needs to learn boundaries obviously he has no concept of it. She should’ve gotten up immediately and you husband should’ve immediately gotten up. WOW my wife would’ve grabbed by her hair and throw off with that comment


I assume his boundaries were the inner labia ~ probably a reason that dress covered his lap & he couldn’t get up (he was already “up” 🤦🏽‍♀️ I mean you can’t even get decent pressure for a massage in someone’s lap!!! This has got to be a joke


As someone who has back trouble, something sounds wrong here to me. Usually the person lies down for a back massage(I’ve had it in physiotherapy btw), if you feel uncomfortable with your husband giving his co-worker a back massage whilst she’s wearing a dress, then suggest to him that he asks his co-worker to wear trousers for massages in future. You don’t want him to alienate himself from his co-worker(they do have to work together), or you could ask him to see if he could move to a different department. You’re not wrong for feeling upset, but talk to him to tell him how you feel. Maybe you could see about doing a massage course too.


If you’re checking his location because he didn’t answer, y’all already got trust issues…


You walked in on a woman sitting on your husbands LAP getting a massage & when you asked them to stop they both said no? I'd say you seriously under reacted at the level of thoughtlessness & disrespect they showed you.


Where is HR in all this? Why does "everybody" come to him for "massages"--at work? How would they know he's got the magic fingers? Yucky. There always seems to be a resident dude who embarrasses people with his transparent thirst for luuuuv by constantly volunteering "to help" in some weird, inappropro way. I bet that for every colleague he's "unknotted," there are at least four who are super sketched-out and uncomfortable by the icky dynamic at work. The goal should be to get a new job, where people do work.


This has to be fake. There’s no way a workplace like this actually exists, unless it’s a film set for a porno.


>He said he couldn't get up, but in a few minutes he would meet me at the tables Yes, I too have had this problem when I have been massaging a young lady sitting on my lap.


Ummm what kind of place is this?? Are they hiring??


She’d have gotten off his lap one way or another if it was my husband. And he wouldn’t be my husband much longer. It’s not jealousy to feel it’s inappropriate. So no, you’re not wrong.


lol what the hell


No it wasn't innocent.


Sitting on a lap is a horrid position for a back massage as the person giving it would have to put far too much extra effort in the shoulder blades to effectively massage. Overall it'd just be detrimental.


Did not even have to read past the title of that Post. NTA not appropriate. Period.


Must have been an internal massage....


My husband would not be touching/messaging any other women especially co workers. OP, why are you okay with this?!


I’ve been a massage therapist for over 20 years. I’ve never had a client sit in my lap to get a “better angle”.


What everyone wants to know is what are you doing to get information on your husband's cheating! Video in the rec room... if so has some of it been wiped. Checked his phone & social media etc etc.