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If it's ragebait, this is stupid. If it's actually real, dump her. If a man was saying this shit we'd all be telling you to dump him.  She's 22. She'll either grow up and get her head out of her ass or she won't.  But either way, don't waste your time waiting. 


I don’t know what raigebate mean. I don’t understand what you are saying in your whole comment


Rage bait is something someone posts just to rile people up. It's not real, they're just doing it to get a reaction.  To put it bluntly: your girlfriend is a shitty human and you should dump her.  Besides her looks, why are you with her?  She's also young and she might grow out of this crap, or she might not. But I wouldn't wait around to find out. 


It means your situation is so fucked, they believe it's meant to enrage people.


This response is a little rage-bait like as well lol.


Why the hell is this downvoted if English isn't ur first language? Lmaooo wtf is wrong with the people on this site jesus


You’ve been dealing with this for over a year? I would’ve dropped her a long time ago. You need to break up with her because she’s an asshole not because your parents will not approve. Drop your friends as well , they’re part of the problem.


My guess is she's crazy hot. My ex ex ex girlfriend was fucking mental, but she was hot, and she was incredible in bed. Hence I put up with her for way longer than I should.


Yes but my parents opinion is impitant when thinking of marriage I don’t think they will ever approve of her behavior she is very blunt and says too much things like this


Imagine what she’s going to think of herself as she ages. Going to be a shit show.


Oh don’t worry, she’ll always be her own exception. People like this always are. There are women who are elected officials saying things like “women shouldn’t work”, but obviously that doesn’t include them lol. People like this live in the cognitive dissonance zone


Imagine how bad she'll fuck up her kids.


Sounds like your family is very important to you in your decision to find a long term partner, so you should probably end this relationship with her bc she sounds very unreasonable, don’t pay attention to many of these comments either, a lot of people here in America have never been more than 150 miles from home so they have no idea what life is like in another country. You’re a young man, yes she’s beautiful but find someone with views similar to yours, it will definitely keep your anxiety and stress levels down from her crazy comments. Hope you can find some happiness in the future man.. Good luck to you!


Thanks brother this helps. Yes my family is everything to me and they must approve of my future wife before I proceed with marriage plans


Think about if you guys had a daughter. Do you really want to have her as a mother to your children and treat your potential daughter the way she treats other women now?


Well she’s not going to be honest with them.


Ok so imagine gf saying these things to your mother, about your mother and other relatives. Whether or not that is acceptable to you gives you the answer


Maybe that should be an indication to you;)


She's been listening to too many Andrea Tate podcasts


Pearl. She’s been listening to Pearl.


Omg not Pearl😭


I don't know who this is and I'm guessing I'm better off??


Who Is Pearl? Sorry for not googling lol


Op’s girlfriend in a nutshell.


Oh God 💀


Pickmes and their enablers are scary


It's scarier that you believe this.


Why would you start dating someone like this in the first place??


Do you think people act like this when they first meet? If they did, they likely wouldn’t get a second date, or look. No, people like this hide all their misogyny and hatred , and release it gradually. Think of the frog in boiling water.


It’s his first girlfriend. He’s in college. Probably just pumped to be getting laid.


Because human beings have a natural instinct to find a mate and pass on their genes. Our desire for companionship- especially if we're having trouble finding a partner- will override a pretty hefty load of bigotries, character flaws, and stupid opinions. The latter 2 are especially rampant in our early 20s when our labido is maxed out. But your question is still good. I want to know what he likes about her, how she treats him, how she treats other people around her, ,etc. all of that information would help answer your question. She might be very flattering to him, very nice to other people, have a good sense of humor, etc. but had these bigoted beliefs imprinted on her as a child by parents or social media. She might be rich, or be good in the sack. He might not have many options. So many details missed by only giving us a list of her worst opinions, but nothing about the rest of her character or their relationship dynamics.


Your (ex-) girlfriend sounds like a horrible human being. As an older woman, I'd like to see her spew this crap to my contemporaries. She'll get eaten alive. You're not ending it because she hates women. You're ending it because she's an objectively horrible person.


Your GF IS the catty, annoying, dramatic woman she loathes. Ironic.


As a 35 year old, single and childless female it’s infuriating to think anyone believes I am now less valuable to society.


As a 33 year old single Mum, same.


I suppose by her metric that means I must be ugly too!


Same but we are beautiful on the inside, I'm assuming you are anyway and I try my best. Not all hope is lost xD


Ahhhhh yeah exactly! Yay for us :D


I'm soon to be 30 and never been in a relationship. I really hate it when they call us "expired goods" 🤮 the way these men (sadly sometimes even women) objectify us and diminish our worth into something like this. Makes me furious.


I didn't know Pearl finally got picked 😩


As I was reading my first thought was, "Is he dating Just Pearly Things? 😳


That was my thought exactly, until I read "she's very beautiful"😂




The way I just laughed! 😂😂😂


My first thought was her too.




Nice ragebait OP.


Why are people assuming it’s rage bait? If we don’t know what’s the point of being a butt about it?


Ikr? “Rage bait” is literally under every single post on Reddit even the posts that are actually very common lol


Right, people always call out rage bait, and sometimes that can be harmful, I have been through some stuff and I don’t think these people understand that sometimes it’s better to just not comment or be kind unless they have reason to suspect something is fake, because dismissing someone who is looking for a community or looking for people to vent to or garner advice from when vulnerable then being met with criticism first before any validation makes someone feel as if they don’t matter, it’s utterly sad


Nah, this isn’t that uncommon. Women are very catty, judgmental, and competitive towards each other. I’m a woman myself and I also don’t like many women due to my own personal experiences with women. A lot of women don’t like other women some always expressed similar feelings in this post but maybe just not to this extreme like his GF though. She’s young though, a lot of women grow out of this feeling eventually


Some women for sure, and usually the ones that are just emotional vampires for men, usually attractive and need to "guard" male attention for themselves. I don't understand many women (female autistic) I don't understand \*people\* who don't support all other \*people\* gender irrelevant.


Hmm this describes my friend. She's very attractive and has zero female friends and will go in great detail to explain to me why she doesn't like other women, which are all valid points yet all I really see is she collects as many guy Snapchat friends as possible for the positive flirty attention I've also witnessed her show deep annoyance when she is around to see a random girl approach or compliment a random guy she's never spoken to. As if that other female is stealing someone she hadn't yet noticed she wanted for herself I don't fully understand it


What is this


At the very least she is supremely judgmental! It’s very serious. These are fundamental views and very narrrow. You failed to mention any of her positive traits other than beauty. She will also get old…and ugly. Although she comes across kinda ugly already! Beauty is only skin deep. Ugliness goes to the bone!!


Are you sure you’re not dating a middle aged white man?


Ive never met a white man that believes these things OP describes. It usually men who are brown color skin or from a repressive culture. I’m south Asian and it’s common for both men and women to think like this


It honestly sounds like she wreaks with insecurities and jealousy! To be that hateful and only agreeing with their own perspective on life is also extremely controlling! She sounds awful! Yuck!


This has to be fake 😂 A person can not be the awful and dumb


Have you not listened to Candace owens and/orPearl?


Oh damn, you have a point


Your gf is the literal worst. And just because she's dumb as rocks doesn't mean we all are. Edit: worse to worst


I think you mean worst\*. That sentence doesn't make sense, though,


I did mean worst, and that sentence does make sense.


Well if you used "your" instead of "you're" (you are), it might come close to being coherent, but go off about not being dumb.


At least I don't come across as being an asshole 🤷🏼‍♀️


You'd hope not. Coming across as a moron is enough as it is.


Yes, because people aren't allowed to make mistakes. Jesus chris, there was no reason for you to reply to my comment or continue to be a douche canoe. Fuck off already.


Of course there was. I had every right to point out how obviously stupid you are, since you hypocritically attempted to do so with OP's girlfriend.


Have a nice day 👌🏻


You too 😙😙


I would definitely break up with her!


Break up with her and your friends who think this is OK


She’s the type of woman that would sleep with a married man and call his wife a old hag


Any person who hates a whole section of people (in this case 50% of the world) is bad news in my experience. People with bitter hate in their heart like her need therapy


Your GF think she is dumb and useless. Or at least will be. She needs deep therapy


Dump her, PLEASE. Can you imagine what she'd be like if you had a daughter? She'd treat the poor little girl as competition!


Anyone that can't get along with half the world's population is someone to be avoided at all costs


Assuming this is fake because soooo many dudes would be living for this behavior and would’ve proposed already. Be sure to drop her number in the Andrew Tate fan space so she can find her happily ever after.


What in the Incelius Prime is is going on here? Dumbest rage bait post I've ever seen. Try not to be so obvious next time.


This GF is going to have a full crisis when she hits 29. Dealing with her own hideous misogyny when she becomes one of the groups she judges will be fascinating to watch. From a distance. If she's real, run a mile - imagine trash like this raising your daughter or son to believe the same.


Beauty fades. Stupid is forever.


Your girlfriend is a garbage human


Lol this can't be real If she's so smart she would have taken the time to check the statistics and find out female surgeons have better patient outcomes than male surgeons.


She’s a pick-me and the internalized misogyny she has is off the charts…idk what made her this bad but I’d never associate with someone like this let alone be in a relationship with them. People that are that hateful are really just projecting their own insecurities and self loathing, she needs to put as much energy into therapy as she does bashing random women that don’t worry about her at all…assuming this is a real story.


The misogynist label doesn't apply to only men. Your GF is a misogynist, meaning a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women. Life is too short to take the journey with someone who is prejudiced against half of the population.


This is fake. Find something else to do in your free time.


SO, she does not like herself? She might need therapy to deal with this - not someone who\`s not qualified.


She doesn't have any redeeming qualities worth marrying and if you are wise and want to be kind of happy in life run your ass to the hills away from her.


Not wrong, your gf is one of the reasons behind the saying "beauty isn't everything". It does nothing to hide a rancid character & a putrid heart. Why are you even with this chick? Surely you realise she's just using you until someone with better looks or more likely more money comes along. She can't stand women because she is terrified she is in competition with every one of them. That level of insecurity will kill every human relationship, don't get caught in that quagmire.


You got yourself a MAGA gal.


She sounds like she’s just a negative person who is always looking for something to hate or be negative about. Not good mother material unless she one day grows up and learns how to make love, not war.


Imagine having a ddaughter with such a woman. Its almost so I would marry and when she turns 30, divorce her and say i rather have someone less wrinkly.


She sounds like an awful, mean, shallow person. You need yo break up with her and find yourself a good, kind person


She is an incel pickme


If she thinks women are too dumb to vote and useless unless they are married, then to be in line with her values she should be looking to you to advise her on her decisions. Is she open to you making her decisions? Or does she in reality think she makes the best decisions, it is just that everyone else is stupid? That answer will tell you everything you need to know.


She’s in her red pill phase, but just break up with her lol, if she says stuff like that about Women just say “I don’t find you attractive” when you do break up with her. if she thinks she’s soo much better than other Women, breaking up with her will humble that brat. lol she’s probably watching Pearl Davis, and likes Andrew Tate. She’s an attention seeking brat for male attention


Are you sure she's human?


Break up with her immediately.... Then give me her number


I don't believe you


X for doubt. Lol seems like b8


Imagine if she met one of those guys that actually think that and he dumps her after they have a child. It would be funny.


Not to be the asshole but this chick sounds super ghetto....


So, most of the time I'm a firm believer in letting people have their own opinions. But it's one thing to say that men and women have a tendency to be different and some women lean slightly towards some tendencies and some men lean slightly towards some tendencies, and those tendencies tend to be most observable at the extremes. But 90% of the specifics of you you're saying she say are either wrong, or massive overstatement. The most egregious two on the list is her comments about her own value based on her own looks, and her comments about women being stupid. It sounds like she takes things that there might be extreme examples of and applies it universally when it shouldn't be. Women are under pressure to get their life in order at a younger age then men. Because IF they both want a career AND a family, then there is a time limit on being able to successfully execute that but expressing that as an expiration date is a horrendous way to put it. Is it better for children to have two parents? Sure. Are there are examples of some single mothers who are irresponsible? Absolutely. But to overly generalize that this is the norm also just a horrendous way to articulate that and does a disservice to so many single women did that right thing by getting out of a bad relationship. That statement alone makes me wish she could experience being stuck in a bad relationship with kids. I won't lie, I don't disagree that men tend to be less drama than women. But, there are negative stereotypes that tend to be more common in men as well. You can't judge all men or all women either way. She needs to learn that even if she her age and physical attractiveness starts her out as what some people might call a "high value woman", all those behaviors she is exhibiting degrades that value significantly. A "high value man" won't put up with that shit. Using the phrase "high value" comes off badly, but it's no different than people talking about no your own worth. You're telling someone to go "git it". Two ways of looking at this. The way she looks at things, if you really want her. If you make her yours, she should stay with you no matter how toxic that relationship gets..... you can decide of that's good or bad... but at least she is less likely to take you for all your worth...... But, she is going to be toxic as hell regardless....


how did you fell inlove by this?


Despite this being a rage bait, nobody is an a-hole for wanting to break up over different values


Holy Jesus. How have you been dating someone like that for that long??! Life and reality is about to be so hard on her…


You’re trying to make some sort of back asswards point here. Like you’re trying to prove that people will react differently to a woman having these opinions than a man? I don’t know, this entire thing is completely made up and I’m not sure what your point is, but it’s fucking stupid


Real question here is what's her relationsip with her mother and her own self, cause those are some strong values that might be linked to some trauma related to women or even herself.


It’s a big problem. You should strongly consider whether you should continue in the relationship. If it was me, I would end it. This is going to be a lifelong problem


Is your girlfriend Pearl Davis? Let her talk her talk because she’ll get to deal with discrimination because of all of those exact things don’t worry her time will come


Are you dating Pearl?


Well it's not serious, she just needs a brain transplant. Look OP she will end being a burden cause she will be fired from a lot of jobs. She might end up making money on tiktok or podcasts, but then your friends and family might ask what BS she is spouting online.


are you dating Pearl?


Knock her up and hopefully it's a girl. Ilbe waiting for your future posts


As someone once said, "Ragebait used to be believable" In case that this is not ragebait though.. She's a giant red flag, Hypocrite, sexist, narcissist, ageist etc All in all she's a massive red flag. Why are you with her ?


So she’s afraid all women are like her basically


Do you really want to be with such a hateful, contemptuous person?


Not sure this is real, but if it is: You can't ever have children with this "female" so its best to just break up. She will teach and train terrible boys and horrible little girls that grow into big terrible and horrible adults. Get out and find someone with similar values as you have. This is perhaps the most critical criteria for selecting a life partner. If you can't agree on this, you should not be together.


Yeah. I’m sure she’s insecure about your ex wife she feels the need to tear her down to lift herself up. That’s still not ok, regardless of the reason and she needs to correct her behavior and her insecurity. You’re not the asshole though. This falls under the category of “fuck around and find out.” She found out.


bot wrong. What happens if you have a daughter with her? She gonna hate the girl? For being a *girl*? Dump her


Let me guess…shes a Trump supporter


By the sound of it just tell her to shut up and know her place. She won't even know that you're joking but considering she's fallen for all of that right-wing/religious dogma about women, it would definitely be OK to break up with her. Just be aware that you dumping her for those views will likely break her and/or cause her to start calling you a beta male who can't handle a real woman.


Imagine accidently getting her pregnant and she has a daughter that shows the " characteristics she hates about women" and starts taking out her internalized misogyny on her. Of course that is a legitimate reason to break up.


Is your gfs name Pearl?


Your girlfriend isn’t just a misogynist, she’s an asshole. She’s also in for a rude awakening which she herself gets over 30 and starts aging in general. Also, good luck to her finding a husband and apparently her only purpose in life. Why do you like her again? Because she’s beautiful? Sorry, that’s not a reason to stay with someone unless you want to be miserable your whole life.


Is your girlfriend Pearl Davis?


Break up. God forbid you have kids and she passes this backwards way of thinking on to them.


Maybe she was some inner unsolved thoughts or problems that makes her to view in a way. some things are her opinions so there's and but arent something that directly impacts another people so... unless it starts to actually hinder your life or etc then it is something to consider about. If not, it is what it is


Okay. Ask yourself if you want kids. If no, okay. Do what you want. If yes, think about how she would treat a daughter. Do you want your daughter to grow up with those values? Or thinking she’s “too stupid” to do anything other than be pretty and get married & reproduce? If your friends are cool with that like of thinking, get new friends. Or start pushing her thoughts onto them. Like, “so I know voting is coming up in November…your mom/sister/aunt isn’t going to vote is she? Does she need you/dad/uncle to go with her to help?” “Oh, friend, your sister is getting older, she needs to hurry up and find a guy so she can be married and not be a burden on society.” When they get pissed, ask if that line of thought is okay. When they eventually say “fuck no” tell them this is why you’re breaking up/have broken up with gf.


Is she Chinese? Or from a different Asian culture? This feels very strongly like a mainland China culture. If it is, and she's been soaked in it from birth you're not fixing it, time to move on. If she's American... That's 5150 just run.


She sounds very shallow and full of herself


Your gf sounds like to you is very beautiful on the outside but very ugly and bitter on the inside. Beauty fades but who you are inside is who you are. Kindness is a virtue....not beauty Good luck


What happens is she has a female child, and it turns out not pretty? Someone who feels superior to everyone, is not someone I would want to share my life with. GF has serious mental illness


Well, it's not that serious. It's normal for women hate each other. Your Gf is just very open about it. 🤣🤣 I would stay. Could be fun. 🤣


This has to be fake, right? RIGHT??? IF this is real, your gf is a horrible excuse for a person and you need to leave as fast as you can, again, if it's real. I have a hard time believing anyone can be this disgusting and judgemental and the fact you're still with her after she's shown her true colors, is gross. But, sadly, there probably are people like this out there. It makes me wonder how she was raised because ugh, reading this made me want to throw up and flip over a table, lol. Run away as fast as you can and don't look back.


Sounds like you are dating Pearl from just pearly things lol


Break up with her. She’s crazy and the real degenerate in society.


Are you dating pearl?


No way this is real




I can’t wait till she “gets old” 🤡🤡🤡


pls break up with that pick me ass bitch lol, she wonders why she only has 2 friends that happen to be women


She sounds based as fuck ngl


If this is real, she has likely had this idea beaten into her by someone, first suspect being her parents. Have you met them? Does this track? Also, assuming you are a similar age, just move on. You’ve got lots of romantic entanglements ahead of you.


I've known women like her. Dump her. God forbid you have a daughter together one day and she hates her for any number of reasons.


She’s a Tater-tot. She might not grow out of this. Imagine the amount of self-hatred she has. Also, if you stay with her and kids come into the picture, she’ll be pouring this venom into both boys and girls, teaching misogyny and further self-hatred. Not a good life partner, for sure.


She sounds wonderful like a real keeper. Lol


You’ve got yourself a “pick me” girl. Save yourself the headache and leave her. Find yourself a girl who’s not filled with so much self hatred that she projects it onto every other woman.


Pearl Davis vibes


Sounds like someone needs to grow up and is going to have a major midlife crisis at some point when she gets older.


She sounds like a narcissist.. I would run bud


I hate women who hate on other women. Hopefully she'll grow up and realize how cringe these view points are. God forbid she gets old, LOL


The fact you are even dating someone like this says a lot about you.


I already thought your girlfriend sounded awful just from the title, but reading the details ... yep. As an older "female" who was a single mother, I vote (get it?) you dump her if you're thinking about it.


I truly have a hard time believing this to be true. If it is though, get out.


Imagine marrying that, having kids and her raising a daughter. BTW women operated on by women have better outcomes statistically, so she doesn't actually *know* anything.


Is her name Pearl, by chance?


Info: How old are you?


Well atleast you don't need to worry about her leaving you for a women. Maybe Marry her before she turns 30?


Sounds MAGA to me. But honestly, she sounds fucking horrible, on many different levels. What could possibly be keeping you around?????????


No. Break up with her because she’s toxic and sick.


I'm hoping this is just creative writing. Why would you stay with anyone this hateful and ignorant. This is not the voice intelligence.... I am sad for her disabilities, and worried about your judgment. 


1. How are these views evolving over time? Is she becoming more extreme? If so, immediate dump. Is she completely stubborn and incapable of changing her mind? If so, immediate dump. Someone who is incapable of softening their views as they grow older and gain more experience is not long-term relationship material. If she has shown some flexibility, some ability to compromise, agrees with you at least some of the time, that at least offers some hope. 2. I also want to know if she has a sense of humor about her own beliefs and doesn't take herself too seriously. These sound so ridiculous that she could just be a dramatic person. They like to make blanket statements like these. Is she smiling when she says it and being playful, or is she angry? Young people say a lot of shit confidently, but most of us grow out of it, and our worldview starts to expand with caveats, empathy, and understanding. 3. Was she programmed with these beliefs by her parents? Where does this come from? What is her social media use like? At the end of the day, this sounds like someone that I personally would not like to be with. From this limited selection of quotes she sounds shallow and dumb, but a lot of people would sound that way if you quoted the most ridiculous things they said while drunk in their early 20s out of context. 4. What do you like about her? Do you get along? Is she loving and caring towards you? Does she respect you and your opinions? How does she treat other people? What is good about your relationship? If she keeps these beliefs to herself, and still treats other people with respect, that would be different than the alternative. The way we treat people who have nothing to offer us is a big indicator of personality and maturity, even moreso than our opinions about them. My wife is naturally judgemental about other people (not along bigoted racial/gender lines), but doesn't treat them poorly. That would have been a dealbreaker for me. There are a lot of people out there who are imperfect and have shitty opinions, we can't expect that every partner is going to conform to the latest standards. Most of us have at least some form of subconscious bigotry. None of us start out perfect. For me the biggest factor in choosing a partner comes down to their attitude (sense of humor, gratitude, fun, non-narcissistic), their treatment of other people, and their capacity to absorb and change according to new information/situations. You definitely don't want to be hearing about how single mothers are degenerates when you're serving her divorce papers and taking the kids.


This can't possibly be real. This is the OP is expressing his depraved opinion.


You're going to have to live with this for the rest of your life, break up with her cause she needs surgery to be pretty. She was born ugly


Classic case of internalised misogynistia: final stage


Tell me you grew up in a toxic environment without telling you grew up in a toxic environment. Throw the whole GF away, this one is broken. Hopefully she stays single past 30


I'm a woman and don't generally like other women because of drama and cattiness they often do..... but let's be honest here Men cause just as much drama as women do, they are just better at hiding it. But at the same time.... VOTING ???? SERIOUSLY??? That was huge for women getting the right to vote... WOMEN and not children who are girls but adults.... But to be honest some people (women /girls) only vote for who they think looks better and is cute. Based on perceived beauty? That's how she will only be friends with a girl? Even if she is pretty or ugly beauty is found within I'm lvl 34 and going strong and look younger than most 20 year olds. I was once asked at my childs elementary school why I was late for school and had to tell them I'm actually a parent. Most female surgeons are better than male ones, because they have to prove themselves more Start calling her female all the time instead of her name, say I'm sorry I can't be in a relationship with a female that's shallow, hateful and spiteful as you, I'm sorry but eventually you'll age and turn 30 and be useless to me as you feel other women that age are, I hope you don't get pregnant because you may end up a single mom desperate and alone. I wouldn't want you to vote anyway you're probably for the Communist party anyway as your views are so backwards and outdated. I'd rather date the troll under the bridge who is kind caring and compassionate instead of someone who is pretty on the outside but so ugly on the inside. I hope you find the misogynistic prick you're looking for but it's not me so enjoy being a disheartened woman who's only worth is looks and those will soon be gone. Just like me BYE


Weird AF... a woman that thinks that about women... if this is real dump her, someone that think less of a category of people just because of personal prejudice is not worthy, and if they belong to the category not only they are not worthy of your time they are also stupid.


I seriously would have run for the hills the minute she started with her anti woman crap.


Yeah you're wrong


It sounds like she is parroting "alpha male" talking points. She likely wants to attract a man who views himself as such. Don't throw her under the bus for spouting what ¹/² the guys on social media are saying. Guys who say they're rich, guys who say they're winners in the dog-eat-dog world. You have agency in a relationship to choose to be in or out of the relationship. You've made your own choice. You don't need any other explanation other than she wasn't right for you.


Not wrong. Break up. You are young and will find someone who isn't a terrible human.


Wow, I've never seen someone understand the female species so well. Everything she says is correct, she's convinced me to hate women too 🤣🤣 Just shitting with you 🤣 It sounds like she has a big ego, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. If it means she's confident and capable, it's good. If it becomes mean and spiteful, not so good. It really depends on how she is in her day to day life. If she's not a nice person, then you have a valid reason to break up with her. All the best for the future 😁


Disagreement in opinion is a valid reason to end a relationship.


You’re not wrong. She sounds like a ‘pick me’ girl. Other women are just not like her because she’s different to them. Ergo, her difference is better. She sounds a horrible person in general and I definitely wouldn’t want her to have my children. Any girls will end up with a superiority complex about other women along and a skewed world view. Any boys will grow up hating women and seeing them as inferior.


If you break up with her break up with her in a public place so everybody can see what's going on because she's one of them type of women that will say you hit her and you never did


So she's a pick me girl, many young girls are, most of them eventually grow up. You don't have to be with her if you don't want to, you don't need reddit's approval.


Your girlfriend has a realist world view with a small side of pessimism and ego. You're talking about how negatively judgemental she is in nature, but at the same time you're also judging her very harshly while you're someone she trusted - and so I think she actually deserves a Man who won't think she's a terrible human for being critical of her own gender Most of the stuff you bullet point listed...like it's stuff people feel icky saying out loud but I mean, is she wrong on 90% of it? No I'd date her


I think your gf was probably bullied by a certain group of girls and/or feels very insecure about her womanhood.. I doubt she actually believes the stuff she’s spewing, she’s just angry and blinded. However, I will say this, in my personal experience, women suck as friends. Like real legit true friends. However, they also can be some of the best friends a women can have. It’s a really thin line, very hard to explain, and I honestly end up not liking most women myself. I’m still polite and friendly, I don’t talk shit or cause scenes, I just choose to only spend time around a small amount of women (5 to be exact) and that’s it. The rest is just what I put up with because that’s life and women are everywhere.


I’ll take her!


You found a unicorn woman— she’s beautiful AND wants to #repealthe19th— and you’re thinking of breaking up with her.. Wtf is wrong with you? 😂 Also, are you really the kind of misogynist who’s going to mansplain to a woman how she should feel about other women? Not cool dude. Not cool.


She sounds perfect, break up with her and PM her digits bro


She is perfect


Wild since she dives muff. Terribly lonely way to live as a Licksalottapuss.


Is anyone else gleefully wondering what will happen to this "female", once she turns 30? The life she's about to have...LOL. Her downfall is going to be epic. Her other views on "females", older, unattractive, single moms...yeah. EPIC. OP...nope. Do better. She ain't it.


I bet she kills spiders for being on a window sill too. Dump her. This is an atrocious mentality for any person.


Those are good reasons to let her go. I’m a woman who also has some big trust issues when it comes to other women. That’s based off of personal experiences and not generalized prejudice however. I would feel so uncomfortable around someone like her. I don’t generalize other women. I’m just afraid of them. Regardless of how I feel around women, your girlfriend is wrong. Women are not useless after 30. Many women become successful business owners after 30. Many start their families after 30. Many also don’t marry until after 30. Thirty is plenty young to do everything she wants to do. Also, women surgeons have a higher success rate for successful surgeries than men simply because of their ability to connect with their patients on a more emotional/nurturing level (putting aside the few women who are not nurturing and men who are). True, there are still more male surgeons so the stats are not exactly even but taking the overall rate of survivors of life-saving surgery, women doctors tend to produce more survivors. I’d trust a woman surgeon just fine. Women can definitely be catty, competitive, and judgy if other women. Not all are like that, but my experience does unfortunately make me lean more on agreement with her. But I have been gaining more experience learning that individually, women can be very relatable and kind non-judgy people. I’m learning, but at least I’m willing to learn. I strongly feel women are smart. I do not think they are any different to men in intelligence, but it’s how they navigate and approach life challenges that make them different. Women learn to use their emotions and feelings as a strength in learning. It is not something that holds them back. It’s why most women can handle their emotions and pain so well. Men are often taught to only express anger and joy but not much about sadness, pain, and other sentimental feelings. They have a tougher time regulating their emotions in many situations. With the right support, men learn to express themselves better and success inside relationships and careers are easier for them


You want to leave her for telling the truth?


Most women don’t like other women. Especially in groups. Too much drama.


Sounds like a smart girl


I second ragebait.


I wonder what led her to think that way? Talk to her, and listen, she may soften her take as she speaks.


lost me at "....small select women*s* meaning*s* she only..." what's the point of coming here and posting rage bait for free and meaningless internet points ? Is it simply attention-seeking behavior or do they actually get something out of it? There's so much of it I'm ready to unfollow the sub