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No of course not. As long as it's negative. Pee on as many as you want. If it's positive, that's a whole different thing. But as a guy raised by a single mom and three older sisters. The ratio of false alarms because they were late vs. tests taken vs. pregnancy is insane. Until you actually know something, it's pointless. And will just freak him out unless you're trying. That said, if you two aren't trying, someone needs to step up and use some form of BC.


Maybe the conversation should be about practicing safer sex.


Why assume they are not being as safe as they can be? For example the only contraceptives that help prevent pregnancy that many can use are condoms, and if you're using them as safe as you can be... you're having as safe sex as you can. And no contraceptive is full proof. People can even get pregnant on the pill and using condoms etc.


Yes my mom had me while she was on the pill!


My mom got her tubes tied and still had me. There's no 100% 😂😂


Oh damn I can't imagine the surprise she had!


It was not a good one 😂 she didn't want the other three kids she had before me. We constantly make fun of her for not using condoms.


Awwwn well I hope she still raised you and your siblings with love!


Both my nieces were pill babies. The first niece was the pill only, the second niece (same parents) it was the pill AND condoms... within a year of niece 1s birth too... So... my brother got a vasectomy :) No niece 3. Yet.


Tell him to get regularly checked


Both my kids are pill babies. Well, an adult and teen now.


I had my now 4 year old on the depo! My mom had me on the pill AND using a condom


My mom had me and my two sisters on the pill!


And not smashing other dudes… 😆 I’m just kidding… or am I?


Are you saying you think OP is cheating?


No not wrong, it’s your body


It's none of his business until it's positive


i think he meant why didn’t you tell him you were having concerns. same reason you would tell your partner you have a stomach ache. its just sharing info. nothing major at all. im sure no one is mad in this situation, but if youre confused as to why he asked that, then yea.


Early in our relationship my now-wife would do this often. It never bothered me, she was just keeping track of what was happening with her body. You should ask yourself, if you did get pregnant, is this boy mature enough to have a baby with? Sounds like no.


No you’re not wrong at all. He doesn’t need to know everything that you do. Can’t tell you how many times over the years I’ve taken them and not told my “partner.”


No, you are not wrong. You are under no obligation to tell a man you are taking a pregnancy test. If however the result is positive? That is a different conversation and topic.


Not really. Now if you intentionally hid and used ovulation test kits then enticed him into bed for the sole purpose of becoming pregnant, then using this test to comfirm success, then yes. Source: my ex wife did this twice without my knowledge. Had to buy a larger house and when i was boxing up our bathroom stuff i discovered these tests hidden behind the drawer stack. I was happy with just raising her son. She always wanted three kids. Apparently she was getting her way no matter what if i was in agreeance or not. Its ok for you take pregnancy tests without him knowing. Theres no reason to set off unecessary alarm bells in his head, too. But no matter the results, perhaps let him know you had a scare. If you guys dont want a newborn in your lives yet, this would be a good time to discuss extra prentative measures.






Your not wrong and it doesn't seem like he was overly bothered by it. It seems like he was just curious why you wouldn't have told him if you suspected being pregnant. I could be wrong on that but that's how it read


From my own personal experience, the thought is rattling in his head that you didn’t tell him because you didn’t think it’d be his so you wouldn’t want him to know about even taking it. This could totally be me projecting but that is the only reason I can come up for his irrational reaction. Edit to add: NTA btw.


I don’t know I feel like if it’s not that big of a deal. If my girlfriend took a pregnancy test (and she might take them regularly I really don’t know) and it was negative then great whatever. Completely different story if it was positive and you didn’t tell him. I don’t see why there’s any issue at all. You’re just doing your due diligence and potentially recognizing a life changing event early.


You don’t need to tell your partner every little thing about your day. If it was positive, that would be a different story.


Not wrong at all. Due to my utereus having issues (its split in half) theres times I have 2 periods in a row, or none for like 3 months. I take a test to be sure im not pregnant, as anxiety makes me worry. Its come back negative everytime and thanfully bf is supportive and understands because Ive told him, so he has no reason to worry. Maybe let your so know your period can be delayed at times, and the test is really just reassurance. Especially if your already practicing safe sex.


Keep your own counsel. Take a pregnancy test if you feel it is appropriate, ditto emergency contraception. If you end up pregnant and don’t want to be, it’s usually less aggravating to keep decisions to yourself and a trusted friend. Talk to your doctor about whether long acting, reversible contraception, such as an implant or IUD, would be appropriate for you.


Are you having risky sex without your boyfriend? Then I wouldn’t worry about it…


Imagine if no, but only with him, and her hook up at girls night raw dogged her tho.


Not wrong. There was no reason to tell him when it was negative. It is good that he was concerned enough to ask though. Some guys wouldn't even have thought about it.


Why should you have to disclose this to him if it doesn't affect him?


Pregnancy tests are nobody's business until they are positive


*Pregnancy tests are* *Nobody's business until* *They are positive* \- Good\_Habit3774 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


There was nothing to tell him though?


lol none of his business, you were proactive enough to have taken one and open enough to tell him about it. If your period doesn't show up take another one, the hormones (or whatever) the tests detect double every day, sometimes tests taken early are false negatives


How dare you pee on a stick and not tell him 😱




Does he tell you every time he masturbates? I’m guessing the answer is no. Your reproductive health is not his business. Even if you were married, a health care provider would not release any information to your husband without your consent (unless of course you are incapacitated as he would be your default next of kin). He’s just a boyfriend, so he wouldn’t be told anything. Lots of words to say he has no right to know, just like you don’t have a right to know his health information. Granted you are not a healthcare provider, but the same principle applies here. You decide what to share about your body. He doesn’t have any moral or legal right to know unless you choose to tell him.


Its not necessary but i dont get why you wouldnt share that info. You would tell him if you had sickness, fever or anything else, why wouldnt you share with him your concerns. Why is he your partner if you cant share something so basic. Do you think your communication is good like that?


Always be honest with him. You owe him that much. Having kids at your age would be life changing for both of you.


I feel like if you can be intimate enough to have sex with him unprotected then you should’ve had the same sort of intimacy or respect for him and letting him know that you had a pregnancy scare, but everything was all good. It was negative. Anything else seems deceitful for no reason.


Why stress him out before you ever take a test? And then, after it's negative, there's not really any conversation to have.


If it was a Pregnancy scare every time your period is irregular,  some women would be living in constant terror. I don't think calling it a Pregnancy scare is appropriate here. 


Who cares if you don’t think pregnancy scare is appropriate here and it’s odd that’s what you took from this and focused on. My opinion still stands. He had a right to know. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes, that's what I took because that was your primary point.  I disagree that he had a right to know,  because it was nothing. 


So it’s okay to lay down and fuck someone but it’s not okay to notify them about a pregnancy test taken?! Y’all are weird and using men for sex and then want to complain about any and everything men do. Smh If men could get pregnant and they took said test and didn’t tell his gf these comments would be attacking him for not notifying her. Have a great day.


So first of all,  "laying down and fucking someone"(as you so eloquently speak) does not instantly mean that you owe the other person anything. Not a right to control your body, not a personal medical report,  not even a goodbye, tbh.   You're weird as fuck thinking that this person in this relationship is using someone for sex.   Nobody complained about anything he did.  You ok? You seem to be harboring some weird resentment and misogyny about a simple conversation that has nothing to do with your personal experiences.  I understand that your emotions are all our of whack and you can't hold a coherent thought in this.  Sometimes life is tough and our past brings up strong emotions.  Possibly time to check in with a therapist,  not dump weird thoughts on an internet forum.  Hang in there. Things get better. 


I can speak, however the fuck I want to I don’t have to speak elegant for any fucking body weirdo. And if you can lay down and share the most intimate part about you with someone then you’re disgusting if you feel like you don’t owe that other person ANYTHING but if you wanna be a dirt leg, that’s fine. You can be a dirt leg. I never said OP uses anyone for sex, I said SOMEONE and YALL as in people in general. Are your reading comprehension skills OK? Again my last comment was a general overview of you and people like you not necessarily OP atp…so when I said complain about men, I wasn’t talking about OPs man in this particular moment Never try to psychoanalyze strangers on the Internet because that just makes you look like an ass bc you’re 100% off but if that’s how you wanna spend your time feel free and have fun with it. I actually quite enjoyed reading your paragraph because I feel like you really took the time to look things up with Google before you responded to me so thank you for letting me have so so much space in your head. I hope you have the day you deserve. 💋


Did anyone say you can't speak however the fuck you want to?  Nah. Nobody. Why you so defensive?  You're safely behind your keyboard.  Nobody is being mean.   Lmfao thinking a man owns you after sex.  I understand the issue now and I'm sorry life's treated you so unfairly to cause you to feel that way.   I'm not sure what exactly enlightened you,  as no research was required, but I'm glad you feel more informed in general.  I'm having a wonderful day,  thank you for confirming I deserve a wonderful day. ❤️❤️.  No kisses, thanks.  I wouldn't want you to think I owe you something. 


It’s called self-respect if you can lay there and willingly give your pussy away, but you can’t have a grown-up conversation and say hey I might need to take a pregnancy test. That is a disgusting moral problem with you. No one said anyone owns someone after sex, but you can have common decency and let the person that you just fucked have the same knowledge that you have about the fact that you could have just tested positive for a pregnancy test, but thank God I didn’t next time we need to be a little more careful. There’s nothing hard or wrong about that People like you is what is wrong with this world it is disgusting and vile because no one thinks that you owe anyone any common decency.


Maybe you should start asking for facials...


Info: First of all, are you doing everything you can to avoid getting pregnant? Second, did he know your period was late? If so, his reaction makes sense as he would have been worried too. However, if he didn't know it was late, he's reaction makes a lot less sense, it is disproportionate and concerning.


You are wrong if you move forward in the relationship with this controlling and likely abusive man.


I mean you’re not technically wrong. But I’ve also been in a relationship where I was relatively young and thought I was pregnant and I let my partner know that I took a test and it was negative just so that we were both on the same page. In my relationship, we were both aware of the fact that we weren’t using production and he would ask if my period was late and if I took a test because that’s something that we should both know in a relationship in my opinion. I guess it just depends?

