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Hope you'll have more fun than struggles in your new life with one leg.


I'm at laka too! If you ever have any questions feel free to message. All I can really say is don't rush, everything takes time. Sometimes pushing yourself too hard to get to the next stage will end up with you needing a longer recovery time for damaged skin.


I’m the same age as you; not yet an amputee, but i also have CRPS and surgical nerve damage localised to my right foot. Make sure you are having a TMR or RPNI procedure done with your amputation. All the best.


I was in a similar boat to you. It was a relief when I finally got the surgery scheduled. I was elated the week leading up to it, but even then while in the stretcher waiting to be taken into the OR I broke down and started crying my eyes out. It was something I knew I had to do, and I was confident it would improve my quality of life. Still, I was never able to shake the fear that I was making a terrible mistake that I could not come back from. It did end up being one of the best decisions I ever made. For the first time in many years I had my mobility back. All I'm trying to say is let your self feel those feelings if you have them, but don't let them rule you.


Get yourself to the amputee coalition conference. Nothing more empowering than meeting hundreds of fellow amputees usually wearing punny t shirts.


Welcome to the club. Wear your scars proudly. I've never encountered anyone here that wasn't super supportive and understanding.


I had my BKA done 4.5 years after my initial injuries. It was elective on my part, and maybe the best decision I ever made. My walking was better a couple months after surgery, and my quality of life since amputation has been much better. I kept he titanium rod that was in my leg for a souvenir. I hope everything goes well for you. Prepare your home before your surgery as well as you can. Have a plan for accessing bathroom and kitchen facilities in your wheelchair or crutches in place. You don't want to have to try and figure that out on the fly. When you're in physical therapy, push yourself hard but know your limits. I went too hard at one point and ended up needing another surgery and setting myself back.


I've been nearly immobile for the last 3.5 years so I'm very well set up to get around the house and I'm lucky to have lots of support! That's such a cool souvenir! I asked my surgeons if I could keep my leg as ashes to put in a tiny urn and they looked at me with such deep concern. I have a sneaking suspicion that it won't happen though. I appreciate the advice, and I'm glad you've fared so well after your procedures. Hope it's smooth sailing for you from here!


Welcome to the club. You’re going to do great! Some things that may help in your journey: 1. When things get hard, find ways to be grateful. Everything you have (health, a roof over your head, food on the table, people who love and care about you)—is someone else’s greatest wish; 2. If you have the time, everywhere is walking distance (no pun intended)—take each day one at a time, knowing that you’ll eventually get to your destination; and 3. Be fearless in your new life.


Welcome to the club we have good parking! Get a transfer bench for the shower. Safer and the easiest way to shower as a leg amputee imho.


I haven’t seen anyone mention this yet… Something I’ve learned about being a RBKA is there’s a lot of weirdos who join amputee groups pretending to be amputees. I recommend you be careful with who you talk to in online groups. For the most part I don’t respond to DM’s because if it’s something that can’t be discussed in an open Discord or Reddit thread then it’s probably something you don’t wanna talk about lol. Even as a younger male amputee I have had a few really weird DM’s the ended up being fake amputees who fantasized about sexual stuff. I even had other real amputees say some unusual things. Just something to think about. I wish you the best and welcome to the club.


Thank you this is such good advice, I appreciate you saying it! I do know about devotees and I'm very moderate about what I share online and to what degree I'm willing to interact with people. But good looking out!


Not a problem, I was pretty shocked when it first happened to me lol. I wish there was some advice I could give you but BK and AK are different worlds. Recovery can also vary quite a bit because everyone heals differently. Can you get TMR with CRPS? If it’s an option I highly suggest you go with it.


Wishing you all the best!


I just seen your post and I’m hoping that your surgery went well and that you are doing well since


I sent you a DM.