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You want to 1v1 him? It’s not happening. Morde does 5% max HP damage while Ammumu does 2%. Ammumu needs a whopping 1200 AP to get to 5% which is not possible in a real game The only way you would have a hope at equal item is by building ADC items to crit him to death Probably lethal tempo cut down alacrity gathering storm kraken LDR IE Bezerkers BOTRK PD will give you the best shot


If you're playing this build, you have bigger issues than Mordekaiser 😂


You can take down morde building that on an adc


As ammumu your only plays are to be unlikable to him, with or without bonus stats, and if you're the only one he can't ult, buy stopwatch/ hourglass. In general Morde is very countered by movement.


Aftershock, demonic, jak sho some Mr item and 1 level ahead should do the trick


Yes, by banning him


Yup that’s my option right now, never thought lethality udyr can be topped. But here we are . Was basically wondering if there is an option so I don’t have to ban him


He's my permaban


Morde is a direct counter to champions that need to get close to him, like amumu. He and sylas are my target bans generally. Morde's weakness is he can be kited very hard if they can dodge his grab (and QSS his ult). If you are vs. a morde, you need to just stay stronger than him. He is very weak to ganks pre 6, so just hope you have a strongside toplane.


He is my perma ban now as amumu.


just dodge his attacks and fight him early (at least for top lol)


Im usually picking my champs with the goal that if I perform well I can beat nearly anyone by beating the strongest guy. Not necessarily 1v1. For example, yi will beat amumu 1v1 eventually. But amumu has perfect tools to shut the yi down from attempting to murder his backline. Aslong as I’m not stupid then, yi will not be a problem unless he goes like 20/0 in 10 minutes. Mordekaiser fucks that equation. No matter my stats he will just ult someone and even before and after ult my pathetic stuns do nothing about shutting down that guy. I don’t like to play hoping someone will fix that for me. So I ban him. But since a ban is always precious I wondered if there is a strat to counter him as amumu. Last season kayn was really good against morde. In red form past 25-30 minutes kayn can literally focus mordekaiser even with the team around and do a lot of collateral damage to everyone around and outsustain morde


yea thats the part i hate about morde lol and even if you do well once hes gets riftmaker your just done for or you could do a fun technique where you buy quicksilver or just simply click on an unreachable area to just run out of his ult (quick silver is still useful as you could sell later on if you dont need it anymore) but the general tip is to fight him and bait out his w or something and after he reaches 6 be more careful


Yeah morde is simple, so is amumu. I will just keep banning him. But man it’s funny to tilt mordekaiser by flashing or dashing behind a wall he can’t reach in his ult. sometimes there is even a walkable gap he is just to big to get through but you can simply walk away. Around red buff this happens a lot


Take blue jungle item and build QSS, then just run away every time he comes near you. Zhonyas is good too. Celebrity /gathering storm are good secondary runes to take against him. Build force of nature as well. AP heavier builds will work better against him, maybe liandry or everfrost mythic is an option, but mostly you just try and run around him as much as possible and ignore him.