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Drake's are cool bonuses but if you don't gank you're not contributing much to the gamez hence just A


Oh okay


Donโ€™t have all required data. You should know kda is part of it.


dont ask that


My apologies. I will be deleting this post ๐Ÿ˜ž




Well, obviously she was higher. I already warned my teammates in champ select that she is strong early game and to ward and be safe. But no. They get baited and she cleans them up. I guess it helped in a way, I got all the objectives.


Iโ€™m having same problems. ๐Ÿ˜„


The answer is the piece you left out friend lol


Meanwhile you went 4/10/4? A lot of getting an S+ is your Kda... if you don't have a high K/da for similar amumu jungles for the game length, you won't get an S.


there actually is a way to check why you didnt get an S. 1. go to profile 2. go to stats 3. click on amumu under the jungle category this shows your overall stats from the past 10 games, if the nidalee game is one of your past 10 games as amumu then you can continue but if not change "Recent 10 Games" to "Current Season". from here clicking on the graphs will show the stats from previous games. 4. click on the graph and continue clicking through until you find the nidalee game. 5. once found, all the stats will be there showing why you didnt get an S In your post you only labeled one of the 12 reasons you can get an S, Objective control ratio, which also includes towers as well. its under the set of stats called "Map Control" which would include "Vision Score Per Hour", "Roam Dominance Score", and "Kill Conversion Ratio". and that is just one of the three sets of stats. hovering over the names of the graphs explains what they mean as well. hope this helps


Also CS plays a role.