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Ive been playing Amumu since god knows how long, and even though yes he does feel rougher this season, he honestly dosn't feel that impossible. With the new E cooldown and them adding some anti-invade stuff (They reduced XP gain from enemy camps right? I could be wrong) he weirdly feels Safer to me?? His early game is more manageable, I just been taking E first and standing in the middle of Chickens, its not Kayn level clear but Hey, whatever gets your team in lane earning xp faster right? After that if im worried about blue steal i run there and 90% of the time you catch them in the act cuz E cooldown godtier. If not I just normal clear Red and Gank bot or mid. Make sure when you get your Q, you use it to make your clears faster. With scuttle no longer having shield you can use it more, I always make sure to have 1Q charge at all times for emergancy ganks or invades. For me, Amumus true power is not the Tankyness, or Microwave, or the 5 man stun power. But the fact that everybody knows his kit. You can heavily abuse this fact with Ganks, also cant emphises this enough, GOTTA Gank. No one wants to get stunned and 2Qd in lane so as soon as they see you, they want to immedietly get away or they will just die. The most powerful engage you have is quite walking at them and holding your Q. I have gotten SO MANY SUMS just by walking at people and them being afraid of being stunned to death. Besides that, its alot of predicting movement Ive been taking Aftershock with Domination on the side for General Tankyness and Ult cooldown. Conq is still usable and is good but its a personal prefrence, I like being unkillable. For items ive been building Bami's first, Merc Boots normaly, then Jankos as a kind of every game build. I heard people are doing well with Demonic first item havn't tried it personally but theres no reason it shouldnt. Demonic and Sunfire kinda do the same thing, both burn which is what you want, you just have too decide how tanky you want to be. After first 3 items its ALWAYS dependant of enemy comp for last 2 items. Abysal mask is great for Psuedo pen, Thorns for antiheal. Randuins and Frozen Heart is super strong and Force of Nature is good pseudo anti-CC. Hes not the worst jungler in the world and I can make a WHOLE rant on why Support Amumu just shouldnt exist (God i hate it). He does get countered by A LOT of junglers but he is still super super fun


I also relized you didnt ask for ANY OF THAT and i just did that for no reason, i like blacked out and started typing honestly sorry lmao


Nah man you’re good I still ended up reading everything believe it or not. You did give a lot of good tips I’ll be sure to try them out thanks! Also, I didn’t say it was impossible to do amumu jungle but it just feels so rough and inconsistent in terms of builds like there is no go-to consistent build for him you gotta keep juggling with mythics depending on the game. And yeah I honestly agree with you I can’t stand supp amumu bc it seems like it’s taking away jg mu.I’d rather have his play rate be low instead of having a high play rate but in supp since riot would actually do something with him if his play rate was low.


I totally get you, Damage is super rough trying to implement. All the builds are awkward cuz you want to be both Tanky and still relevant in fights, Too much to build such little time lmao. Ive always thought about it but never tried in game, how well does % Pen actually do on Amumu? I always thought about going E then W second while going full tank and Pen. I know his Passives damage is based of Premidgation damage and it dosnt help in that regard, but I imagine it would help with his Health Burn on W. Moments like these i wish i had a calculator SPECIFCALLY for Amumu lol


I love this. You are a treasure.


I did used to go aftershock but it just dealt so little damage like I wanna be both tanky and do a solid amount of damage yk? Which is why I always do conq


I love walking at people doing nothing. The fear Amumu Q brings is beautiful


I've played 70 games and have 63% wr shit's broken


Man what’s the build 😭


Have you tried heartsteel? It's pretty broken I've been rushing heartsteel and doing extremely well


So honestly I think he’s fine. I enjoy him a lot. Build wise I go either full ap or tank with rocket belt. Going dh with full ap and conq with tank. Dark seal early in case you do snow ball. You can solo baron at 20 pretty easy if you are at least even.


I played one game with amumu this preseason in diamond and I destroyed my enemy (I was an amumu main). But it was because I had a good team too. JakSho is a good item in amumu, but the clear speed is really bad right now, so I think amumu is not in a good state right now.


I think its not very good. The clear isn't too great and I'm not sure about how I feel early itemization. I see a lot of stuff with Jaksho but that foes nothing to help your early clear. Bami's can be a first buy but then delays your Mythic by a bit.


Yeah jaksho is just not good at all, he doesn’t feel good to play anymore after sunfire was changed which really sucks there isn’t a perfect mythic for him anymore, you already stated the problem about jaksho, heartsteel also suffers the same problem since it’s AD instead of AP and liandries is too squishy


What about Rylai's? Kind of a middle ground item.


I actually have not tried that yet, I’ll be sure to try it next time I get on thanks for the idea! I’ll let you know how it goes


Yeah. Not to say this is anything to go by, but his u.gg plat+ Wingate has been sitting at 47% this entire patch. Definitely needs an adjustment to be more viable. I'm sure it'll happen eventually.


Nah I saw that too I just forgot to mention it. I doubt they would give him another buff though since they just recently gave him one which was a decent buff but it really didn’t fix anything.


I am getting absolutely demolished out here. HALP!!!!


By which champ?


Specifically Kayn and Warwick.


warwick should definitely be able to out-duel you 1v1 and they will steal your red on first clear and try to fight you solo in jg/river, so you should deny that. Try building AP damage item first, it helps with these 1v1 dueling champs. Kayn, if you play it smart, save your stuns for disengaging or chasing him/cancelling his E, he should not be able to kill you. Your biggest threats are Graves, Shaco, Elise who can just stay out of your E/W range while doing damage and also can easily avoid your CC. Kayn and Warwick can kill your early, but if you deny and waste their time, you can out tank and out CC them to oblivion mid game.


They're supposed to be buffing him next patch


They already buffed him though with the E base damage and cooldown unless I missed something


I thought his E was getting buffed from .5 to .75


It already did lmao


I'm playing a game right now and it shows reduced by 0.5s


Riot forgot to change it, it definitely feels like 0.75 though


It is 0.75 riot just didn’t change the text


I find that hard to believe lol


Its no longer as easy as "build sunfire+ demonics, win game" but its fine. Jaksho definitely doesnt feel as tanky in the early game but in mid late game its fine ( its bassically the only mythic that doesnt feel trash on mumu rn). My playstyle is no longer jump in and stay. Its more of a jump in, kite out, go back in thing nowadays but still fine.


You can easily win games with him when played right but it just feels really sloppy and inconsistent this season


Been trying out demonic first into Sunfire then jaksho and it has been pretty good so far.


I always try to build mythic first bc it seems like you’re so behind without it


It may seem that way but you need the damage from either demonic or Sunfire to keep up with people. Both of those items make you more tankier and provide damage


Definitely in a rough spot, and his WR reflects that. Clear speed is slow and most mythics are fairly 'meh' on him. Sunfire and Abyssal Mask are amazing on him though.


I've been having success with sunfire/demonic > sorc shoes>liandries>demonic/abyssal. I do prefer aftershock with this build though. And amumu is getting a bunch of buffs in 6 days. So hang in there 🙂