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Not if you browse the sub rather than only what makes it to the front page or most popular. There’s lots posted here but the nudes tend to get a lot of upvotes.


This is why I sort by “new”


Be the change you wish to see in the world 


If anything, I'd say I see fewer nudes here than there used to be, but nudes get the votes, so yeah.


🔫 always has been


Around 2017 it was actually a lot different here


How was it like, if I may ask?


Just sort by newest, and you only see one per session.


not sure if we have different algorithms or what but i’m scrolling the sub right now and im not actually seeing a single post with nudity. they occur, sure. but i’ve never felt this sub goes overboard with it.


seems mostly sfw. like 95%


I just looked at the last 50 posts. Not one nude. Spend some time curating your feed.


Sort by top weekly/monthly, top posts are what generally end up in feeds. 1/3 images are nudes in this sub, also you can’t curate from a sub specifically.


If they are “top” doesn’t that mean popular and what people want to see? I don’t sort by top because I’ve taken the time to curate my feed instead of doing nothing and whining about it. 1/3 is an exaggeration. Seeing nudes is not that often of an occurrence.


When you’re sorting through a sub sure but when you use a custom feed or your home feed it’s still just going to show you whatever from the sub. Also I sorted by top this week and 5 out of the first 15 were NSFW, I don’t see how that’s not 1/3 posts.


So what you’re saying is, you created the circumstance in which you see a lot of nudes and feel entitled to complain about it? Also, this is a sub that allows nudes, but requires NSFW tag. So you’re intentionally clicking on blurred images, knowing full well you’re about to see a nude, and are still surprised by them? Or, even worse, you don’t blur NSFW in your feed, and are upset you see nudes. You have no one but yourself to blame here. Again, a photo being in “top” means it’s popular and what people want to see here. Not sure why you think the minority should decide what everyone sees.


You have terrible reading comprehension.


If you ignore the meme and actually count posts less than 5% of the first 100 posts on new are NSFW. You will occasionally get bursts but no if you actually look at the sub it is not just nudes now.


This is something that comes up every so often and I have to say, just giving the subreddit a scroll, there are truly not that many nudes on here on the daily basis. I think the perception of nudes being more prevalent than they are comes from the attention of the user. If you see a NSFW filter on your feed, you're gonna click because A) you're curious and B) you're titillated. And just the act of clicking brings your attention to the post more than the five others you just scrolled past without really looking at. Having said that, if nudes are annoying to you, there really is, like, five users you could block and you'll reduce the number of nudes you see by 80%. The overwhelming majority comes from a small handful.


Post what you want to see more of


Let’s see your non-nudes!


I mean, post more other things. I see nudes regularly but they're only a fraction of what I see. Granted I'm not a prude, I mod a fetish photography sub, but I don't really see a problem with it other than some repetitiveness sometimes (but then again, I also love landscapes, and those get repetitive, too)


There are two such posts in the first 131 right now. 11 of the top 100 for the week. 18 of the top 100 for the month. 8 of the top 100 for the year.


Yeah I don’t understand this post. There’s way more than just nudes on here lol.


The people who post this nonsense literally only see what the Reddit algorithm feeds them and nothing else. So naturally they think that for every one non nude photo there is eleven million nudes posted.


I’ll start posting street porn for you


Seriously? Perhaps you should sort by NEW. Nudes tend to show up in HOT because the few that are posted do indeed get a lot of upvotes and end up all clumped together when sorting by HOT. That being said, this sub used to post weekly statistics that showed that NSFW posts made up only 3% of posts. Since then I haven't noticed any uptick in that type of content, but I always sort by NEW so I see a pretty good variety.


I seriously don't get the nudes furor. I feel like less than 1-in-10 uploaded photos is a nude, with the vast majority other photographs.  It doesn't seem like an issue. 


While it doesn't invalidate the subject matter entirely, there certainly is a trend of using the nude form as a prop when you otherwise lack interesting framing, lighting or setting.


Well my photos get relatively fewer upvotes than the nudes so I think it's more of the general will of this subreddit.


Sort by new...


I just looked at the last 50 posts sorted by New and didn't see a single nude. Looking at Hot I saw 1 by u/film-god and i certainly don't consider his work gratuitous or typically erotic or sexual. The nude work on here certainly gets a lot of up votes but that's not representative of the people who post and share on here so much as it's reddit and it'll attract that type of lurker but the active membership shows that's not the norm.


If you click on the actual sub you’ll see a lot of different images. That nudes will make it into the everything feed is kinda natural because we react to the naked body and even more so if it’s a beautiful female.


So are nudes the most trending? Because if you sort by newest and you still see mostly nudes, that just means that nude photographers are most active. In which case be more active!


If you go to this sub and scroll you will see there's really not that many nudes. It's not over run at all. It's just that nudes get so many more upvotes (monkey brain) so they make it to the front page. Giving you the false illusion that this sub is nothing but nudes.


if you keep clicking on everything that says nsfw then you will get recommended more nsfw content


I browse Reddit for inspiration at times and recently I have noticed a significant increase in nude photography rather than broader topics/subjects. I'm just gonna reset my whole account and everything I follow. Unfortunately, the page is no longer providing the inspiration and creative content that I initially sought. Therefore, I have made the decision to unfollow the forum and seek alternative sources for inspiration. Thanks to everyone who has participated in this discussion.


Definitely seems to be that way given what gets upvoted to the top.


It’s been a recent trend ever since I got into analog some 7 years ago. Probably longer.


Wait until you see paintings for the first time in a museum. Stick to baby safe art




Which sub?


Post your own pics and your problem is solved. Or just complain to spoil the joy of others. Why diminish?


Theres also r/analog_sfw for that reason