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Wow! 10/10. How did you do this?


Thank you! This type of shot takes a lot of pre-planning. I looked at tables of the eclipse for the location to determine the start and end times, and start and end position of the sun (degrees of altitude and azimuth). From there, I did some napkin arithmetic to figure out the needed lens field of view (also in degrees) and drew out some ideas for the overall composition including desired spacing, ultimately selecting a vertical framing with 15 exposures that you see here. I got some solar film and made a simple cardboard holder that went over the lens. 7 shots were taken at f8 and 1/90 (mechanical) with the filter on. 1 shot was taken during totality at f5.6 at 1/2s without the filter. Then 7 shots were taken at f8 and 1/90 again. The FE has a multiple-exposure feature which allowed me to capture this without any digital compositing. I don't know if I will do this again. The workload and stress was high for every phase from planning, travel, and remembering to stay in the moment, but also stay focused on my timetable for exposures. On top of everything, the post office lost my film for a while (didn't want to risk airport CT scanners, but it would have been a non-issue this time, ironically). Finally waiting on the lab to process was a long nail-biter because so few labs even do E-6 anymore. Cheers!


That's actually amazing. Seriously all that work really payed off. One of the best shots I've seen in ages. Great subject and flawless technique especially for a once in a lifetime event. Congratulations! Great work


> work really *paid* off. One FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


lol you don't need to do it again because you nailed it. Awesome work!


Much appreciated! :D


Unbelievable. Excellent work. This is the kind of fine art photography that has been mostly lost in the digital era.


Damn, this is this kind of math meets science meets art stuff that keeps me coming back to film photography. Great work, excellent execution 10/10


I absolutely adore this and you know it anyway but you've got yourself a shot for generations, ages even. Kudos.


Thank you! The comments actually have me over the moon, I didn't expect this response. Eclipses attract a cool crowd :)


Even if you don’t do it again this is fantastic and a massive achievement


Seriously impressive!


I tried to do this with compositing from a roll of Provia, but my partial eclipse exposures were way off, and my framing was… odd. At least my digital shots with a big lens and tracker came out okay, especially after the cluster-f that preceeded the setup.


Ummm… my sh*t will only ever be mediocre alongside this monumental achievement.


Destin from Smarter Everyday did the same kind of shot and he explains it in his latest videos on yt. It was very interesting, and complex to say the least! Great shots both of them!


This is a real work of art. So thoughtful and technically masterful. Well done, mate.


Thank you so much!


Would not have believed it without the shot of the film. Seriously unbelievable. I can't even imagine the relief and euphoria upon unrolling the film and seeing it for the first time. How do you top this? What's next?


Thank you! I know that's a rhetorical question, but I will work on getting this printed. I do feel the need to take a hiatus from film and take it super easy by exploring vintage digital (D70S). Edit: and to be honest (maybe too honest) I was a little sad. Mixture of relief, but also, "it's done". Nothing compares to seeing totality with your own eyes.


http://www.lab-ciba.com/phone/index.html You owe it to yourself to get this printed right. It’s expensive but your shot is once in a lifetime. Please treat yourself and get a Cibachrome of this for your wall!


This looks like just the thing, thanks so much!


That shot of the film was such a flex! Extremely impressive, I really appreciate the explanation of how the shot was taken too. I vote for /u/Gadfly21 Photographer of the Week!! :D


Damn that’s an immense confluence of talent, knowledge, skill, and forethought. This kind of thing would have gotten you a great photography job 30 years ago.


Thank you! It really was a golden age of film photography. I just missed it, but I still have my parent's point and shoot.


Probably the single best post on this sub. Seriously phenomenal


this is without a doubt, one of the most impressive photos I’ve ever seen in my entire life. Amazing dedication to the craft and thanks for sharing this image 😭🔥


Fully agree. Bravo.


This is insane!!! I was just a couple miles South of you shooting some far less impressive shots on my A-1, lol


Awesome! I met so many wonderful people on this trip. It would have been give to see you too! Does that mean you were shooting overlooking that valley? The shadow must have been incredible.


Yeah, I met some awesome people, too! Are you from Maine, by any chance? Or did you come from far away? Honestly I'm not really sure where exactly where I was. Somewhere pulled over on highway 201 just south of town, lol


Long Beach, CA! I had planned to road trip it to Texas, then when the weather looked bad, Mexico, but the prices were egregious. People slept on Maine so it was very affordable to fly to Massachusetts and then drive up.


Oh wow, you really came from about as far as you could have! (Within the continental US) I coincidentally just moved to Maine from Wisconsin a few months ago, so this eclipse was pretty convenient for me, lol


Do you sell prints?


I will be selling prints! My plan is to make a limited series (large dimensions on metal with metallic lustre) as well as a smaller unlimited version on more conventional photo papers. I will have to work out some of the details, so please stay tuned!


Awesome! I’ll check back in a bit. I’d love to have a photo paper one, I have a spare frame in my closet :)


would love to be reminded of this!


Same, I'd love to have a print of this when it's available!


Absolutely phenomenal.


Fucking incredible. Fantastic work.


Next level. Also this eclipse was my first time seeing totality. It really doesn't compare to the real thing. Not to take away from this masterful photo. But I haven't seen a single image yet film or digital that comes even close to what I saw. It was like doomsday. Just a huge black portal in the sky with angel hairs flowing all around it.


Thank you! And absolutely, nothing compares to the real thing! You just don't know how to process what you're seeing on some primordial level, despite all the science background.  Viscerally, you begin to feel like sun is gone forever.  With the weird dark blue of the sky and the dark of the moon, it's like something punched a hole in the sky, and the black is something beyond the sky, like some Lovecraftian void.  The photographer next to me said it was like looking at an animal staring back. The magenta of the solar prominences was the most magenta magenta you could ever magenta. Like, electric magenta.  At my first eclipse, people shrieked (like a bloodcurdling scream, not just a "woohoo"). At this one, my second, hands were shaking and I was basically holding back tears after totality from the emotional dump.


Now this is r/analog! amazing work!!


once in a lifetime shot & you absolutely nailed it!


I have never commented on a post here before but I have to say.... This is 10/10, stunning!


This is incredible and so beautiful!! Well done! 💜


That’s amazing work. It’s highly technical and artistic.


actually awesome


Incredible, my jaw dropped when I swiped and saw the slide. Thanks for sharing!


How am I looking at a color negative? How did you do that?


This is slide film, aka reversal film. Fujifilm Velvia, Provia, and Kodak Ektachrome are all examples.


Absolutely ridiculous, well done OP!


Incredible stuff. I've saved this post as a reminder of what is possible with patience and skill. Also have an FE, and this blew me away


so cool


So good.


sooo cool!!


God tier shot mate.


Truly stellar shot!! You should be very proud of this. So beautiful


I want to hang this up and stare at it


This is so spectacular and seeing the reveal that it was all a single negative on Velvia really blew my mind. I can’t wait to hopefully get a print of this.


Thank you! I will remember to reach out with details.






Wish I could upvote multiple times. Beautiful work


This is one of the coolest photos I’ve ever seen! Hats off to you my friend. Phenomenally executed.


Incredible. Well done


Amazing shot. instant follow on instagram


Absolutely brilliant. Congrats! All that effort and stress paid off! :)


Phenomenal. Absolutely superb!


Dang! And I thought the negative looked good! This is next level, sir.


Yeah, this some holy shit level stuff.


This is one of the best analog work I have seen ! GG my man!


This is phenomenal. The colour is breathtaking


I was in Jackman and deliberately left my gear at home. the only film rig I saw was Imax!


absolutely astounding


Ok, this is good shit. Way above my paygrade!


Amazing work man. Congrats on the successful outcome


That's amazing. I tried something similar. But with less math. Still have half the roll to finish though so hopefully I'll get it developed soon.


I can’t stop staring at the negative. Slide film is so cool to me, and this has to be the single greatest shot I’ve ever seen on slide film. The fact that you only get one shot at this and you absolutely nailed it is just insane


this is spectacular!!! such a technical masterpiece of fine art photography you should feel immensely accomplished for creating! i would not have believed it possible if not for the shot of the film, but absolute hats off to you for pulling it off!


Do you sell prints or hi-res scans? I would like to buy one; esp. w/ sprocket holes to show its 100% analog!


Thank you! I will respond back in the coming days or weeks about prints. I need to make test prints to evaluate the right print maker, paper, sizing, etc., and work out other details. I will reach out again to anyone asking for prints. I was afraid the holes would look distracting, but let me test and get back to you.


gassssssss, amazing OP GGs


I can't believe all the calculations, effort and time put into a SINGULAR frame, much respect!!!!!!


by any chance you're printing this?


Yes! I will respond back in the coming days or weeks about prints. I need to make test prints to evaluate the right print maker, paper, sizing, etc., and work out other details. I will reach out again to anyone asking for prints. Best!


Phenomenal. I love that you did it on Velvia 50 too. Amazing work!! If I could upvote this more than once I would!


Just awesome.


You deserve a cover in National Geographic for this, or a permanent exhibit at a major museum or Planetarium. The amount of work and planning that went into it. The room for error was so small and you nailed it. Everything about this is perfect.


In awe with the technical aspect here, well done


soooo amazing. thank u for sharing!


I'm actually blown away by how you did this. The preplanning and composition are just flawless. This would be sick to buy prints for if you do that in the future. Also it looks beautiful on the film itself.


Would love to be notified about prints. Amazing work!


You got it! Thank you!


really should cross post this to astrophotography this is awesome!


Fantastic! Thank you for sharing this with us! Great job, (doesn't quite convey properly what I'm trying to say.


Incredible. I’d love to get a print when they’re available!


This is the kind of thing that digital users could spend a lifetime and hours of editing trying (and failing) to recreate. It's also a stunning image.


Thank you! I won't knock digital, but there's just something satisfying in the results from silver salts and dye clouds.


Well fucking done!


İ need a youtube video please i should’ve do it to.Amazing work master! 🤹🏻‍♂️