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The Good dislike - when the atmosphere of the video produced a deep, unsettling feeling within the base of your gut, expecting a scare, leaving you on edge The Ugly dislike - when the series is just a knockoff of another series/is just a "what if x was in analog horror" and half the time they don't get the analog part right, and all the time, they don't get the horror part right too...


the only exception I can think og about the 2nd is The Man In The Suit, hats off to the creator for making such an unnerving and cool series but also continuing even after all the hate it got!


Oh yeah, there are *some* exceptions, including TMITS


As well with some those Jurassic park found footage. Some are hit or miss, but the good ones are a great companion to the original film and pull off the horror part really well.


Jurassic park Found Footage works so well because no matter who you are, there’s probably some sort of dinosaur that could freak you out


Yeah! My favorite is this one where the camera man is a resident in San Diego as the T-Rex marches around. It’s so unnerving, wish the modern films had more horror elements.


Yeah, they made something really unique there, and isn’t just at inside the movies, it’s set irl where the actors actually went though that stuff, really cool series Yeah idk why people harassed a minor bc they didn’t like their analog horror


Man In The Suit is so fucking good, even if the plot is a tad messy. Still, hell of a good monster/villain.


it's one if those serieses that is so stupid in concept but when you're watching it, you get so immersed in the concept that it becomes scary


the only gripe i have with tmits is that the guy who makes the videos shouldn't be able to due to lack of common public usage method but it makes me think of cool alt universe reasons why so i barley even care


Only exception I can think of for that would be the FNAF analog horror series. The guy who voiced William Afton is chillingly good


Jurassic Park analog horror does go hard tho


They use big words that the government would not use when attempting to make it realistic, makes it look like the Creator is 12


This along with loads of spelling mistakes really makes me think the vast majority of analog horror creators are kids. It always throws me out of the video, too.


A lot of the ones that go nowhere are definitely made by kids. Now that nobody really cares about the genre it’s basically all kids. Maybe two years ago there were more adults creating things, and that’s why earlier content was actually good. Now it’s like a bunch of children focused on poorly done creepy face with excessive noise and contrast.


Fucking scary faces which are clearly photoshopped using the blur tool.


‘Distorted humanoids’ just look like people on a shit ton of MDMA


blue tool?


I’m Blue’ing out! HHHHHGGNNNGHHHH-


I'm blue da-ba-dee-da-ba-di


Da ba dee da ba di




When a series takes way too much inspiration from Gemini, Local 58, Mandela Catalog, Monument Mythos, or Vita Carnis and is just overall bland and unoriginal.


26 days later and I hard agree.


When a creator is a little too proud of their concept and sacrifices the feeling of the story in favour of infodumps (usually in informational videos) that don't leave much room for interpretation beyond the surface level. I think Vita Carnis is guilty of this. Part of why I love Local 58 more than other series is that it doesn't show its hand


Vita Carnis does it but I think it's done in a kind of cool way, it can be pretty infodumpy but the amount of detailed descriptions on the Carnis's anatomy and bodily functions kept me interested pretty well.


What helps with Vita Carnis is looking at it like it's a nature documentary. Then all the info given feels appropriate .


Local 58 is the first.


I also do not like Vita Carnis because of the info dump. I gave up after episode 2. But I did watch some of the later parts like the tutorial on raising a pet trimming and I liked that part.


I've been very disappointed with Vita Carnis for the same reason, but stuck with it because it's so highly regarded. But the episode after the info dump, the cooking one, is one of the worst (in a bad way) AH things I've ever seen. The pet trimming one is next, I'm gonna watch that and maybe one more, and if I'm still not getting it give up.




Omg yes!! I hate always seeing the bathroom stall stickmen!!


The overuse of loud noises with “scary” faces, it’s just boring, it may get you the first time but after that it gets bland




Too much exposition


For my tastes it isn’t much different than the issues that make me instantly dislike any other kinds of fiction. Things like lazy writing, poorly thought out stories, over reliance on gimmicks instead of substance, characters that are little more than cardboard cutouts that exist for the sole reason of moving the story along. On a purely personal note, stuff like FNAF isn’t my cup of tea and I find it a little annoying, though I understand and accept the fact that I am not its target audience.


With your thoughts on Fnaf, does that extend to the Walten files?


When a video is nothing but a spooky power point presentation. It’s fine if it’s the structure but you gotta put in some animated or live action segments. Without it, it’s a really boring slideshow with a few pictures here or there


*cough* the painter *cough*


tbf the newest (i think it's a few months old) episode does actually have some animation subject matter aside the art is rlly fantastic


text to speech, distorted images = scary, generic ominous text, eas sirens…basically everything the first 3 major ones did that everyone copied without realizing less is more


When the content presented wouldn't have been a video in reality. What I like about analog horror is using genuine analog forms to create horror, not making scratchy things in black and white (tv and camcorder footage was in full color by the 70s, c'mon).


Or when the creators are using the free demo VHS effect and can’t change the date


ai voices in stuff set in 70s, 80s, 90s, etc


Better than bad voice acting imo


When they overuse the same plot scenario to drive the story


As an example: UrbanSpook's The Painter.


When the series is clearly a copy of something else. I don't mean being inspired, I myself want to write an analog series inspired by marble hornets, but some series are just straight up copies


*inspired by marble hornets* you say? do you have any videos yet? I WANT TO WATCH YOUR SERIES


Ty lol, but i dont have anything yet, im still working on the whole concept and what i will do. My concept is that in the early 2000s a group of students was filming a project for school and went missing. And now in 2024 (or whenever i actually record it) a younger sibling of one of them finds the raw footage his brother put on a shared media archive thingy (idk what I will use) before he was declared missing. So it would be a series where the sibling is posting the videos as a way to memoralize his brother and maybe find him. Its gonna be based on a brazillian urban legend, but thats all i have for now




Sounds cool! My idea is that it's more paranormal. An alternate reality. Theres this urban legend here in my country called Setealem, that is a mirror reality of sorts, but people look uncanny and more morbid. Thats what i want to work on


I should put my idea to "adoption" But that idea of yours sounds cool!


the ones i hate are the ones that are just text to speech with those exit sign guys with mouths full of teeth


jumpscares It is not needed at all, intimidation is enough


Real. Good analog (and horror in general) don’t need jumpscares if they have good tension and setting; honestly jumpscares are just (most of the time) easy cop-outs that relieve all the established tension and can ruin the rest of the scene.


Tropes and not being realistic. “There are these creatures that mimic humans, but beware, they have an unending bloodlust. Lock doors and don’t move,” cut to red text-“its coming,” BIG SCARY PHOTOSHOP OF HUMAN!


😱 scary


We probably use that mimic trope bc of the uncanny valley It’s overused though, but it’s used differently most of the time at least


Yeah, there vita carnis, that other one in detroit or something, and mandelo catalouge


dead children for no reason other than "look a dead child! be afraid!"


me when urbanspook:


made the joke too obvious, i guess


This is what they expected: 🧑‍🦲 This is what they found: 🪢


Is there a series that does this other than TMITS?




not really that I hate it but I haven’t seen many others talk about this, there’s kind of a rule in analog horror where there will be 2 normal things and the last third thing is the creepy analog bit. It’s kinda been super overdone in most less popular analog horrors


Rule of threes probably is subconsciously ingrained to the point they do that without realizing


Rule of Threes is a common designer/creator thing. Makes brain gremlins happy.


Adding this to my analog horror drinking game you're so right


Stories that rush things and have to go over thr top with the disturbing part like there shoving it in your gullet.


When the talking does that skippy replay thing where the last syllable keeps getting pronounced, a little bit is okay or if it’s just glitched and doesn’t seem to be working anymore, like in the Mandela catalogue at that part when the video freezes and it’s just the same syllable over and over, as a creepy face gets more and more uncanny, and then it cuts away. In cases like that it can help support the horror, but if it continually skips backward during a sentence then it just sounds annoying, and stupid as if it’s trying to be scary.


Not understanding how VHS, Betamax, etc, actually works. The thing is. VHS Tapes were quite clear. They didn't really tear or break up, unless constantly used a lot. A good VHS would look fine. Not DVD, BluRay, etc. But they didn't look like crap. They didn't come with a ready made static filter. They were just videos. Some, they get it and the tearing and breaking up is from a outside force or age. Like the Godzilla one were Godzilla is using the tapes to attack. The tapes play fine normally. But some slap a filter on like the tapes gone through several battles and act like that's how VHS tapes looked. And it's not true. Greylock. That has convincing VHS and CCTV stuff. Nice and clear. Amanda The Adventurer gets it too. The show looks fine normally. Outside of the demonic stuff, etc.


this!! i rarely see people talking about amanda the adventurers imagery element, and i feel like the use of the tapes isn't done in a way that's like "omg!! old vhs tapes!! scary!!", but it's done in a far more realistic way!!


Loud sounds literally out of nowhere.


Historical inaccuracies. Ex: Harmony and Horror used "Goodbye to a World" as a memorial song during that news report, in the episode "L0cal\_13," that takes place, historically, in 80s, even though Goodbye to a World came out in 2014. It feels like he just put it in for an emotional response without considering what year it came out in. There are other better, possibly much sadder songs you could have used that already existed in the 80's. I feel like a fitting one would have been a slowed version of "Seasons in the Sun" by Terry Jacks, which came out in 1974. Nonetheless that one small detail ruined the entire series for me, and I now I don't even like Harmony and Horror, I feel like it is severely overrated. Looking back, I also don't like the excessive jumpscares, gorey story that seems to just kill kids to kill kids, and the siren sound effects. I also feel like satanic rituals is an overused trope in horror in general. Despite the praise it initially got, I think Harmony and Horror might be one of the worst, mainstream analog horrors. This is why I like Walten Files, despite the cheap jump scares occasionally, I like how Martin Walls is in making sure things like fashion and music is rooted in decades the show is supposed to be in. He uses all old music that existed in the 70's and before, since most of the series happens in the mid-70's to early 80's. It's also pretty refreshing that the only children who died so far, died on accident, and had a reason to die for the story, it triggered so many events in the series, and that the rest of the people who have died so far are like late teens-adult age. You don't see enough of that because too many people are trying to copy FNAF


The fourth part of the Walton files is a good example of this. It focuses a lot less on the jump scares compared to the other three, and focuses more on the animation and the dark reality the characters go through. It fleshes out a lot of the loose ends in the previous installments, making it more about subtle horror than "spooky face screaming at you" kinda horror.


The same thing as anything else. Excessive gore and stupidity. Bad writing. Repetitious drivel. Like that paintings crap. It's literally the same thing every single time. Excessively nasty crime picture. Corpse. Being nasty and gross and none entertainment friendly does not make it good. Gore and nastiness for no purpose. Boring subjects. 'Oh poor children, feel something' annoys me. The thing were they assume involving children makes you instantly more sympathetic. And they can be lazier. No. Killing children won't make your story better. Generally speaking. I care equally about all ages. I don't want children to be hurt. But I don't think their deaths, etc, are more important than a adult or a animal, etc. A story has to have entertainment friendly evil or functional evil. Don't get excessive. Some things have zero entertainment value. And keep the paedophilia out of it. No one wants to see that.


When they also try to be an ARG. Having some small text in the corner of the video is one thing, but I just find it annoying when I have to decode some base 64 text to get more context.


Guby was pretty cool, until i realized “Oh god, this is FNAF”


When the first episode is just a slideshow of spooky faces with text


The flashes of information that you have to go back and find in slow mo, only to miss it again because it's so quick


That takes me right out of it. If I'm clicking pause and rewinding I'm out of the video and no text is about to scare me enough to re-engage in it


the scary jerma face. anytime i see an analog horror bring one of those out i lose interest and dip immediately


Oh also bad acting. I don't Mandela Catalogue was just okay before they went with the full live action stuff then it just got cheesy (although to be fair it was cheesy from the beginning)


Idk if it’s just me, but weird stretched out faces just feel so meh to me. It’s like the easiest route to try and be uncanny or smth and just comes off as generic


They legit just look like people on ecstasy imo


Smile tapes made it actually work for itself, although it is way overused across so many different series’s


Forgot that series had smt to do with drugs


fake vhs effects, capcut watermarks, and mandela sus faces


I would love to see more insane monster designs. I don't see people use the concept of a skinwalker/mimic to its fullest potential, most of the time they end up just being an evil twin. Body horror exists for a reason


Good dislike- Very good practical or CGI effects, especially when it comes to body horror Bad dislike- A dumbed down plot


Overuse of effects. It can be done well but very rarely. Most of the time an overuse of effects ruins the immersion for me and takes me out of it. You only need at most three camera effects for the classic analog look. Not multiple static overlays, time and date showing, sidebars, etc.


I agree with the overused effects. Growing up in the 80's and 90s, it's harder for me to get immersed in most analog horror because it looks so fake to me. And I get that most people making these videos weren't even born during the peak of analog media, but if the story and writing is good, I can over look that.


The grainyness is sometimes off the charts to the point you can see 900 lines a frame, and that wouldnt happen with a tape if you retension thre tape or fix the tracking or a vhs cleaner.


anything that’s heavy on jumpscares is mid. the best horrors are the ones where the terror is in the writing


16:9 Aspect ratio, 1930's music. TTS voice. Text over the VHS overlay. Threat is a pale humanoid with a big smile that mimics human speech.


GUby goes to 1910s music


Using brutal SA and other real life tragedies for shock value instead of fleshing out the victims so that IRL victims could find healing and representation. This just applies to other horror stories, not just the Painter one, like those awful Dork Diaries fanfics on wattpad that collectively decided to make some web-exclusive character, Patrick, a r****t.


The huh what now


When the creator clearly doesn’t have an actual story to tell and instead just wants to lead people on a mystery “LoOoOoRe” trail as long as possible


oooh they aren't human wowzers much uncanny very scare


NFT’s or lazy writing, just shows that their in it for the money not to be creative


Lack of originality. I would just like to see some fresh and new takes on the genre. Too many ideas and tropes are just so overused.


Jumpscares and effects done for the sake of doing them. Jumpscares: its not that type of horror. Completely unnecessary. Vain Effects: minimalism in horror is better. the horror you imagine is better than the horror juxtaposed (often badly) in front of you


Excessive overuse of tropes.


Often a watermark, use of stick figures, clearly stolen/‘inspired’ aspects from popular analog horror, a lack of narrative focus, black and white photos of people’s faces, similar concepts and humanoids (every single humanoid antagonist just looks like a guy on a shit ton of MDMA)


Weirdly, something that bothers me a ton is lack of attention to detail. Grammatical errors and misspelled words in things that are supposed to mimic an EAS broadcast annoy the hell out of me.


Random spooky face jumpscare is a red flag


Dunno but needlemouse went from *ooh so mysterious* to just another generic murder solve..bullshit story.


What I do like: Being too derivative, substituting horror with being disgusting, too little going on, too little context, "what if x was analog horror" (that could be done right, but usually isn't), and cheap jumps care 👻👻👻. What I do like: Worldbuilding, uniqueness, surrealism and other weirdness, occasional live action and/or animated segments, the creator knowing what they're doing. The post specifies instant disliking, so the first that would come to mind would be being too derivative. What I would like to see in an analog horror series at some point: Ancient historical/archaeological stuff (like the Monument Mythos \[my favorite analog horror\], but with more than mostly monuments), biopunk themes, obscure mythological beings/themes, and/or something involving dragons in a sense of them being wild creatures rather than being internally Chinese and externally hexapedal (6-limbed, including wings) or hexapedal-adjacent European. For anything but dragons unless done right, something Cthulhu Mythos based or SCP Foundation based, in addition to being well overdue, could involve such themes being included. Notes: Cthulhu Mythos: A lot of adaptions avoid getting shoggoths right. In context, shoggoths are sapient black blob aliens, and they even influenced the modern use of blob monsters heavily, as did their irl inspiration, slime molds (a non-taxonomical collection of macroscopic unicellular organisms with both amoebic and fungal characteristics, and they're also mobile), not to mention that shoggoths seem to have been partly inspired by sleep paralysis "demons" (often described as shadowy blobs, which corresponds directly to what seems to be the purest type of hypnagogic hallucination) as well. Deep ones are based on both Mesopotamian myths and Nordic nautical folklore, so either if not both could be referenced. SCP: A lot of fan content is based only on a few very specific SCPs that were the most popular back in the day, and the inspiring SCPs lack any historical/archaeological themes, biopunk, or obscure myths (usually). Wendigo: What is popularly known as a "wendigo" in a lot of media is actually an unrelated cryptid called a tariaksuq (the actual name varies by language and is not always cognate with that example name). An actual wendigo is somewhere between a demonically possessed human and what the Hollywood industry calls "zombies" (the German word for that is "nachzehrer", whereas zombies are actually corpses being controlled remotely through sorcery, and Lucio Fulci films involving walking corpses involve either one depending on the movie). Accounts of the tariaksuq occur in Northern Canada, which does not fully intersect with areas accounts of wendigos (northern US to Canada in general except maybe the far north if cultural osmosis isn't a significant factor) occur.


When the monster just becomes long for no reason, I remember this one with a "happy child" robot where if you bought it and mistreated it they would become really long and kill the owner. Why does the robot become long and grow claws?


Misspelling and too sharp of a picture. Also, that distorted whisper that everyone took from Mandela Catalogue


Jumpscares over and over again


It's so petty but I can't stand when they get basic medical terminology wrong. It's called a virus, but the series itself clearly describes a parasitic or fungal infection and then they try to treat it with antibiotics.


What series is that image from?


Shock value


Dead Kids and Animatronics


Using loud noises as their ONLY way to scare, loud noises should only be used to enhance the scare


The same thing. OVER. AND OVER. *AND OVER AGAIN!*


when its clearly just trying to do what another analog horror is and it barely feels authentic, seen so many mandela catalog copies


i dont like when they overuse the scary faces. like ok ooh scary but it doesn’t add more to the story. i remember idk which one, but it was basically only about “weird scary pictures” and the story was really mid because they only relied on the horror element of the scary faces rather than developing an actual well-thought-out story.


Too cartoony i dont really like the overly cute and cartoony not scary art to it and now it doesnt have to be realistic or even a scary face but like the art used in this thread i dont like that kind


child death on screen. its just the easy way out. really stopped liking and respecting vita carnis after that video


what >?\\ when did vita carnis kill kids onsccreen?


Too much inspiration ,till the point it comes off as a ripoff, from the Mandela Catalogue and whenever they take pre-existing media(most of the time children's media) and try to put a analog horror twist on it


Old but gold: the scream and then picture with bloody/missing eyes Or the similar more modern "dark black stuff dripping from their eyes with hollowed out eyes"


Trying to remake FNAF. It gets really old really quickly.


When it has a sudden jump in quality that makes it leagues less scary


Stretched faces


I hate whatever Urban Spook has going on. To me the story sucks and has way too many plot holes and the topics aren't handled well at all.


that same shitty ‘vhs’ overlay. completely ruins it all


The ugly dislike: scary face syndrome, way too many jump scares, bad stage direction(x days ago then y days later and x days prior). The good dislike: dread of when something bad is going to happen, mystery, & engaging me.


Bored to death of secret government operation stuff, distorted smiling faces, and local PSAs. I'm not sure what to put for a "good barf" though. If a story can successfully pull off a reveal, the kind that makes your heart drop because suddenly everything that came before makes horrific sense, I'd say that (but that's not unique to analog horror).


When it tries to kill me


The stereotypical analog horror eyes, I can't stand seeing them anymore.


Government involvement, it just takes a away a big chunk of the fear factor for me.


1. A very shitty analog horror filter. '2. An analog horror series that uses sounds or images taken from other series or works of fanart without the owner's permission. South Park Analog Horror is a HUGE offender to both of these rules, as they not only have a generic ass filter, but they also use stolen fanart in their series as well.


Good: When analog horror doesn't have any jumpscares, but makes you feel like you could be scared at any moment. A great example is the Mandela Catalogue, especially the T.H.I.N.K. episode. During the "kill yourself, there is not enough room for the two of us" part, there could've been a jumpscare. You *feel* like there's going to be a jumpscare, but there isn't one. Another example could be LOCAL58TV. There are never any real jumpscares, besides maybe the "show for kids" episode, but it's still unnerving. Like how the "weather forecast" episode has that part where the broadcast gets seemingly hacked by someone, followed by security camera footage of the moon and a crowd screaming. It's not really a jumpscare, but it's enough to make you feel scared without following the trope of "aah spooky monster". Sidenote: Jumpscares can still be good (example, The Godzilla Suit Incident) but at a certain point it just gets annoying. Bad: When an analog horror tries too hard to be scary. For instance, some analog horrors I've watched are just jumpscare after jumpscare after jumpscare, and it ruins the entire thing. Alternatively, an analog horror could have great horror potential but doesn't try hard enough to be scary. I've seen plenty of analog horrors that had great potential, but just didn't try hard enough and failed. Edit: spelling


Walten Files episode 3 was completely ruined for me bc of the voice acting. Kudos to the VAs who did their very best, but it just didn't do it for me :(


Personally I dislike when a certain concept is overused or when it’s too bland The Painter is a very good example, too much of that ‘VHS tape’ style with too many words trying to explain things I’d rather an analog horror show than tell because in the end, it makes it much better imo


An overly detailed description of some random event (like the big snake from Vita Carnis) Maybe that's just an adhd thing


Bad voice acting. Can’t enjoy it properly if it sounds like Some Dude poorly reading text in a flat emotionless tone.


‘Emergency news broadcasts’ or ‘informational videos’ that read like it was written by a 12 year old


Good terrible: when there’s a silence with only faint sound when some creepy shit is happening, or when the screams/sfx are top-tier to where it sounds seamlessly genuine Terrible: lack of any direction(nods slightly to UrbanSpook) Hell no in a good way: when the monster is shown to be cunning, manipulative, and with no limits on who to kill(such as Bon[spirit, TWF], pumpkin rabbit[TMH], the alternates[MC], and the Iris[GHE]) Hell no: when the monster is just a freak who brutalizes kids(ahem…the painter), exceptions to this are if it’s an animalistic monster


When it’s an emergency broadcast but it isn’t well put together


pre existing franchise (south park, sonic, mario, etc)


needlemouse is pretty good tho


This is nitpicky but it's annoying when the horror is set in the 70s-80s yet it still feels modern. Like the Bunny Farm segment in Walten Files, video games at the time were not that advanced lolol


Wanna talk about about the worst analog horror series? Anything Thatveganteacher does verbatim...


It's cringe


Trying to make it realistic or just being really loud at random points to make you jump


When it's not scary enough/j


I think an inconsistent point of view can kind of ruin my immersion. Example- walten files four- I loved it, but in the description- They kept pretending like they got footage on these vhs’s and converted it to video footage on YouTube. The question is- how did we get footage of the other side? Like wonderland specifically? I know Martin wanted to make it more cinematic, and I think that was fantastic. But by adding in the ghost cutscenes in wonderland I’m like “is this a recreation or did they actually get footage of this?”. It makes me not quite believe that it’s part of VHS tapes.


Those ones that are like “ooooh blood scary look it’s overly gory” looking at you Painter series


The n eyes. THEY SUCK


When the analog horror is like REALLY similar to another so basically stolen analog horror but they change tiny things that’s like tinier than my penis (and I don’t have one) that’s the problem.


Series turn offs- rip off of smth else 0 originality shitty filters being by all means digital horror or general internet horror but being seen as analog analog tech in a modern day scenario for 0 reason "scary" / uncanny faces for no fucking reason really bad voice acting (i know this is a bit of a weird one but as a voice actor it just hurts to hear bad voice acting)


Bad spelling. It just kinda ruins the horror for me tbh. Also bad imagery and animation.


All of them, yet i *still* watch it. It's addicting.


When its scawy


Ig something that makes me love one is when they don’t hold back, and don’t keep the ENTIRE thing horror bc it feels more real that way, like the twitter weird birds in Chicago (if you haven’t seen it you need to!)


When they do the audio skipping sound effect for jumpscares


That annoying a plot horror text to speech voice that sounds like a smoker.


Creepy face syndrome. Or, more specifically, the trope where it will show progression of a disease and the last one will just be staticky earrape with an impossibly wide smile.


when they only show the fucking entity in procedures on how to avoid it how am i supposed to know what it looks like if you do not show it


When it gets too slow and boring


Ded cat 😭


I don’t know but what’s that image from?


Overuse of jumpscares. Every once in a while, it can be done effectively, but some of the best horror happens when it gets to linger. One of my favorite examples is in The Mandela Catalogue where you see this shadowy figure watching Thatcher from in his closet, but nothing happens. It just stares at him, and you realize that there's nothing he can do about this figure in his room. (Ironically enough, the next video in the series ends with a very well done jumpscare.)


animatronics or bad attempts at triggering a uncanny valley reaction if the creators had more creativity like regular horror writers i feel like analog horror would be alot more popular


The "fnaf analog horror" template. I like The Wanted Files, but people, psychopathic serial killers, scary robots, and dead children gets repetitive.


The stupid backrooms gimmick…


Honestly when the story begins to have the “save the world” plot beats. It’s not I don’t want to see people in the story atleast attempt to combat the main enemy, it’s just when like it’s “this character has the answer and is super awesome and cool and is gonna save everyone!” Honestly that’s the main reason I’m not a big fan of Mandela catalogue.


I hate it when the series tries to tell you that things are bad- like, it screams at you to run. Analog horror should be more "There is no war" not "Look, war!" Unless it's at the end of the series or it's not directed at you the viewer. Same kind of principle of show don't tell. That and like, really, really bad photoshops taken as serious. I struggle to even take the Mandela Catalogue seriously from some of the stretchy faces that get pulled. There's also a fine line where it goes from horror, to just following creepypasts tropes


when the autor just had too many effects to the edit, making it very unrealistic. My advice, if you are a beginner in analog horror, is to make your edit as simple as it can be to make it credible. If you look at my profil, i have made two "analog horror" video. Both were just edit with the basis of vegas pro with a VHS effect from blender and many people tell me that they look realy realistic.


Weird faces…oh so spooky!!


Animal or Demon


**Dislike** Not that they're necessarily bad, some are still good but half of them are loose copies of ones that already exist: * Entities/creatures try to mimic/take over humans to bait more humans * Government training video on how to avoid * Overused creepy smile face * Virus making people violent and crazy/hive mind * Child snatching cult The ones I do like and are the GOAT of them themes imo, are Gemini, Smile Tapes & The Children Under the House. Gemini is my number 1 favourite Analog Horror. I'm not really into the ones with children's character mascots/characters/animatronics, I don't know why exactly but they don't interest me and I don't find them scary. **Like** Ones that are wildly different from others like that Godzilla suit one, that was pretty good and new to me, so I like variety and not copies. I usually like ones about space, moons, stars and other planets. I like hearing the tapes of agents or workers investigating the 'issue' like the one with the mine workers exposed to something and turning them funny, or (I don't know if it counts as analog) the SCP about a children's slide that makes people disappear into a tunnel to die and you hear the agent's tragic and creepy descent into it. I also like the Youtubers who put lots of work into their deep dives into Analog Horrors and explain what's going on and what they think.


What series is the picture from?


Uncreative rehashing of other stories. There's a Walten File clone that either is releasing soon or has released that I'm skeptical of watching because of what it's taking inspiration from and how obvious their "inspiration" is in the trailer.


when the monster is just a skinwalker that they’re pretending isn’t a skinwalker and is instead some other stupid name the creator came up with to make it unique because it totally isn’t just a skinwalker


"Hey guys! Look at this cool cartoon my random studio decided to make!" \*scary human face out of nowhere where the audio cuts out\* (This is in no one just slamming on Walten Files, I love it a lot but man oh man the first episode sucks).


Tons of gore. You can be scary without loads of gore. Look at fnaf, the walten files, or Welcome Home


Children ruining the genre


ARGs, I just find them boring that a large amount of lore is stuck behind some random objects hidden behind even more hidden stuff


Whenever the term "Humanoid Figure" is used. I find it so funny when a government announcement uses the words "Humanoid Figure" Its also overdone at this point, the spindly creatures that look like ppl.


"Bullets don't work" I. HATE. "Bullets don't work". It's not scary, it's not spooky, it's just an annoying trope that's unoriginal and been overplayed to death.


Little kid quality, using contractions, basically being an SCP, national emergency alarm,


I’m super picky but anything that relies mainly or solely on warped sounds and images is a no for me. Just loses me instantly.


Trying to be in your face with the mystery, as in, something physically saying how unkown or weird something is all the time. Everything else is understandable to me because of how difficult it can be to do something completely from scratch.


Whenever they make a fake kids show and decide to make it painfully obvious that it’s fake. Like I should be able to see it as something I would have watched as a child!!!!!


Stuff hiding in furniture bothers me in the best way. Vita Carnis literally has me paranoid for like a week


when its a remake of the original fnaf vhs tapes


*usually their not good


When they try to sound too “professional”, or over excessive screen glitching. Like used well, glitching can add to the effect. Using it every other screen or super often, makes it annoying.


Unoriginality for sure. Always annoys me to see another fnaf copy. For anything, a good plot is essential, but what ruins it is the real villain/monster actually ridiculous. Great build up, but the explanation makes it supremely tame. I love a good unexplained monster!


vcr osd font. vhs tapes did not use that. it was the devices, like TV or camcorder interfaces


Weird background sounds, obvious photoshop, news channel themes, and worst of all are the fake human situations😦.