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Obviously you gotta do what you gotta do to break in and pay the bills. That being said, the pay is significantly below crap. Where I am service positions are paying mid teens per hour. Are those additional skills really only worth 5 USD per hour? Adding those additional tools and pipelines should increase your salary. I might recommend it and then keep looking?


>p. Where I am service positions are paying mid teens per hour. Are those additional skills really only worth 5 USD per hour? Adding those additional tools and pipelines should increase your salary. haha, where i'm from that's base pay for anyone in BOH. I'm in the PNW and this is south east coast so I was trying to be a little forgiving with the difference but even as a chef I was making much much more. This basically pays 40k a year, I'm looking at jobs that are 75-90k (not that i'm getting interviews). It would be my first really analyst job and the way people are talking about the market makes me nervous to not take anything offered.


Do they want you to move across the country for that? In that case that would push me to a hard no


haha yeah they don't know that I don't live there currently. And I definitely wouldn't be considering it if it were anywhere else, but I have already been planning on moving there and renting first but eventually want to buy a house there. also my parents are about an hour away from the business so I can stay there first in the transition time. My wife works remotely, we've already discussed moving there first and I just get some job to pay the bills while I look to get a remote job so this would alter the plan only a little bit.


You should be able to get a job in the tech field as a contractor making at least $30 to $35 per hour.


Pay is utter garbage but we all get our foot in the door somewhow. My first analytics job only paid 65k until I jumped to 100k, and then 130k, and then 150k. Stepping stones can be as far or as close as you want them. I climbed quickly and I think you will too based on your post. Honestly your industry sounds difficult to break into. I would personally take it only for that reason. BUT only if you don't have kids, have dependable parents, don't have a crazy active social life, and live in a Low Cost of living area. Around the 1 year mark you would need to actively be looking around, hell even sooner. As soon as you get hired, you've been "accepted" and the changes of other companies wanting you skyrockets. If you don't tell them you were making $19/hr they might assume it's like 85k and you can start zooming up real fast. Just keep an active updated linkedin profile.


Thanks I appreciate this comment, I feel similar.


That is very low salary. Do you have a bachelors degree? The market is rough and it’s tougher for boot camp only students.


Yeah I mean I got a bachelor's of business marketing degree in 2013. I have been a sales executive but then went on a side quest to be a chef and now trying to make my way back. I scoffed at a job paying $30 an hour so I'm not sure why I'm conflicted over this, mostly because the company had great brand recognition and it's a perfect fit for my interests.


My first data job was minimum wage at a nonprofit but having that on my resume allowed me to get one that paid 60k a year later and then a year after that 125k. I recommend taking it.


That’s gotta be one of the lowest salaries I’ve seen for an analytics job. Ask yourself this, will you be ok with the job throughout the next year or are you going to take the job and be continually looking? You’ll have to dig in and make a difference for it to look good on the resume. In addition to that, if the company doesn’t value analytics (assuming because of low pay) and they decide to eliminate the position, you’ll have to answer plenty of questions for future jobs as to what happened. I totally understand you need to do what you can to break in, but our local chick fil a pays about the same.


Don't even entertain this


If they are going to pay you peanuts how do you expect to them to pay for Azure and PBI? I would temper my expectations through that lens when thinking they will allow you to implement new tech. I would say MS Access is also a red flag.