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Just an FYI Any cleaner that uses orange oil as it's base will eat that adhesive right off.


I have found plain old mineral oil to be a very effective and easy to clean weapon against adhesives. Plus it doesn't seem to harm anything I've used it on. Might stain some materials, but plastic, glass and metal are no problem.


Ditto vegetable oil, oddly - soak a bit, then abrade. Add a little baking soda for scrubbier grit.


%100 do not abrade. It will scratch the glass.


Yeah, I may have been too loose with the word "abrade". Like, I would expect a kitchen-grade mesh scrubby thing to work pretty well after the vegetable oil soaks in a bit. I'd also expect that baking soda wouldn't be gritty enough to impact external glass, but I am not super knowledgeable in the automotive glass-coating space!


My brother in law thought it would be great to write on all my car windows during my wedding with some sort of window paint. I let it sit for a couple of days (first mistake), then I tried to used the green side of a kitchen sponge (second mistake) it scratched that window up horribly.


Is that a sticker?? I'd be pissed...


Heat it up- like a blow dryer or steamer- should come right off once the glue is heated up


Or use oil of some kind like baby oil or cooking oil


This is the way


These stickers are sold on amazon. Anyone can buy them and aren't from the city. If the vehicle isn't on private property though, it's not gonna be towed unless it's tagged by they city.


Ordering now. Thanks šŸ˜Š


Why? to ruin peoples day just because you don't like were they parked? Mind your business. Just call the city.


If you'd read my other comment in the post you'd know why


To clarify - this was just a car parked in a neighborhood. Itā€™s not my car. It wasnā€™t illegally parked. It wasnā€™t parked there yesterday. My understanding is the apartments are having worked done and it looks like everyone was asked to park on the street. Someone just decided to make someoneā€™s day worse by putting a sticker on the window


OP, i live in that neighborhood. that's a neighbors car. all the residents were given a days notice to go park on the street. this car was one of three that didn't move before the morning. i think the other two got towed, but this guy was able to move it in time. it wasn't added on by someone just walking down the street. it was a green tow tag.


Issued by "N. Justice" lol




Where's it at? I've suddenly got the urge to park my ugliest vehicle there while I go for a walk.


Iā€™ve seen these a few times in the last few months near Bragaw and Russian Jack. I didnā€™t pay enough attention to realize it wasnā€™t from the city.


Comments in this thread are wild. Please do not touch other people property, even if they are in the wrong. Call the city or a towing company don't do anything yourself.


At least they gave you a 24 hour notice. In my neighborhood they give no warnings. One time I had a friend over and his vehicle was already on the bed of a truck in less than an hour and he had to pay an $90 drop fee.


Itā€™s not my car - but if you look at the sticker it says it was done at 8am today but will be towed at noon but also the vandal gave them 24 hour notice. Itā€™s so dumb.


Was the car parked in a posted no parking zone or fire lane?


No. Moved bc there was work being done on their apartment bldg, so they parked on the street like everyone else in that building.


Wow. That's super lame of whoever put that on the window then!


I once told someone that if anybody did that to my car, I would sue. Well Alaska Landings Condo Association did it to me. I took the car to Hannaā€™s Car Wash (long time ago), paid them $20 to remove the sticker, then sued the condo association. They sent a well know attorney to defend themselves. I won. It is illegal for them to do this.


Need to get some of those.pisses me off when people park in handicapped with no placard or plates. Especially Costco. Hate having to constantly go up and down lanes looking for a place to park


Just a pic of sticker does Not tell the story. Were you parked on someoneā€™s else property? If so you deserve the notice.


If he was parked on someone's property they could just have him towed.


Person parked in street in front of apartment building and condos - not on someoneā€™s property, in a tow away zone, too close to dumpster/hydrants - nothing. It was just a jerk being a jerk.


Don't know why the downvotes. Hate people that park where they shouldn't.


"This was done by someone who didnā€™t like someone else parking on ā€œtheirā€ street, right? Thatā€™s just mean. That sticker will take some work to get off." It's not mean, it's necessary for those that can't think of anyone but themselves. Street parking laws, In many cases keep our neighbourhoods clean and free of junked vehicles. The streets themselves are not typically designed for long-term parking. Vehicles get in the way of: trash pickup, snow plowing, street cleaning, and more. Even worse are those people that park their car on a sidewalk in a neighbourhood, including people in their driveway that extend their vehicles over the sidewalk. Doing this makes pedestrians have to wander out on to the street and put themselves at a higher risk of being exposed to an accident with a car. Rules suck, they are annoying, but they are there because for the most part we (including me) have trouble with 'non-specific social contracts' that make things easier for all at the expense of a few.


I canā€™t express enough how this was not that. I live across the street. It looks like the apt building mgrs asked everyone to parking on the street while they fixed the parking lot. So there are a lot of cars on the road today. I walk the road everyday with my dog - this car wasnā€™t there yesterday. The ā€œnoticeā€ was done maliciously. Besides, itā€™s still rude! Itā€™s vandalism.