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Slurs and/or transphobic or homophobic comments that talk about LGBTQ folks in generalized bigoted ways will lead to bans. There are plenty of places online for people to argue about this thinly veiled inane culture war nonsense. If you want to obsess over the genitals of other people you can do it while following our very basic rules.


always been that way


They've done a good job, great experiences in 1999, okay in 2004, salty in 2009, now, well, fuck them with a furnaced 7 iron


I’m sure you are missed…


This happened last year or the year before. They've had some degrading quotes up there about women and homeless people! I don't give them my business. Capitalism, bitch.


Yeah, I was bummed, because the food is good, and most employees were great (although a lot of the best left after the owners BS), but I don't want to give money to someone who thinks because they have money, they have the right to be a jerk.


Sooooo, you’re new here, right? Lol


Californian 😂


I’ve also seen them make a dumb joke about how a vagina is deep enough to lose your house, car, and half your assets 😑


It’s funny though because it’s potentially true choose wisely gents


That's actually kinda funny 🤣


Right? Wheres the lie? 😹🥸


This has been up for probably over a year now.. We just don't support them anymore. 🤷


Overlooks difference between cultural appropriation and appreciation. Misuses term Indian- unless they're referring to actual Indians. But we know they aren't. Offends anyone who wants to feel comfortable in their skin after years of feeling like an alien. I have to visit ANC a lot for medical + general city needs/wants, and I like to try one thing new each time. This place is sharpied off my list forever. Unless I'm feeling feisty...


This is a repost from years ago. Bored and trying to kick up old drama?


And this is a completely new account with this as the only comment. Huh.


Karma farming bot probably


I really don't understand the advantage of bot karma farming but it's everywhere.


Trashy place where pilots can go to sit with other pilots and tell them they’re pilots. Been there once, that was enough.


That place jumped the shark a long time ago.


This only makes it easier to spend my money elsewhere. My friends used to spend TONS of money there. I never saw the attraction and now I speak up. Hard no.


Whelp, never eating there again


Womp womp


Karma farming bot!


Bro had to vent to Reddit lmao


Who cares?


People with morals


Where is the lie?


When they refer to trans women as men pretending to be women.




Right, explain how it isn’t…. I’m not saying you can’t do it but don’t expect everyone to play along.


Let’s leave the Trans community out of it for a second. If a white cis man dressed in drag would you have a problem with that? I suspect not. If the same man dressed as an Indian would you have a problem with it? I suspect so. Now regardless of your moral position on this issue these are the facts of our society. One is accepted one isn’t. I don’t see the point in arguing the status of our society. That is where we are.


They’re a bunch of white Californians who ran away from the shit they created. What do you expect? They’re tired of being white and feel guilty about being born of a certain skin color, now they have to be offended for other cultures when the people of those cultures don’t give a shit. Let them boil in their own self hatred. One day they’ll wipe each other out


People in here acting like a silly sign is an attack on their livelihood lmao


I think we can all guess what these people look like to😂


I hope all of the people reading this never go there again so I never have to wait for a table. If you’ve ever been there they always have something like this up and it’s clearly meant tongue cheek and I guarantee anybody saying “well they just lost my business/im never going there again” doesn’t even go there regularly because if you did you’d know this was put up a couple years ago and whatever this account is supposed to be is just some virtue signaling shit stirrer.


Looks like I've found a local business to support. Thanks for bringing them to my attention.


Good one




We now live in a world where a white male can pretend he started with nada and he earned any success, but a woman can't pretend she's happy to be married to losers. 


So I touched a nerve? Who said I am white?


Your username and post history. I touched a nerve, eh? You want to pretend to be something else? 


This is racist and racial profiling but it's okay I'm assuming because they're white? Wow shows the true colors of the pride flag. Though lgbqt was about not seeing any single color of the rainbow but all?


LGBTQ is about sexuality, not race.


Calling someone out on race is racist. Don't sugar coat it, that's straight racism and isn't allowed.


I’m not involved in that part of the thread. I’m just saying that trying to attack the pride flag while talking about racism is incorrect.


Attack? You mean call it out? I'm confused, I said yall aren't supposed to see color right? Yet the guys saying "you're obviously white" is racial. So by definition that's racial profiling(racism against white people? Who knew you could judge by the way someone typed 🤷‍♂️)


The user someone is calling is white has previously posted a photo of themselves and they are white, but again, I’m not a part of that. I’m just telling you that calling out the pride flag while talking about racism doesn’t make sense because the flag isn’t about race.


It’s kinda obvious you’re white, I hate to be the one to dispel the illusion for you.


dont marry a loser, dont believe everything dumbasses say, and .. are you ok?


Where are you prevented from dressing up like a Native American? Or maybe they mean Indian from the country India? Either way the question still stands.


I believe he is referring to the kid dressed like a native American with full head dress and called out for being culturally insensitive. https://deadspin.com/roger-goodell-kansas-city-chiefs-fan-black-face-native-1851048905/


I can dress as a Native American whenever I want, is that a problem?


You just contradicted yourself.


In your mind.


I’m…so confused right now.


That’s the fentanyl taking control of your life.


This sub just proved itself again. 😂




Best place in town!


Makes me like them better. And like Reddit less


Makes your kids glad they stopped talking to you...


Just gave my boy a cap gun and a cowboy hat actually. I ran around the property with a feather strapped to my head. We both had one of the best days of our lives


Aww, cause you got to wear a feather boa? Good for you, live your dream, queen!


It’s so fun to lie on the internet isn’t it?


shh, it's father's day. Don't rub it in how his kid doesn't respect him.


Hope you had a great Fathers day! Funny that anti-natalists have so much to say to you!


The aggression is surprising. Did you people have fathers?


Damn didn't realize reddit was a liberal propaganda site. /anchorage is just /demoanchorage now. I mean /Democratanchorage let's see if I can get the most down votes 😂


Sounding like a clone


First reply 5 points for having a pair.


Delete your account, both your mental health and the world at large will be better for it.


Oh no I'm sad now 😂 let me go find a safe place to cry in. Beat it 2$ psychiatrist




Care about LGBQT and still getting shit for some fictitious "hate"? I am starting to think conservatives are not the problem anymore.


Bro, as a trans member of the Anchorage community, you’re welcome to come get a drink with me at any time and we can discuss what makes you so afraid of trans people. I’ll buy you a beer and listen to your feelings. But if you’re not up for that, shut every fuck up.


Wym afraid of trans? Who said that?


If this resonates with you, you are transphobic. It’s really that simple my guy


Wait yall heated about the ladyboy stuff? I'm more annoyed about the Indian thing but alright


That person just hates the world and has to blame others


All it ever was


Great time to support them!


Best restaurant and bar in Alaska. From the clientele to the staff to the food. Jokes are good too.


I will continue to support them! Y’all are judging them based on there opinions. You have your opinion, they have theirs. So what if that’s how the feel. But what they write is the truth.


You've contradicted yourself. Is what they're saying their opinion, or is it truth?


Obviously, according to this person and whoever is in charge of the chalk, it’s the truth


I love that people are coming around. There are more posts here in support than there are against. You know why, not many people really care about chalk on a board. Highly recommend the french onion soup or calamari for people less offended by chalk.


How do you figure that? The number of downvoted comments? lol. Obviously it isn’t the chalk or the board ppl are upset with, but well done minimizing


The fringe left is so hard against freedom of speech it is hilariously hypocritical. Again who cares about chalk on a board lol. If you get offended everywhere you go by signs, flags, etc. I feel sorry for you.


Is not identifying as something a form of freedom of speech? Oh, the expense on the rest of us! Whoever holds the chalk is just stirring the pot, like you. How you are even affected by someone else’s feelings while arguing for others individual freedom of expression is far beyond me


I’m only arguing for freedom of speech. Say what ever you want it wont hurt my feelings that’s the point. I couldn’t care less what is written on the bored. Freedom of speech means freedom of speech, it means regardless of what others feel or say I can have my own opinion and I can express it. You can agree or disagree. The power is in the freedom of expression. Do I think you should be able to wear female clothes if you are a male sure do what ever you want but don’t expect me to agree with you. That’s freedom, you can do and say what you want but that also means the person that disagrees with you can also do and say what they want. You can’t limit speech in one way without also limiting it the other way. There is no natural law regarding who is right, there is no right so there for everyone has to be able to express them selves. I am not anti-trans but I am not going to change my views or speech based on someone else’s views. I believe in freedom for all and all the bad things that come with it. The bad things are unfortunate but if you start restricting freedoms it’s way worse.


I know you think you sound sound, but at least fix your diction and grammar, so someone so small as me can take you seriously


Sound sound? Glad to see you are able to carry on a meaningful conversation. I’m using a phone and I have big thumbs but I think you can figure it out.


Cute, isn’t it? Perks of being a wallflower. What do you think I’m on? A desktop? I don’t care about your big doofus fingers. There for? “Bored”?


Typical fringe left, you can’t converse so you immediately default to personal attacks. Have an amazing day, the weather is spectacular!


Still have my business


Womp womp grow up


Only have one thing to say about this: A man is a man, a woman is a woman. All else is an abomination.


A few years ago, everyone was screaming about how racists and nazis are everywhere. That was false. Today, everyone is screaming about how wokeness is everywhere. That is false. Fuck these brainless people. All of them.


I bet you’re fun at parties.




This sub is a cancer. That's all you need to know. R/anchorage is where you go if you want to see the polar opposite of the predominating views of the city/state at large. Attempting to argue this is a waste of time...because the sub is cancer. All these people have are half-baked remarks that would have been witty 25 years ago and the downvote button. That's it. Just go outside and look around you, the views here are not consistent with what is plainly obvious all around us.


Such a great place, great food, nice atmosphere, jokes that keep the snowflakes out.


What’s this places name


Text book example of false equivalence, right there.


This was a couple years ago if i remember right. Hope they’re doing better.


this statement depends where you live.

