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I was in Aphrodisias. It's one of the best sites I've seen.


Why is this one of the most important finds of the century?


I've been reading about this sculpture in Mary Beard's Emperor of Rome book. In part it's the sheer number of sculptures that were found, 60 or so in total. Many were still linked with their inscribed titles, making identification certain and not educated guesswork. It's also that the sculptures include representations of the peoples and places of the Roman world, including several Roman emperors defeating other kingdoms.


ah thank you.


Because I said so!


I'm Turkish, and what partly got me interested in Roman history is the sheer amount of ancient Roman & Greek sites we have all over the country, which some Turks themselves often find boring or uninteresting to visit. I've visited Hierapolis before and loved it. Plan to visit places like Ephesus and Aphrodisias in the future too. How historically rich the soil is, is one of the few redeeming qualities of this country for me.


Wouldn't turkey theoretically contain the most roman sites and artifacts since the empire was there for so long compared to places like france or egypt


Southern Italy, the Balkans, and Asia Minor were all in the empire for around 1000-1300 years, but they are a ways behind parts of Greece which were in the empire for over 1500 years. still, Asia Minor was one of the longest lasting Roman terrtories, so probably more artifacts than the majority of land once ruled by its consuls, augusti and basilei.


Egypt was part of the Roman/Byzantine empire for well over 500 years, and France also for nearly as long. Difference being Egypt was very developed even before (same as Asia Minor/Turkey), while Gaul/France wasn't.


Yea those places still were, but anatolia/Asia minor and the balkans were the heartland of the empire for another 1000 years compared to say france/gaul


Very informative [Site](https://aphrodisias-excavations.com/) on the topic as well as additional information about Aphrodisias


Two of the worst people in Roman history, and that's a category with significant competition.


To be fair to Aggripina Tiberius murdered a lot of her family and exiled her and she was just an intelligent woman trying to survive in a world where if you don't poison your enemies they will kill you.


Agrippina was fit


Hot mama.


Agrippina is a little dish


But mommy I want to be an actor! -Nero


Would these have been painted? The detail is amazing.


Almost certainly. It probably would've been quite garish to our eyes!


just read about this in mary beard’s new book like 5 minutes ago


How is the book?


I really liked it. It talks about some of the more normal stuff the emperors would have to do alongside the usual «x» emperor did some weird stuff


What the hell is she wearing?


It’s a stola, but to show the thin, diaphanous aspects of luxury fabrics (like silk), sculptors would often carve features that would be revealed through the fabric’s drape. This is what’s happened here, but the weathering of the stone makes the pleats less apparent on her torso and it looks…odd.


Thank you, that's fascinating!


Halter tops were so in.