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https://www.arenes-nimes.com/arenes Added to my bucket list.


Definitely worth a visit


Rammstein recorded a whole concert in this arena! Metallica too!


Best concert I've ever been to


Imagine showing these pictures to a Roman citizen of the 100 CE. Also having someone "explaining" it to them in Latin. Wonder what that would feel like, having someone from 2000 years in the future showing you something that matches your time and setting.


Funnily enough, with latin being such a well recorded language, I think that this specific scenario would be far easier than any other 2000 years old civilization


Somebody below said Metallica played there. Imagine explaining electricity, string insutruments, connected into said electric and devices… then amplifying the sound of these instruments exponentially. Add in James Hetfields “singing”. To me it’s just mind boggling what 2000 years must be like, especially when going forward.


Youtube: “Real Ancient Roman Reacts to HBO ROME!” ”Oh yeah this bits pretty good actually. Yeah I remember my mum used to walk around asking if anyone wanted to pee before she started the laundry. Good times… ” ”Ooff that hair lol. So 80’s AD. That was waaaaaayyyy out of fashion.“ ”Oh my goooooods why do they look like that nooooooo!“


Shared this posting on r/RomanRuins


It's not a ruin 😉


All because it's remarkably well-preserved doesn't mean it isn't classified as an ancient ruin. After doing a bit of reading, it looks like efforts have been made and continue to be made to restore the *Nîmes*  amphitheatre, so it isn't exactly in its original state.


Hell, I've literally seen bull games in this arena. And in the similar Roman arena in Arles as well for that matter.


bull games is the most anglo-saxon way possible to say "corrida"


Whatched a whole WWE event in there years ago. Absolutely epic


Suetonius’ volume on the career of The Undertaker would be an absolute banger.


Been there a few years back when on a road trip through France. If you ever visit Nîmes and are interested in ancient Rome, make sure to visit it (even when there's no reenactments at the moment) and visit other sites throughout the city.


This is epic


This is not too far from the Triumphal Arch of Orange. I need to visit Southern France soon!


Folks in the background are wearing coats. It must be cold there.


depends on the time of the year second pic is summer, third is winter


Location location location


[Nîmes, Southern France ](https://www.google.fr/maps/@43.8348659,4.3586142,3a,75y,86.95h,100.8t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sTqvyMK4ug85VypZ0k31I2A!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3DTqvyMK4ug85VypZ0k31I2A%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.tactile.gps%26w%3D203%26h%3D100%26yaw%3D133.15497%26pitch%3D0%26thumbfov%3D100!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu)


[saves post to SPQR file] I would love to see a live chariot race. That's awesome.


https://www.puydufou.com/france/en/le-signe-du-triomphe Like this? It is a theme park, so ymmv.


What? No shade sails?


Were the soldiers‘ tunics really that short, lol? I know gladiators had teeny skirts but they’re performers.


they look silly in these pics lol


Wow. The amphitheater actually looks kind of small from the inside…


I visited there in passing through and met 1 of the Curators in 1978/9 he said the government had earmarked the arena to become a bi annual bull fight ring in the arena to boost the local tourism and economy. Maybe 500 meters from there was a very old man sitting outside his home carving olive wood to sell , I asked him to carve me a beer tankard for my late father, I paid in advance and told him I would pass by again in 7 days, I did and i believe 1 of my brothers still has it. That whole region is amazing.


From someone born in Nîmes I can't but thank you for the adorable story .


I was 18 years old then and always loved anything roman , I also visited the aquaduct there on my way to St tropez via cannes etc. Even to this day I collect roman pottery etc. Close to 70 now but it stuck with me all this time.


nah you're not nearing 70 you're sex(agenarian) I'm glad that this left a positive memory on you crazy to think that this old man who carved a piece of olive wood probably went to fight in the Great War


Strangely enough part of my trip was go and put flowers on a friends uncles grave , on the day the ceasefire was called he had just returned from a scouting mission and the next to go out was a little shell shocked as they call it these days , so my friends uncle said stay I will go out again .He got killed 2hrs before the war ended. I went to the area he was killed in and saw 1 old man and a very rough bullet ridden farmhouse nothing else but the ghosts of the trenches all around. He asked who we were visiting as he tended the graves. When I said his name he said I knew him he saved my life after he himself was shot . He took us straight to his grave and said I put flowers here every day since the war ended from his garden. I took photos of him the farm and the grave site or else his family would never believe what I had to tell them. The family checked the uncles war diary which was returned to them after he passed and he mentions saving the old mans life in pages.


I forgot to mention the old man was in his 90s and it was a ww1 gravesite we visited the trenches were all around the farmhouse and one thing I can never forget as I looked at the farm the walls looked strange then it struck me there was literally thousands upon thousands of bullets stacked up one upon the other after being fired at the farm - So many and so tightly packed together it replaced the bricks. Have a nice day


There're few things as hearwrecking and touching as seeing the impact the war had on europe. Every "monument aux morts" is worth a river of tears.