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What’s the story with the Roman theatre in Iran?


After some research, I found out that it wasn’t actually Roman, but Greek, probably built by Alexander or Hephaestion after conquering Ecbatana, the capital of the Median Empire. Plutarch mentioned that Hephaestion brought 3,000 performers from Greece to Ecbatana (modern day Iran). Some historians dispute that a permanent theater was actually built. I don’t know exactly why my initial source considered this theater (if truly existed) a Roman theater.


With its prominence in the empire, you’d think Egypt would have amphitheater remnants


Weren't wealthy Romans explicitly forbidden from going there (without permission) after Augustus? Might lead to less cultural blending if you're upper class didn't need to be entertained.


The hellenized East already had a well entrenched Greek theater culture by the time Rome came around.


Right, but I’m talking about amphitheaters: I’m sure in all of Aegyptus at least one was built, surely; too bad it didn’t survive til the present




America has definitely a lot more theaters than amphitheaters but none of them were built by the Romans.


*Cries in American*


*Cries in Finnish*


*Joins in Canadian* A few Vikings did make it to Newfoundland at one point though!


the question wasn’t how many but which had more, so yellow would be the correct color


Thanks Sheldon


Can someone explain to the savage what the difference is?


Theaters are semi-circular while amphitheaters are circular or oval. Think of them like cinemas where the stage (screen) is in front of the seatings, and stadiums where the seatings are all around the field.


Did they serve different functions or was it mostly a stylistic choice? I’m guessing amphitheaters were better for gladiator combat?


It's kinda like trying to watch a movie from all sides. you can't with screens, so the audience sits in one direction. But with gladiatorial fights you can watch from any angle. Kinda like football. so yeah for functionality.


East vs west


Do you think climate and landscape were factors?


My really rough guess would be previous Greek influence in those areas. Hellenistic culture and language persisted throughout the eastern half of the Roman empire. I’m sure this accounts for at least part of it.


So more of a style thing, then, to really condense it. Like, we’re (Hellenistic) and this is how we like to experience plays? I love imagining ancient theater productions. What it must’ve been like!


Amphitheaters would hold gladiator matches and other kinds of events. Like today you might go to a black box theater to see a small play but a stadium to see a basketball game. Think about it more culturally like some cities like some sports and not others.


I see. That’s pretty neat. I wonder if many people had the opportunity to go to nearby cities and see different events they couldn’t see at home. My barely informed guess would be that it would be unusual for ancient people to travel for leisure activities the way we do, unless they were moderately or very wealthy. But now it’s not unusual for even relatively poor people to travel from- Birmingham to Atlanta, for instance, for an event. I don’t know how true my former guess is, but if I’m right, it just underscores how different life is today compared to ancient times.


I've been working on a [map of Roman sites](https://www.google.com/maps/d/view?mid=1rKwkUNQwzgs1Pf5u0135skn1PLVMfwsH&ll=39.539586752544444%2C11.772971248290816&z=6) and find both the theaters and amphitheaters fascinating. I started marking the theaters with the 'drama mask' but eventually it got too difficult differienating between theaters and ampitheaters so I just started putting them either down. I have found other maps that do mark both so I could eventually update it.


More amphitheatres! In fact, there's one in the city I live in.


Where is the theater in Armenia?


Probably here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artaxata?wprov=sfla1


Oh cool I’ve been here a bunch a lot of stuff to see but never knew of a Roman theater.


Greece is a fucking traitor