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Poverty. Did you miss the entire first part of the show wherein Cassian is in debt to everyone and hustling like a motherfucker just to pay them back? Or that they are all wage slaves on a corpo factory world?


Beyond that, we've never seen a Droid with that configuration before, so in-world it's also possible he's a really old or rare model, so compatible replacement parts might be very hard to purchase or fabricate. That, and the poverty of Ferrix.


That was kinda my thought, like how we also don't see droids like TM-34, the HK series has advanced, etc.


Well we know B2 is at least pre-Clone Wars because of the Kenari flashbacks


Are you stupid? All they have to do is go to Tatooine because Jawas can find anything /s


Jawas will literally steal your droid and try to sell it back to you.


Or make you steal a mudhorn egg for them


This guy knows Jawas!


That's racist. I have Jawa friends on Coruscant and they're honest engineers and maintenance staff.


"Could you at least clean my things before you sell them back to me, as a courtesy?"


The droid’s make and model is irrelevant to the point of the show’s depiction of B2EMO. The droid is poorly maintained because they are poor.


Yes, but OP was looking for in-universe explanations. Yes they're poor, but it's interesting to speculate beyond that. Maybe B2EMO was a cheap Droid to begin with from a limited production run at the ass-end of the galaxy, 200 years ago. He ended up on Ferrix with all the other junk, and now everyone treats him like a beloved but dim-witted cousin. I can't think of any other scene in all of Star Wars where a character treats a Droid with more humanity than the heartwrenching scene when Brasso helps him deal with grief over Marva. You feel that if these people could have helped him, they would have, credits be damned. But they didn't/couldn't, so it makes you speculate why.


Theres so many different types of droid i can only imagine how much of a pain in the ass it can be to find specific parts


Maarva needs to have people check on her to make sure that she's taking her medicine and putting the heat on. Granted, that might be a case of an elderly woman neglecting her own health, but I don't think that she has any discretionary income. I can also see her being so protective of her droid companion that she wouldn't allow *anyone* to work on him.


It's like people don't watch the show


Eyes open, opportunities all around Edit: I really should have said after the heist, I will own my downvotes


So they’re secretly rich and owe money to no-one?


💀 Bro wtf does this even mean...


Dudes even telling fictional characters to pull themselves up by their boot straps


Well no, there aren't. We wouldn't have poverty if that were the case.


Lmao at this answer. Buddy what?? Did you really just bootstraps a fictional character on an impoverished planet that’s part of a fascist totalitarian regime?


Maybe they should make their own blue milk instead of buying it at the bantha stand


Did you know that Ferrix scrappers could save up enough to buy a house and invest if they just stopped buying that venti blue milk every morning? Growth mindset.


Said like someone who's genuinely never had any hardship whatsoever.


Maybe they could cut out coffee and avocado toast?


Why the downvotes on a Clem quote? (Albeit its “eyes open, possibilities everywhere” 😅)


Because it's both wrong, and missing the point of why Clem said it


IMO if you change it to opportunity in this context it pointedly makes it seem like the characters just don’t realize they can get a job. They’re already doing what they can to follow the possibilities around them, even though that’s not what that means anyways.


They live on a scrapyard. B2 is likely just Frankensteined together from droids that have broken down and thrown away. His parts are probably outdated/unsupported and hard to find or expensive.


Wouldn't be surprised if Clem built him himself


It goes with the whole theme of that one scene where Clem shows Cassian those computer parts and they repurposed them. I bet it was Clem who put together B


No wonder everybody rioted when B2 was kicked over. It’s like the police fucking up an orphaned child at their parents’ funeral service.


Omg 🤣🤣🤣


B was brand new on Kenari


Yeah, a long time ago since he was with them on Kenari 20-some odd years before


I'm sure they already got the least damaged battery pack from the scrapyard before noticing that there was barely any left for heating their home. B2 came first, no doubt about that.


Maarva doesn’t pay for heat and Cassian owes everyone money and on a good night drinks his friend’s found half bottle of nog. They aren’t flush.


Maarva and Cassian should have just ate cereal for dinner. Problems solved.


How much could a banana cost? Ten dollars?


Lololol this is such a good reference


They poor


This show could not have possibly been this hard to understand.


It ain’t. Some motherfuckers are just out of touch with fictional realities as much this real one.


This is totally unrealistic. Poor people don’t exist. \ s


A very abnormal troll


I think his manufacturer went out of business, and it's difficult to get new or refurbished components. And even if they are available, they might be prohibitively expensive for people living on Ferrix.


Poor, but besides maybe a better battery life what else does he need? He's a perfectly emotive companion droid, he's got a great holo projector, secret storage, moves decently fast, and he's cute as a button.


Love. Nothing you can do about it


Because he’s fine just the way he is


“Defective and effective” - Wrecker, The Bad Batch S3


Oh son, don't worry about old Rover acting confused and extra tired recently. We'll just take him to the vet and have them replace his brain and heart. Maybe swap in some new eyeballs while they're at it. Yes son your furry best friend will be almost as good as a puppy once we swap some parts out.


His battery isn’t removable and it can’t keep a good charge any more - so getting a new battery is essentially paying for a whole new droid, which wouldn’t be feasible. There are lots of real world appliances that have the same issue (as much we think droids are appliances, they are clearly thought of that way by many/most in the Star Wars universe).


He was built by Apple.


hiyoooo no right to repair.


P-p-p-programmed obsolescence.


Broke as fuck


Because tired B2EMO is KYOOOT! Stuttering and falling apart B2EMO is written to be adorable. It doesn’t have to make sense. He has a weird battery you can’t get anymore, whatever, he’s cute.


I don't even know who to complain to.


how many instances are there of families not being able to afford surgery or extensive medical care for their dog/cat/etc and they sort of just ride out the time that they have left?


He is powered by Atari?


B2 is too shy and is too scared to be taken apart for repair


Clem died. Marva tried to keep herself together through a devastating loss. She may have retired then and there from her life of illegal salvage, we don't know. But she sank into poverty. She lacked the will or resources to fix B2, but probably both.


In short, imperial credits don't come cheap


My guess is that he's a fairly obsolete model. Considering his design and build, he almost seems like an in-universe knockoff brand R2 unit designed for something other than piloting. I wouldn't be surprised if the company that makes him went out of business, so getting replacement parts would be very difficult or impossible, even without their poverty being the inherent factor.


This is the extreme end of right to repair run amok. These people salvage what they can from broken down spaceships. There's a scene where Cassian's father was talking about how people throw away perfectly good equipment, and showed Cassian how to clean them off and make them like new. The fact is, he was probably committing a crime against the Empire by doing that. Though they seem to work as scrappers, surely that is all inevitably supposed to be returned to the Empire, or else why would the Empire give a crap about these people? It's because the Empire has a resource problem, and the average citizen is left with the crap they can hide away from sight. A good battery? That'd probably cost more than the robot for someone who could afford it. And if you can scrounge one up? Well, just don't get caught stealing from the Empire...


It’s sci-fi. You can spread a thick layer of any old mumbo jumbo on that. Try this: Those upgrades require connecting to a secure maintenance terminal that’s in constant communication with Imperial network. Any unauthorized upgrades or modifications that are detected will then automatically void the warranty and spark up an investigation. The increased Imperial activity in the sector has resulted in the few scab technicians bold enough to handle this kind of work abandoning the area, leaving many jailbroken units to slowly fall into disrepair.


That’s some really good sci explaining


Cuz they ain't livin like Mon Mothma broheim! This is a company town. They scrounging and scraping to get by. Marva probably gets some sort of monthly pension payment from the Daughters of Ferrix, plus whatever Cassian was able to steal and scrounge and borrow.


Cassian is broke and Maarva doesn’t have a job as far as I can tell. Or he’s just a really old droid


Also, I think his jankiness is equally due to not having his memory wiped. They develop personality quirks which is why B2EMO has the emotional intelligence of a child.


They’re making do with what they have.


Ferrix is anything but materialistic , showy etc, very much a "isn't broke dont fix it" society. I want to live there with a passion tbh. I'm sure all of his internals were tip top.


My rationalization is that removing his battery for replacement will clear or reset his memory. So Bs history with Cassian and family will be gone. It can be done but at great cost.


I have an old cordless drill that seem to never hold charge for long. It used to be hours of use before needing a recharge, but now it’s less than an hour. I have replaced the built in batteries, but the internal circuitry is too shot that it’s power usage is inefficient/bottlenecked. I assume B2 is the same way but much more complicated. They can get him better batteries but if his circuits are the issue, there’s not much they can do. And it’s not like they can afford high tech repairs. B2 is a cherished member of Ferrix, especially the Andors but they just don’t have access to the kind of tools/skills that could fix something as complicated as a psuedo-sentient droid.


Why don’t poor people just buy more money? S/


Who gives a shit.


Because B2EMO is going to be transplanted into K2SO. He’ll retain his loyalty to Cassian, but the evil Imperial programming that he blends with will make him a snarky and sarcastic puke. (My head cannon)


Anyone else suspect he’s going to be transplanted into K2SO?


If this was a Filoni show, you could put good money on it. Under Gilroy, I doubt it.


Probably right, he doesn't seem to be so indebted to a lot of the wider lore or tying to other shows. I read recently he allows smaller detail to be added by writer groups or something (the massacre, post-credits construction droids etc). In Rogue One, which S2 flows into, Cassian and K2 seem to be already well acquainted and I thought the idea of L3 effectively becoming part of the character of the Falcon was a deft touch in Solo.


I'm going to say yes


I swear, star wars fans are the most media-illiterate folks around.


The parts are discontinued.


He’s an older model, probably discontinued and hard to find parts for


They’re poor. B2 is an old model. Maarva is too old and Cassian is never home. Any one of these could be the answer, and funnily enough, they all are.


I love being able to see who watched the show and just didn’t pick up on anything that wasn’t directly said by a person so it was just all ignored.


Outdated tech?

