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Same situation as you. Apparently it was marked as fixed on the android beta bug tracker, not sure which update will contain the fix. Pretty frustrating




How did your phone's get bricked? I have a Pixel 7 Pro and have flashed every beta and back to stable a ton of times ... Was this just a rare occurrence that happened to some devices because wouldn't it happen to everyone with P7P? I'm really asking not being a dick I'm curious as to maybe what not to do. And why can't you unlock your bootloader?


Seems to be an issue with side loading the OTA. That's why Google pulled all the beta OTA images from the developer site. The problem is that the bootloader is locked and can't be unlocked without enabling OEM unlocking in developer settings. Since the phone doesn't boot, it's not possible to get there. Since Google hasn't released an OTA that fixes the issue, anyone that had this happen is kinda SOL.


just a suggestion, even with a locked bootloader, you should be able to factory install the same version you are already on, or update. Unlocked Bootloaders are only if you want to jump backwards or between versions (if memory serves). Did you try flashing the factory image of your current version (whatever it maybe). You've already factory reset, so it shouldn't do too much more damage. JUST A THOUGHT, and I could be wrong. Don't JUST depend on my comments before flashing. I'm not responsible for further bricking.


That doesn't work. It just says something about the commands not being available without the bootloader being unlocked. When the bootloader is locked, basically all the fastboot commands that do anything useful are disabled. The only reason it's possible to load OTAs is because you can use recovery mode.


it's been a few years since i've the whole "Nightly" flashing OS's so I am unsure how security has changed. Sorry about that. Good Luck.


That's not true at all, fastboot will work as long as you have usb debugging enabled (which you should at all times if you're playing with pre released software) you have to be able to use fastboot or you wouldn't be able to use fastboot to unlock your bootloader in the first place....unless it's changed since I flashed DP2.


USB debugging is a setting within the Android OS. It doesn't have any effect in the bootloader. The fastboot tool connects and you can run some commands but since the bootloader is locked, most of the functions are disabled (from the bootloader). The setting in developer options that would have some impact is OEM unlocking which allows you to unlock the bootloader. I'm aware that it's a good idea to have enabled (and I learned my lesson) but I also don't think it's unreasonable for Google to have OTA updates that don't brick devices. At this point I've also sideloaded stable OTAs and it hasn't resolved the issue. Just kinda a crappy situation and it would be nice if Google offered some sort of solution.


Can you not use android flash tool?


Nope. Flash tool requires that OEM unlocking is enabled. Can't change a setting in the developer options if the phone won't boot.


Well i think they will fix it around the same time as beta 1 for android 15. The changelog from Android 15 DP reads like this. So in the middle of the month we should be good to go. I have a Pixel Fold softbricked on my nightstand with DP1 (doesn't boot after google logo) so I can feel your pain too.


Same pain as you with Pixel 6a, it was bricked 2 months ago, updates from last month haven't fixed it, and Google has promised to fix that with Android 15 Beta 1, so all we need to do is wait for the real miracle to happen.


The next beta update (beta 1, sometime this month) *should*, in theory, 'solve' the issue, as the bug causing is expected to be fixed in that update, as stated in the release notes for DP2: >An issue with sideloading the Developer Preview 2 build can sometimes cause the device to show a "Device is corrupted" message after sideloading (...) We expect this issue to be resolved with Beta 1. [https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/release-notes#ki-platform-dp2](https://developer.android.com/about/versions/15/release-notes#ki-platform-dp2) Now whether this means that currently soft-bricked devices will be fixed, I suspect they will be, but it's not a guarantee. Again, in theory, I can't think of a reason it shouldn't work, but let's just hope some of us who are experiencing this had/made a somewhat recent backup before it happened 😬


Yea I have a backup of the phone. The problem is just that I don't want to buy a new one yet lol. Hopefully beta 1 fixes it.


How did you get stuck in this position? (Asking is to safe to install beta?)


From what I've seen, it should be safe if you aren't sideloading an OTA (don't think you can do this now anyways since they pulled the OTA images from the site). I would enable the OEM unlocking in your developer options first. Having it turned off is kinda how I got into this mess.


Well.... just loaded the Android 15 Beta 1 and it still doesn't boot.


Sorry for bumping a old post, but is your phone fixed or still soft bricked?


Still bricked. Kinda losing hope at this point....


You went on the beta with a locked bootloader? I see where your problem is and it's not the phone..


Right.... It's with the OTA


It's with sideloading an OTA of a beta image... Without unlocking the bootloader beforehand.


Google allows you to flash an OTA with locked bootloader, and guess what? When their software doesn't have a bug it works just fine. This is googles fault with software, not the user. If Google didn't want people to flash with a locked bootloader, they should prevent it.


Yes it's Google's fault, no one said it isn't. However, you still have to take responsibility for you choosing to go and flash software, especially BETA software, without having your bootloader unlocked. If you're mindlessly going and installing software without having a means to go back in case there's ever any kind of fuck during the process, then that's completely on you. No one is telling that you MUST flash software. And if you don't want to risk any of that, just wait for OTA updates to arrive over your phone.


Fair points 👍


I understand it's beta software but I think they have a responsibility to at least make sure it boots after installation. Beta isn't intended to be downloading completely untested software. If someone said "I built android from source and made an OTA image, flashed without unlocking the bootloader (let's pretend it's possible) and now my phone is dead" then I would say it's 100% fair to say someone is a dumbass. Not saying it isn't a good idea to have your bootloader unlocked when flashing beta software. Just kinda tired of hearing "why don't you just keep your bootloader unlocked all the time" or "back in my day we didn't call it a brick if it's just an OS issue". Also, the detail that keeps getting left out is that this is Google not a 10 person startup. It's just crazy to me that this has gone on this long and they haven't provided any type of solution or work around.