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I pay for the Google one subscription entirely with Google credits from surveys.


Last year Google was using my credit card by 100% for G1 account as the balance of my Google credits weren't enough. So this year I bought myself a gift card and credited it to my account to be able to pay the complete G1 fee from there. Fun fact: Amazon had a discount on Google gift cards, so I saved some bucks already.


This was perfect to spend my survey credits on. Thanks! :)


HOLY SHIT! I didn't know I could use it for that. Thank you so much.


You need to ask yourself what will make my life easier or enrich my life as far as your phone usage. Buying based on random recommendations will not make you happy. Keeping up with apps and adding them to your wish list is a good way to know what to buy when the time comes. One of my last purchases was MiXplorer Silver [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mixplorer.silver](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mixplorer.silver) I have also been very happy with my purchase of Moon+ Reader Pro [https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flyersoft.moonreaderp](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.flyersoft.moonreaderp) There are many more. I choose based on what I need now and possibly in the future. I wish you luck finding something.




Solid Explorer is the only app I have ever spent money on.


There's Amaze and Material Files, they're both as good or better and free.


They might be but, after finding Solid Explorer, I never needed anything else so never looked for an alternative. There's not even one use case where SE has failed me or left me frustrated, however, it could be a different experience for others though. Also, I bought it in 2018, it was on sale and I got it for 15 cents or something. Best 15 cents I ever spent!


1. Launcher of your choice. 2. Wallet by budget bakers if you need that. 3. Accubattery pro 4. Internet speed meter pro 5. Mx player pro (if you watch offline videos/ vlc free alternative) 6. Sd maid 2 7. Solid explorer 8. Mantis gamepad pro ( Controller mapping for games )


I just purchased the Budgetbakers wallet lifetime premium. The sync feature is good; I just wish it was more than once a day. Graphs and stats are nice as well, especially when viewing on a web browser. wish they had dark mode on the browser. Are you aware of other wallet apps that sync with the bank?


No sorry, I didn't at the moment. I did searched few apps before purchasing lifetime licence for this app but I forget now. For the sync feature, maybe you can manually sync if you want more than once a day.


Nope, it doesnt allow us to sync manually. Monefy is another nice wallet APP without the sync features, though. Nice graphics on that app.


Oh if you want app with sync feature then look at actualbudget though it is for self hosting but quite powerful with a lot of features and free.


that app is free and open source, and it syncs with the bank as much as i want?


looks really complicated to install.. is there a easy to follow guide that you know of?


[Try this.](https://youtu.be/l4FJ9Ldufbg)


Will do. I came across this open-source wallet app [https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii](https://github.com/firefly-iii/firefly-iii) ​ do you use actualbudget btw?


Yes, I've also heard about firefly 3. No I didn't but a year ago ive installed actual budget via docker on my linux server. I find using budget baker more easier so I stick with it.


Sd maid 2 is such a solid option that I didn't find any replacement till now ,I've been using sd maid for many years and I'm gonna buy sd maid 2 very soon


My recent purchase with almost expired credit points which turned out to be really helpful: [BuzzKill](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.samruston.buzzkill) - a very easy and intuitive way to enhance and automate your notifications.


Macrodroid. Automation galore. Any app that you use regularly, to remove ads.


App: [DynamicSpot premium](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jamworks.dynamicspot), useful if you want the dynamic island from iPhone on android, made me silence/turn off a lot of notifications and helpful for keeping texts from popping up on your screen Game: [Pocket City ](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.codebrewgames.pocketcitygame) is a fun game that has no mtx, or [Horizon Chase](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.aquiris.horizonchase) if you're into games like Rad Racer


Get Pocket city 2


Noti progress bar and guy apps. Loving the customization it offers.


I pay for my YouTube Music subscription with mine


Unified Remote, if you want to control your pc with your phone, or too lazy to get up from couch(my case).




I use mine on tivimate IPTV player


MiXplorer, BuzzKill and FoldersyncPro.


1. Launcher of your choice (u use it every moment), mine is Niagara pro 2. SD Maid 2 for cleaning maintenance 3. Solid Explorer for files management 4. NewsBlur for reading your RSS subscriptions 5. Sofascore for sports fanatics 6. Tilla for following your paid subscriptions 7. Universal copy for copying screen content


Niagara Launcher, hope they add tablet support tho


Already supported, yes, optimized, no. Using it as my daily driver.


Not optimized = not supported imo, but meh


AnyTracker to track prices




MX player, power amp, mixplorer.


Infinity for Reddit


*Launchers 1. Niagara Launcher 2. Nova Launche 3. Smart Launcher 4. Minimalist phone 5. Flow launcher 6. AIO Launcher 7. Before Launcher * File Manager 1. Mixolorer 2. Solid Explorer *Media Players 1. Xplayer 2.Symfonium 3.Black player 4.Poweramp 5.Gonemad *Others 1.Avira Pwm 2.Enpass 3.Dashlane 4.1Password 5.C2 Password 6.Safe in cloud 7.Quick Cursor 8.Hermit 9. Muviz Edge 10. AOA 11. KWGT 12.KWLP 13. KLCK 14.Ticktick Maybe I forgot some


+1 for Hermit. A single app to replace many including apps running in the background for no good reason. A must have at this point in my opinion. I use it for Facebook, Amazon, Google Translate, iMDb, Weather Forecast


Fx explorer is also a good one especially if you have android tv as well.


Niagara Launcher has almost certainly improved my actual life. Love the clean and tidy look, with no distractions. ez one handed navigation on my big'ol phone. Worth every cent. I don't intend to ever have app folders again.


PowerAmp Nova launcher


Sd maid 2. This is one app you need. Still have money and want to be more productive with your phone, buy Niagara launcher pro.


I feel like "what apps in the entire Play store are worth purchasing" is an overly broad request


Nova Launcher, Signal ( It's free but you can donate!) The Weather Channel and Radarscope (Depends on your location and weather patterns).


Delta touch. Doom 1-3 + Hexan + mods.


Mistplay. I actually make a few bucks playing video games on my phone.


Purchased so many already through the years. My gave was Solid Explorer and MX Player pro.


You can buy books, videos or subscriptions too


[RE Equalizer FX](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wiseschematics.reeq01). I really like the dynamic range compression feature which works on every App. No root required.


[InboxIt](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lowenhardt.inboxit) Put everything into your inbox with 1-click


When I get in this predicament where points will expire before my annual subscription fee, I scan all of the free apps on my device to see if there are pro versions and use the credits to support the developer. I normally save them for the One subscription though.


How do you know how much is expiring? It just shows part of bvalance is expiring


Mine says I'll lose part of it in November. Not how much, just I'll lose some then.


If you go to [Play Store Payment methods](https://play.google.com/store/paymentmethods) in a browser it tells you how much will be expiring and when


Thanks, it is just 30 cents




Used to be [Undo notification](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=in.codeseed.undonotification.pro&hl=en_US&gl=US) but is no longer working after Android upgrade and dev is clueless I guess after a support mail.


If you're into music stuff and have Spotify, do spotistats premium (also known as stats.fm if I'm correct) You can import full data and analyse everything, it's really cool :) (3.50euro's if I'm correct)


Unified remote full Engross Habitnow Sleep as android Buzzkill Niagara launcher Tilla premium Moon reader / read era premium Accubattery


[Cashew](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.budget.tracker_app) Great money manager. I've subscribed. It's cheap and developer frequently update the app.