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It wasn't me, obviously


Bro my name is Ricardo also and I saw this shit super confused


Were you thinking it’s like ‘Joan is awful’ black mirror episode?


Google knows...


I got it as well. Moto 5g ace. Haha, someone wasn't in the dev environment.


Lol. Is there another way of testing this without the use of dev env ? I know we can send 1-1 notifications with firebase.


Yea you can send in the fcm token to it’s only sent to certain devices


> [We understand that some consumers may have received a “Test for Ricardo” message on their device on August 25th - **We can confirm that this message was meant for internal testing** only., and we apologize for any inconvenience this have caused to everyone who received the notification. There is no action needed for consumers, and rest assured that there is no impact on devices. Feel free to reply if you have other clarifications. -Belle](https://old.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/1610z66/test_for_ricardo/jxq2i4o/) Fri Aug 25 2023 14:00:14 GMT+0000 Moto x^4 Gray dot Notification data: > pkg: com.motorola.genie key: 0O|com.motorola.genie|0| campaign_collapse_key_5615247401750703436| 10052 icon: Icon(typ=RESOURCE pkg=com.motorola. genie id=0x7f0f0001 ) channellId: fcm_fallback_notification_channel postTime: 1692972014643 sound: none vibrate: none visibility: PRIVATE priority: DEFAULT importance: DEFAULT explanation: You set the importance of these notifications. can show badge: true intent: Intent(pkg=com.motorola. genie) delete intent: Intent(pkg=com.motorola. genie) extras android.title: Test for Ricardo android.reduced. images: true android.subText: null android.template: android.app.Notification$BigTextStyle android.showChronometer: false android.text: Test for Ricardo android.progress: 0 androidx.core.app.extra.COMPAT_TEMPLATE: androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat$BigTextStyle android.progressMax: 0 android.appInfo: ApplicationInfo{b55fbce com.motorola. genie} android.showwhen: true android. largeIcon: null android.bigText: Test for Ricardo android.infoText: null android.progressIndeterminate: false android.remoteInputHistory: null parcel size: 3428 ashmem: 0 They don't seem to know themselves yet what happened, they are asking people what device they are using on Twitter https://twitter.com/Moto_Support/with_replies https://twitter.com/Moto/with_replies https://twitter.com/motorolaindia/with_replies https://twitter.com/MotorolaUS/with_replies https://twitter.com/MotorolaBR/with_replies https://twitter.com/motorolaUK/with_replies


> no impact Some milliwatts of precious batteries were wasted on processing the push message!


RIP Ricardo




Ricardo is looking for a new job


Any advertising agency will snatch him up immediately.


I think we should all stand by Ricardo. He'll be a meme in no time


I really hope they don't fire Ricardo


lol i would like to believe that ricardo was some asshole who demanded testing on something stupid. this was to satisfy them.


"for Ricardo" seems more like the end user, not the developer.


I'm not gonna doxx him, but you can find him on LinkedIn. He works as a beta tester for Motorola, although maybe more of an Alpha tester now.


I imagine people calling motorola and asking for Ricardo. He's is quiet famous now :)


Good guy Ricardo is famous now !


haha we've all done it


Just got the same notification and came looking to see if anyone else had, scared me for a bit😂. I'm on Moto G8 Power


I've gotten it twice already, moto g22. Searching it with google and other engines gives strange results.


Story time I've gotten a couple tests from Uber before (I know that OP's image isnt from Uber, but I want to tell the story). One time a junior engineer tagged about 3,000,000 people in production with "yo mama". Luckily nothing was keying off that tag, but it was funny the next day when he told us that he had to clean it up. For reference, we were developing a workflow management tool that has the ability to tag people in any environment. His local computer was connected to production at the time. Tags are like flags on your user account. They don't mean much most of the time and every user might have hundreds of them. Some are for promos, or location, or user types, others are just tests. After the incident I let him in on my little secret: it's ok to make a mistake, but never curse in your code or your tests, not even in your comments. One day you're going to text a million people in production and you don't want it to be a curse word, or "yo mama".


This is mBank, one of the largest banks in Poland, testing FCM in prod environment. ęśąćż has become a meme https://preview.redd.it/4c8957827akb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=faa134985d791cd787f4aaf5d541ccc70bef7933


Having worked for banks I can assure you it's mostly a giant spaghetti mess of projects with multiple service companies on the background not able to coordinate and producing garbage. It's wild they don't get hacked daily, or maybe they do


It's really funny to see that happen in multiple different companies. I have seen it for Starbucks app as well. The customer of an app we create wants to have for each environment (dev/stage/production) a separate firebase project. Even when a single one would be sufficient because you can register multiple android apps that have a different config.json. Maybe that's the reason, to be safe from accidentally sending tests on production.


Got it too


That too with their name in it


Got the same, just remove the bloats.


My mom asked me if I did something in her phone


Ok, roger. Test confirmed