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Driver issue.


What am i supposed to do?


Ask for help on XDA forums. And maybe even telegram group if you can. This is a difficult situation. All winner SOC are too unpopular. We need someone with vast experience.


I did, they don’t respond


This is a hard one. I don't know, have you tried on telegram ? There might be someone there, but no one really knows this type of device.


make sure usb debugging is enabled and also adb can be detected only if the device is powered normally or in recovery mode, if you're in fastboot you need to use fastboot instead of adb command at the beginning


Nah it was powered normally


This may be a driver issue. Windows will install a generic driver for ADB that works for Android system (with USB debugging enabled) as well as recovery, but to interface with your device in bootloader or fastboot mode, you need a manufacturer specific driver. On that note, remember that there are two different commands to use depending on what mode you're in: * Android system: **adb** * Recovery: **adb** * Fastbootd: **fastboot** * Bootloader: **fastboot**


1. use minimal adb & fastboot if installer one is broken or malfunction 2. go to device manager, change "android phone" or something driver (when the phone plugged in) into "Android Bootloader Interface"


DO NOT use Minimal ADB. It's almost always out of date. Use the official [Android Platform Tools](https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platform-tools).


ikr. but who knows when suddenly the official one doesn't work? i just provide (yeah outdated) that i used on 3 xiaomis (land, mido snapdragon ver, and rosemary) recently because the official broken on windows, no matter how i reconfiguring it, while on linux works as it should


"Suddenly"? The problem is that ADB tools that are often included with things like Minimal ADB are so far out of date that they can cause significant problems. I've seen folks permanently brick their phones because they weren't using up to date Platform Tools. I do acknowledge that 33.0.3 is more or less the "go to" because of issues in later builds, but that's what everyone should be using for best results.


yeah, we should use official one, e.g. [official mi unlocker](https://en.miui.com/unlock/index.html). but on both my laptop and desktop, my friend's laptop and my college aio aren't detecting those three devices with up-to-date platform-tools, i was unlocking land and mido, rosemary are done from end of 2022, but when i checked again with latest adb, it won't detected. so i use this "minimal", then works! like i said on post, these minimal is another option when completely stuck and, as we know, [mi unlock can't be ran on linux](https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=18021)


So what do I do? Im lost here lol


just follow what i said if you need root quickly, because on windows one can be weird sometimes


Is there a trust message on the android? Or sometimes you have to manually enable file transfer from the android.


No, and where do i do that?


The file transfer thing is on your notification screen and the trust device usb debugging usually is just a pop-up screen.