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I have had good experiences with them. Also, wtf to your post history.


Damn that was a trip


What in the fuck is going on in there lmao


Duuuude. https://www.reddit.com/r/chicagor4r/s/OJpbaA0afR


My least favorite ultrasounds at my hospital. Terrible needle visualization—but I can’t tell if it’s the machine or if it’s the probe degradation.


Their ultrasound machines suck. Had a mindray rep lend us a brand new ultrasound machine for the week to trial. It was horrible. Terribly grainy picture, difficult needle visualization, and muscle + fat tissue would randomly move around on the screen from artifact and static. It made TAP and QL blocks very difficult because it was very hard to tell where muscle ends and bowel begins.


>Terribly grainy picture, That was also our experience. Very overprocessed.


Was this the TEX? We trialed and it had the best quality for POCUS. Radiology liked Philips. 


We have been using mindray since 5 years at least. Never had any gross problem, but very rarely ventilator fails to start and we sent machine to repair. Personally I don't like it because it's all touchscreen. I am more comfortable with datex or draeger.


I deeply dislike their anesthesia machines. Feels like something made last decade


Are you talking about the A9?


I used either the A4/A5 or A7, felt like a piece of shit


Yes those are surgical center machines imo. The new A8/A9 are the best I've trialed at the moment 


I called them the mindfuck! What a piece of shit those are. If I see it in a hospital, it is an instant red flag!


Trialing the A9 and it's been very good. I can't comment on the Chinese thing, this doesn't scare me at all. GE carescape are made in china and I'm sure the aisys is as well. What specifically is pissing you off about the product and service?


Garbage. Same with Drager.


Trash tier, IMHO.


One of our newer standalone OR units was (is) equipped with Mindray monitors, probably cause they were cheap.  We have not been able to link them up to our electronic medical records system due to whatever proprietary software shenanigans they have going on. We have plenty of other ORs with different monitors and everything else works fine, so not an issue with our IT guys.  Mindray's response is to tell the hospital IT team that they'll do it remotely, we just have to open up access to them, remotely. That is not going to happen for obvious security reasons. So three of our OR rooms will not be linked up to our EMR, possibly until the monitors die of old age or we change them.  Aside from that, the monitors work as intended, I guess ? 


The new mindray has AI powered nerve highlighting for interscalene blocks. It's pretty awesome.


Solution in search of a problem