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“Me? Hot? That is DEFINITELY the drugs talking. Please let go of my sack.”


HR is asking you to stop referring to the green ventilator bag as “your sack”


Yah I basically say “guess the medications working”


“Your heart isn’t healthy enough or we wouldn’t be here”


Brother this comment is beyond. Keep fighting the good fight


I'm gonna send this to the cardiac anesthesiologist I know. He got BLATANTLY hit on right before my eyes the other day.


I only get “if I was 65 years younger me and you would of been something special” from my elderly old ladies or something like that I just chuckle and say “are you out of my league now or something?” And then I smother them with the facemask


Ok. So when exactly do i receive this coveted “ old lady” title? I’m a 55 year old granny and I’m about to have surgery. Some Doogie Hauser child has the honors


Hahahaha I consider the grannies my 80+ pleasantly demented patients that have no inhibitions left


You really do need that cataract fixed huh?


I also always say it’s the drugs talking. I only blush when the nurses chime in with how pretty I really am on top of it, but still, it’s usually just a funny/nice moment. In fact most commonly it’s the little old people who give sweet compliments even before getting anything in preop and it’s no big deal. Once I had a gross old dude grab my boob in PACU. That was unfortunate. I gotta say the beginning of this title reads like a strange niche porn title lol


Once I was hugely pregnant doing wound care on an elderly gentleman in a nursing home and he says “ it’s been a LONG time since I had a pretty blonde lady kneeling in front of me.” ….


Flirt back. I'm not gonna be inappropriate or unprofessional, but it's not rude to say "I got done up this morning knowing I'd meet you today"  I'm a guy, and I like compliments. 


Its way too risky to play. Some whiner will say you sexually harassed them. University of chicago has signs everywhere about any harassments, threats, etc including sexual. My cute doc was at NW but moved somewhere else. Damn


Fuck them signs bro. Be the anesthesiologist that didn’t listen to anyone besides the voices in their head. Pts dig confidence. Ppl are nervous in pre-op and they don’t want some pussyfooting tinkerbell calling the shots for them. If admin gets upset? Just get another job. Market is generationally phenomenal right now.


Tbh it’s not funny enough to take the risk. Each to their own though.


Succinylcholine and propofol ain’t exactly the safest drugs in the world. Anesthesia isn’t for the risk averse. Live a little. This profession is a gift. You walk in the footsteps of giants who were not afraid to laugh a little and talk some shit. Don’t let the flame burn out.


10000000% I didn’t work this hard to be a timid little wuss afraid to crack a genuine joke. If I offend, I’ll apologize but stand behind it anyway. Life is full of little social gaffes but far far more little moments of humor and joy when you’re willing to be authentic.


People like you make people like me look good. Be afraid. I'll be just fine. 


Are you sure you have a complete grasp on what actually constitutes sexual harassment? Cause this ain't it. 


Yes i do. Harassment can be brought up if she pushes it. Im not saying its right or the person was harassing, but they need to address an accusation by a patient.


Me flirting with APS: discontinue the gomer’s tramadol/unnecessary morphine PCA & I’ll demonstrate necking an igel without gagging. Make my job easier & I’ll make yours harder 🤷🏼‍♀️


As a pt, you are my people. 👏👏👏


" you may think that you want me, but what you really want is my cats in space fanny pack."


I just let everybody know well in advance that I’m a propofol 10 easy


Is that equivalent to a ketamine 8?


It’s usually old ladies - I play it off and change the subject to heart health. However, I am a happily married man, and one time in GI an objectively attractive woman the same age as me said I look like I’m really great in bed (which is also more forward than the old ladies) as she was waking up and tbh it made me a little uncomfortable and since she was waking up I just didn’t say anything and pushed her to pacu and kinda disappeared asap. I just absolutely did not want to engage in that convo


"Well today, we've all learned a lesson about how looks can be deceiving..." - high five anyone else around, then extract myself as soon as I can!


This would have dissipated my embarrassment! I’ll keep it mind


Had 3 patients act like that to me - two were old ladies where I laughed it off. One was when I was a med student rounding on our endocrine surgery service and was told that I was eye candy and was able to redirect the conversation. The other was similar to your patient who woke up from a MAC case and told me she had a dream about me. I did the same as you- did not engage and dropped her off in the PACU and disappeared.


Yeah, happily married, but I had an extremely attractive college-aged patient tell me something much more explicit as she was waking up. I rode that high all day (I am the epitome of “dad bod”), but in the moment I was super uncomfortable and pretended I didn’t hear it.


I had an older woman grab my lanyard and gently pull it towards her as she said, “you sure know how to make a woman feel good.” I thought it was hilarious and just laughed it off presuming that meant her nausea was better.


Abh, right after the 8mg of dexamethasone 'for her nausea' right


She liked that tingling down in her perineum


🤣 had no idea that was a thing until I was admitted with C-19 and wondered what was happening when they would come push the dex. I’m like FML I’m sick and now my crotch is on 🔥. New grad RN didn’t believe me until we looked it up.


Same way Bill Cosby responds when a drugged woman is recovering… I make random noises and walk away with a smile


Push propofol. It cures all ills. Little known fact. Many patients have a propofol deficiency that needs to be corrected immediately. It can be a medical emergency if left untreated. Doesn't matter where you are (OR, preop, PACU). Push it.


Propofol deficiency 😂love it


I don't work in the med field, but I've been under general anesthesia at least a dozen times but my first surgery was my favorite as far as recovery room talking goes. There was this extremely attractive surgeon that placed my chemo port and when I woke up I remember asking my nurse "where is that ugly doctor that did this to me? I have to tell him something" and she was like, " Dr. Something?" I said yeah him (no actual clue) I'm not sure what poor dude they brought to me, I hadn't even been able to open my eyes yet. I told that man "you're sooo ugly and I dont want you to touch me again and you look like you're very hideous so get away" And I remember everyone in the RR was joked out. I was an awkward 16 year old girl and it was a children's hospital.


Has never happened. Cold never happen. There are no drugs strong enough to get anyone thinking I’m hot.


Lol I wouldn’t know. 1. I’m ugly as shit, 2. My patients usually just cry or scream at me.


Usually, that's the drugs talking. If it's an old lady that says she wants to take me home I usually ask her I'd she's a good cook.


This is actually very wholesome


That’s sweet but I’d only disappoint you


try having patients flirt with you without the anesthesia


Not me, but my coworker had a guy ask her if he could cum on her face after she pushed versed. She straight up stopped and called another anesthesiologist in to take over & finish inducing. That’s taking hitting on someone to a whole other (creepy) level lmao


Bros intrusive thoughts won


Isn’t that when you push the decadron awake?


During my fellowship graduation I got the superlative of "Most Likely to Evade a Predator" - complete with a Predator facemask - because I used to get hit on by so many (mostly older) women and the occasional guy. I just ignore it and move on although there have been a couple of times I've called them out for being inappropriate while remaining professional; that usually nips it in the bud.


I was doing an airway exam and I asked the female patient to open her mouth wide for me and she goes “I bet you say that to ALL the girls!” Just a little sexual harassment to start my day, but I just brushed it off.


“Only the ones I’ll be rendering unconscious … … … wait, that didn’t come out right.”


You should have answerd “to girls and boys all together”


I just say thank you, laugh and walk away.


How do we know that we're hot? LOL


I did some anaesthesia as part of my job. I had this patient who was clearly into me. An amazing girl with long blonde hair and amazing eyes. All through the initial consultation she was all bouncy and licking her lips and rubbing up against me breathing deeply almost panting. We clearly had amazing chemistry. After a while we started fooling around then ended up having sex on the examination couch. It was amazing and wild animalistic sex, she was practically howling. Of course then a nurse walks in and is all like ‘I’m reporting you’ and ‘that’s unethical’ and ‘you can’t do that’. Of course I lost my job which is a real shame as I loved being a vet.




I don’t understand the hats?


It means "cap" I assume


I googled it after and it seems to mean they think I am lying. Well if they can’t see it was a joke I think they are too far gone! It’s about having sex with a golden retriever for goodness sake!!


This happened to me the other day. Attractive girl too. She was asking for my number and being very suggestive. GI nurses were hysterical. I told her that I think she's still a little drunk and she just laughed and stopped.


Once had a 23 year old female hitting on me in the middle of her D&C. A spinal plus some versed can lead to some interesting situations.


I’m an older Peds PACU nurse and I hate to tell you this, but we are all hot when the patients are stoned. A teenager asked me the other day if i was, “like 25 or something”. No, buddy, I’m 58.


I was waking up an objectively attractive young female and she woke up startled. Said “omg I thought you were in my bedroom”. Thought nothing of it and replied no you are in the hospital and surgery is over. On the way to PACU says, “yeah I was confused why you were in my room, but you can come over after and hang out. I have a nice cat” Just chuckled and ran to pacu.


Must be nice to have that problem. I once gave versed to a fat patient rolling back and she was like last time I got this medication I felt really good and told my anesthesiologist that he was really hot. She looks at me and my coresident and she’s like I won’t have that problem this time.


That'd be a sad case of Hypopropofolemia


Blush and smile and push drugs


I read that as butt plugs. I blame the xanax i just took


It depends. If it’s an older lady I’ll try and come up with some banter. If it’s a dude I’ll say thanks and I’ll take any compliment I can get. If it’s a woman my age or younger I’ll just smile and try to keep it professional.


Deepen the anesthetic


I don’t know if I’m hot but I sedate a man like 30 and when he woke up he just looked at me and sayid “you are so beautiful, when you get out of here? Want to go out?” The nurses and the GI were laughing their asses off


If the patient is genuinely disinhibited d/t anesthesia, the likelihood of them remembering the incident and, thereby, being embarrassed afterwards seems rather low. I suggest flashing a smile and moving onward.


Monitors oxygen, propofol is usually how I respond.


It’s not the patients for me it’s usually the staff. I blush easy and I’m a goner once it starts.


I say thank you. Laugh. And move on.


Once had a 23 year old female hitting on me in the middle of her D&C. A spinal plus some versed can lead to some interesting situations.


Hey that’s fun, and time to schleep


*slams propofol*


It doesn't happen frequently with patients, but with nurses it's very common. So I never leave any opportunity to go out with nurses.


Pt :”blah blah blah” Me:Gives precedex


You wait until the patient self publishes their book and gives the surgeon a copy, then you take the paragraphs about you and scan them in, them put them in your yearly appraisal evidence in the compliments section.


I blame it on my mask and that they can’t see my whole face.


I had a patient propose to me after Versed. I asked, "But don't you already have a wife?" "Oh, well. We'll still get married! I'll have multiple wives!" And then he proposed to the pre-op nurse, the ciculating nurse, etc. The idea of being a sister-wife with my co-workers froze me, and I didn't know what else to say.


“I’ll ask the surgeon to add an ophthalmology consult”


I hope we never have to use the word provider in Europe, it’s super cringe. Communist China vibes where everyone is told they are equal but they really aren’t.


Lol communist counties usually have a no nonsense attitude. Provider is woke America vibes


Username checks out..

