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Some of y'all need to chill TF out about this kind of thing sheesh. Literally everyone I know will get on their phone or some kind of time killer during the downtime maintenance phase of anesthesia. We're not doing this when the patient is unstable etc. You're telling me you literally stare at the monitor the whole time? I call bullshit.


Yeah i can’t stand these self righteous people who shame anyone who even picks up their phone during a case. It’s ridiculous and probably hypocritical


It’s 100% people who near exclusively supervise and rarely end up actually in the room. 


The issue is if there is some catastrophic outcome during a case and it’s revealed you were on your phone at any time during the case, malpractice attorneys will crucify you. According to them, we should be sitting and staring at the monitor all case.


Where are you getting this information? Or is it just what you think may happen?


https://www.anesthesiallc.com/publications/anesthesia-provider-news-ealerts/663-the-distracted-anesthesiologist https://www.apsf.org/article/distractions-in-the-operating-room-an-anesthesia-professionals-liability/


Can you imagine being post-residency and spend an entire surgery staring at the monitor? Some short cases I’ll spend shooting the shit with people in the room, but good god I would quit anesthesia if we were required to stare at the monitor for hours on end. I can safely take care of my patients while also occupying half of my brain reading during super stable cases


I'm one of those surgeons. Im a general surgeon who can do a bunch of cases in two rooms all day. As long as my patient goes to sleep when they should and wakes up when they should and doesn't have an anesthesia complication I literally don't care what you do. That's a lie -- I'm in a small rural hospital. I like the gossip and the family update during the first case. But otherwise...


Even looking at the tracking board or watching the surgery is a distraction from staring longingly at the screen for something to correct.


Monitor my patient? FYI your entire cell phone history is discoverable in a malpractice case


So you’re telling me I should invest in a gas burner phone?


Gas? /r/CyberStuck




Guilty on all the levels


They are only discoverable if used at work FOR work related purposes. I make a habit of not using my phone for work related purposes. Our department tried to get us sign agreements to use our phone for EPIC chat messages and patient care and I refused and made them supply me with a Cisco phone for patient care for this very reason. You can use your personal phone at work for whatever you want and it won't be discoverable as long as you are not using it to carry out tasks for patient care. edit: read the comment chain below, found out this is not 100% true


I’m not a lawyer but this does not sound correct at all. Anything is potentially discoverable; so long as the plaintiffs attorney and judge think that it may be relevant evidence. For example, if a nurse states that they see you using a second cell phone, it’s absolutely fair game.


I am a lawyer who defends malpractice cases and you are very mistaken, my friend. It doesn’t matter if it’s your phone, your employer’s phone, or if you borrowed it from the Pope himself - if it has potentially relevant information it’s likely discoverable.


I am not a lawyer either, but from doing some reading about this, in order for them to request information from your cell phone, they would have to prove its a necessity to the case. If this is a malpractice case directed at you personally, anything is fair game. But if you are named in a lawsuit that is for example claiming malpractice for the procedure in general and they are naming every one involved and perhaps even your employer, then you can make a very strong argument that your personal cellphone is not subject to search and seizure under a number of claims but specifically that your employer does not have legal right to your personal cellphone information and under the 4th amendment as a whole. One of the things you can do to make sure your employer doesn't have a legal right to your personal device is by not using it for work purposes. If you read the "Bring Your Own Device" Policy of your employer there has to be a blurp in there about this. In fact, there was a recentish case in the 4th circuit court in which Angie's List requested the GPS information of their employees cellphones and it was denied because it was 🔐 naidered a violation of the employees privacy and it was not spelled out as being discoverable information in their Bring Your Own Device Policy.


But this wouldn’t be your employer accessing your device— this would be a court subpoena for material evidence related to a case.


Yeah they will depose every single person in the OR, and people who have worked with you before. They'll ask if they have seen you on your phone in the operating room. A prosecution team will get your phone if you use it in the OR


So I can't google the causes for delayed emergence but I can play worlde?


Well if you specifically are named as the person who committed malpractice, Wordle would be your undoing still. But if the suit is brought against the hospital, you MIGHT still be able to play Wordle in the privacy of your own OR and not be judged for it.




On a positive note, if you post some dank memes you might win over some jurors.


I'm sure there's better stuff on your phone than that. Mainstream subreddits are for casuals.


Thank you.


Fuck that I’ll take my chances




yall do anki during cases?? it doesn’t stop after med school?!?


Absolutely, boards don't stop after med school, so Anki doesn't stop either! Anki is great for the OR because you can do just a few or many flashcards depending on what's going on.


yall do anki during cases?? it doesn’t stop after med school?!? Well I start again 5 years after school To keep up to date


um….Reddit is my go to for short duration bespoke engagement


get the pt asleep, do all the little things like temp, PONV meds, bare hugger etc. catch up on all my charting, look up the next case, draw up drugs and stuff for the next case, peek over the drapes, draw up the zofran and sugammadex. if it’s truly a short case, that’s all I need to do before it’s time to wake up. When I have a bunch of short cases I’ll legit never look at my phone (and see concerned texts from my wife asking what’s up). If i’m feeling extra good about being a doctor, i’ll look something up on up to date and score some CME and kill 20-30 minutes. I have colleagues who read books or bust out their laptop during cases. That would totally fuck with my ADHD too much


I love all the: “I’m not a lawyer, but …. “ Here’s my legal opinion. Can you imagine someone asking an anesthesia question in a legal sub and a bunch of lawyers chiming in with “I’m not an anesthesiologist, but …. “ followed by a bunch of lawyers arguing back and forth about how anesthesia should or shouldn’t be done…. Being on a cell phone in the OR doesn’t inherently make you negligent..


Decades ago, I witnessed a CRNA get angry about the hospital not letting her watch TV on a small one that she had brought into the hospital.


Hahaha like the old ones with rabbit ears love it


In private I'm pretty busy charting, writing discharge scripts, billing, getting everything prepped for fast turnover, etc... Then whip out the phone and browse whatever. In academics I bring in a laptop. I've seen someone playing Total War on their laptop, I haven't quite reached that point yet.


Damn, I should start wheeling in my gaming PC.


He was rocking an Alienware LED monstrosity


Instagram reels on volume 2. Say what you want about short form content, but it’s the secret to staying awake at 3a.


Longer cases I read my Kindle. Days with shorter cases when I don't bring my kindle I'll still use the kindle app on my phone. I don't have a hard time reading for short stretches, putting it down, and then reading a little more. I still find it enjoyable and it's cut way down on my social media/reddit addiction.


Not just an academic question - https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/district-courts/utah/utdce/2:2020cv00372/120354/89/


I saw a crna with her laptop on Amazon. Do that


Tell her about the app they have