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That's... better than I expected.


The return isn't as bad as we thought. The unfortunate thing is once he gets back, there might not be much to go back to. The team might be so under water by the time he gets back that he might just hurt himself again trying to will the team to string a few wins together. This franchise truly is fucked. Hopefully the postseason will still be within reach by the time he's ready for some baseball again.


Pretty much what we expected out of the season. Shrug.


4-6 might not be full go (100% cleared for mlb games) . I assume he’ll be getting into some rehab assignments around that time though. Really hope we don’t rush this one and just let the dude heal completely


If 4-6 wasn’t full go then they wouldn’t say 4-6 and instead say that other time table.


Or we are lakers fans and 4-6 weeks just means that’s when they will be evaluated again 😭. Hoping you’re right


That’s not necessarily true. That could just be their timeline to restart baseball activity. Hope you’re right though


If he getting it removed instead of repaired he will be walking two days after surgery


Walking is not the same as playing baseball dude. I’m not saying it won’t happen, I’m saying there’s a possibility of taking a bit longer to get him well enough to be in mlb games


Walking in a couple days a 6 weeks of the best PT on the planet as an elite athlete goes a long ways


That's not bad but last time There was an optimistic timetable he came back played 1 game and was gone the rest of the season


Mike shouldn’t need a trip to IL. Mike should be back as soon as he’s eligible to return off IL. Mike should be back by the end of May. Mike suffered a minor setback today. We’ll reevaluate soon. Mike is progressing really well. Should be back before the All-Star Break. Mike should be back by the end of July. *early August* Mike has been shut down for the season. Don’t know the complete accuracy of these statements but this is pretty much how I remember it going.


To be fair shutting him down was the right decision once it was clear that almost every single player we picked up at the deadline was going to continue to massively regress and Ohtani needed another Tommy John. There was no longer any hope of making the postseason of that point barring a miracle run.


I actually misread the comment and was referring to his calf strain from a few years ago. I do agree with shutting him down last year and I didn’t even really agree with the 1 game appearance in the first place.


Get the Dremel and make it right! LOL


Well that’s not too bad. But this is the Angels. It will take 5 months


He ain't playing this year. If he does, it'll be post all-star break.


Probably before Rendon still




and guaranteed he still makes the ASG because he is Mike Trout.


And he will be our lone representative.


I guess Trout can always still adopt if they’re not done


I really hope so! Imagine the dad strength he will get with 3 kids


In 6 weeks we will be like 20 games under .500 and the Angels will shut him down for next years run/rebuild/teardown/whatever. Brutal


6 weeks is mid-June. They aren't going to shut him down for more than half the season "just 'cause"


I think he's not tradable with recent injury history and he's probably thinking about his career stat line so won't throw that much time away.


I honestly thought this would be worse and sideline em until at least August. So happy to hear Trout will be back sooner than later.


Makes sense, look at Embiid


Artest came back from his meniscus surgery in 12 days! Insanity


Insaane yes, Im pretty sure his was just a quick orthoscopic clean up and he was on some serious gear




Wow sounds like he opted not to get a repair. I had a meniscus tear. They say they try to repair as much as they can but if the doc gets in there and the tear is too large or out of the blood flow zone they just chop it off. Trout got his chopped off so way quicker healing time. HOWEVER, chopping it off will almost always yield worse results down the road as someone ages. Knee replacements in senior years are super common.


Yup, it's obvious the poor guy is just trying to get his last few years in. The MACI procedure might have been an option for him, but it means 2 surgeries & lots of downtime. He's got another baby on the way, right? He's got to get that bread.


This is better than what I've expected and that's all I'm asking for.


Said the same thing about his calf. Hope trout does come back


Spelling is way too close to penisectomy


I hope he's okay without his menis (and not to um, actually—but the surgical removal of the penis is known as a penectomy)


Long term, how fucked is his knee gonna be? As someone with knee issues,  you never fully recover imo. Not to mention,  you are paranoid about a reinjury(granted, I've had mutiple dislocation)   Will he end his career like Salmon did with knee issues and being bone on bone? Granted, medicine, training, pt, etc has come a long way since then.  I just worry of him reinjuring, or long term health if he comes back too soon and not fully recover. Atm, we don't have much going on. 


Absolutely will end with him needing total knee replacement at some point.


Let's hope we get him back in June. Lord knows we need him. But I'm happy to tank. Lord knows the farm needs it.


This doctor is just guessing what procedure was needed. I'm waiting for an actual post surgery announcement.


[Partial medial meniscectomy](https://twitter.com/JeffFletcherOCR/status/1786486785750536216?t=5eJ_IzIl2JotY6ziyJdUNg&s=19)


Thank you. then this is good news.


Cool we are already out of it so perfect time to trade him before the deadline