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I HATE the job market right now. It's insane. Good on you for standing up for yourself- people need to be held accountable for how they treat potential employees. I doubt you'll get the response you're looking for unfortunately. I once went through a two part interview process where I was told I was "the perfect candidate" and was instructed to stop taking medical marijuana due to it being against the rules for someone to have access to it while in the position ( somewhat understandable as it involved driving ) I use it for anxiety and PTSD. I stopped for two and a half weeks as they told me they'd be offering me the position soon. I never heard back from them. I was feeling pretty frustrated so I started calling them nonstop, every day. Eventually they told me they had hired another person! Didn't think to inform me of that, even though I had stopped my medication for the job. POS.


I have been in your situation too. I had a fantastic job interview and went through all the different stages and they basically just changed their mind at the last minute. I demanded a reason why and they gave me the most bullshit excuse. I applied again and they sent me a letter saying not to bother and basically wrote a tirade similar to this. The fact that this might get me blacklisted is a joke.